Atabekov, A.R. (2023). Legal Analysis of the Legal Personality of Artificial Intelligence, through the Prism of "Animals", "Human" and other Persons for the Stability of the Structure. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 1–10.
The author explores the phenomenon of the legal personality of AI through the prisms of the constructions of the rights of animals, humans and certain types of persons. Theoretical and practical approaches to highlighting the legal personality of AI through the prism of a legal entity, animal, human are considered. Practical approaches are being studied on the conditions for the allocation of legal personality through the construction of Habeas Corpus, membership of the "board of directors", as well as the authorship of AI. The main legal structures for the implementation of this legal personality, the positions of the relevant authorities, as well as the stability of individual decisions at the level of consideration by the judiciary and compensatory legal measures that ensure the safe integration of AI into the sphere of public legal relations in Russia are determined. The subject of the study is the formalization of the actions of artificial intelligence as a separate subject of law in the private legal and public fields. The object of the study is regulatory documents, recommendations and other documents regulating the issues of distinguishing the legal personality of AI in Russia and foreign countries, academic publications on the issues under study. The research methodology integrates a complex of modern philosophical, general scientific, special scientific methods of cognition, including dialectical, systemic, structural-functional, hermeneutical, comparative legal, formal legal (dogmatic), etc. The measures proposed as a result of the study can be applied in the legislative and law enforcement practice of relevant authorities implementing the integration of artificial intelligence into the sphere of public and public relations in Russia.
legal personality of AI, public law, Habeas Corpus, information law, comparative legal study of artificial intelligence, electronic person, artificial intelligence, AI authorship, legal entity, government regulation of AI
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Burganova, G.V. (2023). Legal Procedures in Regulation of the Provision of Land for Burial. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 11–23.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the content of the legal procedure for providing land plots for burial. The article considers the law enforcement aspects of the implementation of this legal procedure based on the analysis of the norms of the current Russian legislation on the funeral business. The subject of the article is the norms of Russian legislation on burial and funeral business. Based on the analysis of the stages of the provision of municipal services for the provision of land plots for burial, the procedural-declarative nature of the implementation of the right to burial is substantiated. The participants of the relevant legal procedure are identified and the sequence of actions in the provision of this service is determined. In the course of writing the article, modern methods of scientific knowledge, both general scientific and private, were used. The author used methods of analysis, synthesis, inductive-deductive method; the analysis of the Russian legislation on burial and the funeral business was carried out using the formal legal method. As a result, the main directions for improving the legal regulation of the legal procedure for the provision of land plots for burial are proposed; the place of legal procedures in the matter of meeting the socially significant need in organizing the burial place of a deceased person is determined. The author concludes that the procedure for the provision of land plots provided for by law is of an administrative nature, since it is carried out as part of the procedure for the execution of state or municipal services. The specific nature of the limited rights to the burial place allows us to consider the regime for using the land plot provided for burial as a unique land-legal regime that requires proper legislative registration.
law, cemetery, land plot, safety requirements, local government, management, administrative legislation, land legislation, burial place, provision of a land plot
Fedchenko, K.I. (2023). Legal Financial Framework for Regulating the Contract System for the Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for Public Needs. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 24–35.
The purpose of the study is to identify the key legal financial framework for regulating the contract system for the procurement of goods, works and services for public needs. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it not only substantiates the legal financial basis for regulating the contractual system, but also formulates the limits of the relevant regulation. At the same time, it was concluded that the legal financial regulation of the contract system is (and should be) limited, concentrating purely on the sphere of power and property legal relations of a public nature that arise and are implemented within the framework of the financial activities of the state and are associated with the formation, distribution and using state centralized funds. However, despite the presence of the above-mentioned limits of the legal financial regulation of the contract system, it is the financial and legal framework that acts as the basis of the contract system, since they mediate the correlation between the budget and procurement processes in the framework of achieving a single goal - the effective satisfaction of public needs while optimally spending budget funds.
imperative method, financial legal relations, budget spending, procurement process, budget process, finance law, state needs, contract system, public law regulation, administrative law
Legal entities of administrative and financial law
Savenkov, A.V. (2023). Diversity of procedures for the enforcement of judicial acts covered by budgetary immunity. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 36–46.
