Badikov K.N. —
Psycho-dermatoglyphic concept of adaptive behavior
// Law and Politics. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2017.2.10926
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Abstract: The morphology of papillary ridges is interconnected with the multiple human properties, as well as serves as the objects of psychogenetic, forensic pathology, criminal identification, and diagnostics. Thus, the fingerprints reflect the distinct individualizing information about the morphological and functional properties of a person. Modern research underline the importance of identification characteristics of the fingerprints alongside their diagnostic, psychological, and nosological correlations. The friction ridge skin acts not only as an identification criterion, but also reflects its diagnostic possibilities. In such case, the subject of inquiry changes. It becomes possible to resolve the identification tasks from the positions of establishment of personal identity, as well as forming a psychological profile. The subject of this work is the regularities that define the implementation of psycho-dermatoglyphic studies in criminalistics for the purpose of creating a psychological profile of an individual who left prints at the scene of the crime. Psychodermatoglyphics represents a new direction in criminalistic examination, which reflects the integral and integrative correlations between the object (fingerprint) and a subject. Psycho-dermatoglyphic method is based on interrelation of the topological model of the structures of brain with the morphology of a fingerprint (first right, first left) in the context of integrativeness of behavior and peculiarities of the structure of minutiae that indicate the neuropsychological and psycho-dermatoglyphic connections.
Badikov K.N. —
Psycho-dermatoglyphic concept of adaptive behavior
// Law and Politics. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2017.2.42614
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Abstract: The morphology of papillary ridges is interconnected with the multiple human properties, as well as serves as the objects of psychogenetic, forensic pathology, criminal identification, and diagnostics. Thus, the fingerprints reflect the distinct individualizing information about the morphological and functional properties of a person. Modern research underline the importance of identification characteristics of the fingerprints alongside their diagnostic, psychological, and nosological correlations. The friction ridge skin acts not only as an identification criterion, but also reflects its diagnostic possibilities. In such case, the subject of inquiry changes. It becomes possible to resolve the identification tasks from the positions of establishment of personal identity, as well as forming a psychological profile. The subject of this work is the regularities that define the implementation of psycho-dermatoglyphic studies in criminalistics for the purpose of creating a psychological profile of an individual who left prints at the scene of the crime. Psychodermatoglyphics represents a new direction in criminalistic examination, which reflects the integral and integrative correlations between the object (fingerprint) and a subject. Psycho-dermatoglyphic method is based on interrelation of the topological model of the structures of brain with the morphology of a fingerprint (first right, first left) in the context of integrativeness of behavior and peculiarities of the structure of minutiae that indicate the neuropsychological and psycho-dermatoglyphic connections.
Badikov K.N. —
Psycho-dermatoglyphic analysis of a genetic program of behavior
// Police and Investigative Activity. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 17 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2015.3.16164
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Abstract: The research focuses on the whorls of fingerprints in the context of psycho-dermatoglyphic links. The author reasons the principle of integrity of psycho-dermatoglyphic links which makes it possible to carry out psychodiagnostics on the base of the revealed congenital cerebral pathology and its minimal clinical forms. The correlation between the system of dermatoglyphic features (general and particular) and the functional state of the brain structures accentuates the psychodiagnostic importance of psycho-dermatoglyphic links for the creation of a psychological profile. A correlative pleiad of neuropsychological and psychophysiological links forms a reflected system of correlation presented in the complex of dermal features. The calculation and analysis of these features is aimed at acquisition of psychodiagnostic information about the owner of the fingerprint. The methodology of the research contains the innovative approach to the analysis of psycho-dermatoglyphic links. The author uses the psycho-dermatoglyphic method based on statistical and morphological analysis of fingerprints. Particular dermatoglyphic features and rudiments are considered to be diagnostically important. The author uses integral analysis of general and particular features formed in the conditions of a system. The applied system of a fingerprint mapping and the analysis of psycho-dermatoglyphic links for establishing of the level of social adaptation are certified with a patent in the sphere of “Forensic medicine”. The psycho-dermatoglyphic method of the fingerprint owner establishing gives the opportunity to single out the leading psychical features of a person which influence the level of social adaptation. Psycho-dermatoglyphic links considered from the position of psychogenetics help to reveal the psycho-dermatoglyphic markers reflecting the individual genetic program of a person.
Badikov K.N. —
Psychological profile building on the base of papillary lines typology
// Legal Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2015.2.14311
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Abstract: The subject of the research contains integrated and integrative correlation of “picture type-CNS- behavior” system. the typology of lines is considered as “general – psychological type” model, as for particular one it is used “psychomodel of individuality” model, which is formed up with regard to integrative cooperation of right and left cerebral hemisphere.The object of the research is the distal phalanx print of the first fingers. Types of papillary lines and psychological characteristics of person who has an arc print on the left finger and twins loops on the right hand are analyzed. Type of papillary lines is a traditional object of identification in expert report. We suggested analyzing typology of first finger print in combination with print typology of the main right hand for forming a scheme of psychological type. This model of analysis allows establishing the integrated psycho-dermatoglyphic relations, which are formed by the dominant and sub-dominant cerebral hemispheres.Methodological base of research contains the provisions of the dialectic approach, the system approach to psychological type building. In order to solve the psycho-diagnostics problems of the fingerprints owner the author uses the general scientific methods of research approach (description, testing) and the special ones (statistic analysis, integrated and integrative analysis).Typology of papillary lines is traditionally regarded as the main diagnostic object in genetics, medicine and forensics. We consider typology of first fingers print in relation to interrelations of functions of right and left hemispheres on one’s behavior. The functional status of hemisphere and inter-hemisphere reciprocity is related to the choise of a behavior strategy.
