Slezin A.A. —
Organization of leisure activities for children and youth as means for preventing legal violations in the early 1960’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 107 - 117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.9.24016
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Abstract: The object of this research is the establishment of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) that celebrates 100th anniversary in 2018. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of organization of leisure activities for children and youth in first half of the 1960’s, when the union practically crossed the “equator” of its historical path. The main sources used in this work as the materials from the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, State Archive of Socio-Political History of Tambov Oblast, as well as the highly classified “Codes of Rules” that initially were distributed in small circulation into the republican and regional Komsomol Committees. The author reviews Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon of the XX century, as well as illustrates that in the time of “Thaw”, the center of attention in activity of the Komsomol organizations was reoriented towards satisfaction of all increasing requests and interests of the entire Soviet youth. In public consciousness, Komsomol was associated with the interesting and valuable organization of leisure activities, which played a substantial role in prevention of legal violations among young men and women.
Vlasova T.A., Slezin A.A. —
Peculiarities of structuring of the Komsomol membership during the 1960’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 87 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.7.23653
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Abstract: The object of this research is the organizations of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol). The subject is the peculiarities of structuring of the Komsomol organization. Chronological framework of the work are limited by the 1960’s, when Komsomol practically got past the “equator” of its historical path. The main sources apply the materials of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, as well as “collections of regulations” that initially were sealed as “top secret” in low circulation into the republican and district committees of Komsomol, and results of surveys of the Komsomol veterans. Using the comparative-historical method, the author draws analogy between the quantitative and qualitative changes in Komsomol of the 1960’s. The article demonstrates that the all-round establishment of Komsomol organization under the particular circumstanced of 1960’s substantiated the amplitude of mobilization abilities of the Komsomol. Rejection of the mass exclusions from Komsomol alongside the rapid easing of regulations regarding the social origin of the entrants, stimulated the bonding of Komsomol with the largest masses of Soviet youth. In addition, the manifestations of formalism in terms of entering the Komsomol, vast number of young men and women who were Komsomol members only on paper, neglecting even the responsibility of paying the fees, contributed into the formation of a negative image of Komsomol among certain part of the youth.
Tarasov Y.S. —
The system of eparchial administration of Voronezh and Tambov eparchies during the period of 1917-1937
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 207 - 229.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.4.22027
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the system of eparchial administration in Voronezh and Tambov eparchies, as well as the processes of its transformation during the early Soviet period. The changes in the Church were taking place under the influence of Soviet authorities; therefore, they cannot be presented separate from the surrounding reality. The daily life of the Church (structure of ecclesiastical subordination, responsibilities of the archpriests, administration of the eparchy, clerical work, etc.) in that specific case should not provoke a feeling of closeness, because it is not isolated from the context of historical research the Church over the period of 1920’s – 1930’s, and in many ways completes them. In conceptual aspect, the author prefers the theoretical positions of the leading researchers of the Russian Orthodox Church M. V. Shkarovsky and archpriest Vladislav Tsypin with regards to the provided by them periodization of the state-ecclesiastical relations, key principles of state religious policy, and formulated essential components (theoretical-ideological and legal grounds, organizational-administrative sub-departments) of historical models of the state church policy. The article is based on the archive sources and represents the reconstruction of the system of ecclesiastical administrative authorities, including personal aspect. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the author is first to examines the question of transformations in the system of eparchial administration during the years of state cataclysms – wars, revolutions, changes in governorates’ administration.
Yakimov K.A. —
Socioeconomic moods of the youth of Tambov Oblast during the period of 1937-1941
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 159 - 176.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.1.20970
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Abstract: This article examines the socioeconomic moods of the youth shortly before the Great Patriotic War. The author analyzes the impact of the Soviet ideology and propaganda upon the process of transformation of the moods of Soviet youth with regards to economic and industrial activity. Special attention is given to examination of the role of Komsomol organizations in development of Stakhanovite movement and high-involvement work practices among the young generation. The author reviews the attitude of young men and women towards the work in collective farms, loan campaigns, socialist property, and changes in labor legislation. The relevance of this topic is justified by the fact that examination of the mechanisms of formation of youth consciousness alongside the impact of Komsomol propaganda, as an element of Soviet ideology upon the character of public moods of young generation, is purposeful for structuring of the youth policy at the present stage, as well as contributes into the fuller coverage of the controversial social processes among youth during the period of intensification of totalitarization of the society. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a comprehensive research of socioeconomic moods of the youth over the period of 1937-1941 for the first time in history.
Vanin V.A., Burakhina O.A. —
Mentoring activity of the Komsomol among children and teenagers during the mid-1950’s
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 67 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.9.19127
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It is a known fact the on October 29, 2015 Russia’s President has signed a decree on the establishment of the all-Russian public organization for children and young people “The Russian Schoolchildren Movement”. As the document claims, the purpose of creation of this organization consists in the “improvement of state policy in the area of upbringing of the growing generation and contribution into formation of personality based on the characteristic to Russian society system of values”. In fact, the Presidential decree completed the discussion on the necessity of restoration of the schoolchildren organization. Due to this fact, the experience of the mentoring activity of the Komsomol organizations, including the years of the early “thaw” is extremely relevant among children and teenagers. The authors examine the Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, determine the factors of its versatile influence upon the students, as well as attempt to generalize the negative and positive experience. The authors used the documents and materials from the State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast, which demonstrated that there were significant changes, a so-called breaking point, in mentoring work with the school students, aimed at meeting the demands of the young citizens of the country. The social life in many of the Komsomol organizations of the students became more interesting and diverse.
Nesterova A.A., Slezin A.A. —
Komsomol as an organizer of the Pioneers’ activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 910 - 920.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.7.16022
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Abstract: The authors thoroughly examine the Komsomol patronage over the Pioneers under the conditions of Khrushchev Thaw. The source basis of the article contains the archive documents, primarily the documents from the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History and State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast. The originally introduced into the scientific discourse documents of the lower-level Pioneer and Komsomol organizations allowed adjusting multiple conclusions of the documents of the higher-level authorities, as well as eliminate the stereotypes established within the historical science. Komsomol is viewed as a certain Soviet “ministry of youth”, interlink between the government, youth, and children. The experience of Komsomol activity and Pioneer organization is being evaluated from human and state perspective. Summarizing the patronage Komsomol activity at the brink of the 1950’s –1960’s the authors determine the increase of its efficiency; there was an active search for the most efficient forms and methods of working with various age groups of Pioneers. At the same time, the success of any initiative completely depended on the subjective factor: wherever there were people capable (not just enthusiastic) to carry out difficult and important tasks, the children living in these towns received an opportunity to not just pass time, but to also acquire rather useful communication skills, and were becoming involved in socially beneficial projects.
Ioshkin M.V., Ovanesyan I.G., Slezin A.A. —
Atheist activity of Komsomol during the Khrushchev Thaw
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 843 - 856.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.6.15907
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the interrelation of the diverse classes of youth with Komsomol, which strived to eliminate the religious moods in the Soviet society. Attention is focused on the examination of the atheistic influence of Komsomol upon youth on the brink of the 1950’s – 1960’s, a period that became crucial in the relations between the church and the state, as well as upbringing of the new generations, which according to the Soviet authorities were destined to live in the era of Communism. One of the main plots of this article is dedicated to the analysis of the activity of Komsomol aimed at separation of the religion from the folk traditions, and their adaptiveness to the tasks of propaganda of the Communist ideology, as well as the Soviet style lifestyle. Komsomol is being viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon of the XX century. In study of the atheistic influence upon the youth, the authors based themselves on the fact that atheism is one of the forms of the freethought with regards to religion, and a rather characteristic element of the spiritual and ethical life. It is demonstrated that atheistic work in Komsomol was primarily aimed not at the struggle against the religious views, but at the consolidation of the atheistic outlook among the members of Komsomol themselves. However, the attempts to completely overcome the religious influence within Komsomol have failed. The Komsomol was leading the youth away from religion not as much by its antireligious work, as much as by its successful cultural-public work, and organization of groups of diverse interests. The broader was impact of the new Soviet culture, the narrower became the influence of the religious culture upon the society.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Socio-political attitudes of the members of Komsomol during the mid-1930’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 36 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.17451
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Abstract: This article analyzes the socio-political moods of Komsomol members over the period of 1934-1936 in the following aspects: assessment of the work of country’s leadership, perception of party’s policy in the village, relation to assassination of S. M. Kirov, and cancellation of the ration stamp. The main sources for this research became the unpublished archive materials from the State Archives of Socio-Political History of Tambov Oblast and Voronezh Oblast. In Komsomol’s history of this little-studied period, the author observes the consistent connection between the economic situation of the country and political attitudes of the youth. The theory of nationalization of Komsomol, according to which Komsomol is considered a peculiar Soviet “youth ministry” or interlink between the state and the youth, became basic for examination of the historical and Komsomol issues. The study of the public moods of the members of Komsomol allows evaluating the socio-cultural phenomenon of Komsomol more objectively. The scientific novelty consists in reframing of the controversial socio-political attitudes of the youth. The author concludes that a significant part of Komsomol members assessed the situation in the country rather critically. But it was dangerous to openly demonstrate such attitude due to the possibility of repressions by the government. The author notes that the mechanisms of repressions were used inside the Komsomol organizations during the mid-1930’s.
