Zipunov A., Valganov S.V. —
From the structure of the scientific text to the 1950s-80s bard song genesis
// Litera. – 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 439 - 460.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.43496
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Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to clarify some controversial questions about the genesis of the bardic songs. This cultural phenomenon is seen as a system of "author-listeners". It has already been noted that the macro-structure of the dialectical opposition "private-universal" manifests itself much more often in bardic song than in other cultural directions. The hypothesis that the bardic song originated in the scientific intelligentsia is put forward in this article. In order to confirm the hypothesis, a brief analysis of scientific texts in the context of the identification of "private-universal" structures is carried out. As a result, it is shown that the structural rhythm "private-universal" is originally characteristic of the scientific tradition. Its presence is an invariable factor across all cultures. Moreover, it is also an integral part of the style of scientific thinking. This way of thinking affects the whole social community and defines the bardic song of listeners and authors. The mechanics of the emergence of this cultural phenomenon have been the subject of research. The verification of the results was carried out by applying the scientists number dynamics in the country to the creation dynamics of the bard songs. Once linked to the structural analysis results, the identified correlation was converted into a dependency rank. Thus, the hypothesis of how the Bard's Song got started was confirmed.
Zipunov A., Valganov S.V. —
Macro-semantic rhythmic structures in popular author songs
// Litera. – 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 106 - 115.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.11.36848
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Abstract: Certain author song of the 1950s – 1980s are characterized with such structural peculiarity as semantic rhythms. This pattern manifests itself in two forms: dialectical juxtaposition of the particular and the general (PG-rhythm); as well as the conflict of non-entropic and entropic processes, order and chaos (OC-rhythm). For broader understanding of this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine its place within the framework of the author song as a large-scale cultural phenomenon. The author mass processing of popular compositions using the method of almost full enumeration. The research material includes all 5 thematic national collections that feature 487 songs. The analysis of the lyrics reveals the total number of works with the initial semantic rhythmics: 43% with the PG-structure and 23% with the OC-structure. The application of various strategies of analysis indicates that the sampling of no less than 70-80 compositions should be used for achieving accurate results in partial studies (for example, by authors) . In the course of research, the author determines new versions of manifestation of the semantic structures: PG-structure of fable-type, as well as variability of Brodsky's saw in songs with entropic rhythmics. There are also songs with intersection of both types of semantic rhythms. Correlation is established between the social processes of cultural environment associated with the author song and the dynamics of semantic rhythms in popular compositions. In the early 1970s, a bifurcation point is noticed in the moods of the corresponding social community.