Gorodilova L.M. —
Expense books of Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a linguistic source
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37266
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fmag/article_37266.html
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Abstract: This research is conducted within the framework of linguistic source studies, the theoretical basis of which was formed as part of the Sector of Linguistic Source Studies and Research of the Monuments of the Russian Language of V. V. Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language. The object of this article is the genres of customs record management, which are rarely involved in historical and linguistic research. The subject of this article is the expense books of Yeniseian Siberia stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents. Its brief overview is intended to draw attention of the scholars to high linguistic capacity of these manuscripts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the need to solve one of the key tasks of linguistic source studies – introduction of new sources with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse. The application of paleographic, historiographical, formulary analysis, and historical-lexicological analysis establish the affiliation of these manuscripts to the local scribes; determine their structure and form of texts of the expense books; reveal most common lexical-semantic groups and individual lexemes that were not recorded in other customs materials. The specificity of expense books allow using them as a reliable onomastic source that reflects not only the all-Russian, but also local processes of formation of the Russian anthroponymycon. The introduction of the regional expense books with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse broadens the representation on the Old Russian language, provides reliable information on the lexis and onomastic system on the periphery of the Moscow State.
Gorodilova L.M. —
Peasants’ bynames in the Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a reflection of work activity of the first settlers
// Litera. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 232 - 241.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35711
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_35711.html
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Abstract: The object of this research is the anthroponymic space of business writing records in the Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century, while the subject is the peasants’ bynames. The unpublished manuscripts preserved in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Moscow) served as the sources for this research. Emphasis is placed on the semantic content of bynames as part of the anthroponymic formula. Using the traditional onomastic and lexical-semantic methods of research (descriptive, statistical, semantic and definitional analysis, etc.), the author describes bynames united by the concept “the type of work activity”. The semantics of the anthropological grounds of bynames, clarification is given to the composition of the social group under review, as well as to the types of economic activity of the peasants of Yeniseian and Krasnoyarsk counties. The acquired results indicated that semantic diversity of peasant bynames is substantiated by the objective situation during the colonization of Siberia, as well as complex composition of the peasantry, which could include the representatives of service class and suburb inhabitants. The scientific novelty consists in expanding the scope of sources for carrying out a comprehensive research of the regional anthroponymicon, as well as in broadening the knowledge on byname nomination within a single social group. The obtained results can be used as comparative materials in the analysis of anthroponymic systems of other regions, as well as in development of the regional dictionary of non-calendric personal names and bynames of the first Russian settlers of Yeniseian Siberia.