Krupnov Y.A., Sil'vestrov S.N., Starovoitov V.G., Lapenkova N.V. —
Competitive approach to assessing the national security of the Russian Federation
// National Security. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 13 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.5.68816
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Abstract: The object of the study is the procedure for assessing the state of national security of the Russian Federation, which is being considered for its improvement based on the implementation of a competitive approach when conducting assessments. The authors review the current procedure for assessing national security and justify the need for its improvement. A comparative analysis of domestic and international experience in the formation of criteria, the hierarchical structure of indicators and the prioritization of threats is carried out. The necessity of forming a hierarchical structure, universalization and integration of indicators as part of the implementation of a competitive approach in assessing the state of national security is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to studying the possibility of using uniform international criteria and a system of indicators in domestic practice. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions are presented. The state of security is not an absolute value, but is characterized by relative indicators obtained from the results of a comparative assessment of the indicators of competing countries. Security monitoring and assessment should be carried out on a cross-country rating basis, comparing different countries, including countries whose activities are the source of the main challenges and threats. The novelty lies in the substantiation of the use of a competitive approach and rating methodology, allowing governing bodies to assess the state of security taking into account domestic development dynamics and a comparative analysis of the indicators of countries that can influence the state of security in Russia. Author also presented the associative series of national interests and national security indicators of the USA and Russia. In contrast to similar studies, an original approach to the formation of a set of indicators of the state of national security is proposed. Building a hierarchical structure of indicators provides an opportunity to focus on the most important international complex and integral indicators, and increase the efficiency and reliability of assessments. The main directions for improving assessment based on the implementation of structural-hierarchical and competitive approaches have been identified.
Starovoitov V.G., Silvestrov S.N., Troshin D.V., Selivanov A.I., Lapenkova N.V. —
The problems of monitoring and assessing the state of economic security of the Russian Federation
// Security Issues. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 76 - 87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2020.3.33676
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Abstract: Monitoring and assessment of the state of economic security are indented for control purposes over the achievement of goals and objectives established by the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The government policy measures aimed at reduction of negative impact of the detected challenges and threats to economic security, prevention and minimization of risks and possible damage to national economy are formed based on the results of monitoring and assessment of the state of economic security. Identification of the problems of monitoring and assessment of the state of economic security of the Russian Federation and their resolution would improve the quality and effectiveness of administrative measures aimed at overcoming the crisis phenomena and ensuring economic growth in the country, which is a relevant scientific-applied task. The article presents the results of analysis of the information-analytical materials on assessment of the state of economic security, provided by the participants of the monitoring of state of economic security (over 30 bodies of state and corporate administration). Assessment is carried out on adaptation of information and analytical materials of the state of economic security to the usage as database for explication of simulation model and conduct of simulation modeling of the state of economic security in different economic sectors. The author identifies the mistakes made by the participants of the monitoring and assessment of economic security in the context of preparation of information, and analytical materials essential for the assessment of economic security in different economic sectors and drafting a report of the Government of the Russian Federation to the President of the Russian Federation. The measures for resolving the indicated problems are proposed.