Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Kabanov, P.A. (2014). Prosecutor supervision over formation and work of the the Commission on Compliance to the Requirements to Staff Behavior of State Civil (Municipal) Staff and Conflict of Interests Regulation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 19.
Review: For the first time in Russian law the author provides analysis of the issues of prosecutor supervision over formation and work of the Commission on Compliance to the Requirements to Staff Behavior of State Civil (Municipal) Staff and Conflict of Interests Regulation. The author of the article provides a list of issues requiring prosecutor supervision and actions. It is noted in the article which issues should be paid attention in the course of prosecutor examination of the Commission activities. The author also provides the grounds for the hearing at the Commission, which should be directly referred to in the Provisions on the Commission. The hearing of the Commission should be regarded as lawful, if it took place in accordance with the requirements to quorum for the hearing and (or) for voting according to the Provisions on the Commission. The Provisions on the Commission and other normative legal acts provide for procedural periods for dealing with the materials brought to the Commission, and usually this is the period of 7 days, because it takes 7 days to prepare for the Commission hearing.
corruption, civil service, municipal service, conflict of interests, prosecutor supervision, anti-corruption measures, the Commission on Compliance to the Requirements t, conflict regulation, government bodies, municipal bodies
Administrative, municipal law and federal structure of the state
Doinikov, I.V. (2014). Topical problems of state and law in the documents of the XVII World Russian People's Council. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 1031.
The article is devoted to the problems of formation of criminal oligarchy model of raw materials economy. The economic losses of Russia due to the shock therapy of 1990s are comparable to the losses of the Civil War and the Hitler’s invasion. These losses are formed by devastation of enterprises due to criminal privatization, outflow of capital, and loss of opportunity for reproduction of capital stock due to termination of long-term credit. These losses keep growing under the influence of mechanism of non-equivalent economic exchange, which is supported by the policy of accumulation of currency reserve abroad with an insignificant interest rate, while acquiring much more expensive foreign credits. These losses are also complemented by the loss of national control over the large-scale enterprises, which are taken to off-shore zones, making the independent development of Russian economy impossible and threatening the sovereignty of the state. The XVII World Russian People's Council states that only by following the declared goals we may overcome the ethnic discord, social inequality, psychological and information dependency from foreign influence.
crisis, science, Council, Russian, state, law, document, economics, society, dependency
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Komakhin, B.N. (2014). Information and innovation society and the process of development of civil service. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 3245.
The article concerns legal and organizational fundamentals for the development of the innovative and information guarantees of public service, noting some problems in the way of development of the information technologies within the system of public service relations. The article refers to a number of various social relations concerning information guarantees of service activities of public servants of various state government bodies. It is noted which of the external threats to the development of service activities of the administrative cadres are fundamental. Currently the key problems include the generally low demand for innovations in this sphere and inefficient activities of the public administration bodies and officials. At the innovative and information stage of development of the civil society law and morality necessarily take the form of the state of need and reason. There is need to fill the information sphere with such moral norms, which would facilitate personal development and support tolerance in service activities.
service, innovation, cadres, official, control, system, information, guarantees, regulation, activities
Administrative law, municipal law and the issues of education
Solomatina, E.A. (2014). On the issue of teaching the study course "Administrative law of foreign states" in the law schools. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 4652.
Administrative law is one of the fundamental branches of law of any state and it is subject to significant changes depending on the administrative policy of a particular state. However, the study discipline "Administrative law of foreign states" still does not have a unified concept and it is represented by various views. The author attempts to formulate some specificities of teaching administrative law of foreign states in the legal higher education institutions based on her own experience in teaching two study courses: Administrative Law of Foreign States, and Constitutional Law of Foreign States. Currently, there is no wide range of scientific or teaching literature, which would discuss the problem of state administration in the foreign state in a complex way and which could be used for teaching the course of "Administrative Law of Foreign States". The article includes an evaluation of the current situation. The teaching of the course "Administrative Law of Foreign States" should be distinguished from the related spheres of teaching courses on "Constitutional Law of Foreign States". For this purpose, the concepts of two study discipline should be developed by cooperation of the departments of constitutional and administrative law of law schools in order to provide for the studies of the same states in the special parts of the relevant courses. There is need to train specialists, who would be proficient in foreign languages and involve in comparative legal studies in the sphere of international administrative management.
administrative law, foreign states, study course, teaching, state administration, executive branch of government, implementation mechanism, scientific literature, constitutional law, systemic teaching
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kurakin, A.V. (2014). International and administrative law and fighting corruption within the system of public civil service. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 5381.
In the modern social, economic and political situation, the Russian Federation is now facing many threats and challenges. One of the problems, which forms a significant obstacle in the way of many public reforms, violates rights and lawful interests of natural persons and legal entities interacting with the government administration bodies is the corruption. This problem influenced the public interests throughout the history of development of human civilization and statehood. Due to corruption many empires have fallen and the fundamentals of state sovereignty of many states were undermined, great moral and material damage was caused. That is why for the sake of its own survival the state government has to fight this negative social and legal matter, which undermines its fundamentals and makes the system of state administration inefficient. It is noted in the article that the membership of the Russian Federation in the number of international organizations puts on it many international legal obligations, including those in the sphere of fighting corruption in the public service system.
corruption, counteraction, service, system, official, administrative law, regulation, influence, ethics, standard