Shagbanova K.S. —
The place and role of Chinese themes in Russian literature of the XIX – early XX centuries
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 67 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.3.69943
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Abstract: The article presents the artistic perception of Chinese culture in the Russian literature of the XIX – early XX centuries. The author sets out to show a generalized image of China in the works of Russian prose writers and poets in a given historical period of time. The relevance of the research lies in the increased interest of modern linguistic science in the problems of intercultural dialogue. It is noted that the study of Chinese subjects in Russian literature is of indisputable interest for understanding the peculiarities of intercultural communication between Russia and China. The multifaceted Chinese culture is revealed through the eyes of Russian writers of the past centuries, who were attracted by Chinese images, plots, and motives. The history of Russian-Chinese relations is traced in the mirror of advanced Russian culture of the XIX – early XX centuries. The tendency to understand China as a unique civilization distinct from the European one, which had already emerged at that time, stands out. It is stated that the substantial development of ideas about China in Russian literature, at the time interval of interest to the researcher, is directly related to the emerging socio-political situation in the Russian Empire, the emergence of alternatives, both in terms of determining the further vector of social development, taking into account the problem of "West – Russia – East", i.e. the emerging situation of internal choice, self–determination and awareness by the ruling circles of the urgent need to work out a further path for the development of Russian statehood, taking into account the borrowing, on the one hand, of the Western, on the other – of the eastern model. This, in the author's opinion, explains the interest of representatives of Russian literature in the culture of the East, spiritual and moral values, philosophical reflections on the nature of goodness and justice, which had a centuries-old tradition in China.
Shagbanova K.S. —
The genre diversity of A.P. Chekhov's work and his vision of reality
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 176 - 179.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.69903
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Abstract: The author examines the genre diversity of A.P. Chekhov's literary work. It is noted that Chekhov's works have an acute social orientation, pronounced psychologism, and a subtle artistic description of the literary characters. It is said that an interested reader can observe a deep insight into everyday reality, while experiencing a sense of inevitability of fundamental changes in society. Attention is paid to the speech features of Chekhov's characters, which allow us to accurately characterize their natural essence in a sufficiently capacious form. At the same time, the importance of using the innovative subtext in the works of Anton Chekhov, the linguistic means of character behavior, is fixed, taking into account the fact that the text and the subtext are separated and often contradict each other. It is stated that the bright artistic talent of A.P. Chekhov demonstrated the power of typicality, which allowed the images of his many literary creations to become household names. In addition, the features of Anton Chekhov's dramaturgy, his depiction of real life on the stage, and a detailed description of everyday life are outlined. It is said about the reception of Chekhov's dramatic works by modern domestic and foreign masters of culture. It is concluded that the demand for individual author's receptions of Chekhov's intertext in modern drama certainly confirms the relevance of his works to date. It is emphasized that this is due to the socio-philosophical nature of theatrical productions that touch on moral issues of human existence, since Chekhov's desire for the truth of life and the truth of everyday life creates prerequisites for increased interest in them at all times. A common thread is the idea that the prose and drama of the creator formed the conditions for the further development of realistic traditions in world literature.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Patriotic principles in the work of M.A. Sholokhov
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 213 - 225.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69489
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the understanding of patriotism according to M.A. Sholokhov. The theme of love for the Motherland is consistently considered in the works of various periods of the famous Soviet writer's work. Being a direct participant in the fateful events for the USSR, Sholokhov managed to reflect patriotism as a multilevel and, at times, contradictory concept. The analysis of the patriotic model of behavior on the example of the main characters and supporting characters of the writer's works is considered in the context of such plot and compositional elements as binary oppositions (good - evil, truth – lies, honor – inhumanity, mercy – cruelty, personal – collective). The description of this concept is accompanied by an appeal to the categories of space and time, an understanding of the ideological, moral and spiritual dominants that guide the literary heroes of the works. Patriotism, presented in the historical context of M.A. Sholokhov's literary heritage, should be considered as a constant that contributes to the reflection of the character and registers the internal logical connections of this constant, its meaningful content throughout the plot. The patriotic paradigm of the worldview of the writer's artistic works is characterized not only by the ability to motivate sacrificial acts, but also by the prerequisite to form the basis for a conflict of personalized positions and views. Using the example of the heroes of his works, M.A. Sholokhov shows us, the readers, what a true patriot should be. It is stated that the artistic heritage of the Master in modern socio-political realities can successfully contribute to the patriotic education of Russian youth, since fiction has a serious impact on the upbringing of a personality, on its inner potential and the choice of moral and ethical guidelines, and contribute to the formation of high moral qualities of a person.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Binary opposition heaven-earth in Russian and English
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 8.