Yakimov K.A. —
Peculiarities of the political education in Komsomol during the period of 1937-1938
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 148 - 165.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.5.17469
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Abstract: The relevance of this research is substantiated by the necessity of historical cognition of the role of Komsomol in political education of the youth. Based on the materials of the State Archive of the Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast, this article examines such compositional elements of political upbringing as participation of Komsomol members in the work regarding the struggle against the “public enemy”, well as anti-religious and educational activity of the Komsomol organizations. The author conducts the analysis of the impact of political education upon the formation of specific feature of the Soviet youth, as well as gives assessment to the quality of education in political schools and groups. The article also examines the influence of political upbringing on the character of public moods of the youth, which allows more objectively evaluate the sociocultural phenomenon of the Komsomol. The scientific novelty consists in reframing of the controversial sociopolitical moods of the youth during the most difficult stage in the history of Komsomol. The author underlines the influence of Komsomol organization in the field of political education and upbringing of the young generation upon the establishment of specific features among the Soviet youth.
Slezin A.A. —
“Post-congress syndrome” in Komsomol
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 231 - 239.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.5.20237
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The subject of this research is the situation inside the nationalized youth union – Komsomol after the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Based on the archive materials and documental publications, the author examines the public moods of the Komsomol members, caused by the “debunking” of N. S. Khrushchev and inconsistency of the actions of party leadership during the congress and shortly after. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by a number of circumstances: firstly, the need for a comprehensive study of the experience of formation and specific features of social consciousness of the Soviet youth; secondly, the importance of cognition of the historical role of Komsomol in the process of transformation of public moods of the young generation; thirdly, the pending question on the controversial role of the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union regarding the evolution of political culture of the Soviet society. Komsomol is being viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon. Big importance consists in recognition of the bases of the concept of I. M. Ilyinsky, who emphasized the necessity to form among the young generation the ability to survive, develop and grow spiritually, but not retrograde. The scientific novelty is associated with focusing attention of the manifestations of trends towards diversion from traditionalism at Komsomol sessions and conferences of the late 1950’s. Special attention is turned to an acute reaction of the party and Komsomol leadership upon the originating strive for destruction of Komsomol’s monopoly in the youth movement of the country.
Yakimov K.A. —
A “brief course of the history of All-Union Communist Party” as a factor of evolution of public moods of the youth of the late 1930’s
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 51 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.19647
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Abstract: This article examines the main components of propaganda of the study of the “Brief course of the history of All-Union Communist Party ” inside the organization, as well as among the youth outside the union in Tambov Oblast. The author analyzed the fundamental methods of the study of the “Brief course” among the young generation, as well as the attitude of young men and women towards the history of the All-Union Communist Party, and the consequences of the influence of the falsified history upon the consciousness and public moods of the youth. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the necessity to cover the historical role of Komsomol in propagandaof the “Brief course of the history of All-Union Communist Party” in the youth environment, as well as the importance of considering the experience of establishment of public consciousness in the conditions of the cult of personality. The geographical framework of the research include the territory of Tambov Oblast. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the study of the attitude of the youth towards the “Brief course of the history of All-Union Communist Party” is built upon the resource base of the State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast. The author makes a conclusion that the examination of the “Brief course of the history of All-Union Communist Party” produced a significant effect upon the establishment of mass interest of the youth in the reading of the history of the All-Union Communist Party, behind which there was often the lack of need for studying the “Stalin encyclopedia”.
Ovanesyan I.G. —
Upbringing of the youth based on the revolutionary traditions in the practice of Komsomol of the late 1950’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 107 - 121.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.4.19694
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Abstract: This article makes an attempt to determine from the current perspective the reason why particularly in the late 1950’s we can observe a growing interest of the Komsomol leadership towards the upbringing of the youth based on revolutionary traditions, as well as define its specificities and in which way such experience can be didactic. Special attention is given to the establishment of military-patriotic upbringing as one of the priority directions in the activity of Komsomol, and propaganda of the advanced practices in unity with respect to the revolutionary past. The work of the Komsomol is assessed primarily from the government and general human positions. Komsomol is being views as the original Soviet “department of youth affairs”, interlink between the government and the youth. It is demonstrated that in the 1950’s Komsomol has established a new approach: to revive the memory of the past of fathers, mothers, and brothers was the foremost responsibility of each initial Komsomol organization, as well as each district or municipal committee of Komsomol. The author believes that the principle of unity of educating the youth based on the traditions of the past, heroic spirit of the present, and ideals of the future in many aspects remains relevant even today. At the same time, it is highlighted that turning to the past, we should focus not on the destructive, but constructive traditions.
Slezin A.A. —
“United by the common cause?” (Towards the understanding of sociocultural phenomenon of Komsomol)
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 90 - 99.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.20076
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the impact of the World Festival of Youth and Students of 1957 and the Stilyagi movement upon the activity of the Komsomol. Having studied the archive materials along with the memories of the veterans as former members of Komsomol and the participants of the informal youth movement, the author overviews the established within the historical science stereotypes. The relevance of this material in many ways is connected with the upcoming in 2017 World Festival of Youth and Students and 100th Anniversary of the Komsomol (October 29, 2018). The experience of the work of the most influential and mass organization within the Russian history is being assessed from the general human and national perspectives. It is demonstrated that despite the hopes of the party and Komsomol leadership, the attitude of the regular members of Komsomol towards the Stilyagi movement was rather ambiguous. The direct measures of the Komsomol members against the Stilyagi movement at times just aroused interest towards the forbidden among the rest of the youth. The implementation into the Soviet daily life of the Western lifestyle elements encouraged Komsomol lean towards an aesthetic upbringing. The Moscow Festival of Youth and Sudents destroyed the stereotype image of a foreigner in the eyes of the youth even more. The festival is assesses as one of the very first lessons of democracy. The author underlines that there were prerequisites for the formation of dissenting views among the participants of the Komsomol themselves.
Bredikhin V.E. —
Regulation of the composition of Komsomol in the late 1930’s – the early 1940’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 186 - 208.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.4.20229
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the policy of regulation of the composition of Komsomol during the prewar years as a way of strengthening of social and human resource base of Stalin’s dictatorship. The author examines the peculiarities of the enrollment into the union, as well as the institution of exclusion from Komsomol as the means of increasing of the quality of its composition. In the context of regulation of the composition of Komsomol, the author analyzes the purges of the “Great Terror” period of 1937-1938. For the first time in the new historiography of the strengthening of the regime of Stalin’s dictatorship, the author analyzes the practice of regulation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the union in the late 1930’s through the mechanism of inclusion/exclusion of its members. The practice of inclusion of the late 1930’s significantly differed from the preceding period: the majority of the enrolled was comprised not by the labor people, but the students, which contributed into the growth of educational potential of the union. The mass inclusion of the youth produced a well-known negative effect: in form of increase of the portion of passive members, which decreased the organizational-executive quality of the Komsomol as the assistant of the party. The sanction policy in the union primarily supported the government interests, which substantiated the high percentage of exclusion of the Komsomol members based on political grounds.
Shitova A.A. —
Organizational growth of Komsomol as a way of antireligious propaganda and fight for the new society (based on the materials of North Caucasus Krai)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 205 - 233.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.3.17438
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Abstract: This article examines the formation, development, and change of the Soviet State youth policy in the late 1920’s associated with the antireligious struggle in the North Caucasus Krai. The foundation for this research became the materials of mass media, Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History, Stavropol Krai State Archive of Contemporary History, published materials of partisan and Komsomol sessions and conferences, as well as the works of the modern scholars in this field. The author reviews Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, determines the factors of its multi-directional influence upon the society, and attempts to generalize the positive and the negative experience. Based on the conducted analysis of the antireligious policy, the author formulates the following conclusion: due to the political events of the 1920’s, taking into consideration the local peculiarities and specific conditions of the North Caucasus Krai, one of the most efficient ways in the fight against religion alongside the political control over youth, became the mass involvement of the youth into formal social groups – voluntary communities, and especially Komsomol. The involvement into such groups allowed distracting the youth from the traditional activities and religion by decreasing the portion of their free time; and what is most important, it allowed supervising their behavior through public efforts and obligatory communication within the framework of the organization.
