Issue of the day
Goncharov, V.V. (2024). Representative Bodies of Local Self-Government as an Object of Public Control: Constitutional and Legal Analysis. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 1–12.
This article is devoted to the analysis of modern problems and prospects for the development of the institute of public control over representative bodies of local self-government in the Russian Federation. This topic is of particular relevance due to the fact that these public authorities are directly elected by the people. The subject of the analysis is the relevant provisions of the legislation of Russia devoted to the consolidation of the mechanism of organization and implementation of public control over the activities, acts and decisions of representative bodies of local self-government and the practice of their application. General and private scientific methods were used in the work, in particular, dialectical, logical, historical-legal, formal-legal, comparative-legal. The author examines the role and place of representative bodies of local self-government in the system of public authorities in the Russian Federation. The paper identifies and formalizes the main problems that hinder the organization and implementation of public control over representative bodies of local self-government in the Russian Federation, develops and justifies a system of measures for their optimal resolution. The issues of development in the scientific legal doctrine and introduction of new forms, methods, principles and types of public control measures in relation to representative bodies of local self-government in the Russian Federation need further scientific understanding.
development prospects, problems, formation, powers, responsibility, local self-government, representative bodies, democracy, public control, Russian Federation
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Fedulkin, D.P., Romanova, E.P., Tezin, I.V. (2024). The change in legal relations with a public or municipal authorities regulated by budget legislation and grant agreements. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 13–32.
Public and municipal authorities regularly act as customers of various goods, works and services, as well as finance projects or provide targeted support to organizations as part of the implementation of State support measures. If the first role, as a rule, is implemented through traditional public procurement, then the second is through special regulation created under the conditions of appropriate support, and through agreements on the provision of subsidies or grants in the form of subsidies. Such agreements are not subject to procurement legislation, and the content of the legal relations generated by them has low regulatory and methodological security. At the same time, the Civil Code of Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the CC RF) is increasingly being applied to relations based on agreements by analogy with law. The implementation of agreements, as a rule, is associated with the emergence of an objective need to change them, related both to changes in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding them, and to subjective reasons, including planning errors. Within the framework of the article, the authors, using dialectical, logical, systemic and functional methods, considered and highlighted the circumstances of the permissibility and inadmissibility of making changes to these agreements. A special utilitarian character is carried by a fragment of the article based on the analysis of judicial practice and acts of regulatory and auditing authority, which highlights specific situations that are important for the formation of a comprehensive understanding of the assessment of the circumstances of changing agreements.
budgetary code, grant agreement, agreement on granting of subsidies, research and development costs, budget obligation limits, budgetary appropriations, budgetary transfers and costs, court practice, modification of agreements, performance of scientific project
Administrative enforcement
Tregubov, I.S. (2024). Legal Regulation of Personal Search, Seizure of Things and Documents as Measures of Administrative and Procedural Coercion. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 33–44.
Personal search, seizure of things and documents are quite common measures of administrative and procedural influence, their purpose is to detect objects, substances, documents that are tools or means of committing an administrative offense. In other words, the appropriate measures of procedural influence are aimed at obtaining and securing evidence in the case of an administrative offense, and ultimately these measures contribute to improving the effectiveness of the execution of the decisions made in the case. In the course of the study, the author analyzed such a category as "personal inspection", assessed the legal regulation of this procedural event, drew attention to the need to improve the quality of both the organization of personal inspection, its procedural registration, as well as the need to respect the rights of the person in respect of whom personal inspection is carried out. The author shows the relationship of personal search with such procedural actions as the seizure of things and documents, as well as the relationship with delivery and administrative detention. The author cites various points of view regarding such a procedural action as "personal inspection", notes that personal inspection can also have a preventive function, this function of inspection is necessary in ensuring transport security, in countering the movement of things across the customs border. Personal search, as well as the seizure of things and documents, occupies an important place among the means of obtaining evidence in the proceedings on administrative offenses, and therefore, in order for the evidence to meet the requirement of admissibility, all necessary procedural requirements must be met during personal search. A personal search is a measure of procedural coercion, rather delicate, in this regard, actions that can humiliate a person are unacceptable during a personal search, the implementation of a personal search must be properly recorded.
witness, suppression, impact, inspect, limitation, withdrawal, inspection, administrative force, evidence, form
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Vodianaia, M., Miroshnichenko, A.V. (2024). Prerequisites for the Legal Prohibition of Propaganda of Non-Traditional Sexual Relations. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 45–61.