– P. 47 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.8.43757
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Abstract: In the article, the author explores the semantic behavior of representatives of such fundamental concepts as "heaven" and "earth" in the Russian and English language spaces. This binary opposition, despite its ancient origin, demonstrates both interaction with relevant concepts and a tendency to nominate phenomena of a universal or particular nature. The pragmatics of each lexeme is determined not only by the realization of connotative potential, but also by the projection of actual meanings on a fragment of the universe. It should be noted the priority of differential characteristics that verbalize the functionally demanded spectrum of the semantic field. Each semantic derivative of the sky lexeme is characterized by a set of implication connections motivated by hypo- and hyperonymy phenomena. In the logical and meaningful space of English linguoculture, the concept of "sky" implements the values of the visible space above the earth and the equivalent-the religious name paradise, which illustrates the unification of each case of the development of the original meaning by a sign of height, location in the supramundane space. The linguosemiotic variation of the concept of "earth" in the English language picture of the world is associated with its functioning in topographic, legal and agricultural discourses. In the conceptual sphere of the Russian language, the mental unit of the sky provides information of a religious, spatial, physical or climatic nature, while the earth nominates phenomena of an astronomical, administrative-territorial, linguistic, ideal nature. This behavior of each of the pairs allows us to talk about nomination processes motivated by understanding the processes and phenomena of the universe through the prism of naive consciousness, as well as the desire of the language to use existing lexical units to express as many meanings as possible through association mechanisms.
Shagbanova K.S. —
"Emotion" in the Russian and English language pictures of the world
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 98 - 107.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41025
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Abstract: The article describes the functioning of the concepts "emotion" in Russian and English. Emotion as a phenomenon of reality has a multifaceted logical nature, is culturally, lexically and axiologically conditioned. The structure of concepts that can be evaluated as equivalents formalizes the categorization and conceptualization of reality, shows a predisposition to interact with cross-cultural concepts. The existing reality is reflected by a set of nuclear and peripheral meanings of the concept "emotion". The meanings of words illustrate the presence of main and secondary signs, monocentricity and predisposition to the formation of diverse associative connections, which determines the boundaries of semantic variation of the word. In the English language picture of the world, the verbalization of the concept of "emotion" shows signs of a behavior marker, properties of a liquid substance, assessments of cultural life events, a space with a depth characteristic. In the Russian corpus of texts, based on the conducted sampling, the following cases of values were recorded: an attribute of behavior, someone's belonging, an obstacle, a device that can be turned off, an indicator of strong arousal. The author states that the theoretical provisions of the cognitive approach allow us to confidently speak about the correlation of the concept under consideration not only with feelings, but also with reason. In the course of the structural and semantic analysis of the presented constructions, a number of meanings of the polysemantic structure of this formation are revealed in the English-speaking and Russian-speaking semantic space.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Study of stable expressions by comparing phraseological units of the Russian and English languages
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 37 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.6.43424
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Abstract: The main content of this study is the analysis of stable expressions in Russian and English. The article reveals the content of the concept of "phraseology", it examines the classification of phraseological units in modern linguistics, describes the problems that can be encountered when translating phraseological units from one language to another. Special attention is paid to the difference of phraseological variants in the context of interlanguage study, as well as the relationship between language and culture, national understanding of mentality, the essence of language, the need for scientific study of the communicative function of society in cognitive and discursive aspects. The purpose of the study is to analyze phraseological phrases in Russian and English, to identify their stylistic and grammatical features. The structural and semantic characteristics of phraseological units of the Russian and English languages and the principles of their classification are considered. Special attention is paid to the regularities of the functioning of phraseological units in the system of modern linguistics. It is argued that the conclusions obtained as a result of this study are important for intercultural understanding and communication, as well as for effective learning of foreign languages. The author proves the urgent need to improve the stylistic literacy of teachers and students, translators, lexicographers, and also emphasizes the importance of phraseological research in the context of demonstrating the relationship between language and society.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Semantic structure of the concept "patriotism" through the prism of linguocognitivistics
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.40613
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Abstract: The verbalization of the concept of "patriotism" is a fairly common phenomenon in the sociolinguistic space. In this regard, there is no doubt that the meaningful behavior of the structure of the sema patriotism and its derivatives is a subject of scientific interest. Being international in use, the lexeme representing the presented concept has semantic correlates in regions with different forms of government (for example, allegiance), historical and spiritual baggage. The author notes that the seme patriotism is predisposed to the explicative formation of a whole spectrum of meanings capable of accommodating lexemes within a specific context in the content space, both direct, primary meaning and secondary, projective meanings fixed in communicative practice. The author states that the semantic structure of the presented concept is characterized by a connotatively positive use, transmitting to the addressee not only a system of values, but also characterizing a class of people (patriots). The article states that the associative space of the presented unit of language and its derivatives is anthropocentric, and the implicitly present structural elements find expression in implicates that make the realization of the nuclear meaning in one of its many variants unique. The research is based on the methodological foundations and principles of the analysis of language as a mirror of national culture, developed in modern cognitive linguistics.
