Tatarnikova A.I., Saifulina N.A. —
Rural settlement network of Tarsky district (uyezd) at the end of the XIX – first third of the XX centuries: patterns and features of transformation
// History magazine - researches. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 18 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.6.43987
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Abstract: The paper characterizes the development of rural settlements on the territory of the Tarsky district, the planned settlement of the urban spaces of which under the control of the government began in the mid-1890s and continued for several decades. The subject of the study is the network of rural settlements of the Tarsky district, the object is the key indicators of the state of the network: the number of settlements, their typology and size by the number of yards and the number of inhabitants. The development of the settlement network can be traced in historical dynamics, according to several time slices (for 1893, 1903, 1912 and 1926), the choice of which is due to the peculiarities of the source base of the study. The novelty of the presented work consists in a comparative analysis of the indicators of the development of Tar villages in the late Imperial and early Soviet periods, determining the scale of the settlement network, identifying patterns and specifics of its functioning and transformation. Conclusions are drawn about the increase in the number of settlements in the district in the period from 1893 to 1926 by more than four times (from 447 to 1946 villages), changes in the typical structure of the network: the predominant in the late 1890s resettlement settlements and villages in the 1900s were replaced by farms that in the mid-1930s began to forcibly settle in large collective farms (collective farms). There has been a reduction in the number of households and the population of settlements.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
The network of rural settlements on the territory of the modern Tyumen region in the 1930s: population, economic and socio-cultural development
// History magazine - researches. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 90 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.5.43894
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Abstract: The paper characterizes the state of a set of functionally interconnected settlements that developed by the mid-1930s on the territory of the modern Tyumen region. The subject of the study is the network of settlements in the region, the object is its number, economic and socio-cultural development. The density of the settlement network, the ratio of collective, individual and other farms in each district is determined. Attention is focused on the creation of collective farms in the course of collectivization that unfolded during this period. Statistical data on the number of industrial enterprises and points of trade in villages, as well as data on the development of communication institutions (post office, telephone), schools and hospitals, club institutions are presented. The scientific novelty of the publication consists in determining not only quantitative, but also qualitative indicators of the development of the settlement network of the region. The district specifics were revealed, which consisted in the economic specialization of the majority of administrative-territorial units in the production of oil, the dominance of timber processing enterprises in the northern regions and flax processing plants in the southern ones. The conclusion is made about the predominance of the cooperative form of trade in the villages over the state one. Positive changes in the state of socio-cultural infrastructure were noted, expressed in an increase in the number of school and medical institutions. At the same time, the school network consisted of 86% of primary schools. There was still a shortage of hospitals and outpatient clinics, medical personnel in rural areas.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
Tomsk Villages in the 1900s-1920s: Dynamics of Population and Size
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 49 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.10.38988
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Abstract: The article gives a comparative description of the development of the rural settlement network of the Tomsk county/district in three time slices: for 1904, 1911 and 1926. The object of the study is a network of rural settlements of the named sub–region, the subject is their number, typical structure and size in terms of the number of yards and the number of inhabitants. The author uses historical-comparative, historical-typological and problem methods of research, as well as the method of graphical visualization of the statistical data obtained on the development of the Tomsk settlement network. The influence of political, socio-economic and other factors on the state of the network of rural settlements is traced. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the "Lists of Populated places", which have become the main source for studying rural settlements of the county/district under consideration, the dynamics of their number, number and population are investigated, qualitative changes in the structure of the settlement network are revealed. The conclusion is made about the gradual expansion of the scale of the rural settlement network in the Tomsk subregion, the reduction of the yard and the population of the Tomsk village by 1926, its unbundling. Attention is focused on structural changes in the settlement network caused by the new agrarian and resettlement policy of the state, as well as the economic and socio-cultural modernization of the country and its individual territories.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
The repressive policy of the Soviet government towards the Church and clergy in 1918-1941 . (on the example of the Tobolsk diocese)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.4.37851
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Abstract: The article characterizes the influence of political repressions carried out by the Bolsheviks on the situation of the church and clergy in the 1918-1941-ies. on the example of the Tobolsk diocese. The object of the study is the repressive policy of the Soviet government in 1918-1941, the subject is the church and clergy of the Tobolsk diocese. The influence of the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government on the functioning of churches in the country as a whole, its impact on the work of churches and monasteries in the Tobolsk diocese is considered. Special attention is paid to the study of the reflection of the anti-religious policy of the Bolsheviks in the destinies of the clergy and parishioners of the Tobolsk diocese, the analysis of statistical data on the number of victims of repression among the clergy. Conclusions are drawn about the results of the anti-church policy of the Soviet government in the diocese: mass closure of churches, removal of bells, seizure of church valuables, arrests of clergy, deprivation of their voting rights, executions. In the Tyumen region during the years of the "great terror" 176 representatives of the acting or former clergy were shot. Of these, 17% are women, mostly former nuns. The persons against whom the execution sentence was carried out were divided into several age categories, and the average age of the murdered clergy was determined. The results of the study show the scale of the tragedy in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church caused by the irreconcilable position of the new government in relation to religion.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