The object of the study is public relations regulating the issues of bringing to administrative responsibility for the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, sex change. The subject of the study is legislative and other normative legal acts regulating public relations in the field of administrative responsibility for the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, sex change. The purpose of the study is to identify the prerequisites of the ban imposed in the Russian Federation on the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, sex change, forecasting the development of the norm in question in a positive way. The study used universal dialectical, logical, descriptive, sociological, formal-legal research methods, etc. The relevance of the topic under consideration lies in the fact that in modern conditions of society's development, the preservation and protection of spiritual and moral values is one of the priorities. In connection with the active activities of a number of countries on the decomposition of public morality, Russian society and the state as a whole need to strengthen the protection of morality and public health. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the analysis of scientific provisions in the direction of the study was carried out, as well as in the approach to the issue of administrative responsibility from the point of view of the need to improve legislation in the field of taking additional legal measures restricting the dissemination of information promoting homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviations. According to the results of the study, international and Russian legal acts concerning the issues of same-sex relations are analyzed, examples of popularization of such relations are considered and the results of a sociological survey are presented, confirming the tendency to increase the spread of facts of propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations. The scientific novelty also lies in the proposal to expand the scope of the concept of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" by including propaganda of denial of traditional family values, asexuality, and sex change.
LGBT, traditional values, Childfree, STI incidence, minors, Russian society, propaganda, non-traditional sexual relations, administrative responsibility, spiritual and moral values
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Lyannoi, G.G. (2024). Ensuring the safety of business activities in the context of an acute sanctions policy on the part of foreign states (administrative and legal aspect). Administrative and municipal law, 1, 62–80.
The work is devoted to the study of the issue of ensuring the safety of entrepreneurial activity in the context of acute sanctions policies. Why the concept of an acute sanctions policy has been studied. Using historical and legal methods, cases of the application of economic and political sanctions between states in ancient times have been identified. The number of sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation after the events of February 2022 is given. Further, the author's concepts are given in the work: the safety of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions under consideration, ensuring the safety of entrepreneurial activity in a narrow and broad sense. This allows us to take a fresh look at the issue under study, the classification of economic and political sanctions is given. Legal phenomena such as legitimate and non-legitimate sanctions, which are used by various countries, are revealed. By the security of business activity, we mean the following: - the state of the business, formed from a set of constantly performed joint actions of employees of the company, its managers or owners, different in content and direction; - organization and orderly functioning of existing business processes, their protection; - the formation of a planned, progressive movement, goal-oriented development carried out within the framework of a short-term, medium-term and long-term business development strategy; - these actions are aimed at meeting the needs of society in order to systematically generate business profits regardless of internal and external challenges (threats). Ensuring the safety of entrepreneurial activity is impossible without ensuring the security of the state, ensuring the security of the state is impossible without ensuring the safety of entrepreneurial activity.
administrative and legal security, acute sanctions policy, political sanctions, economic sanctions, sanctions, legitimate sanctions, UN Security Council, security of business activity, ensuring the safety, sovereignity
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Rukoleev, V.A. (2024). The right of citizens to attend meetings of collegial authorities. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 81–93.
This article is devoted to the study of the problems of regulation and prospects for the development of public relations related to the exercise of the right to attend meetings of collegial authorities. The topic is relevant due to the fact that law enforcement practice indicates massive violations of the right to attend meetings of government bodies. The reason lies in the incompleteness of legislative regulation. The legislator provided only basic, declarative norms. In their development, the authorities independently, taking into account their specifics and peculiarities of functioning, develop the procedure and rules for the presence of citizens at meetings. The subject of the study is the provisions of normative legal acts in the field of regulating the presence of citizens at meetings of collegial authorities, as well as judicial practice and existing scientific provisions on the studied issues. General scientific and special legal methods were used in the work, among which general logical methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization), the systematic method, as well as the formal legal method can be distinguished. The scientific novelty is due to the fact that the work reflects the current state of the normative consolidation of the right of citizens to attend meetings of collegial authorities. Based on the results of the study, the author formulated proposals for improving legislation. In particular, to amend article 15 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-government bodies", providing: firstly, specifying the timing of informing citizens about the meeting appointed by the authority and the name of the sources using which it is necessary to inform, as well as the timing of contacting the authority about the intention to attend the meeting; secondly, to fix the inadmissibility of including in the agenda of one meeting issues containing information of open and limited access; thirdly, to unify the grounds excluding the possibility of attending meetings of authorities.
intelligence, legal acts, information, the meeting, appeal, presence, way, the authority, public relations, agenda
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Agamagomedova, S. (2024). Customs monitoring experiment: administrative and legal characteristics. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 94–104.
