Griber Y.A., Ustimenko Y.A. —
The metalanguage of the description of the coloristics of the cultural landscape
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 95 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72606
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Abstract: The purpose of the research presented in the article is to clarify and systematize the basic concepts that make up the metalanguage of reflections on the coloristics of the cultural landscape. Metalanguage, as the language of description, is needed for the study of another language (object language). The research materials have been compiled by theoretical works published to date, which discuss the conceptual apparatus of the coloristics of the cultural landscape. Special attention in the analysis was paid to classifications, definitions and theoretical models proposed by P. Green‐Armytage, K. Fridell Anter, U. Th. Klarén, H. Arnkil, J.-Ph. Lenclos. The hypothesis of the study is the spatiality, variability, and multimodality of the coloristics of cultural landscapes set a special vector for its description: not "from above", but "from within", from the position of the viewer "immersed" in the color environment. This principle requires special terms that can take into account the specifics of how inhabitants actually see colors in the cultural landscape, what they feel, how they remember them and use them. To achieve this goal, an informal document analysis method was used in order to interpret the actual content, create goals and understand the context of the formation of concepts describing coloristics of the cultural landscape. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that two main blocks of concepts are clearly distinguished in the metalanguage of thinking about color. They are formed around the comprehension and detailing of the meanings of an inherent and perceived color, the opposition of which in the description of the coloristics of the cultural landscape still retains its relevance. While the block of concepts for describing an inherent color remains more or less stable, there are noticeable changes in the understanding of perceived color, due to the anthropological turn of modern research on the cultural landscape. The analysis indicates an expansion of the system of terms that are commonly used to describe the deep levels of perception and understanding of color in the context of the cultural landscape, and which define the boundaries of possible judgments. On the other hand, there is a clear increase in attention to the spatial nature of chromatic parameters and their dynamics.
Griber Y.A., Ustimenko Y.A. —
Evidence-based color: an explorative study of the quantity and quality of knowledge about the color of Russian design students
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 122 - 135.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69016
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Abstract: The relevance of the research presented in the article is due to new trends in modern education related to the need for competent implementation of the results of modern cross-disciplinary color studies in the process of professional training of design students. The purpose of the work is to use the methodology tested in Sweden and the UK to establish the quantity and quality of knowledge about the color of Russian design students and to compare these parameters with the corresponding indicators of foreign students. The object of the study is the color competence of Russian students, the subject is cross–cultural differences in the principles and mechanisms of using color in everyday design practice. The authors consider in detail the main areas of research that have formed the scientific basis of evidence-based color design. To assess the quantity and quality of students' knowledge about color, a modified method of Janssens & Mikellides was used. The answers were collected during an online survey in which 187 students of the Design program (147 women and 40 men) aged 17 to 48 years took part (average age 20.43, SD=3.5). The main conclusion of the study is that Russian students have a fairly high index of knowledge about color and even surpass students studying in the UK and Sweden by this indicator. The value of the index of general knowledge about color is almost the same for first- and last-year students. A lower index of knowledge about the color vision of elderly people among students starting their studies compared to graduates correlates with differences in the choice of sources of information about color. Undergraduates are experiencing an increase in interest in evidence-based design and a change in the target setting for the use of classical color theory in the development of design solutions in combination with proven empirical data, which reflects the anthropological turn of modern design and urbanism in general. The results of the analysis have both practical and theoretical significance and will contribute to further understanding of art education in the world.