Shchuplenkov N.O. —
Educational concepts of Komsomol and the Russian Student Christian Movement: common and different
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 98 - 125.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.17539
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the two major ideological directions in the Russian history – Communist, the representatives of which in the youth movement was Komsomol, and Christian, presented by the Russian Student Christian Movement (RSCM) in persecution. Both of them played an important role in development of strategic directions in the spiritual and cultural life of the Soviet society and the Russian community in persecution. The educational concepts of Komsomol and RSCM were the product of the intellectual activity of the prominent figures within the Communist and Christian movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré. In the author’s opinion, a comparative analysis of the educational concepts of Komsomol and the Russian Student Christian Movement leads us to understanding of the sociocultural phenomenon of Komsomol, which celebrates its centennial anniversary in 2018. The youth socio-political unions, the work of which is being studied during the period of 1918-1930’s – Komsomol and RSCM – could be distinguished by the following characteristics: religiousness and atheism, individualism and collectivism, separatism and openness, and others.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Dekulakization in the Central Black Earth Region at the brink of the 1920’s – 1930’s: the role of Komsomol
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 42 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.3.17574
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Abstract: This article examines the role of Komsomol organizations in dekulakization of the Russian peasantry in the late 1920’s – early 1930’s. Mechanism of youth participation in elimination of the kulaks as a social class is being revealed. The author demonstrates the contradictory attitude of the members of Komsomol towards this campaign, as well as examines the causes of attempt on the life of members of Komsomol by peasants. The geographical frameworks of this research contain the territory of Central Black Earth Region of RSFSR. The materials and documents from the State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast comprised the foundation for this article. Special attention is given to the analysis of documents of the initial Komsomol organizations, which allows the author to determine the peculiarities of their activity and the attitudes of the regular members of the union, as well as to better understand the sociocultural phenomenon of Komsomol. On the author’s opinion, the significant role of Komsomol in dekulakization is justified by the multiple facts of attempts on life and murders of the Komsomol members, as well as by presence of the big portion of the representatives of the poorest strata of the peasantry. The reputation of Komsomol in the villages was significantly undermined. The terms and the methods of conducting of campaign (later condemned) were dictated to Komsomol by the higher authorities. The active efforts of Komsomol were accompanied by constant threats of being excluded from the union. But majority of the Komsomol members did not support the idea of class warfare and preferred to remain neutral. A small part of the youth had openly protested the anti-peasantry policy of the party.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Regulatory factors of the social composition of Komsomol during the 1931-1935
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 126 - 136.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.17789
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Abstract: This article explores the following regulatory factors of the social composition of Komsomol during the 1931-1935: collectivization, struggle for a multimillion union, and strengthening of the proletarian core. The source base for this article consists of the unpublished archive materials from the funds of the State Archive of the Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast, State Archive of Tambov Oblast, and State Archive of Sociopolitical history of Voronezh Oblast. This work is prepared on the materials of the Central Black Earth Oblast of the RSFSR. The author sees Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, and attempts to generalize both, the positive, as well the negative experience. The base theory for studying the Komsomol historical issues is the theory of governmentalization of Komsomol: the union is viewed as the chain link between the state and the youth. In the history of Komsomol of this little-studied period, the author sees a steady connection between the political party and the criteria of social selection of candidates for Komsomol. The author makes a conclusion that by the mid 1930’s the leading factors of regulation of the social composition of Komsomol organizations were working or kolkhoz background, loyalty to the “general party line”, and political savvy. Strict regulation of the class composition produced negative influence on the quality of the work of Komsomol.
Yakimov K.A. —
Public moods among youth during the period of mass political repressions of the late 1930’s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 234 - 251.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.3.18907
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Abstract: This research is dedicated to the problem of examination of the public moods specificity among the Soviet youth throughout the years of mass political repressions of the late 1930’s. The article thoroughly explores the components of Komsomol propaganda during the years of the “Great Purge”, analyses its influence upon the consciousness of young men and young ladies, as well as reveals the causes of mass participation and support of political repressions by the youth. The relevance of this topic is justified by a number of circumstances: firstly, the necessity for a comprehensive study of the experience of formation of peculiar features of public consciousness among youth during the period of totalitarian regime, including the years of the “Great Purge”; secondly, the importance of understanding of the historical role of Komsomol and Komsomol propaganda in the process of transformation of public moods of the young generation. Scientific novelty is substantiated by the fact that for the first time the study of the influence of political repressions upon the character of public moods among youth in the late 1930’s is conducted based on the materials from the State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast. The author demonstrates that the atmosphere of overall suspiciousness encouraged the distortion of the actual moral and ethical values, but nevertheless, comes to a conclusion, that the youth was far from being monolithic. The article illustrates the multiple examples of defense of one’s opinion.
Ovanesyan I.G. —
Cults of Lenin and Stalin in Komsomol of the 1950’s
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.3.19493
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the policy and public work of Komsomol and manifestations of the cults of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin during its implementation in the 1950’s. The author examines their influence upon the political culture of the Soviet youth. Special attention is given to the manifestations of cult in literature and visual art. At the same time, the author took into consideration the specificity of the youth consciousness justified by the age, as well as by the status of youth as a social group. It is highlighted that as a rule, young men and women stood out in their lack of life goals, indecisiveness of social orientations, and incompleteness of the process of formation of their own ideology. The Komsomol is being viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon. It is demonstrated that in fight against cult of personality, Komsomol (as well as the government) was not consistent. Not denying the direction of disenchantment of the personality cult itself, in the late 1950’s, Komsomol more often expressed intolerance towards the supporters of a radical rejection from the cult political behavior. Unlike the previous years, Lenin’s cult did not serve as an instrument of strengthening the cult of Stalin, but rather contributed into the strengthening of the Komsomol political leadership, as well as added “sacredness” to the political regime.
Ovanesyan I.G. —
Style of the work of Komsomol organizations of the 1950’s as a factor of evolution of political culture of the Soviet youth
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 110 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.3.19520
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Abstract: This article makes an attempt to comprehensively evaluate the style of the work Komsomol organizations of the 1950’s and its impact upon the political culture of Soviet youth. In the author’s opinion, the study of the political culture of the society during one of the pivotal stages of historical development alongside the clarification of the factors influencing its formation, creates the prerequisites for the establishment of high culture of political relations as a sign of civil society, as well as for their rationalization and intellectualization. This material increases its relevance due to the 100th anniversary of the Communist Union of Youth. Komsomol is being viewed as a peculiar Soviet “ministry of youth”, a so-called interlink between the government and the youth. The research demonstrates that many negative trends in life of the union have not been determined even at the end of a decade. The triumph of bureaucratic tendencies in Komsomol contributed into manifestations of nihilism within the youth environment, youth’s disbelief in their own strength, as well as indifference towards everything. The style of the Komsomol activity encouraged the entrenchment of double standards among youth, the difference between the words and actions, official and daily behavior. At the same time, the author notes the rise of tendencies which overall played a positive role in formation of the youth’s political culture in the life of Komsomol, such as: strengthening of the elements of self-governance; riddance of the campaigns against “public enemy”; criticism of welfare mentality; rejection from the practice of mass transference of Komsomol personnel; consideration of age peculiarities of the youth; increase of attention towards organization of leisure among the members of Komsomol and the youth.
Ioshkin M.V. —
The True Orthodox Christians in Tambov Oblast: influence on the youth at the brink of the 1950’s – o 1960’s
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 223 - 231.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.2.12316
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Abstract: The fight for the youth has always been very important for the political and religious unions, being in essence the fight for their future. Due to this fact, the study of the influence of the True Orthodox Christians on the youth during the “Khrushchev’s attack” on the church is quite interesting, particularly because namely the activity of the True Orthodox Christians was most noticeable among the unregistered religious unions at this point in time. Even though the territorial frameworks of the research are limited by the region of Tambov Oblast, its typicality allows extrapolating the majority of the results onto the history of almost entire Central Russia. At the same time, the regional localization lets us to clarify many conclusions by thoroughly examining the processes and phenomena. The author also tried to consider the fact that Tambov Krai traditionally is referred as one of the main forms of the Russian religious sectarianism. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is a first special research dedicated to the comprehensive examination based on the materials of Tambov Oblast of how the True Orthodox Christians, the True Orthodox Church, and the hesychasts affected the youth during the period of 1958-1964.
Shchuplenkov N.O. —
Role of party control in the Communist youth unions of the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia (1918-1924)
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 175 - 195.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.15256
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Abstract: This article examines the problems of establishment of ideological concepts of the youth policy of the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia during the 1918-1924. The author analyses the peculiarities if the role of Communist parties in realization of the resolutions of their program documents within the youth environment. The need for using a comparative method in order to review the issue of establishment of the youth policy is being revealed. Based on the conducted research, the author proposes to highlight the organizational and methodological approaches towards development of the youth movements in the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russian during the period of 1918-1924. The author reviews Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, determines the factors of its versatile influence upon the society, and attempts to generalize its positive and negative experience, and compare it with the experience of the German youth union. A brief characteristic is given to the German Youth Communist Union and All-Union Leninist Young Communist League at its initial stages of development; main characteristics of the common and diverse in the development of the ideological doctrine are being formulated. It is demonstrated that in both, Germany and Russia, party control became the foundation of the functionality of the emerging connections between the youth organizations and the leading parties.
