Public and municipal service and the citizen
Kurakin, A.V., Kuleshov, G.N. (2013). Public service and information technologies. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 12, 120.
Due to the development of information processes in the sphere of public administration, the public civil servants are involved into the entire system of legal relations in the sphere of information, that is why it is not possible to imagine their control and supervision, permissive and competence activities without access to and use of relevant information. Considering it, it is currently necessary to develop a new model of administrative legal regulation of information relations within the system of public civil service, which would take into consideration the principally new challenges of global informatization of the modern society. The authors single out the urgent targets of the global information system. The federal executive body may clarify its request in order to provide the user with the necessary information on its activities. The authors also refer to the situations, when the information is not provided, and mention the directions for the informatization of the public civil service. It is noted what is necessary in order to improve administrative legal regulation of information security within the system of public civil service.
service, servant, security, information, informatization, administration, corruption, guarantees, control, procedures
Administrative, municipal law and federal structure of the state
Kupreev, S.S. (2013). Legal regime for the stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation in the conditions of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 in the city of Sochi. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 12, 2134.
The article is devoted to the specific features of the legal regime for the stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation in the conditions of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 in the city of Sochi. The author analyzes norms, regarding the procedure for entering the Russian Federation, stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, and leaving the Russian Federation, as well as the norms regulating labor, volunteer, and temporary personnel activities, and the measures for migration reporting on foreigners. It is noted that in accordance to their status most of the foreign citizens, who are coming to Russia in order to organize and hold the Olympic Games of 2014, including the representatives of the IOC, international and national sports federations, are within the scope of legal regulation of status of foreigners, and they have no special privileges and immunities. The norms regarding easing the legal procedures for the participants of the Olympic Games are part of the system of measures for the simplification of the legal formalities for the foreign guests at this time.
foreigners, legal regime, entry, visa, the Olympic Games, Sochi, stay, territory, legislation, violation of rules
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Narutto, S.V. (2013). On the issue of changes in the state border. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 12, 3550.
The article concerns the problems of changing the state border, when the territory of a state becomes smaller or larger. The author notes that it is natural for the state to aim for inviolability of state borders and stability of their regime, since they serve as guarantees of security of the state, prevention of territorial disputes and conflicts, formation of cooperation with the other states. At the same time, the territorial disputes do exist and they are often used for the involvement into the internal affairs of other states. Attention is paid to the fact that currently the process of formation of treaties regarding some areas of the state borders of the Russian Federation is not completed, and there are still unsolved territorial problems. The author points out the disputable territories of the Russian Federation. Discussing the issues of changes in the state territory the author provides for the sovereign expression of will of all of the people in the state or part of the territory undergoing the transfer together with the agreement among the interested states as the legal basis for such a change. In order to change the territory of a constituent subject of the Russian Federation before the conclusion of an international treaty an obligatory element is finding out the will of the people within the territory, where an administrative border may be changed.
state border, territory, shelf, disputes, agreements, sea, ratification, security, problems, disputed territories
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Motin, V.V., Trofimov, O.E. (2013). Problems of security guarantees in water transportation. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 12, 5165.
The article concerns the problems of transportation security guarantees in water transportation in the conditions of active involvement of the Siberian rivers into the economic activities. The authors offers the ways to improve the legal regulation of transporation infrastructure functioning. The water economic complex in the Russian Federation is one of the largest in the world. Based upon the historical experience, one may state that more active use of transportation capabilities of waterways in the Siberian regions may serve as a catalyst for the further economic development of the Russian Federation. Some experts consider that in the second half of the XXI century the global struggle shall be for the water resources. Obligatory compliance for the environmental requirements to preservation of biological resources in Russia is especially topical at all of the stages of economic activities. Taking into consideration the role and perspectives of development of transportation infrastructure in the Russian economy, there is need to unify the documents regulating the relations in the sphere of transportation into a single document - the Transportation Code.
transportation security, water transportation, development of waterways, legal regulation, transportation infrastructure, transportation code, environment, security of transportation of goods, shipping canal, potential
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kostennikov, M.V. (2013). On the issue of fighting corruption in police. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 12, 6673.
The article discusses organization measures regarding fighting corruption in the service activities of the police officers. The authors offer measures in order to minimize the corruption offences within the state administration system. It is stated that corruption in the activities of the internal affairs bodies facilitates the development of organized crime, forms the basis for development of extremism and terrorism, complicates public state reforms, which are currently ongoing in Russia. The authors single out a number of offences, forming preconditions for corruption in the police. The authors also single out a number of factors provoking corruption processes in the internal affairs bodies, as well as in other executive bodies. It is noted that corruption may manifest itself with the violations of financial, information, and administrative law. The authors offer some tactical actions, aimed at the weakening the corruption threat in the internal affairs bodies. The conclusion is made that complex use of all of the measures against the corrosive influence of corruption in the internal affairs bodies may considerably ease the situation, which is currently becoming more and more threatening.
corruption, internal affairs bodies, police, counteraction, state service, corruption risk, responsibility, executive body, administrative legal means, state administration