Mukhamedzhanova N.M. —
Transformations of the family institution: from the pre-modern to the metamodern
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 42 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.4.70603
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Abstract: The relevance of the stated topic is due to the modern socio-cultural situation. On the one hand, the family is the most important social institution, the state of which determines the well-being of society. On the other hand, the modern family is experiencing a crisis, which finds its expression in a decrease in fertility rates, a narrowing of family functions, a growing number of divorces, etc. The purpose of the work is to study the relationship of the family as a mechanism for ensuring the translation and reproduction of culture with the processes taking place in society. The problems of the family are considered in the context of modernization processes in the world – in the context of the transition from a traditional society to a modern one, from a pre-modern culture to a meta-modern one. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Russian and Western authors exploring the problems of the family in a historical context. The interdisciplinary nature of the work determines the combination of socio-philosophical and cultural approaches to the problem of dynamics and possible prospects of the institution of the family. The paper examines the causes of family transformation, the consequences of the family crisis for the development of society and civilization, as well as possible options for the future of the family in connection with the changes taking place in the culture of the early 21st century. The author concludes that the fetishization of personal freedom and the spread of values of self-expression in postmodern culture contradicts the values of self-preservation of society as an integral, unique education. However, the crisis processes in the 21st century undermine the sense of existential security that was inherent in the postmodern era and caused the decline of traditional norms. In the culture of metamodernism, there is a turn towards transcendence and spirituality, which can become a turn towards traditional cultural values, including the family. And this, according to the author, is the positive significance of the modern socio-cultural crisis.
Mukhamedzhanova N.M., Orlova E.V. —
Imitation or modernization? Experience of inorganic modernization
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 43 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.54678
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Abstract: The relevance of the stated topic is due to the fact that the megatrend of the modern era is the modernization of traditional non-Western societies, which, unlike the modernization of Western countries, acquires an inorganic character. At the same time, democratization is declared the most important aspect of the modernization of society as the main prerequisite for dynamic social development. However, modernization processes in the non-Western world often acquire an imitative character, which leads to discrediting the very idea of modernization and weakening its social base. The purpose of this work is to identify the socio–cultural reasons for the emergence of imitation practices in modernizing societies. The theoretical basis of the work is the main provisions of the theory of modernization, as well as the concepts of social imitation presented in the works of A. A. Zinoviev, T. A. Shalyugina, D. E. Furman, etc. The interdisciplinary nature of the work requires a combination of socio-philosophical and cultural approaches to the problem of inorganic modernization of traditional non-Western cultures. Based on the analysis of modern concepts of modernization and imitation, the author proves that imitation is a necessary aspect of society's life, contributing to the development and use of socially useful knowledge, and during periods of modernization it becomes a consequence of asynchronous development of various spheres of the social system, when culture as the most conservative sphere of society does not have time to adapt to the processes occurring in other areas of social life. The desire of elites in the absence of socio-cultural prerequisites for democratic development to accelerate the process of modernization through democratization leads either to a dangerous destabilization of public life, or to imitation of Western European "models". Therefore, in non-Western countries, democratization cannot be the initial stage of modernization, and modernization itself should be gradual, since it should take into account the peculiarities of the culture of a modernizing society, the rhythms and pace of dynamics of various spheres of the socio-cultural system and adjust modernization strategies as the properties of this environment change.
Mukhamedzhanova N.M. —
“Social fabric” of the city in the mirror of architecture
// Urban Studies. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36510
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Abstract: The relevance of the selected topic is determined by the fact that the city first and foremost is the center of culture and civilization, which characterizes the development of the surrounding territory and the entire country; secondly, it is the most vivid manifestation of social challenges that modern society is faced to solve. The goal of this research lies in tracing interrelation between the social problems of modern society and the architectural environment of the city. The subject of this article is the modern urban residential development, which is the center of people’s everyday life, as well as forms their attitude towards the city and the country overall. The theoretical framework is comprised of the basic provisions of urban studies presented by the Western and Russian authors: F. Braudel, A. Gutnov, G. Simmel, L. Wirth, R. Park, G. Revzin, F. Urban, C. Ellard, and others. The author proves that the development of capitalist relations in the XX century posed a problem of large-scale housing development, which had to meet the two key requirements: a) be affordable for the consumer; b) be profitable for the property developer. Industrialization, unification and typification of construction became the way to solve this task – the modern urban neighborhood units, slums of industrial and postindustrial era, in which there is neither past nor future alongside social hierarchy and local community united by common goals and values. Having assessed this phenomenon, the author proves that living in such environment aggravates the social, spiritual, and psychological problems of citizens, described by the classics of urban studies. Therefore, the main conflict of modern city is the clash between the economic efficiency of housing development and the aesthetic requirements for the organization of residential environment. This conflict goes beyond the framework of architecture due to the fact that the principles of industrialization, unification, and typification are now universal to all spheres of social life, including culture.