Murzina O.V., Grabel'nikov A.A., Tsitsinov A.Y. —
Online cinemas as new media
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 61 - 68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41013
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Abstract: The subject of the study is online cinemas (streaming services, streaming platforms), understood by the authors of this study as new media. The object of the study is a set of features of new media, considered on the basis of streaming services on the Russian market. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the features of the content of online cinemas, their correlation with new media and format television, building a user trajectory of content and the possibility of posting user reviews. Particular attention is paid to the transformation of format television into neotelevision using the tools of modern technologies and the capabilities of convergent online platforms with content diversification. The main conclusions of the study are the classification of online cinemas as an intermediate variant of new media: the renovation of the features of traditional media on a new platform. Unlike traditional cinemas, which do not position themselves as media platforms, online cinemas allow viewing news content, promptly tracking events in the world and at the same time viewing entertainment and educational content in a user-friendly mode. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is an appeal to online cinemas from the perspective of journalism and media, which was not previously presented in Russian science. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of streaming services as part of the media and as part of a modern media system that includes both fundamentally new media and the renovation of existing formats.
Murzina O.V., Gegelova N.S. —
Transformation of the genre of lamentation in modern youth mass media
// Litera. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 81 - 87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35616
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the transformation of the genre of lamentation in modern youth mass media. The ancient genre of lamentation (complaints), as well as the genre of crying in ancient Russian literature, assumed regret for the lost, mourning for losses, sadness that it will not return. The specificity of the discourse of regret in the interpretation of modern youth bloggers and journalists is that they regret the loss of a country in which they themselves have never been or lived only for a short time. We are talking about numerous regrets about the lost Soviet Union performed by people who were already born in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the rhetorical presentation of the image of the lamented object in its transformation from antiquity to the present day. Comparative and comparative analysis, consideration of the world-modeling categories of the text in their comparison with the corresponding discourse of antiquity and Ancient Russian writing are used as research methods.   The novelty of the research is due to the comparison of the paradigm of ancient and Old Russian rhetoric with modern topos of regret – lamentation, crying. As a result of the research, the preservation of the main topical structure of the genre of lamentation is proved, which, in our opinion, is not associated with a direct orientation to ancient samples, but with their indirect perception through numerous texts that use orientation to the corresponding paradigm.
Conclusion: the genre of lamentation / crying has been continued in the modern tradition in the form of reconstruction according to a similar topical and compositional scheme. The commonplaces of this genre penetrate into the composition of text and video fragments dedicated to the Soviet Union. The analysis of videos and texts shows that we are talking about a kind of reconstruction of a complex of traditions associated with different historical epochs, and in fact does not fully reflect any of the real historical epochs of the existence of the state.