Badikov K.N., Abakarova N.V. —
The phantoms of psycho-dermatoglyphics segmental diagnosis
// Legal Studies. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 44 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2014.12.1388
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of the cumulative and integrative correlations of the “cell-CNS-fingerprint-psychics-pathology-behavior” system. The proposed three-dimensional stereotaxic model of brain segments and structures has the interdisciplinary nature. The author analyzes the psycho-dermatoglyphic and neuronal connections and their projections on the distal phalanx prints. The object of the research is the fingerprint morphology. The morphology of the particular dermatoglyphic features is connected with many human characteristics and serves as an object of psychogenetic, forensic medical and criminalistic examination. The results of the contemporary psychogenetic research outline not only the meaning of the identification features of fingerprints, but also their diagnostic, psychological and nosological correlations. The use of the stereotaxic projective method expands the psychodiagnostic value of a traditional forensic expert’s report. It provides criminalists with the opportunity not only to identify, but also to create a psychological profile. To solve the problem of the fingerprints owner psychodiagnosis the author of the article uses the general methods of study (description, comparison) and the special ones (statistical analysis, cumulative and integrative analysis). The main conclusions are the conceptual provisions of the fingerprint mapping methods and ways, which are being realized in the stereotaxic projection of brain segments. As a new area of forensic diagnostics, psycho-dermatoglyphics contains the cumulative and integrative correlations of the fingerprint and the stereotaxic brain model, and its main goal is the topological and nosological diagnostics. The practical task of this innovative method application is the creation of a psychological profile. The psycho-dermatoglyphic method is based on the correlation of the topological model of brain structures and the morphology of a fingerprint (thumb right, thumb left) within the context of integrative behavior and individual morphology of particular features, reflecting neuropsychological and psycho-dermatoglyphical connections.
Badikov K.N. —
Interdisciplinary approach towards the purpose of establishing sex of a person by a singular finger print.
// Legal Studies. – 2014. – ¹ 6.
– P. 33 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2014.6.12172
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Abstract: Dermal glyths are constituent parts of the constitutional elements in a human body. Analysis of dermal specificities of the phalengettes of fingers has shown the correlations in the system of "minutia-biochemical processes-sex-nosology". Taking psycho-dermal-glythic connections in the disruptions of the metabolic processes has allowed to make a conclusion on the value of the certain minutia combinations for defining the sex of a person by a fragmentary finger print. Therefore, fingerprints contain unique individualizing information on the morpho-functional qualities of a person in general, and on his (her) bio-chemical potential. The modern studies show that characteristics of types and kinds of papillary pictures provide identification, as well as diagnostic, psychological and nosologic correlations. In our study the psycho-dermal-glyphic connections based upon the value of specific elements of papillary patterns serve as diagnostic criteria for the individualization of the personality of a person, who has left the trace. Establishing the bio-chemical potential, presence of neuro-endocrine and dermal glyphic correlations, connection and influence of endocrine disruptions on the behavior optimize the psychological profile and allow to widen its scope with the diagnostic information on the sex of the individual and deceases of the endocrine system of women.
The finger prints, when evaluated within the context of diagnostics of neuro-endocrine pathology, form the object of these studies. The methodological basis for the study was formed with the provisions of the dialectic method, systemic approach towards the description of the psychological profile. In order to achieve the goals of the studies, the author used the general scientific research methods (description, comparison), as well as special methods (statistical analysis, differential analysis, singling out and analysis of integral - integrative correlations). The psycho-dermal-glyphic studies form a novel direction in the forensic diagnosis, reflecting integral-integrative correlations of the object (hand print), subject, sex and nosology. Taking into account the psychogenetic concept that brain is a main neuro-endocrine body, the author has evaluated the correlation between a topological model of the brain structures and the morphology of a finger print (first right, first left) within the context of integrative behavior and specific features of minutia formation, reflecting neuro-endocrine and psycho-dermal-glyphic connections. From the standpoint of innovative approach towards the minutia system, their localization, statistical and morphological peculiarities serve as markers of the neuro-endocrine status of the trace-bearer. Traditionally, the judicial medicine use minutia only for the identification purposes.
Badikov K.N. —
Practical vector of psychodermatoglyphic method in diagnostics of criminal behavior.
