Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B., Cherdakova L.A., Suvorova A.V. —
Features of protection of transboundary objects of the world natural heritage: Russian and foreign experience (Part 2)
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 55 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2023.3.40947
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_40947.html
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Abstract: This article is a continuation of the analysis of the fulfillment by Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso of international obligations and the application of national law norms for the protection of the transboundary object of the V-Arly-Panjari Complex, as well as the implementation by Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands of a set of measures for the protection and conservation of the Wadden Sea. The authors identified the main provisions for the protection and management of the outstanding universal value, considered the foundations for the formation of systems of bodies that perform the functions of protecting objects, analyzed the main measures for coordinating the actions of national authorities to eliminate the main threats and maintain the state of unique natural transboundary objects in order to fulfill obligations under the Convention. The novelty of this study is predetermined by the fact that at the present time there are practically no legal studies of the practice of protecting World Heritage sites in general and transboundary (transnational) sites in particular. The analysis leads the authors to the conclusion that the extrapolation of the main provisions to the current situation in the field of conservation of such Russian transboundary natural objects as the Ubsunur basin and the Landscapes of Dauria gives rise to the need to develop appropriate individual adjustments in the legislation of our country, regardless of the relevant UNESCO measures. The authors make proposals to improve the situation in the field of ensuring its protection of a Russian transboundary natural objects.
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B., Cherdakova L.A., Suvorova A.V. —
Features of protection of transboundary objects of the world natural heritage: Russian and foreign experience (part 1)
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 42 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2023.2.40943
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_40943.html
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Abstract: This work is the first part of the article, the subject of which is the practice of fulfillment by Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso of international obligations to protect the transboundary object of the world natural heritage of the "W-Arly-Panjari" Complex, as well as the practice of managing activities for the protection of such an object as Wadden Sea, located in the territories of Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The authors highlight the general problems of protecting world heritage sites in the framework of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention, as well as review and analyze the main activities for coordinating the actions of national authorities to preserve and maintain unique natural complexes, in particular, in terms of the implementation of management plans. The analysis of the experience of cooperation between the authorities of Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso with the authorities of the world heritage protection system in relation to the W-Arly-Panjari Complex, as well as Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands in relation to the Wadden Sea, leads to the conclusion that the interaction of national and international funds is effective protection of nature and the need to develop measures aimed at strengthening cooperation between states, including within the framework of the functioning of supranational systems and legal institutions in order to preserve transboundary natural heritage sites.
Ditsevich Y.B., Yurkovskii A.V. —
On the Issue of the Peculiarities of the Formation and Modernization of the State Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China
// Politics and Society. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 19 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43807
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psmag/article_43807.html
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Abstract: This article discusses aspects of solving environmental protection problems and outlines issues characterizing the interaction between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. An assessment is given on the adoption of legislation for both states and joint coordinated measures aimed at reducing and eliminating negative trends associated with environmental degradation in Russia and China. The features of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China's influence on state environmental policies on environmental issues are described. The analysis of the state of legality in enforcing environmental legislation and the effectiveness of legal means used in implementing prosecutorial supervision in this area is carried out. Empirical, statistical, and scientific information is provided on how the prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China participate in the formation of methods and tools of national environmental policies that are of a state nature and carry out their activities mainly in legal forms using complex mechanisms of legal regulation. The proposed article compares the concepts of sustainable development in force in Russia and the People's Republic of China based on generally recognized environmental standards by the international community, which have been ratified in the legislation of the countries under consideration, and analyzes the problems and areas of improvement of Russian and Chinese environmental legislation.