Ippolitov V.A. —
The system of political enlightenment in Komsomol in the first half of the 1930’s
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 196 - 225.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17586
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Abstract: This article examines the system if political enlightenment in the first half of the 1930’s, as well as the forms, methods, tasks, and results of the political education within the youth union. The author thoroughly reviews the flaws of the political education: weak propaganda campaign, “seasonal work”, insufficient material base, etc. The ways of work organization, their methodological provision, and the attitude of Komsomol members towards education is demonstrated. During the course of this research, the author used the materials from the State Archives of the Socio-Political History of Tambov Oblast and Voronezh Oblast; the article is prepared based on materials of the Central Black Earth Oblast. The theory of governmentalization of Komsomol, when the union is viewed as interlink between the government and the youth, became fundamental for the study of the historical Komsomol issues. Political enlightenment is studied as an imperative part of the system of party control over Komsomol. The author illustrates the reorientation of political education within Komsomol in favor of carrying out of predominantly educational functions. The conclusion is made that in the province, the effectiveness of political education remained low. The system of political education did not provide comprehensive knowledge, rather raised obedient executors of the party’s directives. The political education encouraged further “dogmatization” of the young generation.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Fight against the “foreign” in the youth union as an element of the system of political control over Komsomol organizations during the early 1930’s
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 262 - 272.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.1.17232
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Abstract: This article analyzes the regulation of social membership of Komsomol in the first half of 1930’s. This process is examines as a comprising element of the political control over Komsomol organizations. In the history of Komsomol of this little-studied period, the author sees a typical connection between the party’s policy with the criteria of social selection of those who enters the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. The main sources for this work became the unpublished archive materials from the State Archives of the Public Political History of Voronezh Oblast and Tambov Oblast. The study of the aspects of sanctions policy in Komsomol was conducted by taking into account the state character of this organization. The author comes to the conclusion that in the first half of the 1930’s, there was observed class cleansing of the union, as well as the gradual fight of the party against the “theory of rehabilitation of the young kulaks” in the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. The author demonstrates that a harsh regulation of the class membership had a negative effect upon the quality of work of the Komsomol.
Shchuplenkov N.O. —
Role of the government in organization of the work of Komsomol in Soviet Russia and of the Russian student unions among white émigré (1917-1920’s)
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 23 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.1.17501
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Abstract: The ideological doctrine of the modern Russia in the area of youth policy is characterized by the search of the optimal variants of organization of the adjoin cooperation of the government and society. The Russian young generation feels a need for development of the certain actions for the effective establishment of the dialogue with the authorities. We can observe a drastic reformation of the mechanisms of government influence upon education of the young generation in all spheres of social life. New economic, political, social, and spiritual institutions are being formed; their activity is aimed at coordination of efforts of the government and society. In this situation, turning to the historical experience of the establishment of youth policy in the Soviet Russia and student movement among white émigré becomes clear. Comparative analysis of the socio-political status and peculiarities of the work of Komsomol and student unions in other countries allowed examining the mechanisms of correlation between the government and youth communities on the stages of their conception. The young generation comprised a significant part of population, which was able and ready to work. And on their work and political activity, as well as on the attitude towards the government, depended the wellbeing and future prosperity of the country. Both, the Komsomol and student unions became an experimental platform for preparation of new personnel.
Slezin A.A. —
Organizational-theoretical foundations of the formation of the Komsomol monopoly in the youth movement of the Soviet Russia
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1611 - 1626.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.12.15574
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Abstract: In order to determine the organizational-theoretical foundations of the unification of the youth movement in Soviet Russia, the author meticulously studied the materials from the congresses and conferences of the Communist Party and Komsomol, legislative acts of the USSR and the RSFSR, speeches of the party and Komsomol leaders, as well as the edicts of the plenums of the Central Committees of the Russian Communist Party and the All-Union Communist Party. Based on the documents mostly kept in the Russian state archive of socio-political history and achievements of modern Russian historiography, the author presents the historical-legal research that demonstrates the key factors of the formation of monopoly of the Communist youth union. A special attention is given to the theoretical foundations of the correlation between Komsomol and Scouts, cultural-educational and religious youth unions, as well as the Russian social-democratic union of working youth. The author discovers the prerequisites of extrusion of rustic and student alternatives to Komsomol from the Russia’s youth movement.
Doroshina M.M., Slezin A.A. —
Functional transformation of the body of first secretaries of the regional, municipal, and district committees of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Tambov region during the “Perestroika”
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 182 - 207.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.12.1584
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Abstract: This article is prompted by the 30-year anniversary of the “Perestroika”. The object of the research is the first secretaries of the regional, municipal, and district committees of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) of Tambov region during the period of 1985-1991. The subject of the research is the main stages of social evolution of the body of first secretaries of the regional committees of Komsomol, as well as the ideological and organizational aspects of its establishment and activity. From the authors’ perspective, it allows us to determine the organizational prerequisites of the successful and crisis moments of the work of Komsomol, drastically change the perception of the image of the Soviet youth leaders, and help the modern public communities, political parties, and government facilities to develop an effective youth policy. Tambov Oblast represents a typical region in central part of Russia. The traditional to Soviet system forms and methods of human resource policy were implemented in the region. Thus the study of the history of the regional Komsomol organization allows projecting multiple results of the research upon the history of other regions. The method of prosopography – creation of collective biographies and determination of a certain circle of people by means of similar questions, is being used in the course of this work. The authors closely follow the point of view of Lawrence Stone, who believed that prosopography is the investigation of the general characteristics of the historical actors that pertains to two key issues: 1) the way they implemented the political acts; 2) the ways and versions of social mobility and realization of their career goals. In order to compile the collective portrait of the Komsomol officials of the late USSR, the authors analyze personal cases stored in the state archives of the socio-political history of the Tambov Oblast.
Shchuplenkov N.O. —
Political control of the Communist and Labor Parties over the youth communities of the socialist states of the 1960’s through the early 1980’s
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 164 - 181.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.12.1697
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of development of the Communist ideology of the youth movements in a number of Western European countries, Central and Southeast Asia, and Cuba. Claim is made that the beginning of the establishment of a society based on the Communist ideas coincided with the transformation of consciousness of the young generations towards the socio-political discourse of the development of national identity. The author attempts to determine the link between these two processes. Based on the brief historico-analytical insight that describes the chronological frameworks of the attempts of the governments of the aforementioned countries to build a “developed socialist” society, a conclusion is made that political control over the youth movements in these countries carried a form of mentorship and ideological effect upon the economic, political, social, and spiritual life of the society. The author also formulates a thesis about the correlation between the party leadership of a particular country with the international Communist labor movement. Among thetheoretical results of this research are the following: 1. Clarification of the notion of political control over the youth movements and its effectiveness within the existed forms of government structure; 2. Grand scale character of the ideological doctrines and predominance of the Communist idea over others; 3. A fairly developed organizational and functional apparatus of the political control; 4. Successive character of organizational and practical activity within the youth movements.
Ippolitov V.A. —
The Komsomol “Light Cavalry” raids of 1934-1935 as means of developing social activity among the youth
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 11.
– P. 168 - 181.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.11.1678
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Abstract: This article presents the analysis of the activity of the Komsomol “Light Cavalry” in the middle of the 1930’s, and examines the structure and work of this branch of Komsomol. The main sources for this article were the unpublished archive materials from the State Archive of Socio-Political History of Voronezh Oblast (SASPHVO), as well as the materials from the “Molodoy Kommunar” newspaper from the 1930’s. Within the history of Komsomol during this little-studied period, the author examines the cooperation of this youth organization and the state apparatus, and systematically studies the activity of the “Light Cavalry” of the Komsomol in the fight against bureaucracy and mismanagement. The theory of governmentalization of Komsomol became the basis for studying the historical Komsomol issues: Komsomol is being viewed as the Soviet “Youth Ministry”; the link between the state and the youth. The experience of the Komsomol activity of being assessed from the general public and state positions. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the reexamination of the experience of the Communist Youth League in getting youth to actively participate in social activity. The author concludes the “Light Cavalry” raids (with all its negative aspects) have overall brought substantial positive results.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Komsomol Members in Kolkhozes: contradictory results of the activities in the first half of the 1930-s
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1176 - 1185.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.9.15093
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Abstract: The article analyses the activity of the provincial Komsomol organisations in the sphere of strengthening of kolkhozes in the first half of the 1930-s. The following activities of the members of the communistic union of youth are considered: development of crop agriculture and animal husbandry, socialist competition, cleansings of kolkhozes from "alien" elements. Unpublished archival materials from the funds of the State Archive of Socio-political History of the Tambov Region (SASPHTR) became the main sources for article. In the history of Komsomol of this low-studied period the author sees both the huge creative capacity of Komsomol, and also opposing features of activity. The basis for the study of historical Komsomol problems was the theory of governmentalisation of Komsomol, according to which Komsomol is considered as a peculiar Soviet "ministry of youth", a linchpin between the state and the youth. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the reconsideration of the role of provincial Komsomol in the development of the kolkhoz system in the beginning of 1930-s. As a result of the research the author comes to a conclusion that Komsomol members played a significant role in consolidation of the kolkhoz system. In general, the results of the activity of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League organisations in the villages were ambiguous: along with useful undertakings there were also cleansings, whistleblowing and extremist behaviour.
