Kazakova E.V., Sholokhova E.N., Sokolova L.V. —
Correlation between psychological component of school adaptation and socioeconomic risk factors of early development
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 33 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.4.36645
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ptmag/article_36645.html
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Abstract: The subject of this article is the examination of the root problems of the adverse impact of socioeconomic risk factors upon the psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders. The goal lies in establishment of correlation between the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation of elementary school students and various socioeconomic risk factors in their early development. The research involves 284 first-graders 7-8 years of age (126 girls and 158 boys). Research methodology relies on the following materials: “House – Tree – Man” by J. Buck, “Little Houses” by A. O. Orekhova, “Faces” by N. V. Lukyanchenko, T. L. Yadryshnikov, “Ladder” by V. G. Shchur, social passport of a family. The correlation analysis reveals that the indicators of the psychological component of school adaptation, such as the level of self-esteem, emotional adaptation, depressive states, emotional background, and sense of security, are most affected by the socioeconomic risk factors of early development. The author also establishes the dependence of the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders on the educational background of their parents and family atmosphere. Socioeconomic risk factors in child’s life prior to school are rather related to emotional state of a child, determining the emotional well-being and success in school adaptation. Timely identification of these factors allows preventing the difficulties that may arise during the school period.
Kubyshkina M.L., Kazakova E.V., Prokhorova I.F. —
Childhood emotional experience as a prerequisite for optimism and social activeness in senior age
// Psychologist. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.3.32722
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_32722.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the childhood emotional experience of the people of senior age, i.e. the “children of war” generation. The author pursues the goal to study their emotional experiences associated with childhood that fell on the war period as the prerequisite for their life optimism and social activeness in the senior age. The analysis is bases on the materials of biographical narratives collected over the period from 2012 to 2019. The sampling included 34 men aged 75-85, and 57 women aged 75-90. The method of non-standardized biographical interviews became the means for collecting data. The acquired narratives were processed through the method of content analysis (for formalization of the variables “optimism”, “pessimism” and “social activity”), and comprising structured descriptions of emotional experience of the wartime childhood, summarizes in the basis of two highlighted nominations – socially active optimists and pessimists with low social activeness. It was determined that the positive emotional experience of the children of war contributed to formation of their optimistic perception of the world and subjective position on life, which remained until senior age and manifest in their social activeness and interaction with the surrounding world, while the negative emotional experience created the foundation for pessimistic worldview and contributed to formation of infantile position on life, which in senior age manifest in low social activeness, helplessness and complaints to the world. The author indicates seven characteristic of the positive and six characteristics of the negative childhood emotional experience, which can be viewed as the prerequisites for optimism/pessimism and social activeness/passiveness in the senior age.
Kubyshkina M.L., Kazakova E.V., Martirosova N.V., Drozdova A.A. —
Subjective personality traits as markers of satisfaction with the work of employees of the department internal affairs
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.2.32467
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ptmag/article_32467.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the subjective personal traits as markers of satisfaction with the work of employees of two branches of the department of internal affairs, differing in level of personal freedom in service: district police officers and officers of separate detail of security and convoy of suspected and convicted criminals. The goal of this article is to determine the group of subjective traits that can be viewed as markers of satisfaction with work of employees, and be used during professional selection and preventative work with the personnel of the organization. The research was conducted with 98 officers of two branches of the department of internal affairs: 49 district police officers and 49 officers of separate detail of security and convoy of suspected and convicted criminals. The method of multiple regression analysis allows establishing the most informative subjective markers of overall satisfaction with the work of the personnel of the following posts: for district police officers – motivation of achievement, inner discipline and internality in the area of family relations; for officers of separate detail of security and convoy of suspected and convicted criminal – flexibility in solving tasks, need to form and support camaraderie and stable interpersonal relations, as well as absence of prevalent need for diversity and change. These markers will be in demand during selection of candidates for the service in the branches of the department of internal affairs, as they provide good indication for high likelihood of satisfaction with the work of the officers.
Kubyshkina M.L., Kazakova E.V., Gasheva A.A. —
Agentic position with regards to health among middle-aged men and women
// Psychologist. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.2.32546
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_32546.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the agentic position with regards to health among middle-aged men and women. The author determined the structure of such position, described its common features (behavioral activity, aimed at health support understanding of need for a healthy lifestyle), features specific to men (attitude to health as a value), and features specific to women (health awareness). The goal of the article consists in examination of correlation between the agentic qualities of middle-aged men and women, determination of gender specificity of agency in the area of health. Research was conducted on 164 persons, aged 22-58 (80 men and 84 women), sampling aligned by gender, age and educational background. The method of correlation analysis allowed revealing the agentic personality traits that support active stand on health: common for men and women, such as autonomy, self-worth, creativity, assertiveness, content with life, overall internality and internality in achievements); as well as gender-specific. Women also feature internality in professional and family spheres; while men feature activity, mediacy, and internality in health sphere. Considering that the problem of human as an agent of health is at the initial stage of development, the acquired data would be useful for more profound understanding of the topic, as well as formulation of objectives for furher fundamental and applied studies.
Kubyshkina M.L., Kazakova E.V., Konopleva V.A. —
Development of agency traits in adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department
// Pedagogy and education. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 15 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32541
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_32541.html
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Abstract: The problems of minors with juvenile record often pertain to the weakness of their agency. The subject of this research is determination of the agency traits, which are weakest among adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department, as well as elaboration and scientific substantiation of program for their development. The program developed by the authors can serve as the active means for increasing agency among adolescents with juvenile record. The research included 99 adolescents, 50 of which are currently on record. To measure the agency traits of individuals, the study employed psychodiagnostic questionnaires. Comparison between adolescents with record and those of good social standing revealed their agency traits that require development: mediacy, activeness, autonomy, creativity, responsibility, self-respect and self-esteem, characteristics of self-organization in activity (goal-setting, planning, self-control), qualities of social and communication competence. The program was tested using experimental plan with a control group, as well as measurement before and after exposure. The results yielded statistical confirmation of the effectiveness of all six parts of the program: 1) self-cognition; 2) social competence; 3) self-organization; 4) realization of one’s self in the context of activity, selection of goals, decisions and elimination of contradictions; 5) moral consciousness as an ability to exercise moral choices; 6) realization of one’s self in the context of life, development of awareness and responsibility.