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 175 - 191.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.10.9771
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Abstract: Integration of the Russian Federation into the global community is impossible without providing for greater efficiency of crime investigation. Introduction of innovative methods into the forensic tactics is related to the individual approach to personality. An important quality of dermatoglyphic expertise within the trasology framework is their diagnostic vector and the possibility for the formation of psychological profile. The Russian psychological science evaluates the behavior from the psychopathology standpoint or from the standpoint of social and psychological status of a person. The psychodermatoglyphic studies regard deviant behavior within the integral approach to psychological processes and conditions. Evaluating a personality as a complicated integrated system, one may find deviant behavior showing itself in certain dismorphological markers - certain dermatoglyphic characteristics. The said approach shows correlation between biological and social behavior elements (including deviant ones), and it also shows unity of morphology and psychology of a person. As a result, the integration of the "central nervous system - morphology - behavior" gains special value for psychodermatoglyphic expertise, and it is due to functional bilaterization of brain from the standpoints of hemodynamics and specialization of brain hemispheres within the ontogenesis framework.
Badikov K.N. —
Psychodermatoglyphic innovations.
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 9.
– P. 69 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.9.9266
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Abstract: Results of the study of the palm prints allowed to formulate the key diagnostic principle for the formation of a psychological portrait via psychodermatoglyphic method. Comparison and analysis of stereotaxic model of the structures of a human brain when mapping the print of the thumb show integral and integrative correlations and psychodermatoglyphic connections. The palm prints reflect not only material but also ideal information. Individualization of a person is a diagnostic process, forensic part of it is implemented within the framework of trasologic studies, which is related to discernment of characteristic features and conditions of the trace-bearer. Currently the scope of goals of forensic studies is being widened. The forensic diagnostics develop to meet its goals. Psychodermatoglyphic analysis is aimed at the perception of a person with all the variety of its morpho-functional individual characteristics. Integral and integrative connections of dermatoglyphics, organs and systems may only be analyzed within the framework of an interdisciplinary study.
Badikov K.N. —
Psycho-dermal-glyphic analysis in clinical personology of persons with unlawful behavior.
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 7.
– P. 148 - 167.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.7.8823
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Abstract: Taking the brain pathology into account when forming a psychological profile allows us to understand the causes of unlawful behavior. An innovative method of formation of a psychological profile via psycho-dermal-glyphic means requires development of a reflected stereotaxic brain model at a localized area - phalangettes of thumbs. The specific dermal glyphic elements (minutia) serve as diagnostic markers for various psychological conditions and statuses. The scientific literature provides for a vast variety of articles on neurobiological causes of unlawful behavior. Psycho-dermal-glyphic studies unite neurobiological, neuropsychological and psychogenetic study results. The value of psycho-dermal-glyphic method is found in formation of a psychological profile in the conditions when palm prints at a crime scene are minimal. Classification of character accentuations is much similar to the system of psychopaties. The psychodiagnostic practice traditionally provides for the personality accentuations based on complex clinical and experimental - psychological studies. The psycho-dermal-glyphic analysis is performed from the standpoint of integration approach to emotional and sensuous sphere of a person. Development of topical issues in the sphere of aetiology and pathogenesis of brain pathology and its minimal clinical forms draws closer towards forecasting and psychodiagnostics of behavior, unlawful behavior included. The goal of psycho-dermal-glyphic studies is to single out dermal glyphic and psycho dermal glyphic markers of dysembryogenesis of the central nervous system, the congenital brain pathologies and its minimal clinical forms.
Badikov K.N. —
Psycho-dermal-glyphic profile of "serial" murderers.
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 247 - 267.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.5.505
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Abstract: Establishing the leading psychological qualities and conditions via psycho-dermal-glyphic method is a forensic innovation. This method is based upon the psycho-genetic patterns, as reflected in a system of papillary elements. It is established that application of psycho-dermal-glyphic method in crime investigation allows to establish psychological, motoric movement and intellectual characteristics of a person, who has left fingerprints at a crime scene. Minimization of trace prints at a crime scene, growth of drug-related crimes and crimes by persons with psychic and neurologiacl pathologies served as prerequisites for the development of the novel statistic (mathematical) diagnostic and forecasting models within the framework of psycho-dermal-glyphic connections analysis. Examination and analysis of elements of papillary lines in psycho-dermal-glyphic expertise correlates with specific features of mental make-up of a person. Quantity and quality characteristics of papillary lines allow to gain maximum searching information out of minimal prints.
Badikov K.N., Yarovenko V.V. —
Age and Nosological Correlations in Psychodermatoglyphic Researches
// Legal Studies. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
– P. 196 - 217.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2012.5.368
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Abstract: Psychodermatographic method of age determination allows to narrow the circle of suspects. This method is based on the patterns of evolution and involution processes ongoing at the cell level and reflected on papillary pictures: the crests are 'worned out' and fingerprints lose their identification features. It has been established that in the first place the ageing processes are reflected in dermatoglyphics of the first finger on the right and left hands. It is the dermatoglyphics of the first finger which is the genetic marker not only of the brain activities, but also of significant diagnostic criteria of ageing.