Suslov A.V., Gusev D.A. —
A Bridge across the Abyss? Digitalization and Transhumanism as a New Anthropological and Social Reality in the Context of Ideological Searches of Personality (Historical, Philosophical and General Theoretical Aspects)
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 24 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.7.39835
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Abstract: One of the main existentials of a person is the fact of his mortality and, most importantly, his knowledge about it, which inevitably leads everyone, one way or another, to the idea of overcoming death, to the idea of immortality, or – a saving bridge across the abyss of non–existence, which connects the present being of a person with his future being. In search of this bridge, a person talks about various "variants" of immortality: physical (naturalistic); biological; social; scientific-technical, technological and technocratic; religious – Christian providential immortality. The totality of socio-philosophical and anthropological concepts grouped around the idea of scientific and technological improvement of human nature, significant prolongation of life and, to the limit, overcoming mortality, is one of the modern trends of philosophical thought, known as transhumanism. The article attempts to consider transhumanism in the broad ideological context of the materialistic-atheistic, scientististic, positivist and evolutionist project, which, in general, is based on the "multifaceted" anthropovolutarianism that is constantly present in the philosophical search for humanity; and also – to analyze transhumanistic ideas from the positions of the opposite – idealistic-theistic, creationist, anti–positivist worldview camp, - based on providentialism, which for centuries and – currently – opposes anthropocentric voluntarism and transhumanism.
The research being undertaken aims – in the context of the centuries–old polemic between anthropovolutarianism and providentialism - to clarify the reality or illusory nature of the proposed strategies of immortality, the search for a real bridge leading man and humanity through the abyss of threatened non-existence.
Suslov A.V., Gusev D.A. —
Two Verticals, or the Paradox and Tragedy of Soviet Atheism
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 76 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.2.37992
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Abstract: The object of the study is atheism and theism as important ideological components of two opposing solutions to the "main question of philosophy" – materialism and idealism – forming two systems of human life navigation. The subject of the study is two ideological paradigms – Soviet atheism and Orthodox Christianity. Materialism and atheism are the fundamental elements of the Marxist doctrine underlying the philosophy and culture of the Soviet period of Russian history, opposing theism, creationism and providentialism of the Christian understanding of the world and man, characteristic of the ideological paradigm of pre–revolutionary Russia. The purpose of the study is to clarify and substantiate the ideological intersection of these seemingly incompatible ideological positions. One of the objectives of the study is to substantiate their vertical semantic and value orientation. The novelty of the research, in particular, lies in the substantiation of the statement that two incompatible ideological poles represent varieties of the classical philosophical tradition with its vertical value-semantic orientation, and together oppose the main orientation of non-classical philosophy based on a horizontal scale of meanings and values. One of the main conclusions is that the vertical of Soviet materialism and atheism is a paradox and at the same time its tragedy: surprisingly, due to the vertical orientation of Soviet culture – formally atheistic – it is actually permeated with religious intuitions, questions, problems, ideas and plots disguised as secular concepts and terms, which finds its manifestation in various works of Soviet artistic culture.
Suslov A.V. —
Russian cosmism and transhumanism in the polemic between anthropological voluntarism and providentialism
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 65 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.8.35781
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Abstract: Comprehension of the finitude of individual existence entails the need to find the answer to question of overcoming death, a salvation path that would allow pass through the abyss of nonexistence. Solution to this question implies various forms of immortality: naturalistic, theological, technocratic, creative, sensually-transcendental, etc. Prolongation of life and gaining immortality has become a central problem of such philosophical movements as Russian cosmism and modern transhumanism, which view the victory over death as the project and purpose of mankind. The object of this research is the ethical content and key ideas of the philosophy of Russian cosmism and modern transhumanism. The subject is the origins and evolution of transhumanist worldview in its genetic link with the ideas of cosmic philosophy. This article aims to analyze the methods and means of how a human can improve and obtain immortality, which are advanced by transhumanists, and juxtapose them with the ideas of Russian cosmist philosophers. The conclusion is made that the central idea of cosmism and transhumanism, which lies in overcoming the finitude of human existence, does not find its global humanistic realization: both concepts offer partial and unnatural solutions (autotrophy, resurrection, cyborgization). Emphasis is placed on solution of the problem of immortality in the Christian anthropology in spiritual-moral ethical-philosophical context
Suslov A.V., Gusev D.A., Potaturov V.A. —
Theism, atheism and pantheism in the context of solution of the central philosophical question: anthropological aspect
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 92 - 113.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.8.35837
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Abstract: The object of this research is a centuries-old worldview polemic between the philosophical representations on the world and human associated with theism, atheism and pantheism. The subject of this research is the theoretical and practical attitudes and conclusions of anthropological nature that result from these intellectual models. The authors dwell on the worldview correlations of materialism and idealism with their worldview companions, such as atheism, evolutionism, scientism, anthropological voluntarism on the one hand, and theism, creationism, antiscientism, providentialism – on the other. Special attention is given to examination of ideological link of atheism and pantheism with the anthropocentric attitude, as well as the questions of life navigation of a human in the context of confrontation and polemics of anthropological voluntarism and providentialism. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of authenticity of the philosophical idealism as a model that implies theistic and creationist view of the universe and fundamental incompatibility of the central idealistic thesis on the primacy of spiritual reality with the nature of being from the perspective of pantheism. The novelty also lies in the authors’ statement on the worldview similarity of atheism and pantheism, each of which is a specific substantiation of anthropological voluntarism that is opposed to theistic providentialism. The conclusion consists in acknowledgment of the fundamental dichotomy of the worldview choice and life orientation of a human between the anthropocentric and providential poles, despite all ideological multifacetedness and diversity of the philosophical and religious representations.
