Lyukshina D.S., Kapustina T.V., Sadon E.V., Kadyrov R.V. —
Personal, social and behavioral components of emotional burnout among physicians (based on the example of a study of physicians in the Primorsky Territory)
// Psychologist. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.6.69063
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the personal, social and behavioral components of emotional burnout among medical specialists. The empirical object of the study was 340 physicians of different specialties, ages and work experience. Based on theoretical analysis, the authors of the study identify the main internal components of emotional burnout among medical specialists: the personal component (a range of certain personal characteristics and states), the social component (relationships with other people, including colleagues and patients), and the behavioral component (professional and motivational orientation of the individual and stress resistance). The methodological basis of the study is the component model of internal manifestations of emotional burnout, which consists of three components. The study used the testing method and the projective method. It was found that emotional burnout is typical (from moderate to extremely high levels) for 309 people (90.9%). The scientific novelty of the study should be considered the use of a three-component model of emotional burnout internal factors. The study determined that overall work experience has no correlation with the manifestations of emotional burnout, but young and mature age contribute to it. Target points were identified for the prevention and psychological correction of emotional burnout among medical specialists of various specialties. Programs can be drawn up based on the manifestations of each component in doctors with a high level of emotional burnout.
Kapustina T.V., Gaidai A.S., Gorshkova O.V., Kadyrov R.V. —
Emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation among specialists working in correctional institutions
// Psychologist. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.3.40912
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Abstract: The subject of the research is emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation among specialists working in correctional institutions. The empirical object of the study was specialists from correctional institutions with a work experience of 14 years or more, since they are more prone to emotional burnout. The comparison group was represented by teachers who do not work in correctional institutions. The total sample of the study is 104 people. The authors of the study make a general conclusion that the burnout syndrome should be considered as an element of professional deformation. The syndrome of emotional burnout is its element, since distortions of the personality and the psyche as a whole can be caused by prolonged exposure to stressful factors. These factors are associated with a general increased emotional background, harmful influences that provoke emotional reactions. All this exhausts the psyche and contributes to the development of professional deformation. The obtained statistical results made it possible to describe the features of the manifestation of emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation at the affective-cognitive, physiological and behavioral levels. A detailed description allows more detailed and precise formation of programs for prevention and psychological support for specialists in correctional institutions.
Cheremiskina I.I., Kapustina T.V. —
Young People' Coping Behavior in Situation of a Personal Crisis
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 56 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.4.38431
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Abstract: The subject of the study is coping behavior in a situation of experiencing a personal crisis. The empirical object of the study was young people who are an important resource of socio-economic transformations in our society. The age period itself, from a psychological point of view, is a time of personality formation, active entry into new types of activities, social roles, self-realization. However, the postmodern world sets a very high pace of human existence, the change of life situations and orientations occurs abruptly, almost instantly, which causes a high stress load on young people, against the background of awareness of the mismatch of external circumstances and semantic structures of personality, there is an experience of a personal crisis, the negative consequence of which is its socio-psychological maladaptation. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is based on the three-component model of L.G. Zhedunova, based on which methods were selected to diagnose the experience of personal crisis in young people. It turned out that more than half of the young people studied are in a state of experiencing a personal crisis. The peculiarity of their coping behavior is the predominant use of the strategies of "distancing" and "avoidance", they tend to ignore the strategy of "taking responsibility". They are also characterized by a tendency to exaggerate existing problems, an increased level of anxiety, low mood, passivity, poor health, increased sensitivity, impressionability, vulnerability, lack of leadership qualities, the predominance of intrapersonal conflict consisting in the confrontation of two contradictory traits – conformity and nonconformism, the predominance of motivation to avoid failures, a tendency to conflict behavior. The data obtained can be useful for both psychological consultants and representatives of psychological support services, since the identified features of young people in a state of experiencing a personal crisis can become targets of psychological assistance to overcome it.
Kadyrov R.V., Kapustina T.V., Gorokhova Y.O. —
Attitude to Life and Future Demonstrated by Children and Teenagers Suffering from Onco-Hematological Diseases
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 46 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.2.29578
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Abstract: The matter under research is attitude to life and future demonstrated by children suffering from onco-hematological diseases, serious chronic illness that changes life views and attitudes. The results of the research are of great importance for understanding the teenager age when basic beliefs, values and world views, attitudes to life and future develop which creates the basis for personality identification and influences future life-important choices of young men and women. For the empirical research the authors have used such methods as tests, questionnaires and projective method. Statistical data processing was performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher test. The scientific novelty of the research is obvious because the majority of researches involve adults or explain psychological peculiarities of rehabilitation of such patients. The results of the research demonstrate that younger school children with onco-hematological diseases have a better idea of their life goals wile their attitude to past life events is more negative and full of anxiety. Teenagers with ongo-hematological diseases have a life attitude that is based on their personal life experience. Their attitude to future has little sence, no clear goals and full of anxiety and negative emotions. Their priority life values are spiritual values as well as communication and acceptance from others.
Kapustina T.V., Kadyrov R.V., Lyukshina D.S. —
Coping Behavior Strategies and Psychological Defence Mechanisms of Young Women with Particular Early Maladaptive Schemas
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 25 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.5.27644
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Abstract: The object of the research is the Early Maladaptive Schemas. The subject of the research is the coping behavior strategies and psychological defence mechanisms used by young women with different Early Maladaptive Schemas. The authors of the article analyze Early Maladaptive Schemas as particular behavioral stereotypes that have a negative influence on life activity. The authors underline the importance of the research results for psychological counselling regarding difficult life situations caused by Early Maladaptive Schemas. In the course of their research the authors have used empirical research methods and data processing methods. In particular, they use such tests as the Young Schema Questionnaire YSQ-S3R, Coping Strategy Inventory and Life-Style Index. For statisticall processing of data the authors use Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. The results of the empirical research of young women aged from 21 to 30 years with Early Maladaptive Schemas demonstrate that the coping strategies they mostly use are distancing and repression as an ego defence mechanism. The research results can be used for psychological counselling of clients and patients with Early Maladaptive Schemas and increasing efficiency of psychological assistance by transforming or changing habitual inefficient behavioral schemes. The novelty of the research and the authors' contribution are caused by the fact that they extend the empirical basis of Early Maladaptive Schemas and give the results that can be u sed in psychotherapy and psychological counselling.
Kapustina T.V. —
Psychodiagnostic Express Methosd in Psychological Counseling
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 76 - 85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26905
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Abstract: The object of the study are psychodiagnostic express methods. The subject of the study is the classification of express methods used in psychological counseling. The author examines the express methods that are proposed by the creators as methods for starting express diagnostics. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of its use in psychological counseling in solving various practical problems, since it allows one to determine the personality traits or manifestations of the psyche necessary for the psychologist with minimal time expenditure. Special attention is paid to methods that are based on a typological approach to the assessment of personality, since they simplify the work to a greater extent due to the correlation of the client with a certain type of personality. To solve the problems posed in the article, theoretical methods are used such as analysis, systematization and classification of psychodiagnostic express methods. The main conclusions of the theoretical study is the conclusion that it is the projective express methods based on the typological approach that will be most effective in the practical work of the consulting psychologist, since they are the most “safe” and interesting for the client, since he or she mostly works with a weakly structured stimulus material when being diagnosed. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers her own classification of psychodiagnostic rapid methods. Also, the main contribution of the author to the development of the theme is the presentation of the author's projective methodology 12 Archetypes Plus Personality Inventory, as one of the express methods applicable in psychological counseling.