Shagbanova K.S. —
The Linguistic and Cultural Nature of the Concept of "Patriotism"
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 11 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.4.40116
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Abstract: The concept of "patriotism" has been the focus of research interest since the very first stages of the formation of science. Its uniqueness is due to the combination of polysemy, high nominative density and conceptual stability with a component of abstractness and active use in speech and text. This mental education is characterized by the ability to nominate actions and behavior patterns, reflect conceptual and linguistic specifics and constitutive features. The factuality component is implemented through a pair of correlates "the concept of "patriotism" – the intention of the speaker", expressing a nuclear or peripheral meaning relevant to a certain communicative situation and type of discourse. The extralinguistic aspect of the concept under study is formed by a set of culturally significant associations and the degree of interaction with a particular subsystem of the language. The article notes that the concept of "patriotism" plays a significant role in the modern national linguistic consciousness. The article focuses on understanding the concept of "patriotism" based on the traditional values of national culture. It is emphasized that the studied linguistic unit performs its functions in the aesthetic space as one of the connecting elements between the individual and society. The author attributes to the key features of this phenomenon such as praxeology, appeals of concentrated and dispersive properties, high conceptual stability, limit, polysemy.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Analysis of personality of the hero on the example of hagiography of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky
// Litera. – 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 19 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.9.36398
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Abstract: The article discusses the problem of depicting personality of the hero based on the hagiographic material of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky. The author outlines the genre peculiarities of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”. The author actualizes the role of personality of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky in formation of the value attitudes of our contemporaries. Depiction of the real historical figure is the foundation for the development of image of the hero as a spiritually whole person in literature. Multifacetedness and complexity of the phenomenon of heroism are revealed through the behavioral model of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky, through people’s perception of the results of his rule, through the characteristic of the unchangeable constants of heroic traits demonstrated by him. In the context of patriotic education, special place belongs to the broad term “heroism”, which since olden days expresses high morale, loyalty to duty, unconquerable will, national and personal dignity, willingness to self-sacrifice in the name of the Homeland. The article offers possible ways to improve the educational work among younger generation based on the literary heritage dedicated to the image of our outstanding compatriot. The importance of the impact of Russian literary works upon the formation of patriotic qualities of the Russians is underlined.
Shagbanova K.S. —
Role of fiction literature in formation of personality of a staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 31 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2020.1.33405
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the influence of fiction literary works upon the moral, ethical and intellectual level of staff members, as well as increase of professionalism of the employees of law enforcement. It is noted that increase of professionalism is one of the multifaceted questions requiring integral approach in solution of the tasks of legal, ethical and psychological nature. Improvement of personal qualities of each employee is a determining factor of increasing efficiency and performance of the entire system of law enforcement agencies. It is claimed that personal development is the key to increasing professionalism. The article examines the content of educational aspect of fiction literature and its significant role in formation of personality of staff members of law enforcement agencies, namely moral qualities through a literary character. Analysis is conducted on the main aspects of the heritage of fiction literature as an essential condition for moral upbringing of the staff members, which is reflected in belonging to a noble actions, achievements and heroism of the previous generations. The author develops recommendations for the units on application of artistic means in the process of formation of personality of staff members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.