Suslov A.V., Gusev D.A., Potaturov V.A. —
The concept of “aesthetic education” of F. Schiller: philosophical system in historical perspective
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 35 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.5.36075
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Abstract: This article analyzes the fundamental principles of the concept of "aesthetic education" of F. Schiller, which remain relevant in solving the crisis challenges of the modern era. The subject of this research is the concept of “aesthetic education” described in Friedrich Schiller's “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man”. The goal consists on analysis of the concept of “aesthetic education” for more profound understanding of the development paths of German philosophy, as well as in assessment of the philosophical and sociopolitical importance of the philosopher’s ideas in the current context. Detailed analysis is conducted on F. Schiller's “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man”, highlighting the key features and major contradictions the concept of “aesthetic education”. The novelty of the research lies in the relevant analysis of the concept of “aesthetic education”, and assessment of its value for the development of philosophy and society. The central concept of aesthetic theory becomes the concept of play drive, which balances the sense drive and the form drive, which ensures the ability of perception in all kinds of interaction between a human and the world, and the rational independence from perception. The aesthetic freedom, on the one hand, is determined as state of harmony between the sensual instincts and the laws of reason; while on the other hand, it is the freedom that arises from the sense of exalted belonging to the category of pure spirit and revealing the absolute moral power beyond feelings. According to modern philosophers, the aesthetic way of creating the “composition of the world" lies in the sphere of transcendental. The advantage of Schiller’s concepts is the expansion of its boundaries from the sphere of art to sociopolitical sphere. In addition to intellectual and ethical path of human development, Schiller offers the aesthetic path. The idea of “aesthetic education” implies the communicative and societal power of art, which is capable to comprehend the overall nature of modern politics.
Suslov A.V. —
Human rights and freedoms as an object of philosophical reflection: from classical origins to nonclassical perspectives
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 94 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.3.33104
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Abstract: The object of this research is human rights and freedoms as a unique social and cultural phenomenon, and the highest value of the society. The subject of this research is the classification and genesis of human rights, and changes therein in light of the recent scientific achievements and global transformations taking place in socioeconomic, political, and cultural life. The article examines different approaches of modern science towards classification of human rights, analyzes the origins and evolution of the institution of human rights and freedoms based on the generational approach, as well as their development prospects in the current context. The author underlines that the set of human rights of the first three generations, embodies in the international documents and constitutional practice of majority of the democratic countries, cannot be considered exhaustive, and there is potential for their extension due to the emergence of new types of rights, as well as advancement of the mechanisms for their enforcement. The author familiarizes the audience with the ideas that underlie the forming fourth and fifth generation, including the little-known opinion of a remarkable legal expert Sergei Iventiev, The conclusion is made that the current stage of evolution of the institution of rights and freedoms largely depends on protection of the spiritual and moral values of the individual and society.
Suslov A.V. —
Digital society in ethical-axiological context: from postmodern to hi-tech society
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 12 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.10.33079
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Abstract: The object of this research is the modern digital society as a new civilizational level in development of humanity. The subject of this research is the evolution of ethical values and principles in the context of transition from postindustrial stage to information society, as well as ethical aspect of implementation of digital technologies and artificial intelligence systems into the realm of social management. The article familiarizes the audience with the Chinese system of social score – the largest social experiment on the basis of digital technologies, as well as with the trends and prospects of digitalization process in modern Russia. Having analyzed the national and foreign experience, the author demonstrates the risks of hurried implementation of digital solutions based on artificial intelligence without extensive ethical examination, point out the contradiction between scientific-technological and economic freedom, and the need for limiting these freedoms for the sake of human welfare. The conclusion is made that despite all advantages, digital technologies bear the risks of unethical usage of personal data and violation of privacy. Turning data into the product as a means for gaining profit, difficulties of legal regulation and control thereof, makes a human extremely vulnerable in the new digital world. Therefore, in the process of collection and processing of data, as well as in creation of robotic systems based on artificial intelligence, it is essential to adequately assess the risks and formulate ethical restrictions, which should be taken into account in their design and exploitation.