Nesterova A.A. —
The Role of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in Organising the Labour Nurturing of Pupils in the Late 1950s - Early 1960s
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1076 - 1087.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.8.15987
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Abstract: The subject of the research is comprised by the relationship between the Young Communist organisations and the governmental bodies of popular education, primary and secondary schools, as well as different categories of population involved in the processes of labour nurturing of pupils. Special attention is paid to studying the role of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the implementation of the state course for "consolidating the connection between school and life". In the author's opinion, the relevance of studying the historical experience of labour nurturing is connected with the fact that innovative development of Russian society requires active involvement of modern pupils in the economic life of the country.
The main theory for the examination of historical Young Communist problems was the theory of governmentalisation of the Young Communist League: the Young Communist League is considered as a specific Soviet "Ministry of Youth", serving as a linchpin between the state and the youth. The experience of the Young Communist League activities is evaluated prom human and state point of view. The author draws the following conclusion: although the Young Communist organisations often faced the tasks that obviously could not be fully performed, in general, the results of the activity of the Young Communist League in the field of labour nurturing of pupils in the late 1950s - early 1960s should be admitted to be helpful from the point of view of both national and public interests.
Yakimov K.A. —
The Image of the 'Enemy of the People' in the Komsomol Propaganda of 1937
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 65 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.7.15642
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Abstract: The subject of this study is the Komsomol propaganda forming the image of an "enemy of the people" as well as the perception of the image in the ranks of the Young Communist League and non-union youth in 1937. In his study Yakimov has examined the constituents of the collective image of the "enemy of the people" in the Komsomol propaganda. On the basis of documents from the "Komsomol" funds of the State Archive of Socio-Political History of Tambov region (GASPITO), the researcher has described the mechanism of formation of the image of the "enemy of the people" among young people, analyzed the main reasons for the prosecution, revealed the effects of kinship and ideological ties with persons who were declared the "enemies of the people." The methods used in this historic study can be divided into the following two groups: the group of general scientific methods that includes description, analysis, synthesis, generalizatio and deduction; the group of specific historical methods that includes the concrete historical, comparative historical and retrospective methods. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that the study of the image of "the enemy of the people" was conducted on the resource-based archival documents of the Komsomol. It is shown that one of the key aspects of ideological propaganda in the Komsomol was the concept of the "enemy of the people". In that period that name was given to many of the former leaders of the Bolshevik Party as well as of the countries with fascist regimes. The Komsomol propaganda greatly contributed to the consolidation of the Soviet youth for the purpose of fighting against "enemies of the people" and to the strengthening of repressive policies in many Komsomol organizations.
Bredikhin V.E. —
Processing industry in Tambov Oblast during the period of 1941-1945
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 393 - 419.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.15632
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Abstract: Based on the example of functioning of Tambov Oblast processing branches of industry, the author gives evaluation to the efficiency of the planned-centralized economy in the conditions of the wartime. The object of this research is the combination of branches of light and food industries that belong to the industry group B, the strategic importance of which during the wartime consisted in the food and clothes supply of the army and fabric-factory population of the base. A special attention is given to the questions of local subordination as the only source of supply of the local population throughout the war. The authors examines the industrial base potential, difficulties of economic restructuring of the real sector and the ways to overcome them, as well as the results of carrying out the government projected tasks. This article is first to analyze on the example of the materials of Tambov Oblast the effect of the government industrial policy during the period of “socialistic reconstruction of economy” upon the work of the Soviet processing industry under the conditions of the Great Patriotic War. The author makes a conclusion on the complete retargeting of the processing branches towards the supply of the battle needs; their objective incapability to carry out government projected tasks and meet the needs of the local population with the living essentials due to human resources, material-technical, as well as mineral and fuel issues; negative influence upon the industrial indexes in the light and food sectors of the prewar industrial policy of the government aimed at stimulating the heavy industry branches.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Komsomol Members in Grain Procurement Campaign of 1930
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 123 - 138.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.5.15312
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Abstract: In the present article the role of the Komsomol organizations in carrying out the grain procurement campaign of 1930 is investigated. The author considers Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, reveals factors of its versatile influence on the society and tries to summarize both positive and negative experience in that sphere. The author focuses on participation of young people in compulsory withdrawal of bread from peasants. Based on the case study of the Central Black Earth Oblast (CBEO) the contradictory attitude of Komsomol members to procuring policy of the state is shown. Special attention is paid to cases of performances and speeches of Komsomol members against grain collection. Evolution of the mechanism of grain collection is also traced. Objectivity of the author's approach was shown in his aspiration to overcome ideological stereotypes both in studying the social and economic situation and Komsomol, in his search for methods of historiographic analysis allowing to overcome biased submission of information in official documents. As a result of the research the author comes to a conclusion that the compelled participation of Komsomol members in grain procurement campaign created the opposition between them and other people living in the village. The party used the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League to perform political campaigns and thus putting young people in line of fire. Passive behavior of young people in carrying out this campaign was the most widespread form of resistance to the plunderous policy.
Slezin A.A. —
Sister Regions: Remembering a Historical Phenomenon
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 609 - 612.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.5.15340
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Abstract: The article reviews the collection of documents "Tambov — Tolna: sister regions. 1971-1989", edited for publication by the Soviet-Hungarian team consisting of Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Tambov State G.R. Derzhavin University A.G. Ayrapetov, Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the Tambov state technical university G. M. Drobzheva, and the initiator of the project, the head of Archival Institute of Hungary in Moscow, doctor Attila Sheresh. From the point of view of the reviewer, the collection helps to objectively estimate the exchange of know-hows of the staff of enterprises, educational institutions, parties, trade unions, sport and cultural organisations, as well as to characterise the activity of the regional organisation of all-Union Society of the Soviet-Hungarian friendship. With the help of the materials of the collection, the author of the article is trying to remind of the positive features of the sociocultural phenomenon of sister regions in the former socialist countries. The author reveals the gnostic value of information contained in the documents of party bodies, reports of the delegations of labor collectives, and public organisations of two regions published in the collection. The article especially highlights the significance of the documents demonstrating the attempts to increase the efficiency of sister connections in the second half of the 1980s, unravelling the history of the youth movement.
Ioshkin M.V. —
Unregistered religious congregations of Tambov Oblast: their influence upon youth (1958-1964)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 416 - 445.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.5.15787
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Abstract: The fight for youth always had high priority among the political, as well as religious communities, because it was considered as the fight for their future. Thus, it would be interesting to study the influence upon youth of such communities as the Subbotnik Jews, Khlysts, Molokan, and other officially unregistered groups. Analysis of the activity of the devotees of the untraditional religions in Tambov Oblast during the period of so-called “Khrushchev’s campaign against the Church” is first and foremost based on the materials of the Scientific Research Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the authorized representative of the Religious Cults Council of Tambov Regional Executive Committee. Method of retrospective inquiry was used to determine the prime causes of the activity of the religious communities during the researched period of time. For the first time the spectrum of recently declassified documents from the State Archive of the Socio-Political History of Tambov Oblast is introduced to the scientific discussion. The author comes to a conclusion that barely surviving themselves, all of the small religious congregations were still trying to increase their influence upon youth. Members of the illegal congregations were using the extremist calls that carried anti-governmental and anti-social sentiment. The distinctive feature of these religious groups was their orientation towards the social transformation of public.
Bredikhin V.E. —
Problem of mobilization of finances of the Russian village during the World War I (1914-October of 1917) within the modern Russian historiography
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 365 - 382.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.5.16334
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This essay presents the analysis of modern Russian historiography of the state fiscal policy and the local self-governance with regards to agricultural manufacturers during the period of the World War I. The object of this research became the conclusions of the scholars on various aspects of fiscal policy: tax structure; mechanism of collection of taxes; government projects on improving tax system; methods of carrying out tax campaigns; reaction of peasantry upon tax policy during the war period; fiscal role of peasant land community; socio-economic importance of tax reforms of 1916-1917; influence of the 1917 revolution upon tax discipline in the village. Scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for systematization of the latest scientific results in the conditions of the increased attention of the scholars to the issues of economic history of the WWI associated with its 100th anniversary. The author makes a conclusion on a low level of scientific attention of the modern Russian researches-agrarians towards the problems of taxation of peasants in Russia during the WWI; the fundamental scientific material is contained in the works on financial and tax history of Russia.
