Ermakova E.R. —
The problem of excessive inequality as an obstacle to the realization of the functions of the social state (on the example of the Volga Federal District)
// National Security. – 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 62 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.5.68978
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Abstract: The aim of the work is to determine the extent of regional differentiation in living standards (based on the analysis of monetary indicators) within the Volga Federal District, as well as the determination of the intraregional level of socio-economic inequality.
The object of the study is the phenomenon of inequality as an antipode of the criterion of the social state. The subject of the study is the parameters of socio-economic inequality by income of the population of the regions of the Volga Federal District.
The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the phenomenon of inequality as a limiter of the target function of the social state.
Results of the study and scientific novelty.
1. The author proposes to determine the degree of distancing society from the practical realization of the idea of the social state, defining the state of equality as a blue marker of the social state, and excessive inequality as a red marker of the social state.
2. The paper presents an analysis of the level of socio-economic inequality of the regions of the Volga Federal District.
3. In the author's opinion, one of the trigger mechanisms for solving the problem of socio-economic inequality should be social elevators that reduce the degree of distancing from the blue marker of the social state.
4. The author sees the root of solution in the structural transformation of the economy.
Ermakova E., Igonina A.A. —
Index of multiple deprivations as a methodological basis for combating poverty in depressed regions (foreign experience)
// National Security. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 45 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.3.38202
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Abstract: The object of the study is the method of calculating the index of multiple deprivation of territories as a methodological component of overcoming multidimensional poverty.
The subject of the study is the best practices of using the index of multiple deprivation in developed countries.The purpose of the study is the theoretical and methodological justification of the feasibility of calculating the index of multiple deprivations at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation to identify the most acute manifestations of multidimensional poverty and its subsequent overcoming.
The methodological basis of the research was made up of general scientific (the method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, the unity of historical and logical) and special (statistical, index) methods.
The information base of the study was the statistical data of the World Bank, methodological recommendations for calculating the index of multidimensional deprivation of territorial authorities of Great Britain, aggregated data of the information and analytical portal Knoema.
According to the authors, the attention of regional authorities of the Russian Federation in terms of solving the problem of poverty should focus not only on monetary, but also, first of all, on multidimensional poverty in order to eliminate the problems of the regions in the sphere of living standards and ensure the inclusion of all citizens in the development processes. The calculation of the multidimensional deprivation index is expedient from the point of view of reducing disparities in territorial development and point-to-point solutions to the problems of specific territories (for example, residents of northern regions may experience deprivation in infrastructure, the population of central Russia and industrial zones suffers deprivation in relation to environmental living conditions, etc.)
Ermakova E. —
The instruments for combating shadow economy in the Russian Federation
// National Security. – 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 22 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37067
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Abstract: This article substantiates the need for the development and application of the additional instruments for combating shadow economy in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the measures for combating shadow economy, while the subject is the related punitive and preventive instruments. The research methodology employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy); systemic and comprehensive approach; official statistical data, normative legal acts, works of the leading researchers dedicated to the problems of expansion of shadow economy, computer-based legal research systems Garant and ConsultantPlus. The study of the normative legal framework and scientific writings of the leading scholars, as well as the analysis of practical experience of the Russian Federation in combating shadow economy allowed making the following conclusions: the effective system of combating shadow economic processes should be built on all levels of governance: micro, meso and macro; at the same time, each of these levels should be able to apply both punitive and preventive instruments that encourage the actors to engage in legal activity. In recent years, Russia largely implements preventive methods for combating shadow economy. However, the rate of shadow economy in the country remains high (33% of GDP), which thwarts the economic development.
Ermakova E. —
Servicing of shadow economy: banking and parabanking systems
// National Security. – 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2020.6.34674
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Abstract: The goal of this article consists in understanding of the role of banking and parabanking institutions in ensuring shadow capital flow. The object of this research is the financial flows that serve shadow economy. The subject of this research is the capital outflow through banking and parabanking systems, shady transactions of commercial banks, and structure of money turnover. Methodological framework is comprised of systemic and integrated approaches. The article also employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of comparison and analogy), as well as special methods of cognition (monetary methods). Information database contains the official data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Federal State Statistics Service. The following conclusions were formulated:
1) Policy of combating money laundering conducted by the Bank of Russia yields tangible results (significant reduction in the volume of shady operations; commercial banks fearing suspension or revocation of license are not interested in servicing such operations);
2) This leads to active development of more flexible, cost-effective, and uncontrolled by the Bank of Russia shadow banking (this is testified by the the growing role of the parabanking system in servicing of capital outflows), as well as of alternative financial instruments intended to conceal the affiliated entities and beneficiaries are gaining popularity (a number of cryptocurrencies);
3) Current situation (novel coronavirus pandemic, oil shocks) contributed to increase of the share of capital in circulation, which indicates the spread of shadow relations in the country.
Therefore, the author underlines the need to ensure transparency of operations of parabanking institutions and their control by the state.