The development of sociocultural infrastructure in rural localities of Tobolsk and Tomsk governorates in the early XX century: comparative analysis
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.1.37291
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Abstract: This article carries out a comparative analysis of the development of sociocultural infrastructure of rural localities in the two Western Siberian governorates – Tobolsk and Tomsk. The object of this research is the rural localities of the region, while the subject is their sociocultural infrastructure represented by religious, educational, medical care, and other institutions. The goal lies in comparative characteristics of the development of infrastructure facilities in Tobolsk and Tomsk rural localities, as well as determination of their common and specific features. The “Lists of Populated Localities” of Tobolsk and Tomsk governorates for 1903 – 1904 and 1911 – 1912 served as the key source for this research. Similar data contained in the aforementioned “Lists” allowed analyzing the statistical data on the number of localities that featured different elements of sociocultural infrastructure in two time samples, as well as tracing changes in the development of settlements in historical dynamics. The conclusion is made that in the level of sociocultural development of rural localities, Tomsk governorate was ahead of Tobolsk governorate. The author notes is a significant difference between the sociocultural development of Russian localities and settlements of the indigenous population of the region (Tatars, Khanty, Mansi, and other). The infrastructure of the indigenous population remained poorly developed. Some of them had only religious facilities, such as mosques, and schools under them. The number of religious, educational, medical care, and postal institutions in Siberian settlements was increasing; however, their network remained scarce, and the slow pace of development did not correspond to the growth rate of the settlement network of the region.
Tatarnikova A.I., Churkin M.K. —
Agrarian colonization of Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes in the sociopolitical discourse of the late XIX – early XX century
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.1.31716
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Abstract: The subject of this article is the content and channels of representation of sociopolitical discourse on agrarian colonization of Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes in the late XIX – early XX century. The article gives characteristics to sociocultural, sociopolitical and economic contexts of resettlement movement to Western Siberia and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes, which became the basis for discourse on the key questions of agrarian colonization with regards to imperial understanding of the causes and results of incorporation of Trans-Ural territories into Russia. Methodological foundation contains approaches recorded in the scientific research practices of the “new imperial history”, which allow determining the way that the authorities and Russian society “pictured” and structuralized the imperial space, developing the adequate projects and implementing the practices of incorporation of suburbs into the imperial domain. Based on the extensive circle of published sources, the conclusion is made, according to which the actualization of agrarian question in the European governorates of Russia became an objective condition for the formation of grounds of sociopolitical discourse on agrarian colonization. The current political events in suburbs of the empire, which invoked diametrically opposed response of the liberals and national conservatives in the discourse, became the background of bringing the topic into discussion.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
Hygiene and sanitary conditions of educational environment and health of schoolchildren of Western Siberia in the late XIX – early XX centuries
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 10 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.12.31634
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Abstract: The object of this research is the students of educational establishments of Western Siberia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries; the subject is the hygiene and sanitary conditions of their educational environment and physical health. The author gives characteristics to the technical, hygiene and sanitary state of school buildings; determines the most widespread illnesses; traces their link with the hygiene and sanitary conditions of educational environment; analyzes the actions of government, pedagogical and medical personnel, social organizations aimed at prevention and counteraction of school illnesses. Research methodology leans on the complex and interdisciplinary approaches, as well as considers separate provisions of modernization theory pertinent to the change of public consciousness under the influence of economic and sociocultural transformations fell on the late XIX – early XX centuries. The author analyzes the stance of the officials, pedagogues and physicians on school as a social institution, and its impact on the students’ health. Based on the extensive volume of sources, including the unpublished, the author describes the state of school buildings, and provides statistical data on the technical, hygiene and sanitary conditions of educational environment. Negative influence of school environment upon students’ health is demonstrated. The conclusion is made on the changes in relation of the government and society to school overall. Among the positive changes are named: the strengthening of hygiene and sanitary control over educational establishments, implementation of annual medical examinations of schoolchildren, supply with first aid kits, conducting lectures for pedagogues on school hygiene and prevention of highly contagious illnesses, organization of hygiene and sanitary education for the young generation, etc.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
The extremes in the everyday life of the population of Western Siberia during the time of epidemics of the late XIX – early XX centuries
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2019. – ¹ 9.
