Sadekov R.R. —
Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Formation of Professional Readiness of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Perform Official Duties
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 34 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.39667
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Abstract: The author considers in detail such aspects in his work, which are devoted to the system of psychological support in the learning process. The study of the influence of the mental health of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on their work productivity and communication in the service team. The subject of the research in the presented work was the process of professional education and training for law enforcement officers in various conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the formation of professional skills of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The object of the study was the professional skill formed by law enforcement officers in the process of performing official duties. The main conclusions of the study are the assumptions that the readiness of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is often formed under the influence of various factors, circumstances and conditions. As the main ones, the author identified such as the development of professional motivation, psychological readiness to work in conditions associated with increased loads and peculiarities of service, awareness of the value of human and citizen life, the formation of verbal and non-verbal communication culture, the formation of tolerance to stressful situations, the absence of excessive requirements. The work is based on the analysis of fundamental and modern research on this issue, processing and drafting of modern provisions for training law enforcement officers to perform official duties.
Sadekov R.R. —
Current aspects and problematic issues of the use of a polygraph in public service in modern conditions
// Security Issues. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 88 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2024.1.69634
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Abstract: In the work, the author examines problematic issues related to the study of the peculiarities of the organization and legal regulation of the use of a polygraph in public service. The article deals with various aspects of the use of a polygraph in the public sphere, including legal aspects, psychological and pedagogical features, physiological and ethical issues, as well as the protection of citizens' rights. In addition, it examines the experience of using a polygraph in various conditions when the procedure for obtaining, identifying, processing, storing and reliability of data is carried out, and as a result, it becomes necessary for competent public sector specialists to constantly pay special attention to the safety of storing and using confidential information received. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the use of a polygraph, the paper describes the tasks facing specialists, considers algorithms and techniques used to assess the reliability of the information received. The following methods were used in the preparation of the article : an analysis of literature, a system approach, comparative analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical thinking techniques, classification. The main conclusions of the research conducted by the author are organizational aspects aimed at respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens who, for one reason or another, will have to undergo the testing procedure on a polygraph device. A prerequisite is the fact that the legal regulation of the use of a polygraph in the civil service requires clear formulation, transparency and objectivity of procedures, timely clarification of the upcoming nuances of the polygraph examination, related possible restrictions, but at the same time compliance with guarantees for employees who are being tested. This topic, in its content and meaning, is relevant, and therefore, today, the development of legal and methodological mechanisms for the use of a polygraph in the public sphere, based on scientific developments by leading scientists and practitioners in this field of knowledge, is in demand.
Sadekov R.R. —
Individual training trajectory of future polygraph examiners as an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of professional competencies
// Police activity. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 89 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.5.48497
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Abstract: The author in the presented work discusses the topical issues of using the individual trajectory for the students' learning in the educational process of the departmental education system, undergoing professional retraining according to the programs of additional professional education, as an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of the necessary professional competencies. A variable methodology for the formation of individual educational trajectories is proposed, based on the analysis of the needs and capabilities of each student according to vocational training programs in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the course of applying the possibilities of an individual learning trajectory, it is assumed that this will contribute to a more effective formation of the necessary knowledge. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the individual learning trajectory, in turn, allows students in a creative format to choose topics that are important in their opinion and scientific and practical directions that most accurately correspond to their needs and interests, and at the same time, in cooperation with teachers, acquire serious practical experience in this field. The pedagogical idea, from the point of view of organizational aspects, is that each educational organization should have a regulatory, legal and pedagogical opportunity to implement individual learning trajectories of students as an effective way to improve the learning process, focused on obtaining fundamental knowledge by students in all areas of science and practice
Sadekov R.R. —
Formation of the Legal Culture of a Polygraph Examiner in the Process of Professional Training
// Police activity. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.2.39764
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Abstract: The author in the article examines in detail such aspects as the current state of actual pedagogical issues of acquisition by polygraph specialists in the process of professional training of comprehensive knowledge that allows them to understand the nuances of conducting special psychophysiological studies using polygraph devices. The importance of high-quality training of this category of specialists is considered, due to the fact that the nature of the tasks they solve is specific and is associated with ensuring the security of state structures, decision-making within the framework of screening studies and criminal proceedings. The pedagogical aspects of obtaining high-quality education by polygraph examiners, the formation of important professional competencies, legal culture, and the ability to make decisions within the framework of their official activities in departmental educational organizations of the law enforcement unit are of the utmost importance. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic is that the purpose of the study was formulated, which was to study the peculiarities of the formation of the legal culture of polygraph examiners in the learning process. The object of the study was the readiness of polygraph examiners to perform their official duties in accordance with the established procedure. In the course of the study, the possibility of performing official duties by this category of specialists in professional activities within the framework of regulatory legal support, in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area was analyzed, which in turn is also a purposeful pedagogical interaction, which certainly ensures the comprehensive development of polygraph specialists.