Griber Y.A., Nankevich A.A. —
The Effect of Noise on the Color Associations of Citizens
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 29 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.39243
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Abstract: The object of the study is urban residents accustomed to noise, the subject is the effect of noise on their color associations with anthropologically significant concepts. The aim is to experimentally test the hypothesis that under the influence of noise, changes in the structure and density, frequency of colors with different chromatic characteristics (lightness, tone, saturation) will be observed in the system of color associations. The experiment involved 50 people (14 men and 36 women) aged 17 to 24 years (average age 19.71, SD=1.72). Their responses were compared with the results of a control group that participated in the same study earlier and was not exposed to the sound stimuli. The experiment palette included 27 color samples of the NCS natural color system. Participants were asked to compare color palette samples with 26 anthropologically significant concepts. The experiment showed noticeable transformations of the color association system under the influence of noise. We identified an increase in the occurrence of red color choices, as well as growth in the rating of blue, yellow, and achromatic white, black and gray. Color associations have become less diverse and have acquired a simpler structure. At the same time, the structure of color associations was not affected by the change of loudness: the patterns obtained under the influence of 60 Db (A) and 80 Db (A) were identical. The data obtained are important for understanding the cognitive mechanisms of color impact and establishing causal relationships between the parameters of color stimulation in the environment and its effect on an individual.
Griber Y.A., Tsygankova K.Y., Ustimenko Y.A. —
Color as a Trigger: the Effect of Chromatic Characteristics of Touch Buttons on the Motivation
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 73 - 87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.39497
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Abstract: The object of the study is modern smartphone users, the subject is the influence of chromatic characteristics of touch buttons on the motivation. The purpose of the study was to experimentally test the hypothesis that various chromatic characteristics of buttons that a person sees on a touch screen (their brightness, tone, saturation) can act as visual triggers and have a noticeable effect on the motivation to touch them. The experiment involved 48 people with normal color vision (24 men and 24 women) aged 19 to 21 years. The color stimuli of the experiment were developed on the basis of the PCCS color system (Practical Color Coordinate System) and included 52 shades. The analysis evaluated the frequency of occurrence of (1) individual colors; (2) groups of colors; (3) colors of a certain tone; (4) the probability of choosing a certain color out of two. The frequency of occurrence was assessed using procedures and methods of visual statistics. To estimate the probability of choosing a certain shade from two, the method of associative rules was used. The analysis showed that the most motivating are the shades with high saturation of four tones – bright blue and yellow, green and red colors. Women are more motivated by red and red-purple shades, men – by yellow, orange, green and green-blue. At the same time, the strategy of choosing one shade out of two in a pair is more predictable for women than for men. The obtained data have a wide application potential. They can be used in the design of websites, web applications, interactive educational materials, as well as training programs for users with different socio-demographic characteristics.
Griber Y.A., Elkind G.V. —
The Influence of Color on the Perception of Taste of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.39295
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Abstract: The object of the study is people with autism spectrum disorders, the subject is the expectations of taste when they perceive a certain color. The aim is to experimentally test the hypothesis that due to the specifics of sensory processing and the lack of multisensory integration, their crossmodal taste–color correspondences differ from the associations of neurotypical people not only in the structure and occurrence of individual associations, but also in the richness, cognitive significance and semantics of choice. The experiment involved 20 respondents with autism spectrum disorders (7 men and 13 women) aged 18 to 20 years. Their responses were compared with the results of a control group (N=20) with the same socio-demographic characteristics. Experimental stimuli in the form of a bar package had five different colors (green, yellow, red, pink and blue) and were shown to participants on a computer screen. The experiment showed that when perceiving the color of the product packaging, people with autism spectrum disorders have significantly different expectations of taste compared to neurotypical participants. In the most cases their associations of color with taste are not conventional and logical (this type of associations dominate in the control group), but creative – expressive and hidden. The associations revealed in the experimental group often have an emotional nature, are less dependent on the context and have a more free character. The results obtained can be used in clinical practice, in the education system and in the activities of social institutions.
