Belikova E.V., Efremov E.G., Efremova N.A., Kubarev V.S., Milcharek N.A., Milcharek T.P., Senkova V.I., Frenkel M.V., Tsvetkova O.A. —
Psychological examination of the signs of extremism in the users’ social network profiles
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.1.36821
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to determination of the psychological signs of extremism in the information posted by users in social networks. The object of this research is the semantic content of a social network profile. The subject of this research is the evidence of proclivity for extremism. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need to detect materials and people who incite social, ethnic, national, political, racial and religious hostility, as well as promote extremist views on the Internet. The goal is to determine the signs of propensity for extremism based on the social network profile. The article employs expert analysis for revealing semantic content of profiles in the social network VKontakte; content analysis for studying the materials of profiles in the social network Vkontakte; methods of statistical analysis, such as factor analysis of the selected signs of extremist personality and cluster analysis of profiles. The acquired results allow formulating the criteria for identification of individuals with extremist orientation via analyzing user profiles in the social networks, as well as determining the extremist-oriented content on the Internet, and promptly responding the law enforcement agencies to the threat of antisocial behavior on the Internet platforms. The developed set of the signs of extremism allows carrying out preventive work among youth, indicating the main manifestations of “hazardous” Internet content for parents and pedagogues, as well as teenagers themselves.
Belikova E.V., Efremov E.G., Efremova N.A., Kubarev V.S., Milcharek N.A., Milcharek T.P., Senkova V.I., Frenkel M.V., Tsvetkova O.A. —
Manifestation of the traits of extremist personality among high school students
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 53 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.1.36823
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the relevant problem – extremism in youth environment. The author summarizes new material on the topic, as well as introduces into the scientific discourse the description of the types of extremist personality among male high school students. The goal is to reveal the traits of extremist personality in high school students, and typologize these manifestations based on the empirical data. The scientific novelty lies in studying the characteristics of extremist personality among male high school students. The two types of personality are determined. It is established that extremist patterns in personality manifest through the following parameters: duty to endure pain and acceptance of the duty to die; propensity to manipulate; tendency to submerge into transcendental and transpersonal; level of satisfaction of basic social needs; degree of psychological stability; level of anxiety; level of identity manifestation, level of tolerance to negative mental states, level of social and communicative tolerance. The author reveals the pronounced psychological characteristics of the two key types of extremist personality among high school students. The first type can be characterized as infantile, immature personality with a severe need for love, acceptance, protection, support, prone to dogmatism and power thinking. The second type has evident autistic features: lack of nee for social relations, fear of the surrounding world, any deviations from the usual, familiar surroundings, and course of life.
Tsvetkova O.A., Volkova O.V. —
On the basic needs in health psychology
// Psychologist. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 34 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.3.35874
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Abstract: Health psychology is a branch of clinical psychology, which deals with human health considering physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects, i.e. in the context of biopsychosocial unity. Modern practice indicated that the representation on a disorder does not automatically form an “inner picture of health”. Fulfilling the task of psychological support of a person towards health and well-being required studying the integral phenomenon of health along with the factors that shape the image of a disorder or image of health. The initial aspect of any activity is the needful-motivational personality sphere. Different interpretations of the concept of basic needs of a person entail ambiguity of its use in the the practical work of a psychologist. The goal of this article is to examine the approaches towards outlining the basic needs in the context of health psychology. The author highlights three approaches towards determining the basic needs: as vital or biological needs; as needs underlying the higher needs; and ultimately, as the primary and essential for mental development and personality formation. Such perception allows formulating various approaches towards psychological correction of the consequences of frustration of basic needs. In conclusion, the author present a systematization of approaches towards consideration of the basic needs of a person, structurization of representation on the basic needs as essential and impacting the entire course and process of personality formation, which is particularly evident in the distortions of personality development in terms of frustration of the basic needs.