Bredikhin V.E. —
Expulsion as a sanctioned measure of regulating the composition of the Komsomol during the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945: a study in comparative analysis
// History magazine - researches. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 595 - 604.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2015.5.17000
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the sanction features of the human resource policy of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) during the period of the Great Patriotic War. The author’s attention is focused on the extreme form of corporate sanctions – expulsion, which is examined as part of the regulating mechanisms of the group’s quality and quantity composition consisting of the civilian Komsomol under the conditions of membership shortages in 1941–1945. The author presents a comparative time-spatial analysis of the sanction mechanisms’ work of expelling members during the pre-War period and during the war, on the scale of the whole USSR and on the regional level, while identifying the differences in implementation practices and reasons of substantiation. The study of the sanction policy in the Komsomol is carried out considering the governmental nature of this organisation. The article’s methodology is primarily based on the use of the historical-comparative method, including synchronic and diachronic material analysis, as well as the method of statistical data processing. In presenting the material the author adheres to the principle of historism. The article’s scientific novelty lies in its comparative examination of the questions of the sanction policy of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League during the period of the Great Patriotic War on the basis of modern methodological approaches. The sanction policy of the Komsomol during the period of the Great Patriotic War was accompanied by an absolute and a relative reduction of the proportion of expelled members in the total body of the Komsomol compared to the pre-War period, which is explained by the aim of the Komsomol authorities to maintain to the highest degree the organisational and executive potential of the organisation under the conditions of a precipitous reduction of its number and the complication of its functional responsibilities. The nature of expulsion during the period of war demonstrates the organisation’s direct link with law enforcement standards and with the objectives of strengthening social stability among the civilian population.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Regulation of social structure of the Komsomol organization of the Central Black Earth Oblast at the initial stage of thorough collectivization
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 226 - 242.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.5.17235
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Abstract: The author examines the following factors of regulation of social structure of Komsomol in the early 1930’s: collectivization, fight against “centering” of the union, strengthening of the brotherly-proletarian core. In the history of Komsomol of this little-studied period, the author notices a legitimate connection between the policy of the party and the criteria of social selection of those who entered the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. The author comes to a conclusion that in the early 1930’s that the ideal characteristics of the members of Komsomol were considered proletarian-poor descent, commitment to the “general line of the party”, as well as membership in the collective farm (kolkhoz). The main sources for this article became the unpublished archive materials from the funds of State Archives of Public Political History of Voronezh Oblast and Tambov Oblast. It is demonstrated that the strict regulation of the party’s structure according to the class affiliation negatively affected the quality of the work of Komsomol. The scientific novelty consists in the reframing of the importance of social selection in the youth communist union.
Nesterova A.A. —
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 423 - 433.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.4.14967
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Abstract: The object of research is made by relationship of the Komsomol organizations with government bodies of national education, initial and average educational institutions, and also various categories of the population involved in processes of realization of reforms of school education, and also problems of general education in the early sixties. On materials of the Tambov region are shown as the huge efforts made by the state and the Komsomol organizations in development of evening education, and failure, a contradiction in activity of evening and correspondence schools of the region. For studying of historical and Komsomol problems the theory of nationalization of Komsomol became basic: the Komsomol is considered as peculiar Soviet "the ministry of youth", a link between the state and youth. Experience of activity of Komsomol is estimated from universal and state positions. Recognition of bases of the concept of education of viable generations of I.M. Ilyinsky also was of great importance for an objective assessment of a contribution of Komsomol in development of national education Considering that in general practice of national education didn't meet the ripened requirements, the author, nevertheless, notes high achievements in development of "schools for adults" and a major role of Komsomol in performance of the major economic task.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Activity of Komsomol as a factor of strengthening of a collective-farm system in the first half 1930 – x years
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 408 - 422.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.4.15042
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Abstract: In article activity of provincial Komsomol in area organizationally – economic strengthening of collective farms in the first half of the 1930th is analyzed. The following activities of members of the union are considered: elimination of an obezlichka, piecework introduction, strengthening of a brigade form of the organization of work. For studying of historical and Komsomol problems the theory of nationalization of Komsomol according to which the Komsomol is considered as peculiar Soviet "the ministry of youth", a link between the state and youth became basic. The basis of istochnikovy base of article was made by unpublished archival materials of funds of the State Archive of Socio-political History of the Tambov Region. Objectivity of approach of the author was shown in aspiration to overcome ideological stereotypes as in studying of a social and economic situation, and Komsomol, in search of the methods of source study criticism allowing to overcome biased submission of information in official documents. Scientific novelty of article consists in reconsideration of a role of provincial Komsomol in an organizational and economic ukrpeleniye of collective farms at the beginning of 1930 – x years. As a result of research the author comes to a conclusion that Komsomol members played the major role in strengthening of a collective-farm system. As a result of collectivization the provincial Komsomol became the organization collective-farm. Nevertheless, use of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in various economic campaigns contradicted the main functions of the organization.
Ippolitov V.A. —
Provincial Komsomol of the first half 1930th years as object of political control
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14250
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Abstract: In article it is analyzed the system of political control over the Komsomol organizations of the first half of the 1930th. It is considered such elements as political enlightenment, the party leadership, control of social contingent, struggle with right and left opposition. It is detail considered the Problems of political education of youth. It is investigated Participation of Komsomol in economic and political campaigns (collectivization, dispossession of kulaks, grain-collections). It is involved the subject of resistance of Komsomol members to policy of communist party. The special attention is paid to studying of the mechanism of political cleanings in the Komsomol organizations.A geographical framework of research includes the territory of Kozlowski and Tambov districts. After elimination of districts in the summer of 1930 it were considered the materials of the areas which were located in the territory of the modern Tambov region. Research is based on the principles of dialectics, historicism and objectivity. It used general scientific methods: complex analysis, synthesis, description.Scientific novelty of work consists in complex research of system of political control over Komsomol. Previously these tasks for this period of time the scientists were not stated. As a result of research, we came to the conclusion that political control covers all areas of Komsomol life. The main task of political control was to develop young people need the power behaviors . The system of political education in rural conditions were not perfect . The Using of Komsomol was in the various economic campaigns contrary to the educational function of the state.
Doroshina M.M. —
Komsomol Leaders in the Russian Province of the Second Half of the 1960th - the First Half of the 1980th Years: Collective Portrait
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 262 - 273.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.2.14297
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Abstract: The work is done in prosopographical genre. For the purposes of collective portrait of the Komsomol officials during the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1980-ies the personal records of 7 secretaries of the regional Committee, 41 secretaries of the town committees, 122 secretaries of the district committees of the Komsomol of the Tambov region (170 people) from the State Archive of Social-Political History of Tambov region are analyzed and created a database. This article presents the results of its processing.The list of required personal and business qualities of the first secretaries is compiled on the basis of 114 party and komsomol characteristics of heads of region, town and district committees of the Komsomol. The increased uniformity of characteristics, use of a large number of stamps and templates, citation of documents of the central and regional committees of the Komsomol on personnel policy are marked. The presence of well-deserved authority and respect among members, nonunion youth and party activists was leading among the most frequently mentioned qualities of candidates to the post of first secretary.According to the author, the activity of Komsomol organizations in 1965-1984 is characterized primarily by the dominance of command-and-control style of relations between the party and the Komsomol. Describing the body of first secretaries of this period, the author notes a sharp increase in educational level of the Komsomol leaders, the prevalence among them of agriculture experts and technical workers, the increase in the share of immigrants from the urban environment, the increase in the average age of the Komsomol officials. Analysis of the causes rotation allowed us to conclude that a consistently high proportion of the Komsomol leaders continued upward movement on nomenclature the stairs.
Shitova A.A. —
Anti-religious struggle and change of the holiday traditions in the 1920-ies
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 66 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14358
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Abstract: Discusses the process of changing holiday traditions, which was one of the components of cultural-ideological work of the Bolshevik party . Special attention is paid to policy change in relation to the events in the 1920-ies in the North Caucasus region. Specified features of this policy, owing to the specific social structure of the population (predominantly rural population, the presence of the Cossack population with strong traditions). From the point of view of the author, one of the main trends of research at the present stage is the analysis of the regional specificity of the development of new topics and research aspects. This research is based on scientific principles of historicism and objectivity. To compare the situation in the region and the country as a whole, the author has analyzed the documents from the Russian state archive of socio-political history of the Center for documentation on contemporary history of the Rostov region, the State archive of contemporary history of the Stavropol territory. Installed: targeted policy of the party towards the holidays, its relative flexibility, expressed in a desire to give the old holidays new content. Marked serial antireligious orientation and gradual tightening of forms and methods of work on the elimination of religious content holidays. She focuses on the awareness of the representatives of the new power of the fundamental importance of the place occupied festive culture in General culture formed a "new man".
