Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Ostrovskaya, A.S. (2018). Administrative Responsibility of the Russian Federation Citizens for the Violation of the Residency (Domicile) Registration Regulations. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 16.
The object of the research is a set of social relations arising in the process of establishment and imposing administrative responsibility for violations of registration laws in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of the institution of administrative responsibility, conents, targets, and current issues of relevant law-enforcement practice. The aim of this research is to analyze theoretical and practical issues that may arise in the process of the enforcement of administrative responsibility for the violation of residency (domicile) registration rules in the Russian Federation. In her research Ostrovskaya has widely used the dialectical research methods that allows view phenomena in terms of their dynamics and historical development. The researcher has also applied special research methods such as formal law and comparative law. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes conclusions, statements and recommendations on how to improve the current Russian administrative law. The rationale of the research is determined by the need to find the best ways of improving the system of administrative sanctions for the violation of the Russian Federation registration laws.
registration, adress, accounting, administrative responsibility, law, Constitution, place of abode, Russian Federation, society, citizen
Administrative law and local self-government
Bulgakova, L. (2018). Administrative Activity Undertaken by Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation to Protect the Environment and Natural Resource Use. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 715.
The article is devoted to administrative responsibility of the Russian Federation customs authorities in the field of environmental protection and natural resource use. In her article Bulgakova describes the main functions of the customs authorities of Russia in this sphere and touches upon the current issues in this sphere, in particular, institutionalization of customs authorities' functions and performance goals taking into account the reviewed and recently adopted legal acts such as a draft federal law 'On Customs Regulation of the Russian Federation'. The author of the article analyses prevailing functions of the aforesaid authorities. Having analyzed current Russian and international laws, the author has made conclusions about administrative activity of the Russian Federation customs authorities as well as gaps in the legislation that establish functions and competences of the customs authorities in the Russian Federation.
Russian Federation, smuggling, environment, flora and fauna, administrative activities, customs functions, customs authorities, regulations, legislation, executive branch
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Moshkina, N.A., Ovsyannikov, S.A. (2018). The Problems of Implementation of Administrative Law on Punishment for the Violation of Public Order. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 1622.
The subject of the research is the provisions of the administrative law that regulates responsibility for public order offences. The authors of the article focus on the analysis of the regional legislation in this sphere as well as the problems that may arise in the process of this law enforcement. The authors note that the regulatory effect of the Russian Federation constituents o this sphere of social relations have been reduced lately, thus they emphasize the need to reform the regional legislation in part where it sets responsibility for public order and social security offences. The methodological basis of the research includes general research methods such as dialectical method, analysis and synthesis. The authors have also applied the comparative law method that helps analyze federal and regional administrative legislation. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the authors study problems that may arise in the process of enforcing administrative responsibility for the violation of the public order in the Russian Federation and Russian Federation constituents. As a result of the research, the authors make a conclusion about the need to improve the regional legislation and suggest areas for improving the legal regulation of administrative responsibility for the violation of public order at the regional level.
territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, lawmaking, regional legislation, public safety, public order, police, administrative responsibility, administrative punishments, administrative offenses, administrative and legal ban
Administrative law, municipal law and the issues of migration
Kochetkova, N.D. (2018). Migration Risks as the Factors that Help Define the Main Areas of Prevention During Implementation of the Russian Federation Migration Policy. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 6, 2328.
The subject of the research is the system of social and legal relations arising in the migration sphere of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is the social relations that cause external and internal migration risks in the Russian Federation. The aim of the research is to analyze administrative activity of executive authorities aimed at reduction of external and internal migration risks in the migration sphere of the Russian Federation. The article is devoted to the analysis of general theoretical and practical aspects of administrative activity undertaken by executive authorities in order to ensure migration stability and reduce potential risks of the unfavorable influence of migration on the crime situation in Russia. The author also analyzes various counteractions against illegal migration. The researcher emphasizes the high threat of reinforced terrotist and extermist activity that may be performed by individuals born in the Central Asian countries. The methodological basis of the research includes generalisation of the practical experience, logic and systems analysis methods, monographic, comparative and other research methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author brings forth the problems of law enforcement practice in the sphere of prevention of external and internal migration threats. In conclusion, the author offers to improve and reinfoce the control over administrative activity of state authorities in order to ensure migration stability and reduce potential risks of the unfavorable influence of migration on the crime situation in the country.
administrative and management activities, police, control, crime situation, migration risks, migration sphere, migration of population, public authorities, terrorism, extremism