Nikolaev I.V. —
The Temporality of the Official Discourse of the Russian government (2012-2022): grammatical vs semantic dimension
// Politics and Society. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 77 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.4.71843
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Abstract: The article examines the phenomenon of temporality of political discourse, which is understood as a specific configuration of grammatical and semantic markers of referring to the past, present and future. The object of the study is the official political discourse of the Russian government in the period 2012-2022. The subject of the study is the patterns of the use of time markers in the official discourse of state power. The empirical basis of the research is the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, as well as solemn speeches dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day, National Unity Day and New Year. Special attention is paid in the article to the connection of the temporal characteristics of discourse with the historical policy of state power. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary synthesis of linguistic and semiotic approaches. The measurement of temporality in the discourse of power is carried out at three levels: grammatical (the ratio of the tense forms of verbs), lexical (symbolic words referring to the past and future), semantic (semantic content of images of the past and future). Variations of quantitative and qualitative content analysis are applied at each level. The main conclusions of the study include the following provisions. Firstly, the official discourse of the Russian government in the period 2012-2022 is timeless and fixated on reproducing the present. Secondly, the key tool for this reproduction should be considered stretching the time continuum of the present from the recent past as a measurable actual result of government activities to the near future, known from already formed work and budgeting plans. Thirdly, despite the dominance of references to the future at the grammatical level, the past is semantically more significant and structured. Fourthly, the main reference historical period for the discourse of power is the post-war Soviet period, which corresponds to the current public demand. The novelty of the research lies in the application of an approach to the phenomenon of temporality, which allows us to take into account not only the manifestations of historical politics, but also to identify its correspondence to temporal orientation at the grammatical and lexical level. The study differentiates the natural orientation in time from the mythologized study of the past, placing it in a continuum of understanding the development of society by the Russian government.
Nikolaev I.V. —
Discursive loyalty in the conditions of centralization of power in Russia: nature and typology of the phenomenon
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.3.33195
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Abstract: This article raises a problem of existence of the verbal political symbols of autocratic discourse in public space. The hypothesis is advanced that in the conditions of centralization of the Russian political system, forms a specific type of discursive loyalty, interpreted as communicative behavior within the framework of the structure of verbal political symbols set by the official political discourse. The object of this research is the Russian sociopolitical discourse of Russia in the early XXI century. The subject is the instruments of manifestation of discursive loyalty used by public actors. Special attention is turned to the public attitude on verbal symbols of the country’s leader, political parties and bureaucracy in the conditions of centralization and personification of power over the period from 2000 to the present. An attempt is made to formulate the typology of discursive loyalty based on the components of perception of political symbols indicated by R. Cobb and C. Elder. Three basic types of discursive loyalty are defined depending on the dominance of separate components in perception: 1) affective, based on emotional empathy with the content of the discourse of power and its source; 2) cognitive, based on recognition of the relevance of verbal symbols of the discourse of power; 3) analytical, based on rational choice of the verbal symbols of power upon availability of the alternative or evasive option. Types of loyalty are illustrated by examples of discursive behavior of the subjects of civil society of the early XXI century – presidency and prime-ministry of V. V. Putin, whose personal influence actualized the affective type of loyalty, and the results of transformation of the political system led to proliferation of analytical type of loyalty. The author believes that the prevalence of analytical type of discursive loyalty is dangerous for the political system, due to its simulated nature, which creates an illusion of public support.
Nikolaev I.V. —
Verbal symbolic structure of official national security discourse in Russia during 2009-2019
// National Security. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 50 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2019.6.31880
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Abstract: The object of this research is the verbal symbolic structures of official national security discourse in Russia, constructed in the national security strategies of 2009 and 2015, as well as in Russian presidential addresses to the Federal Council during 2009-2019. The subject of this research is the transformation of the semantic content and semiotic ties of the basic concepts determined in the Strategies in the context of presidential addresses as part of the discourse. Special attention is paid to the changes of the key concept of “security”. The goal of this research is to determine the level of correspondence of the verbal symbolic structure of the official presidential security discourse with the ones mentioned earlier in the Strategies, as well as determine the possibilities of conjuncture transformation of the verbal security symbols. The main result of the research consists in the confirmed fact of conjuncture transformation of the discourse of national security in presidential addresses to the Federal Council. A claim is made that during 2009-2012 the discourse of authority regarding security corresponded with the verbal symbolic structure stated in the National Security Strategy of 2009. From 2012, there is a visible transformation of interpretation of security, expressed in endowing it with geopolitical sense instead of social and economic.
Nikolaev I.V. —
Symbolization of terminology of radicalism in discourse of the political science students (on the materials of regional study)
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1620 - 1629.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.12.21501
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of symbolization of radical terms and ideological stamps in discourse of the students of higher education institutions of Rostov Oblast. The first turn noticed in the last decade in Russian policy, lead to popularization of peripheral radical ideologemes within the educational and media spaces, the digestion of which creates a complex of verbal symbols in students’ consciousness. Having lost the scientific content, these symbols become an index of latent support of the right-wing radicalism and comprise the potential of transformation into an active form of political activity. The article makes an attempt of deconstruction of the verbal symbols, as well as substantiates the affiliation of a number of universally used and scientific terms to periphery of the right-wing radicalism. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in verification of the presence of a complex of radical verbal symbols within the students’ consciousness. Radical terminology, having become a topic of political scientists from media space, is not subjected to a critical rethinking, but is rather digested in form of stamps that distort the perceptions about the real political situation. Common to the legal radicalism peripheral concepts (great power, empire, Russian/Slavic world, civilized collapse, etc.) are extensively used by the students in communication on political topics. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of integration of the “ideologemes” theory with the idea of presence in discourse of the verbal symbols and their lexical expression.
Nikolaev I.V. —
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1499 - 1504.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.12.10348
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