This article examines the applicability of the budgetary immunity regime to legal procedures for the judicial acts execution. While the title of the regime refers only to its applicability to the funds of budgets, amendments to the legislation have resulted in the inclusion of the funds of participants in treasury support in the text of the article itself. Over the years, the budgetary legislation has also introduced a procedure for the enforcement of funds recorded in the personal accounts of autonomous and budgetary institutions, which is similar to the procedure for the enforcement under the budgetary immunity. However, there is doubt as to whether these procedures are homogeneous and whether they can be referred to the same regime. This article represents the first study in the doctrine of budget law on the modification of the budget immunity caused by its extension to the funds of participants in treasury support. The author concludes that the application of a single regime of budgetary immunity to all of the above-mentioned relations is unjustified, thus several independent legal regimes are needed. The peculiarities of the legal status of participants in treasury support and autonomous and budgetary institutions and the funds provided to them from the budget cannot be taken into account by unified rules. However, the author notes the absence of legislative changes concerning the name of the immunity regime for budgets while changing its content suggests the desire of the public entity to preserve the immunity regime for budgets as the only one.
legal regime, foreclosure, budgetary institutions, autonomous institutions, treasury support, personal accounts, enforcement of judicial acts, budget system, budget, immunity of budgets
Titorenko, S.K. (2023). Legal regulation of tax benefits in the taxation of income of individuals transactions with digital rights (cryptocurrencies). Administrative and municipal law, 2, 47–56.
The author discusses the features of the legal regulation of tax benefits in the taxation of transactions of individuals with digital rights in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, the author identified a gap in the legal regulation of taxation of digital rights in the Russian Federation, when determining the system of tax benefits for transactions with digital rights. It is necessary to highlight the features of the legal regulation of taxation of income of individuals on transactions with digital rights and determine whether these features are applicable to the legal regulation of taxation of income of individuals on transactions with digital rights in the Russian Federation. The problem is that in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no legal regulation of taxation of income of individuals on transactions with digital rights, in particular, tax benefits are not established when calculating the tax base of income on transactions with digital rights. The goal of the study is to investigate the experience of foreign legislation and regulatory legal regulation of the Russian Federation and to identify the problems of legal regulation of taxation of income of individuals on transactions of individuals with digital rights. Previously, research in the field of legal regulation of taxation of income of individuals on transactions with digital rights has not been conducted.
tax benefits, blockchain, foreign legislation, tax control, personal income tax, taxation, distributed registry system, cryptocurrencies, digital rights, credit organizations
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Goncharov, V.V., Porkashyan, M.A., Spektor, L.A. (2023). Responsibility as a Principle of Public Control in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 57–67.
The multinational people of the Russian Federation are, in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the country. At the same time, he exercises his powers both directly (for example, through the institutions of free elections and referendums) and indirectly (in particular, through the activities of public authorities). However, the constitutional principles of democracy and the participation of society in the management of state affairs need a system of legal guarantees, the most important of which is the institute of public control, the legal basis of which is a system of principles – the basic, most general principles that determine the content and main directions of regulation of this institution of civil society in the Russian Federation. A number of scientific research methods are used in the work: comparative legal, historical legal, formal logical and a number of others. This article is devoted to the analysis of responsibility as a principle of public control in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is not only to substantiate the need to formalize the above-mentioned principle of this institution of civil society in the legislation on public control (in particular, in Article 6 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated 21.07.2014 "On the basics of public control in the Russian Federation"), but also to formalize and study the main problems preventing the consolidation and implementation of this principle of public control. The author developed and substantiated a system of measures to resolve these problems, including by introducing amendments and additions to the legislation of Russia.
administrative-legal, criminal, Russian Federation, democracy, public control, subjects, representatives, principle, responsibility, constitutional
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Shkiperov, A.A., Kleimenova, A.N. (2023). Administrative responsibility as a factor of innovative development in Customs. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 68–78.
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the institute of administrative responsibility on the innovative development of customs administration and digitalization of public governance. Automation of customs operations, categorization of participants in foreign economic activity, selection of objects and forms of customs control using software tools are directly related to administrative responsibility in the field of customs. Conclusions are formulated concerning the need to stimulate innovative development of the commercial side of the customs sphere, as well as the need to ensure the effectiveness of the use of automated systems, minimize potential risks, develop a legal regulation mechanism that excludes bringing to administrative responsibility of foreign trade participants for illegal acts that are not guilty, but arose as a result of errors or technical malfunctions of automated systems. The subject of the research in this article is therefore the influence of the institute of administrative responsibility on the innovative development of customs administration and foreign economic activity. The research methods were: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and analogy, induction and deduction, universal dialectical, logical, statistical, formal legal research methods, the method of legal forecasting, etc. Based on the results of the scientific research, the authors substantiate the need to revise the place and role of the institute of administrative responsibility in the field of customs relations, and also formulate proposals for improving this institute in order to ensure accelerated and balanced innovative development of both customs administration and foreign economic activity
customs control, administrative offences, foreign economic activity, customs operations, customs authorities, customs business, digitalization public governance, customs legal relations, innovative development, automated systems
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Purge, A.R. (2023). Features of civil law regulation of the state defense contract in Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 79–89.
