Gamalei S.Y. —
The forgotten name of the talented actor of the Birobidzhan State Jewish Theater named after L. Kaganovich (Moisei Yefimovich Zhelkover)
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 66 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.5.44220
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Abstract: The relevance of the research topic is due to the specifics of the cultural policy implemented in the Russian Federation, according to which culture is elevated to the rank of national priorities. Thus, in the process of implementing the "National Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation", it is necessary to take into account the accumulated historical experience. That is why the purpose of the work was to study the creativity of the actor of the Birobidzhan State Jewish Theater named after L. Kaganovich – Moses Efimovich Zhelkover. This talented actor worked in BIRGOSET throughout the entire period of its existence: from the day of its foundation in 1934 to 1949, when, due to a change in national policy towards the Jewish diaspora, all Jewish theaters of the USSR were closed. Based on the analysis of archival documents, the author revealed some facts of the biography of Moses Efimovich, the peculiarities of his creative and socio-political life. The analysis of the articles of periodicals helped to study the individual creative works of the actor in different productions of the Jewish theater. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the biography and creativity of this actor was not the subject of research by Soviet and Russian authors, as well as the activities of other members of the theater's acting troupe, since Soviet policy towards the Jewish diaspora has changed its vector more than once. The liquidation of the Jewish theater of Birobidzhan in 1949 led to the fact that some actors were repressed (F. Arones), others left the EAO and continued to work in other theaters of the country (E. Gelfand), the fate of the third, such as M. Zhelkover is unknown. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that the actor M. Zhelkover is inextricably linked with BIRGOSET, whose work contributed to the formation of his own creative style. At the same time, the author of the article regrets the inability to trace the fate of the artist after the disbanding of the Jewish theater of Birobidzhan.