Ditsevich Y.B., Yarovoi A.V. —
Improving the effectiveness of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation by control (supervision) bodies in the context of the ongoing administrative reform
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2023.1.38831
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ammag/article_38831.html
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of control and supervisory activities in the context of administrative reform, as well as the importance of the human rights component of prosecutorial supervision over the execution of laws by control (supervision) bodies. The study raises the problem of distinguishing the procedures necessary to bring a person to administrative responsibility and the procedures of state control (supervision) or municipal control. The mechanisms of various control (supervisory) measures are described. The issues of adaptation of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution of laws by control (supervision) bodies under the moratorium established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the conduct of control (supervisory) measures in relation to the majority of small and medium-sized businesses are highlighted. It is noted that the organizational and administrative documents of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation establish a requirement for the suppression by prosecutors of the implementation of verification measures under the guise of raids, monitoring, as well as in the framework of illegal administrative proceedings. The results of this study are: the study of the rules of control and supervisory activities, as well as its relationship with administrative proceedings. The authors attempt to develop proposals to improve the effectiveness of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on state control (supervision) by perceiving the ongoing administrative reform to modernize control and supervisory activities, mixing accents in its implementation in order to form law-abiding behavior of controlled persons.
Ditsevich Y.B., Yurkovskii A.V. —
On the Issue of the Peculiarities of the Formation and Modernization of the State Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China
// Law and Politics. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 23 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2022.10.38821
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lpmag/article_38821.html
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Abstract: This article discusses aspects of solving environmental protection problems and outlines issues characterizing the interaction between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. An assessment is given on the adoption of legislation for both states and joint coordinated measures aimed at reducing and eliminating negative trends associated with environmental degradation in Russia and China. The features of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China's influence on state environmental policies on environmental issues are described. The analysis of the state of legality in enforcing environmental legislation and the effectiveness of legal means used in implementing prosecutorial supervision in this area is carried out. Empirical, statistical, and scientific information is provided on how the prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China participate in the formation of methods and tools of national environmental policies that are of a state nature and carry out their activities mainly in legal forms using complex mechanisms of legal regulation. The proposed article compares the concepts of sustainable development in force in Russia and the People's Republic of China based on generally recognized environmental standards by the international community, which have been ratified in the legislation of the countries under consideration, and analyzes the problems and areas of improvement of Russian and Chinese environmental legislation.
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B., Ganeva E.O., Shornikov D.V. —
Problems of preserving the international legal status of Lake Baikal in the light of the analysis of the practice of excluding objects from the World Heritage List (Part 2)
// Law and Politics. – 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 22 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2022.7.38249
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lpmag/article_38249.html
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Abstract: The article is a continuation of the presentation of the results of the study of the current state and consideration in retrospect of the existing cases of exclusion of UNESCO World Heritage sites from the World Heritage List. Focusing on the general problems of conservation of World Heritage sites, the authors extrapolate the findings to the situation in the field of conservation of the World Natural Heritage site Lake Baikal in order to develop proposals to improve the situation in the field of ensuring its protection. In particular, the problem of insufficient certainty and clarity in establishing the boundaries of World Heritage sites is noted, in order to solve which a proposal is made to consolidate the regime of World Natural heritage sites in the law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", with the mandatory formation of a unified administration and approval of the boundaries of such a protected area by an act of the Russian Government, taking into account the requirements of the World Heritage Convention and Guidelines for the application of the Convention when they change. The problem of preserving the appearance of cultural heritage is also considered, since the issue of aesthetic perception of the lake and its immediate surroundings is considered important from the point of view of fulfilling obligations under the Convention on the Protection of World Heritage (taking into account the fact that Baikal is recognized as a World Heritage by all four criteria for assessing outstanding universal value). The lack of representation of protection of natural beauty at the national level is noted, since the current legislation does not contain tools for the protection of Baikal landscapes.
Based on the results of the analysis of the world practice of excluding World Heritage sites from the List, the authors conclude that the extrapolation of the main reasons for such exclusionof Lake Baikal as a World Natural Heritage site necessitates the state to develop and make appropriate adjustments to the legislation on the protection of Lake Baikal and to the practice of its application, regardless of the relevant UNESCO events.