The article is devoted to the analysis of individual problems of legal regulation of the state defense order in the Russian Federation. The object of the proposed study is the real social relations arising from the conclusion and termination of the state defense contract. The subject of this study is the norms of law that ensure the effectiveness of legal regulation of relations arising from the state defense contract. The resolution of the identified problems should become one of the priority tasks facing the domestic legislator in the course of improving this institution of law. In the course of the research, both general scientific methods of cognition (philosophy, logic) and comparative legal methods were used, allowing to carry out legal concepts and conduct their comparative analysis. The relevance and novelty lies in the fact that the issues of external security and, moreover, the defense of the Russian Federation in the last 30 years have been, as we can conclude now, not the most relevant – neither for the legislator (who has not yet formed a legal regime of wartime in criminal, administrative, or civil legislation), neither in the Russian civil law, which, although it paid some attention to the newly created public procurement system in 2014, has not yet dealt separately and specifically with the issues of the defense procurement system. It is concluded that, on the one hand, the Russian legal system for a long time completely lacked the model of relations of the state defense order in wartime, on the other hand, the Soviet civil–legal constructions used to mobilize industry, agriculture and transport during the Great Patriotic War were completely forgotten (due to their "planned" nature).
provider, customer, closed competitive methods, non-competitive methods, open competitive methods, approximate terms, standard terms, object of a defense order, state defense contract, state customer
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Manin, I. (2023). Polynesian Natural Resource Law Features. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 90–118.
The object of the study is the relations of nature management in the Polynesian States, the subject is the legislation and doctrine in the field of exploitation of natural resources of the Polynesian countries: the United States of America (Hawaii, American Samoa, unincorporated territories), the Kingdom of New Zealand (Cook Islands, Niu, Tokelau), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Pitcairn Islands), an Independent State Samoa, the Republic of Kiribati, the Kingdom of Tonga, the Kingdom of Tuvalu, the French Republic (French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna), the Republic of Chile (Isla de Pasqua and Juan Fernandez). The author examines the features of the state natural resource apparatus in various jurisdictions, first of all, the management of the environment and subsoil use by executive authorities. The article examines the institution of ownership of land and subsoil, the permissive procedure for the use of natural objects. In addition to the traditional, the researcher identifies a new type of property – family ownership of land, distinguishing it from communal, tribal and ancestral, and also draws attention to the inequality of ownership forms and discrimination in this area by the English crown of formally independent states and their citizens. The work is a new round in the theory of natural resource law of foreign countries, the relevance of the research is due to the theoretical and practical significance of the content of the article, which reflects domestic economic interests in Oceania. The scientific novelty of the presented work lies in the originality of the conclusions and the work itself, which contains fundamentally new information on the subject of research. This is one of the few scientific publications in the World on the natural resource law of the Polynesian States. The author discusses with foreign scientists, analyzing foreign doctrine and legislation. At the same time, violations are noted in the implementation and implementation of the norms of international maritime law in the Pacific Ocean; the creation by the collective West of natural resource reserves, regulatory legal bases and state mechanisms for the exploitation of the Polynesian environment in case of need (economic need and (or) global conflict).
Pacific Ocean, Polynesian Subsoil Use Management, Polynesia, Polymetallic Nodules, International Maritime Law, Continental Shelf, Natural Resource Law, Subsoil Ownership, land Ownership, Land Court
Administrative enforcement
Milchakova, O. (2023). Deprivation of the right to carry out a strategic type of activity as a form of state coercion in case of violation of the legislation on foreign investment. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 119–129.
The article deals with some topical issues of restricting foreign participation in strategic sectors of the economy. The analysis of measures of state coercion in case of violation of the legislation in this area is carried out on the examples of: suspension of validity and cancellation of a license to carry out a strategic type of activity; termination of agreements on granting the right to harvest (catch) aquatic biological resources; application of the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction for the acquisition of the assets of a strategic company; deprivation of the right to vote at a general meeting of shareholders (participants) of a strategic company. Conclusions are formulated about the features of the legal form of state coercion in connection with the violation of legislation on foreign investment in strategic sectors of the economy, which include a complex combination of coercive measures characteristic of both administrative law and civil law coercion, as well as the concentration of such measures mainly in one special normative legal act, which directly defines the measures themselves, the grounds and subjects of their application, the implementation procedures. The author states that all measures of state coercion in case of violation of the legislation on foreign investments have one target orientation in the form of deprivation of the right to carry out a strategic type of activity of a foreign investor, the possibility of using which (indirectly, through a controlled Russian company) was obtained in violation of the permissive procedure established by the state.
deprivation of rights, void transactions, license revocation, permit procedure, Government Commission, state security, national defense, strategic assets, strategic company, foreign investment