Lyubimov N.I. —
The image of the grove as a means of expressing the author 's axiological concept in the lyrics of Z. Dudina
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 151 - 162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.7.43484
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Abstract: This research is connected with the analytical consideration of the system of poetic images of a natural philosophical orientation in modern Mari philosophical lyrics. The aim of the work is to identify the ethnocentric semantic components of the mythopoetic image of the grove in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina and the ways of their artistic embodiment. The research material was the poems included in her collection "Kuanyshym, kuem ӧndal ..." (She was delighted, hugging a birch ...) (2012). The methodology of the research is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of lyrical texts, which allows to identify and describe the main structural components of the poetic image, as well as to understand their interrelationships and semantic organization at the level of the author's axiology. In the article, the author of the study proved that in the lyrics of the Mari poet Zoya Dudina, the multifaceted image of the Mari grove is recreated.
In particular, it is presented as part of the divine world, often concretized and given in the form of a sacred tree. The central place in the image of the grove is assigned by the author to the ethnically significant and sacred content and mythopoetics, which does not limit him in the expression of individual creative aspirations, in the assertion of universal values. The grove for the lyrical heroine Zoya Dudina is a symbol of hope, spiritual and moral support, salvation of the soul, as well as the preservation of the Mari people.
Lyubimov N.I. —
The image of the wind in the socio-philosophical lyrics of Albert Vasiliev
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 47 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.6.40980
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Abstract: In the article, as part of the study of typological varieties of modern Mari philosophical lyrics, the image of the wind in the lyrics of the poet Albert Vasiliev is considered. The role of this natural image in the artistic and aesthetic representation of the author's socio-philosophical views and personality features of his lyrical hero is revealed based on the material of poetic works included in his collection «Osh lumyshto chever polan» («Red Viburnum on white Snow», 2017). In this aspect, the lyrics of A. Vasiliev are studied for the first time. The methodological basis of the research is the structural and semantic analysis of poetic texts, which allows to identify and describe the content-formal levels of natural images that reveal the author's concept of the world and man, as well as the characteristics of the character of the lyrical hero. The article proves that the wind occupies a special place in the lyrics of the Mari poet Albert Vasiliev. Firstly, it is extremely anthropomorphized, and secondly, it is almost always inserted into the context of the author's socio-philosophical reflections, the origins of which lie in modern society, in the system of social and individual-human relations of the modern world. The author's assessments and reflections on the current state of society (the standard of living of the people, the state of the rural world of Mari, ethics, etc.), expressed through the image of the wind, not only reveal the social aspects of human activity, but also form the axiological concept of Albert Vasiliev's lyrics.
Lyubimov N.I. —
The symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Z. Dudina
// Litera. – 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 271 - 282.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.8.37315
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Abstract: In the article, as part of the study of the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, the symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is considered. Based on the material of the poems included in her collection "Kuanyshym, kuem ӧndal ..." (Rejoiced, hugging a birch ...) (2012), the symbolic meaning and artistic functions of natural images that represent the philosophical attitude and worldview of the author and characterize the lyrical heroine in a certain way are revealed. In this aspect, Zoya Dudina's lyrics are explored for the first time.
The methodological basis of the research is the structural and semantic analysis of poetic works, which allows to identify and describe the structural and semantic levels of natural images that reveal the author's concept of the world and man, as well as the character features of the lyrical heroine. The article proves that natural images occupy a significant place in the lyrics of the Mari poet Zoya Dudina. They express not only the various inner states of the lyrical heroine, but also various aspects of human existence. Natural images are anthropomorphic (often the lyrical heroine herself appears in the form of natural images) and symbolic, they carry a deep philosophical meaning. The natural images-symbols express not only the individual author's perception of the world and man, but also the ethnic ideological traditions of the Mari people, with which Zoya Dudina is closely connected, are revitalized through them.
Lyubimov N.I. —
The Philosophy of nature in the lyrics of Albert Vasiliev
// Litera. – 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 91 - 101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.38466
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Abstract: In the article, the artistic natural philosophy of Albert Vasiliev is considered as part of the study of the poetics of modern Mari philosophical lyrics. Based on the material of poems included in his collection
"Osh lumyshto chever polan" ("Red Viburnum on white snow", 2017), revealed the semantics and artistic functions of natural images that represent the philosophical attitude and worldview of the author and characterize his lyrical hero in a certain way. In this aspect, Albert Vasiliev's lyrics are analyzed for the first time in regional literary studies.
The methodological basis of the research is the structural and semantic analysis of the poems of the Mari poet; this approach allows us to determine and describe the structural and semantic levels of natural images that reveal the artistic and philosophical concept of the author and the personality features of the lyrical hero. The article proves that natural images in Albert Vasiliev's lyrics occupy a significant place, they are not only a bright emotional background of his works (in this sense, they usually express the psycho-emotional state of the lyrical hero), but also recreate the natural philosophical views of the author and his lyrical hero (in this sense, they are mostly symbolic, projected on human life, accumulate both universal and ethnically significant values of the poet). Thanks to the natural images-symbols (phenomena and processes) used by the author in the collection "Red Viburnum on white Snow", Albert Vasiliev's natural philosophy is highlighted, inscribed in the context of the author's socio-philosophical reflections; its substantial basis is nature and power, order and harmony, universal connection and interdependence, the art of dialogue, personal certainty and inner freedom.
Lyubimov N.I. —
Mythopoetic image of silver in the philosophical lyrics of Zoya Dudina
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2021. – ¹ 7.
– P. 73 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.7.36066
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Abstract: Within the framework of studying the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, this article analyzes the mythopoetic image of silver in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina. Based on the compilation of poems “Kuanyshym, Kuem Ondal...” (joyful to hug a birch tree… (2012), the author determines the semantics and article functions of this image, which represents the philosophical view and perception of the world of the poetess that in a certain way characterizes the lyrical heroine. From such perspective, the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is examines for the first time. The research methodology employs structural-semantic analysis of the literary works, which allowed describing the structural-semantic aspects the image of silver, revealing the authorial concept of the world and man, as well as the character of the lyrical heroine. It is proven that the Mari poetess Zoya Dudina consistently refers to the image of silver in her lyrics. For the poetess, silver is not a precious metal, which attracts people as jewelry, it is a mythopoetic image, the semantics of which is interrelated with the traditional (pagan) culture of the Mari people. Most of the time, this image is depicted within the structure of the natural picture, and reflects the view and perception of the lyrical heroine; it impersonates natural purity, nobility, faithful love, strong friendship, good intentions, unity the of man, nature, and the traditions. It is also underlined that in the mythological context for the lyrical heroine, silver can even resemble the mood.