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B., Ganeva E.O., Shornikov D.V. —
Problems of preserving the international legal status of Lake Baikal in the light of the analysis of the practice of excluding objects from the World Heritage List (Part 1)
// Law and Politics. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2022.6.38174
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lpmag/article_38174.html
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Abstract: This research is the first part of the article, in which, based on the analysis of historical precedents, a study of the procedure for excluding UNESCO World Heritage sites from the corresponding World Heritage List is conducted. The authors highlight common problems in the protection of World Heritage sites, the interpolation of which in relation to such a World Natural heritage site as Lake Baikal creates prospects for preventing the occurrence of the most negative consequences. A detailed analysis of the difficulties in the conservation of World Heritage sites, which lead to the exclusion of objects from the World Heritage List, based on world experience, is proposed. In the work, one of the problems of preserving World Heritage sites, which served, in particular, as the main reason for the exclusion from the List of such an object as the Arabian Antelope Reserve, is called insufficient certainty, as well as insufficient clarity in establishing the boundaries of World Heritage sites. The authors substantiate this thesis and draw a conclusion about the importance of strict compliance by the participating countries with the norms formed in the main relevant international documents. In addition, it is noted that the exclusion of an object from the UNESCO World Heritage List may lead to the appearance of non-compliance of the object with the criteria of outstanding universal value.
Ditsevich Y.B., Kolobov R.Y. —
Brazilian Declaration of Judges on Water Justice of March 2018 as a source of soft environmental law
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2022.1.37280
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_37280.html
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Abstract: This article provides the results of research conducted within the framework of the concept of international legal protection of Lake Baikal on the outcome of environmental work of international non-governmental organizations in the sphere of protection and sustainable of water resources. Coverage is given on the activity of the World Water Council. Special attention is turned to the reflection of the main results of the World Water Forum, including the outcome of its activity in form of the Brazilian Declaration of Judges on Water Justice adopted in March 2018. Leaning on the results of the work with authentic text, the author examines 10 basic principles contained in the Brazilian Declaration of Judges on Water Justice, which a certain degree reflect the environmental priority in the consideration of civil, administrative and criminal cases related to the use and protection of waters, with the disclosure of their basic content. One of the proposals is the formation of the Expert Council on Lake Baikal that incorporates the academic staff of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other representatives of scientific community who take part in preparation of assessment of the scientific validity of draft documents in the sphere of conservation of Lake Baikal that significantly affect then environmental activity in the Baikal Nature Reserve. A proposal is formulated on the inclusion into the current and newly developed programs for the advanced training of judges and prosecutors that imply the study of the key aspects of law enforcement practice in the sphere of environmental protection (considering the natural specificity of the region for the judges to implement their activity). Attention is given to the work of the International Water Resources Association and the results of the 16th World Water Congress held in Cancun (Mexico). The analyzed international experience is extrapolated to the problematic of conservation of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal.
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B. —
The development of sustainable tourism in the Baikal Natural Reserve through application of the norms of international “soft” law
// Law and Politics. – 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2021.11.36847
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lpmag/article_36847.html
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Abstract: This article discusses the use of international experience for the purpose of improving the normative-organizational framework for regulation of tourism in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Reserve. Analysis is conducted on the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics, and interim results of the decade-long Framework Program for Sustainable Consumption and Production (with regards to sustainable tourism). The author discloses the basic content of the global initiative of reducing plastic consumption in tourism, as well as recommendations for the improvement of procurement activity in tourism sector. Special attention is given to the efforts on the advancement of sustainable tourism within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The article reviews the core principles concerning biodiversity and tourism development that ensure its sustainable character, and the main characteristics of the corresponding practical guides. Emphasis is also placed Guidance for tourism partnerships and concessions for protected areas and Akwé: Kon Guidelines, which are rarely mentioned in legal literature. Based on the analysis of positive normative and organizational solutions, the conclusion is formulated on the importance of these documents for the development of tourism in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Reserve. The author underline the importance of general-political recognition of the value of tourism (including the listed protected natural territories) and the reflection of this approach in the reputable international documents. An opinion is put forward on the importance of accurate determination of the current recreational load on the Lake Baikal and its adjacent territories, as well as calculation (based on the in-depth scientific research) of the maximum permissible level of recreational load, the excess of which threatens the conservation of the Baikal ecosystem.
