Maslanov E.V. —
Communication platforms on the Internet as trading zones: advantages and limitations
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.2.32241
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of specificity of functionality of communication platforms on the Internet. They can be presented as trading zones, the foundation for development of the new ways for establishing relationships between various actors. Special role in their functioning is played by interaction between human and nonhuman actors, such as interfaces, software strings, voice-activated digital assistant, and other. Such trading zones may be described as the space suggesting formation of the new type of sociality as the basis for building associations and unions between the human and nonhuman actors. Leaning on the methodological approaches towards the analysis of trading zones demonstrated in the works of P. Galison, and application of the elements of methodological approach used in terms of the actor-network theory by B. Latour and M. Callon, the author views functionality of such trading zones as network elements. The main conclusion consists in the statement that the communication platforms may be described as the hybrid distributed spaces of interpretation and harmonization of activity between human and nonhuman actors operating within the framework of the Internet culture. The advantages of hybrid functionality of trading zone on the Internet include: fast creation of new associations and networks; communication and compliance with general rules developed in the process of creation and operation of associations between different actors; constructive character of associations; formation of the situation of uncertainty. The following aspects can be referred to as limitations: formality and technical invariance of their functionality; diminishing connectedness with the traditional cultures; primacy of the rational, rationalization of affectiveness and imposition of the specific standards of rationality.
Maslanov E.V. —
On typology of the Internet communication platforms
// Politics and Society. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 10 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.1.28685
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of functioning of the Internet communication platforms. Special attention is given to possibility of building typology of the Internet communication platforms. The author assumes that the meticulous analysis of their functioning mechanism and ways of interaction of the users can help structuring a fairly precise typology. Therefore, the author examines such topics as the specificity of Internet platforms, methods of creating behavioral rules, and specificity of identities presented on the Internet. Methodological foundation is Niklas Luhmann’s concept of social systems and methodology of case study that allows analyzing functionality of the Internet communication platforms. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in possibility of structuring the typology of the Internet communication platforms based on consideration of the production mechanism and functioning of communication rules on the platforms, and mechanism of formation and presentation of identity. The four types of communication platforms are determined: 1) high level of the rigidity of formal rules, strict binding of virtual identities to the offline; 2) low level of the rigidity of formal rules; fairly strict binding of virtual identities to the offline; 3) low level of the rigidity of formal rules; moderate binding of virtual identities to the offline; 4) high level of the rigidity of formal rules, moderate binding of virtual identities to the offline. Communication platforms of the 1st, 2nd and 4th types are tied to the offline reality, and thus manifest as its addition. Communication platform of 3rd type stands against the offline reality and may enter into a conflict with the latter, which can lead to degradation of personality.
Maslanov E.V. —
City and Internet: shared problems of communication space design
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 57 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.3.27038
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the consideration of shared problems of communication design in urban spaces and Internet. Special attention is given to the analysis of external factors of the formation of communication in cases of the initial design of communication space. The author examines the typological similarity of communication space design in the Internet and urban spaces, specificity of communication space design in the Internet, and the role of implicit knowledge in formation of communication space. Methodological bases of the work is the “trading zone” concept. The application of this approach allows presenting the urban spaces and communication platforms in the Internet as the local spaces of communication design based on the interaction between the actors. A conclusion is made that the communication design in urban spaces leans of the face-to-face interaction, use of the implicit knowledge and common background – physical space of the city and its conceptualizations; for formation of communication in the Internet is actively used the communication design of platforms that frames the general layer of representations and implicit knowledge, making the communication platforms similar to urban spaces.