Borzova T.V., Plotnikova E.S. —
Manifestation of self-determination in personal, activity and social self-realization of students
// Psychologist. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.4.33082
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the manifestation of self-determination in personal, activity and social self-realization of students. The goal consists in examination of correlation of the parameters of self-determination with personal, activity and social self-realization of students. The research methodology contains the concepts and theories of the following sholars: E. Deci and R. Ryan (people are able to become self-determined when their need for autonomy is fulfilled); D. A. Leontiev (self-determination as the superior form of self-regulation); S. L. Rubinstein (self-determination as an internal condition of activity for self-determination); A. Maslow and K. Rogers (self-realization as a process of personal growth); S. I. Kudinov (polysystemic model of self-realization). The empirical methods of research included: “Test for Self-Determination” of E. N. Osin – modification of the scale of self-determination of K. Sheldon; “Test for Life Meaningful Orientation” of D. A. Leontiev; “Ability to Self-governance” of N. M. Peysakhov; “Questionnaire on Self-Realization” of S. I. Kudinov; “Test for Self-Actualization” of L. Y. Gozman and M. V. Kroz. The result of the conducted research consists in determination of a positive correlation of the meaningfulness of life and self-expression with all types of self-realization. However, in consideration of the link between self-expression and personality, activity and social self-realization following pattern was established: self-expression on high and low levels has a tendency towards decline of the indicators of self-realization; while the average level of self-expression demonstrates higher indicators of personal and activity self-realization of the respondents.
Ivanchenko V.N., Plotnikova E.S. —
Self-Determination as Part of Personal Identity Formation at Youthful age
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 596 - 602.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.7.20619
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Abstract: The article is devoted to studying and justifying the role of self-determination in the process of personality identity formation at youthful age as well as defining the effect of self-determination in the process of identity formation. The object of the research is self-determination as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of the research is self-determination as part of personal identity formation process at youthful age. In their research the authors of the article carry out analysis of the relationshp between self-determination and parameters of personal identity formation (values, sense of the life purpose, capacity to self-regulation, self-actualization). The analysis allowed to describe the role of self-determination in the process of identity formation at youthful age. The diagnostic methods used during the empirical study included the following: Test of life orientations by Dmitry Leontiev,The ability to self-regulation test by Peysakhov, The test of self-determination by E.N. Osin (modification of the self-determination scale by K. Sheldon), Personal Orientation Inventory by E. Shostrom (adapted by L.Y. Gozman and M.V. Croze). Analysis of the relationship between certain parameters of self-determination and identity formation process (using the correlation and regression analysis methods) allowed to specify the role of these parameters in successful identity formation. The authors have revealed the correlation of self-determination with such parameters of self-identity formation process the sense of the life purpose, temporal orientation, capacity to self-regulation and self-actualization.
Plotnikova E.S. —
From Self-Determination to Self-Realization
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 175 - 182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.2.14246
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Abstract: The author examines such themes as the impact of self-determination on self-realization and the nature of this influence. The process of self-determination is a complex personality formation that provides a person with the freedom to choose the path of development (Dacey, Ryan) and the ability to act independently from external circumstances and unpredictable for outside observers but following his own logic and beliefs. The modern person each day faces increased requirements at work or school and at the same time has the freedom and a large variety of life paths and strategies. He can maximize his potential and live a creative life and express his inner world. One's self-determination influences the ability to choose one's own path of development, to resist external distractions from his main goals in life and, therefore, to strive for self-realization. The following methods were used to study parameters of self-determination: «Test of life orientations» by Dmitry Leontiev (the scale «general indicator of life meaningfulness»), the test «The ability to self-regulation» by Peysakhov (the scale «general indicator of the ability to self-regulation»), «The test of self-determination» (the scales «autonomy» and «self-expression»). The author also used the overall rate for the study of self-realization («Questionnaire of self-realization» by Kudinov). The study revealed that such parameters of self-determination as the ability to self-regulation, autonomy and self-expression have a positive effect on self-realization if they have mean values, i.e. the driving force of self-realization is the harmonious development of self-determination and external determination and meaningfulness of life is the foundation for these processes.