Dulepina O.V., Vlez'ko D.A., Demenkov V.A. —
The use of special knowledge in the investigation of the secret theft of other people's property with home invasion
// Police activity. – 2025. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2025.1.73370
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pdmag/article_73370.html
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Abstract: The authors have studied in detail the issue of the need to apply special knowledge in the investigation of one of the most common types of crimes – theft of other people's property with illegal entry into a home. Priority areas of forensic examinations for the designated types of criminal acts, as well as practical problems of their application in against the background of increased technologization of criminal activity are investigated. The main attention is paid to the difficulties associated with underestimating the possibilities of using special knowledge in the process of carrying out practical activities by investigative officers, which is why the advantage of using both forensic examinations in general and other forms most characteristic of the considered category of secret theft is argued. General scientific and private scientific methods are used.
The study revealed theoretical gaps and other imperfections in the existing norms of criminal law, which lead to uncertainty in the actions of law enforcement officials: for example, it was found that court decisions in criminal cases are inconsistent not only with the fixed concept of "housing" and its types, but also with the explanations of higher courts on the interpretation of this concept. A solution to the current problem was proposed, and specific ways of its possible solution were proposed. In addition, practical shortcomings were identified in the direct activities of law enforcement agencies, consisting in the lack of proper recourse to the use of special knowledge in the investigation process, and here the authors argued for a high level of need for their active application and some of the most relevant ways to develop special knowledge.