Shantyr Y. —
Scientific and practical interpretation of health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 55 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.3.38215
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Abstract: This article is devoted to health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category. The paper provides an analytical review of the history of understanding the phenomenon of health. It reveals all the diversity in the approaches and judgments of this conceptual category in social, psychological, biomedical and philosophical scientific developments, as well as in legislative documents. The article shows that the interpretation of the concept of health is not only an important medical and scientific aspect, but also has a key socio-psychological significance for the development of modern society and the formation of a person's personality. Using the example of coronavirus infection, the article substantiates the relevance of the semantic content of this conceptual category in our time, when health can no longer be considering separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of public consciousness that take place in the modern world. To change the situation for the better in this area, as shown in the work, it is possible only by forming in the public consciousness a fundamentally new concept of health as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analytical studies of the concept of health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category and the development on this basis of new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of health and its main derivatives: mental health, physical health, reproductive health and sexual health. The proposed interpretations, according to the author, have a more pronounced social and psychological determinant for the formation of a new worldview in modern society regarding the concept of health and its derivatives. As a result, of the new conceptual priorities, as shown in the work, it is possible to significantly strengthen the health of the population, increase the individual and collective level of immunity and, ultimately, improve the quality of the very realization of a person in all spheres of his life.
Shantyr Y. —
Social-Psychological Concept of Law Making Bases in Area of Marriage and Family Relations
// Psychologist. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2017.2.21998
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Abstract: The present research is devoted to studying and analyzing fundamental legislative approaches in the area of marriage and family relations based on the example of the Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine. At the present time there are literary sources and Internet sites that provide enough research and information material that evidently testifies about the increasing destructive crisis in modern marriage and family relations. At the same time, more and more researchers in this area underline the ever increasing role and importance of the family institution for all humanity and the need to defend and further develop the family institution under the conditions of modern society. Consequently, today there is a great need in fundamental positions and a certain psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations so that the entire set of marriage and family relations could be based and developed thereupon in the future. Based on Based on analytical research, the author of the present article develops and offers a social-psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations. The concept includes concrete definitions of basic categories such as family, marriage, domestic relations. The author also interprets equality and voluntary participation as the fundamental principles of creating a contemporary family and development of family as a social institution. The research methodology is based on developing research aspects using general research methods such as comparison and analogy, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, detailed elaboratinon, construction, etc. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author conducts analytical research of Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine, interprets the terms 'equality' and 'voluntary participation' as the fundamental social-psychological principles for building marriage and family relations and offrs concrete definitions of the basic terms such as family, marriage and domestic relations. The article will be of interest to a wide audience consisting of both nonspecialists and experts in family relations, for example, teachers, practical psychologists, lawers and state officials.
Shantyr Y. —
Authority of personality of class leader
// Psychologist. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 54 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19723
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Abstract: Psychological bases of growth of authority of personality of class leader open up in this article. They plug in itself, foremost, forming of new world view to the outward things and, in particular, to position of class leader, whose activity must be carried out taking into account sexual belonging of children and teenagers. Basic sense of this worldview is a choice of new relation to itself and to the concrete school situation with the purpose of development of new personality qualities of student, but not fight against his failings and their removal. Thus activity of class leader, as well as other school specialists, must be built on the base of adequate and short story interpretations of basic concepts and terms which are used in the system of school education: teaching, education, class leader, personality and some other. Exactly unambiguity and brevity, and energiynost', in obedience to Integrativnaya psychology, basic concepts and terms, and create that psychological pre-condition which is needed for the decision of concrete problems of teaching and education of rising generation. Methodology of research of this work plug in itself development of the basic psychological going near growth of authority of personality of class leader. A scientific novelty consists in psychological conception of activity of class leader and interpretation of basic concepts and terms, which are use ding in the system of school education. The article can be interesting the wide circle of specialists in the field of school education and psychological services: to the scientific-pedagogical employees, teachers, practical psychologists and gossluzhaschim of the system of education.
Shantyr Y. —
Definition of Professions and Questions on Training Personnel for Psychological Services
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 942 - 950.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.9.16276
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Abstract: One of most topical issues in practical psychology now is training of specialists and orientation of practical psychology at psychotherapeutic (curative) activity and medical terms. The first problem is that specialists in the field of psychological services get education both at higher educational establishments and educational centers of different psychological schools and branches of psychology. This creates a variety of professions in this area, the terms of educating are fundamentally different. The authors of the present article suggest to train specialists of numerous psychological schools and directions and to conduct their practical training for work in different spheres of human activity only by higher education establishments. The second problem of practical psychology is the medical terminology and the absence of clear theoretical definitions of professional activity of medics related to the problems of mental health and psychology. The authors of the article explain theoretical grounds for fundamental distinctions of activity of specialists in practical psychology and medical specialities and demonstrate that practical psychology is an obviously humanitarian profession. The article contains a brief historical review of the basic directions of practical psychology and the current situation in this sphere. The authors also provide an analytical review of existing psychological services and associated professions in Russia and Ukraine including services mentioned in the Classifications of Professions for these two countries and point out legislative contradictions from the point of view of existing problems. The methodology of the research involves the development of the basic approaches to training of personnel in the field of psychological services and theoretical substantiation of the principal differences between psychological activity and medical activity associated with mental health based on the analysis of scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have provided an analytical review of existing professions in the sphere of psychological services in Russia and Ukraine including professions included in the Classifications of Professions for these countries. The authors also give the theoretical justification for the fact that psychologist is a humanitarian profession that does not involve a medical world view and curative manipulations and therefore should not use medical terminology. Disregarding his major, the main objective of a practical psychologist is to encourage the development of personality and mental processes in order to form a completely new Personality capable of solving professional and personal problems and taking care of his health including mental health. The article can be of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of psychological services, such as researchers, practical psychologists and state officials of the education system.
