Ravochkin N.N., Popov E.A. —
Informal practices in intellectual networks
// Sociodynamics. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 45 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.3.70168
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_70168.html
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Abstract: The functioning of society and its institutions is manifested in various practices that embody both officially established and a wide variety of socio-cultural norms. The subject of the study of this work includes systems of interactions and relationships in networks of intellectuals, which are formed in the process of habitualization of mechanisms of informal practices in the context of modern social development. The formal normative foundations of modern societies that ensure their stability and development prospects are studied. Guided by the concept of R. Merton, the authors emphasize the recognition of the permissibility of deviations from ideal normative designs. The object of the study is the processes of institutionalization of informal practices in the current conditions of social existence. The specifics of the design of intersubjective interactions between participants in networks of intellectuals in various informal institutions are presented, according to which their elements become generally accepted practice and in fact confirm their importance in the emerging relations, directing the development of modern social systems. The methodological foundations of the research are works on social philosophy, sociology, history and political science. The authors also addressed the methods and principles of the institutional, praxiological, network and system approach, as well as the theory of social interaction. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in identifying the ultimate foundations of informal practices, substantiating their heuristic advantages for modern social development in the theoretical and applied aspect, analyzing the regulatory capabilities of intelligent networks in relation to the normative foundations of specific spheres of social existence. The main conclusions drawn by the authors allow us to see that informal practices, including such socio-cultural concepts as activity orientations and attitudes, values and expectations, along with officially fixed and socially approved behavioral patterns, determine the effectiveness of intersubjective interactions and the attraction of additional resources. It is emphasized that in the realities of modern society on a global scale, the spheres of life are regulated by both formal norms and ideas introduced by intellectual networks, which contain informal rules.
Ravochkin N.N. —
The impact of digitalization on the sustainability of social orders
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 23 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.10.68790
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_68790.html
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Abstract: The study presents the critical revision of the usual conceptual foundations of complex systems, since the impact of many factors of digitalization directly determines today the viability of societies. The article analyzes the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The purpose of this study is to clarify the possibilities of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social systems. The subject of the article is the social order of modern society in the context of digitalization processes. In modern realities, formed by the total penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of human activity, the level of unpredictability and riskiness is clearly increasing, which primarily causes changes in the ontological foundations of social systems. Unprecedented transformations, which have become permanent, have a complex impact on the order that has developed in societies. The author of the article examines in detail the complex impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The nature of digitalization processes is presented. Using practical examples, some directions of the influence of advanced technologies on the social fabric are identified. The positive and negative consequences of the manifestation of digitalization processes are highlighted. Vectors of transformation of social institutions are revealed. It is revealed that despite the prevalence of technical and technological elements in public life and the decrease in the humanitarian component and a number of qualities of the human capital of society, which are at a high level of digital development, increase their own stability and functionality. In conclusion, generalizations are presented that constitute a theoretical and methodological basis for subsequent studies of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders.
Ravochkin N.N., Popov E.A. —
Conceptualization of the "Leisure Practices" in Modern Sociology
// Sociodynamics. – 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 20 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.2.39716
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_39716.html
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Abstract: In this paper, the authors consider in detail the current state of the conceptual dictionary of sociology. The phenomenon of leisure practices is chosen as the object of research. And the subject of the study is the conceptualization of the concept of "leisure practices" in modern sociology. The authors consider in detail the formation of leisure in social and humanitarian scientific knowledge, starting with ancient philosophical ideas. The evolution of leisure practices from ancient forms to modern varieties is traced. Classical and modern works of foreign and domestic authors relevant to the subject are chosen as theoretical bases. It is noted that today leisure practices are considered mainly through the prism of three methodological approaches: symbolic interactionism, structural functionalism and neo-Marxism. The authors argumentatively show that during their development leisure practices occupy an important place in the structure of human activity, since they are one of the most effective ways of personal development, forming its spiritual and physical qualities. Leisure needs are firmly embedded in the value system of all social groups, while the progressive development of world civilization suggests new options and versions of organizing and spending free time. As a special contribution of the topics raised by the authors of this study for the modern sociological discourse, the necessity of continuous research of leisure practices is laid due to their dynamic nature and because of their determinism by contextual realities. The author presents his own concept of leisure practices, taking into account their essential characteristics and allowing to go beyond the one-sided understanding of leisure, for example, such widespread as identical to free time.
