Gurbanov A.G. —
The role of social axiologization of consumption in the formation of the world outlook of modern man
// Philosophical Thought. – 2024. – ¹ 9.
– P. 42 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.9.69513
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Abstract: The subject of the analysis is the socio-philosophical aspect of the axiologization of consumption, revealed in the works of domestic and foreign researchers of the last third of the XXth and first quarter of the XXIst centuries. The stages of axiologization of consumption, its driving forces and conceptual and categorical apparatus are considered in detail. The author provides an original definition of the human world outlook, showing the role of the values offered by modern consumer society in the evolution of this world. It is shown that many axiological guidelines of the beginning of the XXI century are: unrestrained consumption, selfishness, worship of the "golden calf", consolidating "anti-values" in the consumer's life world. At the same time, the author believes that in modern society, with proper social control and self-control, positive values of responsible consumption are also generated. The "new" values of the human life world were also analyzed, on the basis of which a conclusion was made about the incompleteness of the axiologization process to date. As result of incomplete transformations the consumer suffers a value crisis, and this social phenomenon has a total impact on the consumer's vital world. As a methodological basis, both general scientific methods and socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-philosophical approaches were used to consider the "consumer society" and the specifics of human consumer behavior in it. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article attempts to clearly define terms such as "social axiologization" and "life world", as well as to trace the interaction of these terms within the framework of social and economic transformations taking place in the modern world. The highlighted factors of the formation of axiological guidelines of the consumer society and the consequences of its future dynamics allow us to take a more comprehensive look at the process of human immersion in the world of consumption, in which values and anti-values are mixed, complicated and begin to play a major role in the life of the consumer. It is important to conclude that mass culture and conveyor production, multiplied by the specific worldview of a modern person, irreversibly change the axiological structure of society, and a system of correctly placed axiological priorities that rationally combines classical values with new ones can help avoid the growth of destructive tendencies.