Question at hand
Lin', D. (2020). Main trends in the field of protection of copyright and personal data in the Internet. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 1–8.
The author explores the key legislative innovations in the sphere of legal regulation of relations involving use of Internet. The subject of this research is the legal relations with the use of modern communication relations, as well as their legal regulation. Special attention is given to the protection of copyright and personal information of Internet users. The article examines the recent legislative acts aimed at protection of personal data and copyright involving use of the modern communication technologies. The author examines statistical data pertaining to the use of personal information and content falling within the copyright in the Internet. A conclusion is made that in the Russian legal field personal data are fully controlled by the government, but the “large user data” do not appear therein, and in essence, displayed in a “grey zone”. Latest changes in legislation indicate desire of the government for “digital registration” of the largest possible number of citizens, as well as de-anonymization of the Internet users. The novelty of this research consists in analysis of the most recent normative acts in the area of legal regulation of copyright, preservation and usage of personal data involving the modern information and communication technologies. The author criticizes the existing legislation in the area of legal regulation of information exchange in the Internet with regards to violation of citizens’ right to privacy.
digital registration, private life, legal regulation, legislation, data protection, copyright, personal information, Internet, statistics, communication technology
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Kudelkin, N. (2020). Legal protection of the Arctic environment related tourism activity. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 9–23.
The Arctic continues to attract more and more tourists. In some of the Arctic regions, tourism in general and cruise tourism in particular is becoming one of the fastest growing economic sectors. However, aside from the economic benefit, the Arctic tourism poses a certain threat to the sensitive environment of the Arctic, which currently experiences constantly increasing pressure from economic activity and climate change. Major negative consequences of tourism activity include the pollution of territories and water zones, worry of animals, direct destruction of flora and fauna, loss of the places of habitat due to infrastructure development, etc. The listed facts underline relevance of the selected topic of research, as well as the need for legal protection of the Arctic environment from negative effects caused by tourism. Analysis is conducted on the current situation in the area of Arctic tourism, as well as the questions of Russia’s Arctic policy pertaining to tourism activity. A brief overview is provided to the international legal regulation in this sphere. The author concludes on the insufficiency of legal regulation in the area of Arctic tourism, and gives recommendations on the improvement of Russian legislation. It is noted that tourism is one of the few types of activities in the Arctic that sparks interests of multiple countries, and in which the acceptance of universal standards seems possible.
protected natural territories, biodiversity, indigenous peoples, tourist activities, ecological tourism, Arctic tourism, Arctic zone, Arctic, environmental protection, cruise tourism
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Ryzhov, V.B. (2020). Legal regulation and government regulation of the behavior of minors on the Internet: foreign experience. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 24–30.
This research is dedicated to examination of the systems of legal regulation and government regulation of the activity of minors on the Internet. The novelty of this works is substantiated by introduction of new empirical material into the scientific discourse. It is stated that practice of the developed countries is characterized with normative consolidation of heightened obligations of business structures that render Internet services and access to digital infrastructure. The practice of mandatory age verification of the consumers became widespread among commercial structures. The scope of responsibilities of oversight bodies with regards to activity of website owners, providers, mobile operators, sellers of gadgets and other equipment, cultural and educational establishments that provide Internet access to minors has been significantly increased. The described measures in regulation of the Internet activity of minors also suggest parental assistance. The author comes to a conclusion that the established in foreign countries system of legal regulation of the behavior of minors on the Internet, as well as the existing practice of social life in this sphere, may be implemented by the Russian Federation into national legislation.
Internet activity of minors, Information Security, providers, state administration, legal regulation, access to the Internet, minors Internet users, user personal data, foreign legislation, information law
Administrative law, municipal law and the issues of education
Shagbanova, K.S. (2020). Role of fiction literature in formation of personality of a staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 31–41.
This article is dedicated to the influence of fiction literary works upon the moral, ethical and intellectual level of staff members, as well as increase of professionalism of the employees of law enforcement. It is noted that increase of professionalism is one of the multifaceted questions requiring integral approach in solution of the tasks of legal, ethical and psychological nature. Improvement of personal qualities of each employee is a determining factor of increasing efficiency and performance of the entire system of law enforcement agencies. It is claimed that personal development is the key to increasing professionalism. The article examines the content of educational aspect of fiction literature and its significant role in formation of personality of staff members of law enforcement agencies, namely moral qualities through a literary character. Analysis is conducted on the main aspects of the heritage of fiction literature as an essential condition for moral upbringing of the staff members, which is reflected in belonging to a noble actions, achievements and heroism of the previous generations. The author develops recommendations for the units on application of artistic means in the process of formation of personality of staff members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
code of professional ethics, artistic image, fiction, moral principles, moral guidelines, professional duty, internal affairs bodies, employee identity, moral and psychological preparation, administrative management
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
Lyu, K. (2020). State regulation of the system of medical insurance in the People’s Republic of China during construction of the “socialist base” (1949-1977). NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 42–49.
From the historical perspective, this article explores the establishment of the system of state medical insurance in China. The historical period of this establishment was selected due to an abrupt change in the system of medical insurance as a result of creation of the People’s Republic of China – the system of medical insurance changed from private to state-controlled. Prior to 1949, insurance was issued by private companies, then replaced by state medical insurance. This article gives attention to the key points in establishment of the system of medical insurance, as well as examines the main legislative bills that served as the basis for creation of the state insurance system. The author substantiates the idea of the periodicity of the development of China’s system of social medical insurance. The history of development of this system includes three stages: each of which is tightly connected to a specific strategy of socioeconomic development of PRC authority. Attention is also paid to redistribution of resources of the system of medical insurance between a city and a village, which vividly reflects the need for adjustment of the system of medical insurance to China’s rapid industrialization in that chronological period. The author describes the flaws of the system and government actions aimed at their overcoming.
industrialization, health insurance system, government regulation, history, China, social security, health insurance, workers, peasants, legal regulation