Shantyr Y. —
Actuality of Practical Psychology and the Job Profile Diagram of a Practical Psychologist
// Psychologist. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 116 - 138.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.4.15267
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Abstract: Actuality of practical psychology is showing in this article in the conditions of intensification of life of man and growth of the crisis phenomena in modern society. Problems into that humanity runs today are the result of present spiritually psychical crisis. The level of evolution of human consciousness, as carrier of psychical processes, does not provide presently, adequate reaction of society and his individuals on existing now calls and does not result in the timely making of new world view on overcoming of the crisis phenomena. Evolution of psychical processes and on the whole psyches of man, along with undeniable achievements, accompanied and accompanied, unfortunately, by unit by the row of the negative phenomena: by wars, social calamities, ethnogeny catastrophes and other destructive events. Consequently, development of psyche, as totalities of psychical processes of man, requires, special in present terms, purposeful efforts of psychologists and unambiguous interpretation of their activity. The main task here consists in that in the conditions of growth of the crisis phenomena and permanent intensification of life of man qualitatively new progressive personality transformations in society took place quickly enough and mass, that will allow turning back the crisis phenomena and present orientation of modern humanity to self-destruction. In these terms psychology and her practical realization appear, by how hardly not only science to that looks are turned in search of answer for the pressing questions of today and determination of the practical operating under an exit from crisis situations. At the same time, profession of psychologist while yet far not simply perceived today in modern society, practical psychology did not declare about itself properly, and activity of practical psychologists did not become concrete and clear to the people. Key reason of it absence of the clearly set forth bases of professiogrammy of practical psychologist is, foremost, allowing to dissociate a psychological help from all other near on maintenance the parapsychology and astrologic types of activity. The algorithm of the job profile diagram of a practical psychologist, activity of that, unlike other professions, must be directing, is offered in the article and reasonable, foremost, on development of psychical processes of man with the purpose of forming of new personality capable in any terms it is adequate to work out the concrete problems. The table of contents of work of practical psychologist consists in realization of consultations and realization of gumanitarno-povedencheskogo psycho-analysis that consistently plugs in itself all three basic methodological directions of practical psychology: psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral and humanistic psychology. The article can be interesting to the wide circle of specialists in the field of psychological services: to the students, teachers, practical psychologists and by a civil servant of the system of education.
Shantyr Y. —
Standardization of base concepts and terms of practical psychology
// Psychologist. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 99 - 117.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.2.14907
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Abstract: In modern terms psychology and her practical realization appear, by how hardly not only science to that looks are turned in search of answer for the pressing questions of today and determination of the practical operating under an exit from crisis situations. At the same time practical psychology today yet is not a perfect enough instrument for the decision of issues of the day of man and society on the whole. In a great deal it is explained by a variety and ambiguousness of the base terms and concepts, used in practical psychology, that not only complicates the professional mutual relations of psychologists but also puts under doubts in a number of cases semantic interpretation of activity of practical psychologist and very often distorts essence and specific of profession in public consciousness. In the article offered and base concepts and terms of practical psychology, that, not denying all numerous theoretical works in psychology, create compatible, are reasonable in theory increases of her efficiency and to the height of social meaningfulness, that it is extremely necessary in the conditions of growth of the crisis phenomena in modern society. In-process set forth and such base concepts and terms of practical psychology, as determination of psychology, as sciences, concept of personality, interpretation of psychical processes and their classification, are reasonable in theory.The scientific novelty of the article consists in the acceptable to all schools and directions unitization of base concepts and terms of practical psychology. To the base concepts and terms we attributed determination of psychology, as sciences, concept of personality, interpretation of psychical processes and their classification. Generalizing material, we offer the next theoretical ground of the indicated terms and concepts for practical psychology:Psychology is science about psychical processes and behavior of man, as personality.Personality is a man, as carrier of creative consciousness. A psychical process is certain odnonapravlennoe property of consciousness. Classification of psychical processes :1. Intellectual psychical processes.2. Emotional psychical processes.3. Functional psychical processes.4. Spiritual psychical processes.