Griber Y.A. —
Gerontolinguistics of color: research overview
// Litera. – 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 79 - 99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.5.32890
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Abstract: The goal of this article is an overview of the existing research in the area of gerontolinguistics of color – a new branch of linguistic science, conterminous with gerontolinguistics and linguistics of color, which studies the state of the lexis for color designations in vocabulary of the senior and elderly people. The author meticulously examines the works that discuss sizes and boundaries of separate color categories, complexity of color designation lexis in the speech of different generations of native speakers of a certain language, intergenerational dynamics of color designations, inappropriate usage of color terms by senior people, and possibilities of modeling of age-related physiological changes in the color vision. The search of sources was conducted through the following systems: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. In the course of research, the author applied methods of theoretical and comparative analysis, systematization and generalization of materials. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive overview of scientific publications in the area of gerontolinguistics of color from the perspective of comparison of the topics, empirical scope, methods and methodology of studying color vocabulary of the senior population. The author’s special contribution lies in determination and description of the established trends in explaining senior changes in the color vocabulary, as well as discussion of further development prospects of the toolset of experimental research.
Griber Y.A., Suchova E.E. —
Color in visual representations of COVID-19 pandemic: content analysis of publications in the Russian-language digital mass media
// Sociodynamics. – 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 79 - 93.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.5.32989
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Abstract: The goal of this article consists in presenting the results on analysis of visual representations of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian-language digital mass media from the perspective of the functions of color, its correlation with the theme, frequency of dominant shade of images and its dynamics. Publications in the digital mass media for the period from February to May 2020 related to topic of Coronavirus became the material for this research. The time framework captured the period of 100 days, since January 31, when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in Russia. The author applied multi-stage cluster strategy; the material was sorted into clusters using the search function by the dominant color of Google. The search was conducted by 12 key colors: 9 chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, purple, pink, and brown), and 3 achromatic (white, grey, and black). For each main color, the research database included first 100 articles. The study was carried out using the method of content analysis. Statistical analysis demonstrated that color of the image correlates with the theme of information text, given overall assessment of the situation and its development prospects. The dominant form of visual representation of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian-language mass media is depiction of the source of coronavirus infection, which presented in the online publications in all main colors, except two achromatic – white and grey. The dynamics of color representation of coronavirus is associated with the important events for development of the situation. Coincidence and changeability of the color image of coronavirus reflects high level of social anxiety, which is supported and aggravated by publication on the uncertain nature of the virus and course of the disease caused by it. The author sees solution of the problem in reserving the grey color common to the visual image of coronavirus. In this case, the color would correspond with the scientific reality (since there is no color without the light), and the image of coronavirus, purified from the aggressive color, would become less threatening and virulent.
Griber Y.A., Jonauskaite D., Mohr C. —
The Colors of Emotions: Experimental Research of Associative Relations in Modern Russian
// Litera. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.28892
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the analysis of associative relations between twenty emotional concepts (interest, amusement, pride, joy, pleasure, satisfaction, admiration, love, relief, compassion, sadness, guilt, sorrow, shame, disappointment, fear, disdain, disgust, hatred and anger) and twelve basic names of colurs in the Russian language (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, violet, brown, pink, grey, black and white). The research is aimed at 1) discovering chromatic and achromatic meanings of emotions; 2)discovering syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between color associations; 3) conduction of a linguocultural expertise of national specifics of discovered associative relations. The research is based on the on-line experiment that involved 103 Russian speakers (63 females and 40 males, the average age of resondents is 36.5, min age is 19 and max age is 78, sd=16.7). To analyze emotions, the researcher has applied the Geneva Emotion Wheel Inventory (GEW version 3.0) as a tool for self-evaluation of emotions and attitudes to a particular event. The results of the experiment have proved that Russian culture correlates the lightness of color to the valency of emotions. Positive emotions are associated with light colors and negative emotions are associated with darker colors. The closest emotional relations were demonstrated by yellow and orange, light blue and green, red and pink, black and grey. These pairs are often found as components of color images, too.