Sadekov R.R. —
Development of the Quality of Professional Training of Polygraph Examiners in the System of Departmental Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police and Investigative Activity. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2023.2.39883
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Abstract: The author in his work explores a number of issues related to the development of the quality of professional training of polygraph examiners in the system of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The current organizational, pedagogical, legal mechanisms and tools that can be used for the successful development and improvement of professional training in this field of activity of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are considered. The main emphasis is placed on the importance of the formation of high-quality educational content, the use of successful methods and approaches to the training of polygraph examiners. Attention is drawn to the existence of a mandatory requirement for scientific experience, practical and pedagogical component of specialists, carrying out educational activities. Recommendations for improving aspects of vocational training are given. The main conclusions of the conducted research are related to the constant improvement of the level of their education and skills by polygraph examiners, which are based on such pedagogical and organizational aspects as the formation of skills and abilities in the legal sphere. It is noted that there is a need for interaction and cooperation on a permanent basis with educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other law enforcement universities, invited practitioners with extensive practical experience in preparing and conducting special psychophysiological studies using polygraph devices in various fields and areas. All these measures will dramatically affect the quality results of the work of polygraph examiners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Sadekov R.R. —
A model of training future polygraph examiners taking into account modern conditions of society development
// National Security. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 70 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.2.39894
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Abstract: The author in the presented article discusses topical issues related to a number of organizational and pedagogical features of the training of polygraph examiners in modern conditions. The study draws attention to current problems and important aspects of the professional training of specialists in this field, provides opinions of practitioners and research scientists on this issue. The work of specialists in this profile is quite complex, requiring in-depth knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, psychology, physiology, pedagogy and medicine, and therefore one of the key issues requiring analysis remains the search and application of effective pedagogical technologies that allow in a short time to form a set of knowledge and skills from a trained specialist that will allow him later, when performing official duties, clearly and competently solve the strategic tasks assigned to him. The author's contribution to the study of the topic lies in the fact that in the course of the work, the conclusion was formulated that the model of training professional polygraph examiners in modern conditions should include in-depth knowledge about the technical and tactical aspects of research, psychophysiological characteristics of a person, as well as take into account a wide range of tasks and their specifics, for the resolution of which studies are conducted using polygraph devices.The object of consideration in the article is conducting research using polygraph devices, and the subject of consideration is taking into account the challenges of modern society when compiling and designing a model for training polygraph specialists.
Sadekov R.R. —
Strategy of Special Professional Training of Polygraph Examiners in the System of Departmental Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 64 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.2.40095
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Abstract: The author examines in detail in his work the issues related to the methodological and software-educational support for the training of polygraph examiners in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The work is mainly devoted to the analysis and description of the basic principles of special professional training of polygraph examiners, the structure of the training program and an objective assessment of its effectiveness. New trends in the training of polygraph examiners are also considered, including new methods and approaches in training and innovative technologies used in the process of professional training. It is also noted the need for continuous improvement of the system of professional training of polygraph examiners in the system of departmental education, taking into account the requirements for this category of specialists. A significant contribution of the author in the conducted research is that effective pedagogical tools, methods and techniques are considered and proposed, which allow using them to improve the system of professional training of polygraph examiners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is noted that, in turn, the introduction of adjustments to the educational programs of vocational training should be planned and based on the best and effective developments of scientists and practitioners in the system of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other law enforcement agencies. The use of high-quality pedagogical content in the educational process will significantly increase the level of education and competence of polygraph examiners in modern conditions
Sadekov R.R. —
Actual aspects of the application of psychophysiological research methods using a polygraph in the implementation of state protection measures against participants in criminal proceedings
// Security Issues. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 82 - 94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.2.40544
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Abstract: The author in his work examines in detail the actual aspects of the use of a polygraph and other psychophysiological methods in the implementation of state protection measures against participants in criminal proceedings, taking into account Russian and foreign experience. The main problematic issues related to the use of polygraph technologies, including their advantages and possible disadvantages, are studied, and the legal aspects of the use of a polygraph by specialists are also considered, taking into account the specifics of their work in criminal proceedings of the Russian Federation. Recommendations for optimizing the use of a polygraph in the investigation of criminal cases are proposed, taking into account modern requirements for methods and fundamentals of legislation in this area, the main conclusions of the study conducted by the author are recommendations that were formulated based on the analysis of the regulatory legal framework, technologies of polygraph specialists in criminal proceedings, judicial practice, scientific opinions of practitioners and researchers in the field of application of polygraph technologies in the investigation of crimes by law enforcement agencies of various states. The author draws attention to the fact that in modern conditions there are increasing requirements for the level of training of specialists. The state attaches special importance to the quality, level, skill and professional interpretation of the results obtained during the use of the polygraph. The study highlights the fact that if authorized persons decide to conduct a polygraph examination in the framework of criminal proceedings, the procedure must be carried out in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in compliance with methodological and procedural requirements in this area.
