Dudanov T.V. —
Comparative analysis of parataxis in conditionals and unconditionals as exemplified in Chinese and Russian
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2024. – ¹ 8.
– P. 38 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71613
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fmag/article_71613.html
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Abstract: Conditional and unconditional constructions of the Chinese language have been studied by a relatively small number of Russian linguists. Usually, both types of structures are considered in the context of conjunctions, but asyndeton in conditional sentences may also be of great interest, which was the subject of the author’s research while writing an article. The goal was to find different variants of expressing conditional and unconditional meanings from the point of view of parataxis (without conjunctions or connective words), as well as to compare these variants with the ways of expressing meanings in Russian. The material in Russian is provided only for the opportunity to compare different ways of expressing the condition in their native language and a foreign language by people who are not engaged in the study and research of the Chinese language. The selection of the material was carried out on the basis of the works by prominent Chinese and Russian linguists, as well as dictionaries and articles by Russian and foreign researchers. All the meanings given below are confirmed by examples from Chinese and Russian literature. Chinese examples are provided with transcription, subscript and overall translation of the sentence. According to the results of the study, a variety of conditionals and unconditionals without conjunctions was revealed. Asyndenton in Chinese is the object of scientific novelty in the research process. There were only cases where it was possible to choose a similar version of expressing conditionals and unconditionals in both Chinese and Russian. The material can be useful not only for sinologists and specialists in general linguistics, but also for people studying Chinese or Russian languages to expand their vocabulary and study various ways of expressing conditionality and unconditionality.