Ditsevich Y.B., Kolobov R.Y. —
Threats to conservation of World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” and measures to reduce them (based on the results of the 44th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee)
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 22 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2021.4.36774
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_36774.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the decisions adopted at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee on the conservation of the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” pertaining to such relevant questions as the construction of hydropower station on the Selenga River, as well as countering such phenomena as wild fires and illegal construction within the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory. The article provides characteristics to the content of documents approved at the recently held 44th session of the World Heritage Committee for the Conservation of the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal”, within the framework of which the international community assess the actions of the Russian Federation on discharge of the obligations on conservation of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal. Analysis of the problems to be solved that are listed in documentation of the 44th session of committee, the author notes the potential of the world heritage protection mechanism in solution of the problem of constructing hydropower stations on the Selenga River. These include extension of the applicable scope of the “No-go” agreements to the sphere of financial and insurance services, consideration of positive experience of using such institution as the List of World Heritage in Danger, as well as interaction with the International Hydropower Association on elaboration of the universal approaches towards the problem of impact of hydropower stations upon the World Heritage Sites.
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B. —
The issues of international legal protection of the Lake Baikal: results of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee
// International Law. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 26 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2021.3.36699
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_36699.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the decisions made at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in the matter of conservation of the World Heritage Site – Lake Baikal. Using the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, etc., the author carries out in-depth analysis of the content of documents approved at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee regarding the Lake Baikal held in July 2021, within the framework of which the international community estimates the discharge of obligations by the Russian Federation concerning the preservation of ecosystem of the Lake Baikal. The goal of this article is to explore and offer solutions to certain problematic aspects of international legal protection of the Lake Baikal in the context of discussion unfolded at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee. The article examines the legislative changes in regulation of the various groups of social relations in the Central Ecological Zone of Lake Baikal and its islands, and formulates recommendations for their improvement. The author determines the non-systemic nature of legal regulation in this sphere, and this, inability to forecast changes in the regime of legal protection of the Lake Baikal. For solution of the indicated issue, the author formulates the proposal on the need to develop and approve the long-term management plan for the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” using approaches of the bodies of the system of world heritage protection. The development of such plan would be facilitated by extension of the umbrella regime of the listed territory to the Central Ecological Zone of Lake Baikal and its islands, as well as by creation of single administration that would also control other listed territories that are part of it. Analysis is conducted on the topical issues related to conservation of the Lake Baikal ecosystem, which were outlined at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee. The author suggests a number of amendments to the federal legislation aimed at strengthening the national legal protection of World Heritage Sites.
Ditsevich Y.B., Kolobov R.Y. —
Potential of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage for resolution of environmental problems of the world heritage site “Lake Baikal”
// International Law. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 11 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2020.4.34727
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_34727.html
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Abstract: This article reflects certain results of the research conducted within the framework of implementation of the scientific project No.0-011-00168, supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, dedicated to comprehensive analysis of the international legal regimes for the protection of Lake Baikal. Emphasis is placed on the protection regime of the world heritage, realized on the basis of the cognominal convention. Recognition of the role played by the mechanisms for protection of the World Heritage in conservation of the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal, the authors note that within the framework of Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage there are promising mechanisms that are currently did not receive due reflection with regards to protection of the lake. Such instruments include the list of world heritage sites that are under a threat; development of the plan for maintaining the world heritage site; strategic environmental assessment of planned activity that may negatively impact the site. The conclusion is made on the need for implementation of the following international legal mechanisms with regards to protection of Lake Baikal: inclusion of Lake Baikal into the list of world heritage sites that are under the threat, upon the initiative of the Russian Federation in case of construction of hydroengineering structures by Mongolia on the Selenga River without taking into account the priorities for preservation of the lake ecosystem; elaboration of the plan for protection of Lake Baikal as the world heritage site. The author also underlines the need to develop the plan that would become the means for harmonization of various legal regimes that ensure protection of the Lake Baikal. Attention given to the approaches towards assessing the impact upon the environment existing within the system of protection of world heritage. It is suggested to consider the recommendations of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources to conduct such assessment on World Heritage sites.