Sadekov R.R. —
Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Act in Special Conditions
// Police activity. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 55 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.1.39646
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Abstract: The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the pedagogical conditions for training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to act in special conditions in modern conditions. The article deals with the essence of creating special pedagogical conditions, the issues of teaching academic disciplines in departmental educational organizations to tactically-oriented training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to perform service and combat operations, in conditions of various levels of danger that pose a threat to the state, the population, infrastructure and life support facilities. This paper presents recommendations on the conduct of classes, the use of training programs, various forms and methods of conducting classes. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are described: motivation and readiness for professional activity, formation of skills of self-development, regulation, professional special, moral and pedagogical training. The main conclusions of the study are that employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation provide protection to citizens and the state. An important point is the formation of their professional motivation skills for further training and work. The basis of the qualities of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are the moral characteristics of professional stability. They are formed throughout the life of a law enforcement officer, but it is training that lays the foundation for the characteristics with which he will enter the path of his activity. Pedagogical conditions at the time of training are the main factors of socialization of the future defender of the state, legitimate rights and interests of society.
Sadekov R.R., Boiko N.V. —
Some Features of Conducting a Screening Examination Using a Polygraph
// Modern Education. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2023.1.39897
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Abstract: In their work, the authors consider issues related to the peculiarities of conducting special psychophysiological studies using polygraph devices during the personnel selection for work and service of persons in respect of whom polygraph specialists use complex technologies of screening checks, allowing, based on its results, to obtain an objective picture of the presence or absence of circumstances preventing entry into service and employment in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. The current approaches of specialists to conducting polygraph testing according to the tasks of the initiators are studied, the most important practical developments in this area are considered, allowing to effectively organize the work of personnel departments when hiring candidates for service. In the study conducted, the authors consider important components of complex procedures for professional personnel selection of candidates for work. The methods of screening have been studied, the requirements imposed by employers to specialists of personnel apparatuses and services aimed at preventing the employment of persons with restrictions or actual circumstances have been analyzed, which prevent entry into the service, including the law enforcement agencies of the state. Attention is paid to the methodological and tactical and technical requirements of the organization and conduct of the polygraph examination procedure, taking into account the competent and professional compilation of thematic questionnaires, tests, which in turn allow to identify fraud attempts with maximum accuracy during the procedure of passing special polygraph examinations.
Sadekov R.R., Senatorova O.Y., Klochko Y.V. —
Features of training polygraph examiners in the effective use of psychological technologies in the process of pre-test conversation in the process of instrumental lie detection
// Police activity. – 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 40 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.5.35569
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Abstract: The authors consider in detail the features of professorial training of law enforcement officers in tactical and special techniques for organizing and conducting a pre-test conversation as a key stage in the course of a special psychophysiological study using a polygraph. Attention is paid to the strategic goals of the polygraph examiner, who should receive objective data from the interviewee on risk factors during the research process.The fulfillment of this goal, depending on the intentions of the subject, and therefore it is important to teach the future specialist to act competently and clearly in the process of performing this procedure, to be able to use psychological means to overcome negative states in the examined person during the pre-test conversation. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the paper considers current options for possible interaction between a polygraph examiner and the examined person during a pre-test conversation in the process of a special psychophysiological study, taking into account the use of psychological means to overcome negative emotional states in the examined person in their work. The authors note that the process of a special psychophysiological study is associated with the need to quickly navigate the psychological characteristics of the test subject, comprehensively analyze his behavior, emotional state and determine the strategy of behavior.Direct communicative interaction between the polygraph examiner and the subject begins during the pre–test conversation and its effectiveness at this stage of work can be improved through the use of additional psychological attitudes that will allow the specialist to correctly build a pre-test conversation and possibly get the maximum amount of information even before the direct polygraph interview.
Sadekov R.R. —
Theoretical aspects of teaching polygraph examiners to conduct a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening
// Police activity. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 23 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.5.30539
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Abstract: The author gives special attention to the importance of a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening, for the process of professional training of the future polygraph examiners during personnel selection for security and law-enforcement agencies. In the author’s opinion, the key problem is the selection of the most effective set of techniques of special psychophysiological research using polygraph in the process of screening. The correct tested approach would help specialists to avoid errors in their professional activities. The author uses general scientific methods, the methods of a theoretical level of researching, and the practical experience of using effective techniques in the work of polygraph examiners. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the analysis of practical orientation of modern technologies, practices and techniques used in screening in order to detect similarities and differences in their practical use, will increase the level of the specialists’ competence.
Sadekov R.R., Sklyarenko I.S. —
Teaching Professional Physical Culture Values to Cadets of the Educational Organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 72 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.5.21216
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the process of teaching professional physical culture values to cadets of the educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors of the research offer their own pedagogical system that allows to develop professional physical culture values of law enforcement officials. The authors also offer a definition of professional physical culture values and criteria to assess the degree of their maturity based on the concepts of value, stereotype and competence. The authors analyze two groups of professional physical culture values that may be attributable to a law-enforcement official, i.e. defense attitudes and quality attitudes. They also offer teaching tools to develop such values at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in particular, role-playing in small groups. The research methods include analysis, synthesis and generalisation of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, professional-pedagogical literature, official documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, progressive experience, educational experience, and analysis of the products of activity of cadets at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.