Strigin M.B. —
The connection between esotericism and science, or how the second "parasitizes" the first. Science as a reproducible quantum entanglement of the real trajectory and trajectory of thinking
// Man and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 170 - 184.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72161
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Abstract: The paper shows that esotericism is the area of bifurcation of knowledge in which new trajectories of thinking are born. Further, in accordance with the principle of Occam's Razor, some of them are eliminated as not corresponding to the principle of least action. The rest move into the field of regular science. It is shown that our world is a system of nested resonators, which is consistent with Descartes' idea that the world is built from a hierarchy of vortices. This also explains the great importance of boundary conditions in mathematics, since the boundaries of the resonator define the shape of the vortex. At the same time, the discreteness of energy, which is a characteristic feature of all quantum processes, becomes clear, since only isolated structures can persistently exist in the resonator. The general wave function of an entity is proposed as the product of a number of wave functions corresponding to each scale of the Universe. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. This correlation is built using mathematical signs. Since both the real trajectory and the trajectory of thinking are cyclical, their synchronization indicates the quantum entanglement of the real and the symbolic. The Jungian concept of synchronicity is being clarified. At any moment, by explicating a sequence of signs, we reproduce reality. All particles are entangled with each other to varying degrees. Therefore, the task of the experimenter is not to create entanglement, but rather to disentangle the object of study so that it can be studied autonomously.
Strigin M. —
Ontology of a metaphor: the way from apophaticism to cataphaticism in the cognitive path to God
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 11 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.8.33569
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Abstract: This work reasonably substitutes the literary and aesthetic understanding of metaphor as a poetic technique of expressiveness with the epistemological understanding of metaphor as an instrument for expanding the semantic possibilities of perception. Ontological dimension of a metaphor is reconstructed in accordance with the concept of “inertia” of nature. Nature repeatedly reproduces the previously acquired in some area of the phenomenal, while appearance of a human proliferated such reproduction to the area of the noumenal. Repetition of such reproductions of the acquired testifies to the fractality of being. Metaphor turns the linear evolution of semantics into a complex nonlinear process through topological transformations. It becomes most efficient in the cataphatic operation of “composition”. Unlike apophaticism, metaphor not only takes to a new level of cognition, but also arranges all these levels in accordance with the fractal nature of being. Therefore, metaphor is the primary means for transforming fractality into an epistemological tool in the area of the noumenal. If analytical reasoning fractionize the idea, by increasing the entropy of semantics, the metaphorical assertions reduce it, focusing the thought and synthesizing new semantic patterns. Such a focus fractalizes semantics, which should ultimately result in a semantic explosion and, most likely, bring a man closer to God.
Strigin M. —
Taboo on spiritual incest: justification of the anthropic principle
// Man and Culture. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 104 - 116.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.33141
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Abstract: This article makes an attempt to demonstrate that the evolution of culture is isomorphic to the evolution of life, and thus, such isomorphism can be considered a basic metaphor for studying the evolution of culture. Such research allows explicating the key cultural processes, which are imperceptible to other methods, and suggest algorithms for adjusting these processes. Leaning on fact that life due to the impact of isolating mechanisms of nature constantly forms different taxa, in which the evolution rapidly fades, it is proven that isolation of cultural memes leads to their degeneration. The emergence of certain taboos, such as the taboo on incest, cause fusion of taxa, which accelerates the evolution and results in structural revolutions. Such evolutionary pattern can be described with Freud’s metaphor from the eponymous book “Totem and Taboo». Totemism explicates teleologicity of evolution as the need for uniting all taxa into one. The work displays that culture has already formed the plurality of “semantic taxa”, which require unification, or at least, interaction with each other; such interaction should stimulate the taboo on “spiritual incest, which means limitation of evolution within a single semantic taxon.