Slezin A.A. —
Urban routine during revolutionary change: children's games
// Urban Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 76 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16189
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Abstract: The subject of this article are the games of young Russians during the Great Revolution. By the materials obtained in Central Russia's cities, the author elaborates on the content of "revolutionary" games of the young Soviet Russia's youth. The role of Communist Youth Union (Komsomol) in the popularization of these games is outlined by the author. The greatest interest, from the author's point of view, lies in the game called "Lenin", which turned out to be an anticipation for the political processes in XXth century Russia (like the emergence of new "Lenins" on subsequent tides of campaigns against brand-new "enemies of the People"). The main sources of information are the materials of State Archive of Social and Political History of Tambov Region, and handbooks for kid's games published in 1920s. Komsomol is studied as a social and cultural phenomenon. As shown in this article, Komsomol, in many ways, continued the play practices of early XXth century. Moreover, Komsomol members responsible for organizing upbringing, have modified the games and attempted to enhance them with logic, make them more exciting and relevant. From the author's point of view, even political reflexes developed from during childhood games may be used for the good of the society.
Nesterova A.A. —
The Summer of the Urban Pioneer: Early 1960's experience
// Urban Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 33 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.1.15061
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Abstract: The subject of this research are early 1960-s Pioneer organizations. By the materials from Tambov region cities (Michurinsk, Morshansk, Kirsanov, Kotovsk, Rasskazovo and Tanbov), the author studied the implementation of May 1963's decree by the Central Committee of Leninist Youth "On the tasks of Summer Leisure Time Committee’s goals". The author also attempted to take the special conditions of Russia's smaller cities into account. The bulk of research materials is constituted by the State Archive's freshly released materials on the social and political history of the Tambov region. The theory of governmentialization of Komsomol lies at the base of the study on the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations. It implies that Komsomol is viewed as a "Ministry of the Youth" - a link between the state and the younger generation. The work of Komsomol and Pioneer organizations is also viewed from the standpoint of humanitarian and government positions. For the first time in the post-Soviet period, this article examines the experience of using weekends and holidays, as well as summer vacations for education and upbringing of city-dwelling schoolchildren, in the end of the "Khrushchov thaw".
The author provides examples of various forms and methods of organizing active pastime for children, the implementation of which is still relevant in smaller cities of Russia.
Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1459 - 1469.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.9.12896
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1459 - 1469.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.9.42514
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 962 - 967.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.8.12771
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Skoropad A.E. —
Anti-Religious Activity of Komsomol as an Element of the Soviet System of Political Control (1918 - 1929)
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 112 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.12774
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Abstract: Interference of formation of the Soviet system of political control and antireligious activity of Komsomol in 1918-1929 is shown in article. The address of political control towards antireligious activity of Komsomol the author recognizes expedient. Since this activity had not simply scientific and educational character and was one of the main directions of political activity of the mass youth organization involved in the sphere huge masses not only allied youth but also the population of all age, the state was obliged to exercise political control in this sphere. Experience of activity of Komsomol first of all is estimated by the author from the state positions. The author, as well as other members of the school of sciences which developed at the Tambov state technical university "History of the youth movement in Russia", adheres to the theory of nationalization of Komsomol according to which the Komsomol is considered as peculiar 'ministry of youth", the link between the state and youth. It is also shown that in the mid-twenties political control as a kind of management in the youth environment, was carried out in the spiritual sphere quite successfully. The author claims that increase of efficiency of implementation of political control on places was promoted by development by the central Soviet bodies of "Programs of inspection of the village (settlement)". Objectively estimating all studied period, the author recognizes that political control in the spiritual sphere was directed not so much against extremist actions of Komsomol members or, on the contrary, believers, how many against dissent as that. Practice of implementation of the state function of political control had mainly repressive character.
Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 598 - 606.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.5.12219
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Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Theoretical fundamentals of functioning of the early Communist Youth League (the Komsomol) within the system of Soviet political control.
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 75 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.2.10696
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Abstract: The article includes analysis of the materials of Communist Party and Komsomols meetings and conferences during the first years of the Soviet rule, speeches of the Communist leaders, providing the basis for the inclusion of the Communist Youth Leagues (Komsomol) into the system of Soviet political control. It is quite indicative for understanding of the fact that Komsomol was regarded both as a subject and object of political control, that the directive of the X Conference of the Russian Communist (Bolshevik) Party required that the Komsomol involves the Komsomol members into discussion of general political issues of Soviet and Party formation, but it should be done in the open hearings of party organizations, meetings of delegates, conferences and meetings, rather than in its separate meetings. By this decision the Communist Party has shown that Komsomol could have its political activities under the control of the Communist Party and within the limits defined by it. The authors attempted to overcome ideological stereotypes in the studies of Soviet reality and the methods of historical criticism, in order to get over the non-objective provision of information in the official documents. The authors took into account the specific features of each of the sub-periods within the studied period. The text was formed based upon the chronological problem-oriented principle. The scientific novelty of the article has to do with the fact that it is the first specialized study, which is devoted to the complex studies of theoretical prerequisites of inclusion of the Komsomol within the system of Soviet political control. The authors uncovered theoretical bases for both external and hidden internal political control over the Komsomol. It is shown that from the very beginning of existence of the RCYL, it was regarded as an object of control by the Communist Party. However, at the early stage of relations between the Communist Party and the Komsomol, there was some independency of the Youth League, when the New Economic Policy was introduced, the decisions of the conferences of the Party and the Komsomol prescribe much stricter control of youth leagues. In the late 1920s the theoretical basis was substantiated for stricter internal control in the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Everyday Life and Leisure Time of Komsomol Members in the Sphere of Political Control in the RSFSR of 1918 - 1929
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.2.10710
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Abstract: The object of research is made by the main directions, forms and methods of realization of the open political control exercised concerning everyday life of members of the Komsomol organizations in 1918-1929. In article various aspects of influence of political control on a life and leisure of communistic youth are studied.Territorial framework is limited to the territory of RSFSR. In a number of plots regional localization of research on the basis of materials of the Tambov province that promotes more detailed studying of juvenile history is used, allows to correct some conclusions drawn on the basis of the analysis of materials of the central bodies of party and Komsomol. In studying of this subject sources of a personal origin — correspondence of Komsomol heads of different level, rabselkor, letters and complaints in party and Komsomol bodies, editorial offices of newspapers (as classical ways of political communication), memoirs and memoirs were of great importance. The two-week magazine "Smena" in which letters of readers and reviews from places were of special interest became very representative source. Authors came to a conclusion that political control gained more and more total character. Everyday life of youth became one of the main objects of political control. On the one hand, politicization of control of everyday life unambiguously conducted to activization of fight against the negative phenomena. On the other hand, negativity was defined very konjyukturno, depending on tastes and addictions of those who possessed the political power (at least in local scale). As these addictions didn't differ uniformity, is very inconsistent the orientation of political control in this sphere looks also. But thus all of them were united by aspiration completely to regulate everyday life of youth, considerably to change traditions. The youth was disoriented by statements contradicting each other and estimates of communistic leaders and the propagandists who were at the same time approving actually incompatible norms of daily behavior. It still more increased thirst of youth for searches of all extravagant forms of everyday life.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Open external political control over the Komsomol (the Young Communist League) organizations in the RSFSR (1918-1929).
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 12.
– P. 97 - 123.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.12.1070
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Abstract: The object of studies includes the basic directions, forms and methods of implementation of open external control over the Komsomol and specific members of the Komsomol organizations. The chronological period of studies is between October of 1918 and 1929. The first date has to do with the formation of the Russian Young Communist League. The end of period has to do with the significant changes in social and economic policy of the Soviet state. In a number of issues the author uses regional localization of studies based on the Tambov province materials, which facilitates the more detailed studies of the juvenile history, allowing to correct some conclusions made based upon the analysis of the materials of central Party and Komsomol bodies. When studying the problem the authors follow the position of N.A. Volodina and understand political control as an immanently present quality of any state, which is a complex of power-related measures aimed at the control of individual behavior, all social groups and at the formation of the worldview and behavior of the majority of the population based upon the established ideological requirements and practical needs of the regime. The political control is then divided into public an dsecret forms. The use of archive documents of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (and its Youth Filial Division in particular) played an important role in the studies of the problem. The priority was given to the studies of the documents of the Central Komsomol Committee Foundation (F.M-1) RSASPH, which provides complete picture of the mechanism of open political control over the Komsomol. As a result of its evolution within the relevant period the situation was formed, when the Komsomol was allowed to take part in the political activities, but it was under the control of the Communist party and within the strict limits defined by the Party. A powerful instrument of the political control within the studied period was the movement of workers and rural correspondents. While the main target for the activities for the rural worker correspondents was the inefficient officials, the article shows that they were also used for the control over the youth communist organization.