Ravochkin N.N., Gilyazov R.S., Shchennikov V.P. —
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic upon changes of temporality and sociality: socio-philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 119 - 135.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.4.35615
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_35615.html
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Abstract: The relevance of the problem of perception of time in the context of permanent changes in modern social life is undeniable. In addition to that, the emergence of such macrosocial factor as COVID-19 has imposed a particular urgency upon the sciences of mind. From the perspective of social philosophy, the authors examine the changes in modern temporality and sociality, which took place under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. Special attention is turned to the problem of time. The evolution of representations of the perception of time is being followed from antiquity to the present, which constitutes the idea of temporality as such. Another significant aspect is sociality. The specificity and non-triviality of this article predetermined the development of theoretical-methodological foundations of research based on the combination of classical and modern scientific works of the Russian and foreign authors. The novelty of this article consists in the socio-philosophical level of the conducted generalization of precise empirical facts that comprise a holistic picture and adequate understanding of temporality and sociality that have changed under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. The authors’ special contribution consists in describing the structure of temporality that have transformed in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, which incorporates the “palette of temporalities” and includes the postindustrial variant alongside other ways of subjective sense of time up until the the turn of the late Middle Ages – early Renaissance. Applicable to sociality, the authors underline the aggravation of issues in the ordinary social life exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic; under the influence of pandemic, they become not just the risks and threats, but also entail the transformative potential of changes in the traditional practices and remodeling of the entire institutions.
Ravochkin N.N., Baumgarten M.I., Porkhachev V.N. —
From “The Problem of the Ideal” of E. V. Ilyenkov to research of ideas within the modern social philosophy
// Philosophical Thought. – 2020. – ¹ 7.
– P. 22 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.7.33375
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_33375.html
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Abstract: This article analyzes the results of studying the ideal and ideas since the Soviet time (intellectual geritage of E. V. Ilyenkov) until the present. The authors examine a discussion between Ilyenkov and Dubrovsky that unfolded around the problem of the ideal. Special attention is given to the ideological reception and evolution of representations on the ideal in accordance with the historical framework. Depending on affiliation of the representatives of one or another intellectual tradition, the ideas was interpreted from the perspective of three approaches: activity (E. V. Ilyenkov), information (D. I. Dubrovsky), and ontognoseological (M. A. Lifshitz). It is noted that these trends are primary for the modern Russian philosophical thought as well. The scientific novelty consists in the establishment of coherence for development of problematic of the ideas in modern social philosophy. Emphasis is made on continuity of representations on the ideas of foreign and national researchers. The acquired results demonstrate that currently, there are very few works that in some way explore ideas; this category is predominantly used applicable to philosophical heritage of certain groups of intellectuals. The conducted review of the literature illustrates underestimation of determination potential of the ideas as the results of cognitive activity in the aspect of carrying out social reforms.
Ravochkin N.N. —
The correlation between politics and law: socio-philosophical analysis
// Philosophical Thought. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 47 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.4.32498
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_32498.html
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Abstract: This article carries out a socio-philosophical analysis of interaction between the phenomena of politics and law. The goal of this work consist in the review of the existing correlations between politics and law. The subject of research is the correlations between politics and law. For achieving the set goal, the history of the question is considered. The author presents integral and differential characteristics of the two indicated categories. The definition to the concept of “political-legal institution” is provided alongside the modern classification by various grounds. The novelty is substantiated by the fact that there are virtually no philosophical writings on the analysis of correlations between politics and law. The formulated conclusions have theoretical and practical importance: reflect the characteristics of politics and law; confirm the justification of their institutional realization; underline the duality of nature of the political-legal institutions; propose classification of political-legal institutions for clearer understanding of the vectors of institutional transformations and emergence of neoforms in the context of current global development.
Ravochkin N.N., Bondarev N.S., Bondareva G.S. —
Conceptualization of the notion of “institution” within the modern socio-philosophical discourse
// Sociodynamics. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 85 - 98.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.4.32767
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_32767.html
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Abstract: This work explores current state of the conceptual framework of social philosophy. The object of this research is the phenomenon of a social institution. The subject is the conceptualization of the notion of “institution” within the modern socio-philosophical discourse. Institutions are perceived by the authors as specific social establishments. Considering the pragmatism of the modern social philosophy, the authors focus on the functional elucidation of institutions, giving grounds for instrumental classification, as well as presenting essential features from the position of the functions they carry out. The authors’ contribution into the research of this topic is the thesis on the need for continuous research of institutions in light of their dynamic nature and the social transformations accompanying the functionality of this phenomenon. This article presents an original concept of an institution, which takes into consideration its characteristics as a structure that provides vital function for any society: historism, collective activity of people, and sustainability.