The purpose of the work is an administrative and legal analysis of customs monitoring, an experiment on which has been launched since April 3, 2023. The subject of the study is the institute of customs monitoring, which has an administrative and legal nature and acts as a measure ensuring customs control. The author highlights the features of the regulatory regulation of customs monitoring, conducted a comparative legal analysis of customs monitoring with other types of monitoring, in particular with tax monitoring. The paper identifies the time and subject limits of customs monitoring, gives a description of its information support Formal legal and comparative legal methods, the method of system analysis and analysis of normative legal acts were used as research methods. The result of the work was the analysis of the regulatory framework of the Institute of customs monitoring, the characteristics of its evolution, the allocation of influence on the regulation of customs monitoring of legislation on state control (supervision), tax legislation. The characteristics of the information support of customs monitoring by the customs authorities and the participants of the experiment are given, the circle of participants and the period of the experiment are determined, as well as the frequency of collecting information for customs monitoring. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the positioning of customs monitoring as a measure ensuring customs control and aimed at solving fiscal problems of the state. Noteworthy is the conclusion about the incompleteness of administrative and legal regulation of the institute of customs monitoring, the limitations of its use.
administrative procedures, preferences, fiscal functions, customs authorities, customs control, experiment, tax monitoring, customs monitoring, authorized economic operator, special mode
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Kleimenova, A.N. (2024). Legal incentives in customs law. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 105–117.
The subject of the study is legal incentives that regulate customs legal relations and encourage subjects of foreign economic activity to behave lawfully. The object of the study is the social relations arising in the process of moving goods across the customs border of the EAEU, regulated by the norms of customs law. The subject of the study is the norms of law that encourage persons initiating the movement of goods and subjects of activity in the field of customs affairs to conscientiously comply with customs legislation and mutually beneficial cooperation with customs authorities. The relevance of the study is confirmed by the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030, according to which the strategic goal of the development of the Federal Customs Service is the formation of a customs service that is invisible to law-abiding businesses and effective for the state. To achieve this goal, the guidelines for its achievement are outlined, including the creation of competitive advantages for bona fide participants in foreign economic activity and authorized economic operators who stimulate the development of foreign economic activity. General scientific research methods were used in the work, such as the method of system analysis and synthesis of scientific knowledge, the method of dialectical cognition, the logical method, as well as comparative legal and formal-logical methods. In the results of the conducted research, we formulate the following main provisions on legal incentives governing customs legal relations: 1. The role of legal incentives in customs legislation will increase, since the creation of competitive advantages for bona fide participants in foreign economic activity is one of the strategic goals of the Federal Customs Service until 2030. Stimulating norms make it possible to achieve mutual benefits for the state and business, therefore, the future belongs to them. 2. Legal incentives include: 1) obtaining a special status, since upon voluntary compliance with the conditions for inclusion in the special status register established by the customs legislation of the EAEU, a legal entity receives privileges inaccessible to persons without such status, the amount of which depends on the type of certificate received; 2) categorization of participants in foreign economic activity into risk levels (in essence, the scale of control measures applicable to them) depending on compliance with lawful actions beneficial to the state; 3) voluntary notification by the declarant (customs representative) of the fact of an offense committed by him before the customs authorities begin verification measures as an opportunity to be released from administrative responsibility.
movement of goods, legal penalties, legal incentives, authorized economic operator, false declaration, risk categorization, legal restrictions, legal incentive, customs law, special simplifications
Issues of Administrative and municipal legal science
Ishchenko, A.A. (2024). Demography as a priority and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 118–130.
The current stage of development of the Russian Federation poses new challenges at the state level. Strategic planning is one of the foundations for the stable and full-fledged development of the state and society in various spheres of life. Demography and demographic indicators are important areas in strategic planning with strong development potential. It has been established that the Russian Federation faces many demographic problems due to various reasons. At the same time, the very concept of demography is multidimensional, related to key areas in the social sphere. In this context, demography is a priority and an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. Solving demographic problems through the use of strategic planning tools will improve the quality of life of the population, increase the level of healthcare and other socially significant development indicators. The article uses both general scientific research methods such as system analysis, logic, deduction and induction, etc. And specifically legal ones, such as analogy of law and analysis of legislation. As a result of the work, the following conclusions were made: 1. Demography is an important national priority and can be considered as an integral indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning. 2. Demographic problems for the Russian Federation at this stage are generally recognized and acute. It is necessary to strengthen the quality of strategic planning in this area in conjunction with the implementation of strategies in other areas. 3. Demography is a complex component phenomenon that includes many components. 4. Issues of demography, development in this area and problem solving through the implementation of strategies should be addressed, including using data on the quality of life of the population. The latter should be understood as a fairly extensive set of factors representing the living conditions of individuals and society as a whole. 5. The current legal mechanism of strategic planning in the demographic sphere should be implemented taking into account the principles of administrative law.
legislation, legal regulation, social development, Public administration, Government policy, demographics, development, forecasting, Strategic planning, strategy