Krinitsyn A.B., Galysheva M.P. —
Venetian Text in Russian Poetry of the 19th - 20th Centuries
// Litera. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 29 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25264
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the image of Venice in Russian poetic texts of the 19th - 20th centuries. The aim of the article is to outline the image of Venice as it is presented in the poetry of the Silver Age, by analyzing the brightest examples of so called 'Venetian' poetry. The authors viewed that poetry as part of the literary tradition and traced back how the perception of the city had been changing over the 19th - 20th centuries, at the same time, they aso analyze the texts they've selected in terms of the writers' ideology using texts by the same authors to clarify the author's message. The authors analyze 'Venetian' texts by Alexander Blok, Nikolay Gumilev, Sergey Gorodetsky and Osip Mandelstam. The author of the article applies the structural analytical method to analyze motifs of 'Venetian' texts and comparative historical method to analyze tranformation of motifs at the diachronic level. The results of the research demonstrate the following: even though poets of the 20th century had very different world views and aesthetic concepts, their images of Venice had a number of typical motifs: transcendence of pure beauty and increasing anxiety of a lyrical hero, tragic perception of the reality and presentiment of death (both of a hero and Venice), and combination of eternity and fragility of the city. Both symbolists and acmeists preferred the image of the night Venice depicted mostly in dark colours. Being an integral phenomenon, the image of Venice had predetermined the modus of each new poetic text that interpreted Venice in its own way while orienting at precedent texts at the same time.
Krinitsyn A.B. —
On specificity of plot action in the novels of Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch: within the context of literary influence of the ‘pulp novel’.
// Litera. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 6 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.20054
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Abstract: The article attempts to describe the particularities of eventfulness in Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch novels, comparing them with the French ‘pulp novel’ of action, whose genre traditions are extensively exploited by the Russian author.In Dostoevsky studies it has become common to state that Dostoevsky’s novels are saturated with events and are characterized by extreme eventfulness. In fact, the impression is a result of application of certain artistic devises, such as intensification of action expectation. At closer consideration we see that in the novel’s depicted time dramatic dialogues definitely prevail over action.The ‘pulp’ genre substratum of the Pentateuch novels is introduced via motives, mostly in the form of the characters’ background, whereas Dostoevsky’s novels reveal absolutely different architectonics that has nothing to do with a mere synthesis of ‘pulp’ and ‘philosophical’ components, as L. Grossman assumed. In preparatory materials to Dostoevsky’s novels we see a great number of dramatically evolving plots, typical of adventure novel. Since their number is substantially reduced in the final text of Dostoevsky’s novels, we may conclude, that the influence of ‘pulp’ novel being strong, the ‘adventure’ plot proper remains beyond the confines of what is actually depicted in the novel.
Krinitsyn A.B. —
On the Specificity of Dostoevsky’s Hero-Ideologist as a Literary Type
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 144 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2016.2.18424
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Abstract: The purpose of the present research is to trace back the mechanism of developing the type of a 'hero-ideologist' in Dostoevsky's fiction after his penal servitude starting from his Notes from Underground and filling in conceptual gaps in particular novels by outlining common typical features and ideas in characters' minds. This allows to analyze Dostoevsky's literary texts written since 1865 until 1880 as a single hypertext. According to the author, the source of future ideas is the 'underground psychology' depriving the hero of the face-to-face communication and 'dreaming' that predetermines 'fanstastic' and 'contemplative' ideas. These ideas may have only two vectors: theantropic ideas that attributes human qualities and emotions to God and ideas that see God as the outward projection of a human's inward nature. While the theantropic idea implies the return of Christ's Kingdom on Earth (Millenium), the main purpose suggested by the other idea is that human can live on Earth alone without God. The transfer from romantic individualism towards a reilgious super-purpose (to save and to 'reshape' the humankind) becomes possible due to the aesthetic element of the idea which serves as some kind of the ideal of beauty and an intermediate link between religious and romantic types of thinking. The idea that God is the human's outward projection creates philosophical subgrounds for crime which can intent to be a murder, political crime, suicide, 'deicide', or patricide, which is supposed to prove the idea and thus gains the sacral meaning in these terms. The author suggests that we should call such a deed 'super-action' because it is designated to change the hero's being and surroundings. The super-action occurs to be the only action the hero-ideologist is capable of. It is the narrative climax and the only important action made by the hero in his life. In the long run, Dostoevsky's heroes-ideologists are the 'one deed heroes' but not the 'one intrigue heroes'. The antithesis to the super-action is the experience of living in paradise which followers of both ideas may have. In his research the author has used hermeneutic, historical literary and comparative typological research methods accompanied with the theological and cultural findings and data. The author's special contribution to the topic is his conclusion about the unity of all heroes-ideologists in Dostoevsky's 'Pentateuch' despite their outward difference. The author also offers a new interpretation of particular ideas presented by Dostoevsky's heroes. For the first time in the academic literature the ideology of Dostoevsky's heroes is being viewed inseparably from their psychological grounds and narrative function. The results of the research can be used to analyze Dostoevsky's fiction as part of University general and special courses as well as at secondary schools.
Krinitsyn A.B. —
The Myth of Sacrifice in Dostoevsky’s Later Novels
// Litera. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 56 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.19126
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Abstract: In his research Krinitskin analyzes mythological motives in Dostoevsky’s novels suggesting their precise definition based on folklore studies and traditions of scientific literary criticism. The specificity of personal myths determined by Dostoevsky’s and the character’s ideas in Dostoevsky’s later novels is described. The researcher describes the myth about sacrifice, the central topic in such novels of as “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “The Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov”. The majority of the above mentioned novels shows this myth in several variants of the plot revealing its contradictory and ambivalent nature: it turns out that both categories of characters, those preaching the ideas of theanthropism and those preaching the ideas of God as the outward projection of a human's inward nature, think about saving the world via sacrifice. The research methods used in this work include historical and cultural, hermeneutical, comparative-historical and comparative and typological analysis of mythopoetics data. The main results of the research is the determination of specifics of myths development in late novels of Fedor Dostoyevsky based on the leading modern concepts of the myth, with the final definition of the myth in Dostoyevsky's five books. The purpose of the research was also to examine the myth about sacrifice in novels "Pentateuch" in the aforesaid figve books. The researcher underlines the ambivalent nature of the philosophical meaning of sacrifice as a mythological theme which, in its turn, determine diversity of poetics and ideological and artistical system of each novel in general.