Griber Y.A., Jung I.L. —
Health and sickness: color associations in modern Russian culture
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 32 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.5.23491
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Abstract: The object of this research is the basic, anthropologically significant concepts of “health” and “sickness”. The subject of this research is the color associations in the modern Russian culture related to these concepts. The author carefully examines the intensity of color associations (this factor was assessed based on the number of color matches for each concept among various respondents), analyzes the correlation of associations with the color hue and diverse groups of shades (light, clear, dark), and determines the link between the concepts with achromatic colors – white, gray, and black. Special attention is given to the culturological expertise of the established associative connections. The research was conducted through the method of experiment, involving 100 Russian-speaking respondents (M=36, F=64, average age 23.73). The pallet consisted of 27 color samples from the Natural Color System (NCS). The participants were offered to select the most appropriate color samples for each concept. The conducted research allowed revealing the tolerant associations of the concept of “sickness” with dark green-yellow and yellow shades, which in the Russian culture indicate the decay, decomposition, deterioration. The structure of the chromatic image of the concept of “health” highlights two cores: in the red-yellow and green parts of the pallet. The core in the red-yellow part correlates with the image of a healthy person that in the Russian linguocultue semantically relates to healthy color of the face and natural blush. Prevalence of the green shades is explained by steady interaction in the Russian national sphere of concepts of the notions “health” and “sickness”. The scientific novelty of this work lies in quantitative characteristics of chromatic structure of the concepts of “health” and “sickness”; identification of the hue, lightness, saturation of the shades that form color associations and visualization of the acquired associative connections.
Griber Y.A., Samoylova T.A., Dvoinev V.V. —
Color preferences of senior citizens in various stages of house design
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 36 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.4.28349
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Abstract: The object of this research is the color preferences – subjective and collective, expressed in a certain arrangement of basic colors and their shades. The goal of this study lies in the empirical determination of quantitative and qualitative structure of color images that are most popular in the house interior (hallway, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom) among senior citizens, as well as in the analysis of the acquired data with regards color perception that changes over time. The research method is an experiment, involving 50 senior citizens, in the age between 60 and 82 (average age of 67.54; 8 males and 42 females). The scientific novelty consists in description of the specificity of color coding attained by various functional zones in house design of the senior citizens. The most distinct color margin is between the intimate and personal spaces and those that carry out a representative functions. The noted opposition of the internal and external, shielded and open in color preferences of the senior people is realized through the parameters of lightness: in arrangement of bedroom and bathroom prevail the light shades; for hallway and dining room most often are selected the saturated and dark tones. All types of living spaces mark natural colors and shades. The determined color preferences are specific for designing certain types of house interiors. They significantly differ from the preferences associated with other types of objects (for example, the façade color) and do not match with the abstract favorite colors.
Griber Y.A., Samoylova T.A. —
Gerontological specificity of color preferences associated with selecting color of the facade of residential building
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 99 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.3.28178
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Abstract: The object of this research is the color preferences – subjective and collective color affinities that are expressed in certain arrangement of the basic colors and their hues. The goal of this work lies in examining the mechanisms of the matching color preferences of the senior citizens in situation when the color is viewed as part of the facade of residential building; determining the degree of impact of coloristics of the existing buildings upon their solutions; comparing the abstract and matching color choices of senior citizens with the color preferences of younger people. The experiment involved 20 senior citizens in the age between 61 and 72 (average age 64.95; 6 males and 14 females). The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the statement that the mechanism of color choice among senior citizens differs drastically from the preferences of younger participants of the experiment. The abstract color preferences in various age groups significantly vary in tone. In the matching choices of senior respondents prevail the soft and light shades. Cold colors are selected more often than warm. Unlike younger participants of the experiment, color solutions of senior citizens do not accord with the shade groups of stimuli.
Weber R., Griber Y.A. —
Intensive weeks of color in professional training of the architects
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.2.25898
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Abstract: The object of this research is the architectural color didactics – the theory of systems and methods of professional coloristic training in the architecture universities. The goal of the article consists in presentation of the unique course of coloristic training of the architects, developed in the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). The authors meticulously reviews the stages of approbation and improvement of the proposed didactical model. Particular attention is given to analysis of content of the course, as well as determination of the key technological conditions, regarding the formation of a set of competences and skills in working with the color in terms of designing the environmental objects by architects. Methodological foundation for the conclusions and generalizations consists in the system-structural consideration of the conceptual and technological peculiarities of implementation of the intensive weeks of color into the professional training of architects. The scientific novelty consists in expansion of the framework of scientific-methodological substantiation of the comprehensive system of exercises in development of perception of the color alongside its application in the design of environment. The results of analysis carry practical and theoretical value, and will contribute to the further comprehension of architectural education in the world.