– P. 40 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.9.30475
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Abstract: The object of this research is the population of Western Siberia considering its social diversity (city people, peasants, migrant peasants). The subject of this research is the everyday life of residents of the region in the extreme conditions of mass epidemics that took countless lives. The author characterizes the state of surrounding environment, level of medical development and sanitary-hygiene culture of the population, and determines their effect upon high mortality rate caused by different types of epidemics. Attention is focused on the behavioral practices, survival strategies of various social groups during the time of epidemics, which provoke changes in the everyday, routine life. The study is based on the complex approach with the elements interdisciplinary research allowing to trace the transformation of traditional values and mentality under the influence of extreme conditions of life. The conclusion is made on the impact of extreme conditions of the time of epidemics upon the transformation of everyday behavioral models and pursuit of survival strategies, reflected in the gradual alienation from the irrational ways of fighting infection, turning to official medicine, usage of decontamination means, cleaning of housings and curtilages, due attention to personal hygiene. During the time of epidemics, emotional and behavioral reactions were majorly affected by such factors as the affiliation to a certain social group, level of financial wealth, level of education, individual peculiarities of psyche and perception of illness and death of family members, attitudes on “unresolvable” problems of deviant and delinquent behavior.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
Populated localities in Tobolsk Province: administrative and unauthorized ways of formation and peculiarities of development in the late XIX – early XX centuries
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.1.28630
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the populated localities in Tobolsk Province formed over the late XIX – early XX centuries by the government authorities or by the initiative of rural population without authorization. The article analyzes the actions of central and local authorities with regards to newly emerged “unplanned” settlements and their further development; gives comparative characteristics to the size of populated localities formed either by the administration or on the authority of peasants; analyzes their economic and sociocultural infrastructure. The article is structure on the bases of the “List of populated localities” of Tobolsk Province of 1868/1869, 1893, 1903, and 1912; reports of economic department of the Administration of Public Property on the unauthorized formation of settlements in Tobolsk Province; materials of the local periodical press pertinent to separate populated localities and their functioning. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article is first to reveal and compare the peculiarities of formation and development of settlements that appeared as a result of actions of the local administration or upon the initiative of population. The conclusion is made on the strengthening of administrative control over the newly emerged populated localities, policy tightening with regards to settlements formed without authorization, significant underrun of the latter by the level of social development. The settlements formed upon the initiative of population were characterized by their small size, weak infrastructure, and shorter existence.
Tatarnikova A.I. —
Everyday life of peasants in extreme conditions of migration to Siberia (late XIX – early XX centuries)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.9.27250
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the everyday life of peasant migrants, who in the course of their migration got into extreme circumstances substantiated by the immediate move to new lands, as well as the need for economic, sociocultural, psychological and physiological adaptation at the new places of settlement. The author takes into account the problems of transportation, natural and climatic, socioeconomic and other factors and circumstances that determine the extremeness of everyday life of the voluntary migrants. The work is founded on the procedural and modernization approaches. The first interprets the everyday life as ordinary, mundane existence of people; while the extremeness is associated with certain emergency, anomaly, standards of living that changed under the influence of certain factors, accustomed mindset and behavior. The second approach represents an interdisciplinary model of examination of society, its transition from the traditional to contemporary type, accompanied by destruction of the traditional values and mental perceptions. For the first time the everyday life of peasants is characterized in the extreme circumstances. A conclusion is made that migration was a factor that affected the sociocultural transformation of Siberian society. Extremeness of migration manifested in the most severe circumstances of adaptation of the migrants in new lands: unsanitariness and transport failure, mass gatherings of migrants at migration points, unsatisfactory financial situation, food, high incidence of disease and death, etc. The migrants were forced to change their value orientations, find the ways of interaction with autochthonous population, use new life experience.
Tatarnikova A.I., Zagorodnyuk N.I. —
The network of settlements in the Kondinskiy district of the Ural region according to the census of 1926
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 43 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.10.24105
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the network of settlements of Kondinskiy district of the Tobolsk district of the Urals region. The object is spatial distribution, typology, size and infrastructure of its settlements. Sources for the study of the development of the settlement network of the area were the materials of the Circumpolar census of population of 1926-1927 and lists of localities of the Tobolsk district of the Urals region on October 1, 1926. The analysis of the sources helped to identify the location of settlements relative to water sources. The authors concluded that the settlements were located along rivers at a great distance from each other. The typology of the settlement network was dominated by this type of settlement as "derevnya". The number of "selo" and "vyselok" (the settlement outside the village) is slightly. The settlements outside the village were formed in the course of commercial activities of the population. Settlements in the area were small and amounted, on average, 11 households, 41 person. They had a chaotic structure of buildings, streets and alleys were absent. The social infrastructure of settlements of the area was poorly developed, the village council of Nakhrachi, which was the administrative center of Kondinskiy district, had all the elements of infrastructure (school, medical point, post office, commercial establishments).