Stavitskiy A.V. —
Epistemology of nonclassical mythology: preliminary results
// Sociodynamics. – 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 32 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.12.36401
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of establishment of nonclassical mythology in the conditions of the modern epistemological crisis of myth, which is associated with stagnation in ideas and research against the background of the variety of works dedicate to folklore, anthropology, and philology. The goal of this article lies in the analysis of the factors and theoretical foundations of the formation of nonclassical mythology, as well as its practical importance for science and society. Research methodology leans on the principles and approaches of no-classical rationality that reveal the possibilities and limits of the scientific study of myth, as well as allow determining its role and meaning for science and society within the common cultural space. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the existence of nonclassical mythology as developed and described by the researchers. Analysis of the most interesting ideas of myth researchers indicates that nonclassical mythology was formed in the XX century, and is currently at the stage of formation of the general theory of myth. However, its further development is related to need for overcoming inertia in such spheres that view mythology in its particular manifestations, neglecting the ontology. Research of the ontology of myth will be determinative for mythology as a science, as well as allow formulating the fundamentals and problematic of the general theory of myth.
Stavitskiy A.V. —
Epistemological approaches of nonclassical science and the general theory of myth
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 33 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.36503
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of epistemological approaches offered by nonclassical science towards the ontology of myth in the context of nonclassical mythology. Myth is viewed as a basic cultural universal, responsible for the semantic field of culture; while mythopoeia is perceived as a characteristic and important function of consciousness. The goal of this article lie in outlining the opportunities opened to the researchers of myth in the context of shift of the scientific paradigm. It is namely thanks to the scientific paradigm that mythological space of culture is no longer perceived as the antagonist of science, but as the essential aspect of its effective functionality. Methodological framework is comprised of the approaches developed and accepted in nonclassical science. Examination of myth through the prism of nonclassical science reveals new perspectives that allow studying myth as an integral whole, without separating into scientific disciplines. It should be taken into account that myth plays a significant, although not always positive role in science and society, interacting with science upon the principle of mutual complementarity. In particular, myth helps to advance and substantiate the scientific hypotheses, form scientific worldviews and images of the future. The approaches of nonclassical mythology, in turn, reveal that in the modern conditions, myth becomes the instrument of politics and the method for solving social issues, manifesting as a factor of national security and mechanism for manipulation. However, its further study requires the development of the universal theory of myth, the basic prerequisites of which have already been created.
Stavitskiy A.V. —
Nonclassical mythology on the cognitive problems and capabilities of myth ontology
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.10.36441
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the cognitive and epistemological peculiarities of the myth, which can be better understood relying on the principles and approaches of nonclassical science. The article discloses the key reasons for incomprehension of the myth by science, and explains the ways for its overcoming based on the broader sense of the myth. Within the framework of this paradigm, myth is viewed as a cultural universal, where mythmaking is a quality and function of consciousness. Such myth long ago has transcended the representations and formulas of classical mythology, and requires different attitude, considering the latest research (A. A. Gagaev, A. M. Lobok, V. M. Naydysh, and others). These studies indicate that modern (nonclassical) myth can be grasped only with consideration of latest discoveries in psychology, semiotics, and cognitive research, which prove that people have always been engaged in mythmaking, not just at the dawn of humanity. This means that on the agenda of scientific research of myth is the problem of existence of another nonclassical mythology and the creation of the universal theory of myth. All major elaborations of the leading theories of myth of the XX century are successfully synthesized within the universal theory of myth in accordance with the principle of mutual complementarity. This topic is increasingly relevant, and opens up new opportunities for science, fundamentally changing its perception of myth.