Weber R., Griber Y.A. —
Set of exercises for teaching semiotic translation of color realities to architects
// Modern Education. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 73 - 85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.25989
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The object of this research is a special professional competence of the modern architects that ensures the necessary experience for constant translation of the color realities from one semiotic system into another. The subject of this research is the set of exercise for teaching the students of architectural faculty to switch from one language into another for recoding the color information. The task of the article lies in generalization of practical experience of teaching the semiotic translation, accumulated in the course of implementation of a unique authorial project of coloristic training of architects in the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). The authors apply the method of typologization aimed at structured description and explanation of the various types of development and tested assignments. Special contribution into the research of this topic consists in systematization of exercises focused on the development of translation competence of the architects. The scientific novelty resides in the determination and characteristic of the three key types of assignments: developing receptive skills; forming skills of “recoding” of the subjective and collective psychological responses; developing reproductive skills.
Griber Y.A. —
Monochromatic model of urban coloristics
// Urban Studies. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 58 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22749
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Abstract: The object of this research is the architectural coloristics as a historical and cultural phenomenon. The subject of this research is the monochromatic color pallet of the building facades common for certain urban areas of the world. The goal of this article consists in identification of the mechanism of formation of the monochromatic model of urban coloristics and systematization of its sociocultural specificities. The author thoroughly examines the key principle of the model that defines the correlation between the color and shape in urban space, as well as analyzes the strategies of spreading the monochromatic coloristics and mechanism of inheriting the color tradition by the culture. Special attention is given to the expert evaluation of the areas with monochromatic color pallet of the building facades. For resolution of the research problem, the author uses the method of classification aimed at the well-ordered description and explanation of the diverse variants of monochromatic model of the urban coloristics. Author’s special contribution lies in formulation of the historical and cultural grounds for structuring the typology of monochrome within the architectural coloristics. The scientific novelty consists in determination and description of the three major versions of monochromatic model: evolutionary, artificial, and mixed, which noticeably differ from the perspective of mechanisms of formation and sociocultural properties. Evolutionary versions represents a product of natural development of coloristics of the area; artificial is the result of target color design; and the mixed combines the artificial mechanism of introducing the new coloristics with natural way of future development of the new color traditions in urban fabrics.
Griber Y.A. —
Space in the Japanese urban coloristics
// Urban Studies. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.4.21144
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Abstract: The goal of this article consists in the demonstration of the distinctness of the principles of distribution of color in space that are contained in the Japanese norms of urban design. The author thoroughly examines the mechanism of formation and perception of the urban coloristics. Special attention is given to the analysis of the link between the norms of urban coloristics and characteristic to the Japanese art culture principles of spatial composition, to which pertains the absence of linearity and symmetry, special attitude to the integral regardless the independent existences of the separate, the idea of cyclic movement, emphasized attention to the opposition between the top and bottom. For solution of the set task, the author uses the method of informal analysis of the documents aimed at interpretation of the actual content, purposes of creation, and context of the Japanese laws that regulate the urban coloristics. The scientific novelty lies in reconstruction of the key principles of mental model, which comprises the foundation of the Japanese urban coloristics. The author’s special contribution is the explanation of the establishment of Japanese norms of urban coloristics towards “closeness” of the space, its “framed” perception, two-dimensionality, as well as temporalization of the color images.
