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«Administrative and municipal law» (18+)

¹ 6, 2012
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Issue of the day
P. 5 - 11
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
P. 12 - 16
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
P. 17 - 25
P. 26 - 30
P. 31 - 34
Public and municipal service and the citizen
P. 35 - 42
Management law
P. 43 - 58
Liability in administrative and municipal law
P. 59 - 66
P. 67 - 69
Administrative process and procedure
P. 70 - 74
Tax administration
P. 75 - 81
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
P. 82 - 86
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
P. 87 - 89
Contents details