Egorova T. —
Analysis of the transport component in the educational services market
// Politics and Society. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.3.37127
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Abstract: This article provides the results of comprehensive study of the financial and economic activity of federal and state universities located in various districts of the Russian Federation, including northern regions. The importance of the management policy of higher education determines the role of state institutions in management of resource flows. Testing of approaches towards the effective use the mechanisms for financing educational systems is interrelated with the peculiarities and trends of the Russian state educational policy in the sphere of higher education. The author establishes differentiation of the transport component in price forming policy of the educational services market, which is reflected in a significant gap in this segment among universities located in remote regions and regions with severe living conditions, functionality of the economy and infrastructure. The mechanism is offered for implementation corrective coefficients to the standards of financing of universities located far from the federal center. Such mechanism is intended to balance the regional differentiation of financing of institutions in accordance with the relevant factors of cost increase, creating equal competitive advantages in the educational services market for the universities located in northern regions with the universities located in central part of the country. The research is aimed at improvement of the methodology of normative budgeting of universities, formulation of recommendations for optimizing the methodology of financing the universities located in remote and northern regions of the Russian Federation, considering the regional differentiation and rise in the cost of services.
Egorova T., Delakhova A.M. —
Elaboration of toolset for assessing differentiation of the level of transport accessibility of northern region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34637
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the theory and practice of assessing transport accessibility of the territories of northern regions, where the absence of all-season overland communications render impossible their comparison and analysis. The common type of communications in northern regions are winter/ice roads, which are not usually included in analysis of infrastructure and transportation accessibility of a territory. Inclusion of the variable of seasonal communications is substantiated by the absences of alternatives in northern regions. The tools for assessing transport accessibility of the territory are developed using the integral index method, which allows determining the differentiation of variables of weighted average time and monetary costs on freight transportation. Such method based on the cost and time assessment of the transportation-logistical expenses allows accounting for changes in the transport complex, related to development of transportation network in the region, reflected on all stages of the logistical process. The developed methodological toolset is based on the classic methods of assessment of regional transportation system, while at the same time presents novelty, as it includes the presence of seasonal types of transportation communications in northern regions of the country and their logistical component, allowing to fully assess the peculiarities of transportation systems in the northern regions. The conducted analysis of the variables of the territorial structure of transportation network of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) revealed heterogeneity in transport accessibility of municipal regions of the Sakha Republic. Results of the analysis of the level of differentiation of transport accessibility of municipalities through methods demonstrated a heterogenic differentiation, influenced by the vastness of the territories, low density of population, as well as sparseness of settlements of the Artic regions among number of other factors.
Egorova T., Delakhova A.M. —
Methodological instruments of a comprehensive assessment of the transportation coverage of the local economic systems in the regions of the North
// Trends and management. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 14 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2018.1.24926
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the territory and practice of the assessment of the regional transportation systems pertaining to the regions of the North, where the absence of year-round land routes makes their comparison and analysis impossible. In the Arctic and Northern regions of Russia, the main transportation system consists in seasonal routes, which are not usually used in the practice of analysis of transportation coverage, accessibility and transportation potential of the territories. These tools are developed by the method of multivariate classification on the basis of multivariate median, taking into account both, a number of quantitative indexes, including the sum of seasonal routes and their productivity, as well as qualitative, which include the level of transportation costs. The developed methodological tools are based on the classic methods of assessment of the regional transportation system, but at the same time, contains novelty, as it accounts for the existence of seasonal types of transportation routes and their logistical component. This allows for a more comprehensive assessment of the peculiarities of development of the transportation systems in the Northern regions.
Fedorova E., Egorova T. —
Territorial organization of Yakutia in the XVIII century based on the territorial-administrative transformations of the region
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1066 - 1076.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.8.19872
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Abstract: This article examines the questions of territorial structure and administration in the XVIII century of one of the largest regions in the northeast of Russia – Yakutia. Immensity of the territory, geographic and geopolitical location along with rich natural resources, all were of special r importance for Russia. The need for political, economic, and ideological securing of the territory can be seen in the events of the territorial-administrative organization of Russia. Territorial expansion of the borders in the XVIII century that affected both, Siberia and Yakutia, caused multiple administrative transformations. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive examination of the questions of territorial-administrative transformations of the northeast of Russia, which allow following the emergence of administrative units, their adjustment to the realities of the joint territories, establishment of administration, and subordination to the tasks of the future development of the region. Administrative reconfiguration was cause by the attempt to find the most optimal forms of administration of the remote territory, as well as integration of Siberia into a unified administrative, legislative, and economic space of the Russian Empire.