Griber Y.A. —
Decrees that regulate coloristics of the cities of the Russian Empire
// Urban Studies. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 57 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.4.21560
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Abstract: The object of this research is the complex of documents that set and formulate the principles of urban coloristics. The goal of the article consists in expansion of the established boundaries of traditional analysis of the documentation of urban coloristics, as well as present the history of development of the documents, which defined the color norms in the cities of the Russian Empire. The author thoroughly examines the associated with color terminology of the Imperial decrees, the content of the colors and their optical properties. Special attention is given to the analysis of sociocultural situation in the other European cities of this period. The author carried out the content analysis of the chronological index to the full compilation of laws of the Russian Empire, which allowed determining the complex of Imperial decrees regulating the urban coloristics. The applied during the course of this research traditional analysis of the documents lied in compilation of the dictionary of color terms and clarification of the chromatic features of the used pigments. The author’s main contribution consists in determination and systematization of the decrees that set and formulate the principles of urban coloristics in the Russian Empire. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the color dictionary of the documents containing the color naming, as well as characteristics of the color combinations and their chromatic properties.
Griber Y.A. —
Japanese model of urban coloristics
// Urban Studies. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.1.18298
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the rules that regulate the urban coloristics in Japan. The author’s task and its solution consist in imagining the Japanese norms of color projection in the context of Japanese culture, and thus preserve them from the destructing reflective symmetry ion perception and assessment. The author thoroughly examines the legislative norms of urban coloristics of Japan, and gives special attention to the analysis of connection of the suggested principles of regulation of the urban coloristics with the Japanese aesthetics, as well as with the established in Japanese culture ideas about beauty and color harmony. The main methodological principle which defines the perspective for examining the Japanese model of urban coloristics consists in shifting of the accent from the form of normative documents to the content of the cultural norms that lie in their foundation, which they are the product of. Scientific novelty lies in determination of specificity of the Japanese model of urban coloristics: main idea of the introduced color restrictions, structure and content of the palette, principles and rules of color schemes. The author underlines that the Japanese urban coloristics carries a “nature-imitating” and “self-developing” character, in which the norms of color design as a rule do not specify a strict color scheme, but give to each city resident a choice to choose it.
Griber Y.A., Egorov A.G. —
Tactical Urbanism as a Form of Modernization of Everyday Life
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.9.16196
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Abstract: The subject of the research is tactical urbanism as a sociocultural practice of a modern society. Despite the growing popularity of tactical urbanism among new layers of society, it happens to be an object of academic interest quite rarely. In their research the authors examines the substantive and structural features of tactical urbanism as an independent phenomenon, analyze the mechanisms and strategies of modern urban planning. Special attention is paid to the description of the features of participants and actors of tactical urbanism and their ideas and values in terms of heterogeneous morphology of urban culture. The main theoretical principle for viewing tactical urbanism as a special sociocultural practice is the concept of the fractal inclusion of culture. The main research method is based on the directions for the analysis of the structure of knowledge space offered by Michel Foucault. The main contribution of the authors to the topic is the sociocultural expertise of tactical urbanism in terms of urban development as it is described in this article. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze the structure and factors of the tensity of anthropological dispositif of contemporary urbanism and describe sociocultural grounds and possibilities for using tactical urbanism as one of the forms of modernization of urban everyday life.
Griber Y.A., Mylonas D. —
Colour Mapping: Empirical Analysis of Colour Names in the Russian Language
// Man and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 64 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.6.16636
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the usage of denotative samples in empirical researchesh of colour terms. The authors of the article view the history and prospects of the empirical research of colour names using colour tables and fixed colour samples in the Russian language. The authors aldo privide the results of their own research. Special attention is paid to the description of the analysis procedure. The authors analyze the quantity and structure of obtained colour names, distribution of the main colour names in the Russian language, structure of psychologically defined colour names, the most common models of the names of shades, the degree of standardization of fixed colour names. The research method is the experiment allowign to compare colour names used in the Russian language with the Munsell and RGB colour systems. The main results of the research prove that there is a number of non-derivative minor words of the Russian language have been commonly used in the Russian language and therefore should be taken into account when creating all kinds of classifications.