Savinkov S.N., Mudrova I.O. —
The Influence of Leadership Style on the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Production Team
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 30 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.1.40370
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Abstract: The author examines the influence of the leadership style (authoritarian, democratic or liberal) on the management of the labor collective, the author proposed the hypothesis of the study, which consisted in the assumption that the socio-psychological climate in the team directly depends on the leadership style of this team and has its own characteristics inherent in each leadership style separately. In the course of an empirical study based on qualitative and correlation analysis methods, the influence of leadership style on the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the team was studied. In conclusion, the main trends confirming the influence of leadership style on the psychological climate in the team are noted. In the experimental study, 128 subjects, 56 of them men and 72 women, working in three organizations and performing executive functions: an organization in the field of public catering, in the field of beauty and health and in the banking sector aged 20 to 42 years. The study was conducted through the subjects filling out a Google form online. The data obtained showed that the leadership style is influenced by both subjective (personal) and objective factors (a combination of social and economic requirements of production). Therefore, the effectiveness of the management process will largely be determined by the intelligence and general culture of the manager himself, his professional training, character, temperament, as well as the level of formation and well-being of the socio-psychological climate in the team.
Pisarevskii K.L., Savinkov S.N. —
Psychological Support for the Formation of Responsibility in the Structure of Professional Reliability among Students – Novice Specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
// Psychologist. – 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 122 - 135.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.39086
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Abstract: The article reveals the actual problem of psychological formation of reliability as a professionally important quality of students - beginning specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The authors reveal the content of the concepts of "responsibility" and "professional reliability" as necessary components of the professionally important qualities of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Studies on the problem of reliability and responsibility of law enforcement officers in the works of domestic and foreign scientists are considered in detail. The close connection between the success of the future specialist and his responsibility is revealed. It is noted that a qualitative solution to the problem of psychological support in the formation of responsibility allows for effective personnel management, to carry out the necessary assessment and training activities.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological training, which is part of the psychological support program in the formation of responsibility in the structure of professional reliability of the future specialist of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The hypothesis of the study is to verify the statement that training, as part of psychological support, can be an effective tool in the formation of professionally important qualities of a novice specialist.
The empirical study was attended by 25 senior students of the Institute of Management and Integrated Security of the Academy of GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
During this study, the methodology "Multidimensional-functional diagnostics of "responsibility" (OTV–70, author V.P. Pryadein) was used, as well as psychological training aimed at the formation of professionally important and personal qualities of a novice specialist.
Savinkov S.N., Kozyreva V.V. —
Social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 43 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.2.33199
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Abstract: This article examines the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. There are different research dedicated to social representations of couples with different marital experience about trust, infidelity, love, mutual understanding; however, the analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature demonstrates that there were no research dedicated to fidelity in the relationships between spouses. Therefore, the selected topic is unique. The subject of this article is the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. The hypothesis lies in the fact that there are substantial differences in social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. Young couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of passion, comfort, ease in communication between the spouses, as well as confidence in making the right choice. Mature couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of mutual understanding and trust, as well as lack of passion. The survey involved 21 married couples with 20 to 30 years of marital experience, and 21 couples with less than a year to 3 years of marital experience. It is worth noting that all the respondents were married officially. For verification of the advanced hypothesis, the article employs the following methods: marriage satisfaction questionnaire (V. V. Stolin, T. L. Romanova, G. P. Butenko), “Communication within Family” (Y. E. Aleshina, L. Y. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya), Semantic Differential, “Attidude assessment in married couple” (Y. E. Aleshina).
Savinkov S.N. —
Study of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” in psychology
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 11 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.29697
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Abstract: This article examines the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” as the relevant problems of modern psychology that are an inseparable part of the process of studying the subjective self-esteem of a person. The data presented in the works of leading foreign and national psychologists covering this topic is provided. The study demonstrates the results of survey conducted among teenagers and reflecting the level of hope/hopelessness in this age period. An ambivalent nature of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” alongside their correlation with emotional states and mental processes is underlined. The author carried out a theoretical analysis of psychological-philosophical literature on the problem of hope and hopelessness of a person. Understanding of essence of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” presented in the concepts and views of various scholars allow speaking of the methods and tools for regulating emotional, emotional-value, and activity spheres of personality. Both, hope and hopelessness carry not only social, but also individually-inciting character, since they directly relate to self-esteem of e person, emotional regulation of its activity, as well as motivation and needs.
Savinkov S.N. —
The Phenomenon of Paternity and Importance of Paternity in the Process of Family Education
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 34 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.4.30477
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Abstract: Unlike the phenomenon of maternity, paternity still remains an understudied phenomenon in Russian psychological science. In his research Savinkov analyzes scientific approaches to analyzing the phenomenon of paternity as a topical issue of modern psychology. He analyzes paternity as a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly developing as a result of requirements the modern soceity faces. The researcher carries out comparative analysis of maternity and paternity. He unravels the phenomenon of paternity from the point of view of psychological science as well as describes the role of a father in the process of character education. Savinkov analyzes paternity as a socio-cultural phenomenon fixed in culture. Paternity is the least studied aspect of parenthood and thus is the most important issue for psychological and pedagogical science. As a result of his analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the matter, Savinkov concludes that the role of a father is as important in the process of child's education as that of a mother, however, paternity has a number of specific features which performance is laid upon a man. Today's fathers are able to provide good care of a child as well as to satisfy all the needs of a child. This, of course, has a good impact on the development of family relations and the feeling of paternity. This article will be of interest for researchers who deal with such issues as family education, child-and-parent relationships and practical psychologists who work in the sphere of family counselling.
Savinkov S.N., Koval' N.A. —
Concept of Personal Reliability of EMERCOM of Russia Officials
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 37 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.2.29129
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The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about personal reliability demonstrated by EMERCOM of Russia official. The researchers describe the importance of the problem, objective and methods of the research. The results of the research are of high practical importance. As a conclusion of the research, the author underlines the need to define personal reliability of EMERCOM officials. In the course of their research, the authors discover peculiarities of EMERCOM officials' ideas of what personal reliability means. The difference between groups of respondents participating in the research is that 20-30 year old officials base their idea of personal reliability on themselves while 30-45 year old officials care more about personal reliability of others. The research involved 40 officials of EMERCOM of Russia aged 20- 45 years. The main research method is the author's modified version of Sack's Sentence Completion Test. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes views and ideas of EMERCOM officials on personal reliability. The results of the research underline the importance of such research for psychologists who work as security agencies. The results of the research can be used in practical sessions with EMERCOM officials and personnel of EMERCOM divisions as well as diagnostics and psychological counselling performed by EMERCOM psychologists.