Ravochkin N.N. —
Examination of institutions in social sciences: to articulation of the problem of philosophical analysis
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 50 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2020.4.34462
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/cfmag/article_34462.html
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Abstract: In recent decades, the problematic of social institutions has come to the forefront in foreign and national social science. It is justified by the fact that namely the institutional environment determines the success of social interactions and utilization of resources for moving towards the evolutionary scenario of development. The author gives close attention to the existing within national and foreign discourse definition of the basic object, and critically assesses the overall state of institutional research in social sciences. The discovered disciplinary narrowness and penchant for field-specific interests despite ambitious demands advance by, for example, economic sciences, substantiate the need for detailed philosophical analysis of social institutions. The author's special contribution lies in critical assessment of the available range of theoretical material in the area of sociological, economic, legal and political sciences. The article demonstrates the continuity and overall dynamics of disciplinary research of the institutions within the discourse of social sciences. The importance of interdisciplinary consideration of problematic areas in the institutional research is emphasized. Link between the effectiveness of functionality of the institutions and cognitive characteristics is traced. The value of constructivist approach is evident due to the increasing role of ideas in social sciences. In conclusion, the author conflates the strong and weak sides of disciplinary works, anticipating future research on the development of the ultimate grounds of institutions.
Ravochkin N.N., Bobrikov V.N. —
Contextual dependence of the effectiveness of political and legal institutions functioning and the implementation of social transformations
// World Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33434
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_33434.html
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Abstract: The authors consider the issues of modern political and legal institutions functioning. The research subject is the processes of renewal and formation of political and legal institutions in their connection with social context (sociosphere). Special attention is given to three political and legal institutions of modern globalizing society - political parties, mass media and social organizations, associations and movements. The authors describe the stages of societies’ evolution and note the basic set of criteria and parameters which allow classifying countries according to the stage of their development. The authors consider the transformations happening to the above mentioned institutions in Western Europe and the U.S., i.e. the global core countries. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the revelation of contextual linkage when defining the effectiveness of functioning and vectors of transformation of political and legal institutions and their practices. The authors prove that the considered institutions are being transformed in accordance with the transformations in the authorities which more often use humanist ideas and permission methods instead of direct coercion. The authors note a complex impact of globalization and digitalization on the institutions of parties, mass media and social associations. The need for their analysis is determined by the rapid growth of their role in public life.
Ravochkin N.N. —
Idea as an instrument of social engineering: philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 237 - 255.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31237
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_31237.html
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Abstract: The subject of this article is the idea viewed as an instrument of social engineering. The author continues his research on the supplement of intellectual constructs to the practices of socially conversion activity implemented by the government bodies. The work also refers to the potential of ideologies and establishment of the concept of social engineering; analyzes the national (prerevolutionary, Soviet and current) experience, as well as the views of foreign thinkers (from Antiquity through Modern Times to Present). The conceptual characteristics of social engineering along with the potential of ideas as its instruments are demonstrated. The author uses the original synthetic research methodology based on the social realism, civilizational approaches and general philosophic methods. The scientific novelty consists in designation of the potential of ideas as the determinants of social transformations from the perspective of social engineering. The ideological determination of institutional renovation in the imperial Russia and Soviet Union in reviewed. The author pursues correlation between the socialist way of conducting reforms and capabilities of social engineering, which manifests as most effective method of realization of gradual transformations in the various spheres of social life.
Ravochkin N.N. —
The transition of Europe from medieval society towards industrial: socio-philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 123 - 130.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29908
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_29908.html
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Abstract: In this article, from the perspective of social philosophy, the author examines the process of transition from the medieval European society towards industrial model. The object of this research is the European society; while the subject is the transformational processes affecting all spheres of social life. Initially, attention is turned to the problematic of periodization of the beginning of transition of the states towards industrialization, as well as various approaches in this regard. The trends characteristic to the industrial society are described. It order to conduct a fundamental study, the author determines multiple simultaneous processes taking place in economic, political, social and religious life. The author applies the methods of historical parallels, historical macrosociology, justified in socio-philosophical and philosophical-historical works. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiated suggestion of the original version of the beginning of industrialization processes. The examples of philosophical-ideological determination of modernization processes of the Renaissance era are demonstrated. The article structures the modernization line of economic determination: from the medieval cities as trade centers through the initial accumulation of capital and increasing needs of the individuals towards multiple social revolutions that led to establishment of the industrial level of society.