Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Kananykina, E.S. (2013). System of the British higher education in the XX century. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 117.
The education system of Britain differs from other European models, including the Russian system. In comparison with the British system, the German system of professional education may be characterized by a presence of well-interrelated programs developed in accordance with the specific state programs One of the consequences of such an approach is a more limited personal choice in education in comparison with the British system, while it achieves some results. Additionally, the number of courses is comparatively limited, and a process of studies is less flexible in respect of taking into account the abilities of the students. From the middle of 1980s the process of professional education in Britain was changed considerably due to its weakness and the need to react to the changes in economics and employment. In particular, the national system of professional qualification was introduced based mostly upon the level of competence in some specific work, rather than having certain knowledge. It allowed to single out 600 professions out of supposed 900. The new rules on loans were passed, allowing the government to stimulate small-scale forms, education of staff and daytime or evening courses for some persons in accordance with the work loans system. Additionally, over 80 councils on education and enterprise councils were formed in England and Wales. Currently there is a wide range of possibilities for advanced training and higher education both for the organizations and to persons. Both companies and persons are provided for more opportunities to choose form, both in formal education and in the workplace training.
professional education, higher education, education system, the Great Britain, the British Universities
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Berezhnova, N.D. (2013). Legal, social and psychological functions of influence upon the social environment of penitentiary community in special conditions. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 1827.
The article concerns legal, social and psychological functions in the influence upon the social environment of the penitentiary community in special conditions. The guarantees of prevention of certain factors for criminogenic situations also include a range of certain functions. The author offers means for lowering the level of aggression among the convicts. The article analyzes the possibilities for their use, at the same time, the new directions in efficient supervision are proposed. The social and psychological prevention of penitentiary violence is concentrated upon the active and targeted neutralization of anti-social events and matters in penitentiary institutions. Based upon the above-mentioned matters the author offers a number of changes in the work of administrations of penitentiary institutions. When discussing prevention of violent crimes in penitentiary institutions, the article also touches upon the problem of necessary control over the prohibited objects being obtained b y the convicts, since delivery of such objects involves not only convicts themselves, but also their acquaintances and relatives, as well as the personnel of the penitentiary institutions. Guarantees of preventive activities are based upon taking measures in certain working directions.
neutralization, negative direction, group, differentiation, special contingent, measures, environment, informal ties, blocking, prevention
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Kurakin, A.V. (2013). The police competence in the sphere of implementation of legislation on administrative offences. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 2848.
Currently it is an important goal to form a balanced and substantiated policy on administrative punishments, as an element of the law-enforcement policy of the state, having a significant impact upon the wide range of social relations. Achieving these goals is related to the improvement of organization of proceediongs on administrative offences cases in police bodies, since tens of millions of offenders are brought to administrative responsibility upon the initiative of police bodies. Making submissions is one of the efficient prophylactic measures of the police in order to terminate conditions and circumstances causing administrative offences. Failure to take timely prophylactic measures causes in some cases to repeated administrative offences. Timely interception of administrative offences especially those in the sphere of public order have considerable influence upon the efficiency of fighting crime in general. The heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, especially those at the district level, tend to underestimate the role of administrative practice and fail to have systemic analysis and forecasting in the sphere of development of criminal atmosphere in their territories.
police, proceedings, competence, responsibility, punishment, legal order, fight, offence, jurisdiction, police officer
Administrative enforcement
Badulin, A.D. (2013). Institution of administrative responsibility and its implementation in the sphere of production and turnover of alcohol and alcohol-containing products. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 4970.
The institution of administrative responsibility plays an important role in the guarantees of legal order in the sphere of alcohol. According to the official data the more and more juveniles and women are attracted to drinking alcoholic drinks, which is alarming, since is provides for a greater risk of alcohol-related illnesses and the greater degree of negative influence of alcohol upon the upcoming generations. The administrative responsibility in the sphere of production and turnover of alcohol and alcohol-containing products is an administrative coercive measure, which is applied when administrative offences are committed. Currently a lot of fruitful work was done in the sphere of studies of this important legal category, while there are still many topical issues regarding the nature of material responsibility of the military officers in this sphere. Administrative responsibility for violation of legislation in the sphere of alcohol is implemented in administrative procedural order via application of sanctions according to the Special Part of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation as well as the prescriptions of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offences.
alcohol, beer, responsibility, offence, contents, alcohol, regulation, administration, vodka, wine
Issues of Administrative and municipal legal science
Kostennikov, M.V. (2013). On the issue of some topical problems of administrative law. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 7195.
The article concerns some of the most topical problems of administrative law and legal practice in the sphere of state administration, economics and finances. The article contains brief description of a problem in a specific sphere of administrative legal activities, a number of conclusions is drawn, and the most authoritative views on this problem are provided, as well as the point of view of the author. It is noted that in the modern society the norms of administrative law are socially necessary and demanded. The author provides detailed analysis of the science of administrative law. It is also noted that administrative prohibitions as means for guaranteeing lawfulness in administrative law are necessary to limit negative behavior of all subjects of law with no exceptions. There should not be many prohibitions. There should be as many prohibitions as necessary in order to guarantee lawfulness and legal order.
problem, law, regulation, norm, society, system, administration, process, jurisdiction, state