Slezin A.A. —
Antireligious Attack by the Soviet State in 1927 - 1929
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 125 - 189.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.5.615
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Abstract: The author of the article describes forms and methods of the anti-religious campaign carried out by the Soviet Russia in the late 1920s. Special attention is being paid to the legislative base regulating the relation between the Soviet state and religious unions. The author describes the role of Komsomol and the Union of theh League of Militant Atheists as the most radical participants of anti-religious activity. Youth is viewed both as an object and subject of state policy in the sphere of religion. The author also demonstrates the influence of political campaigns on the nature of relations between church and the government, in particular, the close interconnection between the processes of the forced collectivization that started in 1929 and the second 'attack of heavens'. According to the author, such denial of the right to religious freedom created the denial of right at it is. That caused some kind of 'dual faith': people could speak as they were required but think different.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
The implementation of political control over Soviet youth through the regulation of Komsomol institutions: Stage One
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 366 - 420.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.348
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Abstract: This article deals with a particular form of political control over Soviet youth, one which was not directly connected with the techniques characteristic of police surveillance, and whose purpose was to regulate the composition of Komsomol institutions. The article highlights the forms and methods of control of Komsomol institutions from 1918 to 1929, their effectiveness in the Soviet system of political control, and their impact on the evolution of the political situation and the legal consciousness of Soviet youth.
Slezin A.A. —
The evolution of forms and methods of political control among young people at the outset of the confrontation between the Soviet state and the church
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 118.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.387
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Abstract: This article analyzes Soviet legislation and the speeches of Soviet leaders which in large part determined the nature of the relationship between the state and religious institutions in the first years of Soviet power. It considers the features of the implementation of the state function of political control among young people, a function which became the objective as well as the subject of the execution of the state policy on religion.
Slezin A.A. —
Soviet State Against Religion: the 'Thaw' Period in Mid 1920's
// Legal Studies. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 37 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.2.448
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Abstract: To the author's opinion, Soviet State had serious reasons to change its policy towards religion because it had obviously failed to overcome the influence of church in general and youth in particular by force. Analyzing the legislation of Soviet authorities, Communist Party and Komsomol since 1923, the author outlines quite a number of methods of extermism prevention both by religious people and ateists. At the same time, the author underlines that the Soviet government did not consider the enforcement of legality as the main purpose of political control. Quite on the contrary, the political control was used for repressions.
Slezin A.A., Belyaev A.A. —
The system of political education of young people in the Russian provinces between 1945-1954
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 28 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.1.265
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Abstract: This article looks at the intentions of the Komsomol and other Communist Party organizations with regards to the political education of young people after World War II, as well as the fruits of their labours. It shows that despite the restoration and development of an extensive system of political education, young men and women actually remained politically illiterate. There was practically no system of political education; in its place was essentially a system of ideological education which also created a semblance of the struggle for improvements in quality. The instructors' generally low levels of education and lack of cultural and wider political backgrounds, together with Party and Komsomol institutions ensuring that the delivery of the material to students would never go beyond the framework of unchallengeable dogmas, coexisted with exaggerated numbers of the reach of political education and formalism in the activities of the political study groups. Moreover, the constant appeal to patriotic feelings sharply increased the efficiency of the political education system in the same way as the schemes which mobilized young adults to undertake constructive activity. The article relies primarily on sources from the Tambov region.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Initial Stage of Development of the Soviet System of Political Control in Modern Researches
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2013.1.492
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Abstract: The authors of the article describe the main targets, methods, achievements and unresolved issues in historical and legal researches at the initial stage of development of the Soviet system of political control. Being an essential function of the government, political control is being developed as the social life becomes more complex. According to the authors of the article, today we can talk about a new scientific field where historical, legal, political and social researches are combined. The authors agree with the point of view that the main purpose of political control is to provide the government with valid information about political attitudes of the population. The authors also describe the role of V. Izmozik, V. Krivoruchenko, N. Volodina, S. Dianova, A. Katkov, R. Nikulin T. Goryaev, N. Ofitserov, S. Maysheva, A. Demina and E. Lapatukhina in developmet of the Soviet system of political control.
Slezin A.A., Vanin V.A. —
// History magazine - researches. – 2012. – ¹ 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2012.12.6947
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Slezin A.A. —
// History magazine - researches. – 2012. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2012.10.6620
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Slezin A.A., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
// Law and Politics. – 2012. – ¹ 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2012.8.2906
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Slezin A.A., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
// Law and Politics. – 2012. – ¹ 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2012.8.41579
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Slezin A.A., Balantsev A.V. —
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – ¹ 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2012.7.6069
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Slezin A.A., Balantsev A.V. —
Counteraction of Komsomol Organizations to Religious Influence on the Oriental National Minority: Peculiarities of the First Half of 1920's
// Sociodynamics. – 2012. – ¹ 3.
– P. 48 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2012.3.277
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Abstract: Having analyzed feature materials and documents of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History and State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Tambov Region as well as memoirs revealing the essence of anti-religious actions performed by Komsomol among 'Oriental national minorities' during the first half of 1920's, the authors conclude that there was a constructive element even in such actions. Even though new patterns of behaviour were implemented mostly by administrative measures, the main feature of anti-religious propaganda among 'Oriental national minorities' was quite a moderate attitude. At the same time, the author of the article describes the reasons why Komsomol fight against religious influence was less efficient in case of Islam than Christianity. It is shown that in most cases non-Orthodox population of Russia did not quite accept the atheism propaganda disguised as a cultural education. National minorities took Komsomol and Soviet government actions in the sphere of anti-religious propaganda as an attack on their spiritual values.
Slezin A.A., Puzyrev A.Y. —
Military Propaganda in the Provinces in 1930's as a Tool of USSR National Security
// Security Issues. – 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 153 - 187.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0417.2012.2.264
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Abstract: Based on the supposition that the starting point of military propaganda was the national socialists' coming to power in Germany, the authors of the article studied provincial print media, scenarios of parades, demonstrations and different festive activities. Patriotism and deliberate creation of the 'image of enemy' are viewed as the main goals of the policy aimed at increasing the defensive capacity of the country. Based on the author, Soviet military propaganda for the purposes of increasing the country's defensive capacity was quite successful.
Slezin A.A. —
Historical sources of the early years of the Komsomol
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 108 - 148.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2012.2.271
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Abstract: Using the experiences of the "History of the Youth Movement in Russia" school of thought, formed in the twenty-first century at the Tambov State Technical University, the author uncovers the possibilities of using a variety of sources to study the Komsomol and organizations alternative to it in the early post-revolutionary years. Sources include published documents, statistical reference publications, memoirs, print media, and documents from Russian archives. The primary focus is to highlight the role of archival sources which, as a rule, were previously unused by researchers. The article is written primarily for novice researchers of the history of the youth movement in Russia.
Slezin A.A., Vanin V.A. —
The evolution of the ideological and educational work of the Komsomol in the mid-1950s
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 68 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2012.1.261
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Abstract: Based on the materials of Tambov Region the author identifies the key areas of political and educational work of the provincial Komsomol Organizations in 1953-1957 and their contradictory impact on the public consciousness. The author evaluates the practical implementation of the current policy groups, groups by industry membership. It is shown that the political and educational activities of the Komsomol were romanticized and was built on the principle of the unity of education in the revolutionary traditions of the past, the heroics perception of the present and of the communist ideals of the future. Debunking the Stalin personality cult, which included the condemnation of the old methods of ideological and education activities, included calls for an end of embellishing present time involved a new turn in social strengthening of the cult of Lenin. Many of the noble appeals turned out to be propaganda and had little to do with reality. The realities of the mid-1950s have proved once again that the Soviet ideology, which by chance is sometimes identified with the Soviet religion, was constantly build on the cult of a leader. According to the authors, the system of political education still does not so much test the political beliefs but copies normative samples of politicized behavior.
Slezin A.A., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2010. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.10.2904
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Slezin A.A., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2010. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.10.2905
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Slezin A.A., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.10.2912
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – ¹ 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.8.2773
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2010. – ¹ 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2010.6.2280
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2010. – ¹ 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2010.6.41448
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – ¹ 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.5.2622
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Slezin A.A. —
// National Security. – 2010. – ¹ 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.4.2034
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2010. – ¹ 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2010.3.1993
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2010. – ¹ 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2010.3.41404
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.2.1857
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2010.1.2472
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – ¹ 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.11.1660
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2009. – ¹ 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2009.5.1258
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Slezin A.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2009. – ¹ 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2009.5.41180
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – ¹ 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.4.995
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Slezin A.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – ¹ 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2009.4.1116
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