Popova E.M., Milyuhin A.S. —
Practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of operational investigative activities aimed at detecting corruption-related crimes in the implementation of national projects
// Police and Investigative Activity. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 43 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.3.72370
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pm/article_72370.html
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Abstract: The fight against criminal encroachments related to the embezzlement of budget funds allocated to finance national projects is currently one of the priorities of the operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies. In this connection, the object of the study is the state of crime in the field of implementation of national projects, which is studied through the prism of a territorial feature, an object of criminal law protection and a subject of crime detection. The subject of the study is the identification of problematic issues and the development of new approaches to improving the effectiveness of operational investigative activities aimed at detecting crimes in the implementation of national projects. The analysis of published scientific papers allowed us to conclude that insufficient attention is paid to the problem of organizing an operational search, while it is at the stage of initiating an operational check that employees experience difficulties. To achieve their goals and objectives, the authors used methods of formal logic, such as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, statistical methods, concrete historical and formal legal methods. The authors of the article calculated the criminological burden of crimes related to the implementation of national projects in the context of federal districts and concluded about the territorial heterogeneity of this type of crime. A group of corruption-related crimes in the implementation of national projects was singled out separately, the structure of crimes in this group indicates problems in detecting crimes under Articles 285, 286 and 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, their share in the total number of corruption-related crimes is less than 6%. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a universal algorithm for the implementation of an operational search to identify crimes provided for in Articles 285, 286 and 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which are committed during construction and installation works. The universal nature of the algorithm lies in the absence of reference to the specifics of a specific national project. The proposed algorithm is adapted to different stages of the development of federal budget funds: the stage of competitive procedures and the stage of execution of the municipal contract.
Popova E.M., Guseinova G.M. —
Tax tools for smoothing the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: foreign experience
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 42 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2022.4.35490
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_35490.html
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Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious challenge for the entire world community. National governments were forced to introduce restrictive measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection. However, the self-isolation regime announced in many countries is one of the main factors of the recession into which the world economy has plunged. As a confirmation, the article presents the results of a study conducted by the International Monetary Fund. In connection with these events, anti-crisis programs were developed in many countries of the world, which provided for several packages of financial support measures for the population and businesses. One of the basic tools for implementing the approved economic recovery programs were tax measures, which are the subject of this study. A review of the world practice of using tax instruments allowed us to distinguish two groups. The first group includes tax measures adapted to the new socio-economic realities, which, despite the reduction of the tax burden, are not tax expenditures. The second group includes tax expenses. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that, based on the results of studying international experience, a classification of tax expenditures used to offset the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic was developed. The purpose of the provision is selected as a classification feature. The conducted research allowed us to conclude that the most popular tax expenditures were such tax expenditures as the reduction (exemption) of indirect taxes on medical products and products of firms affected by the introduction of restrictive measures. In addition, tax expenditures in the form of tax deductions and credits for taxes on individual and corporate income have become widespread, encouraging taxpayers to direct savings to finance investments and activities of small and medium-sized businesses, special funds to combat COVID-19.
Popova E.M., Guseinova G.M., Goncharova A.V. —
Assessment of regional measures of tax support for business in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 57 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2022.4.38563
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_38563.html
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Abstract: The implementation of quarantine measures and the decline in economic activity in 2020 became an impetus for the implementation of a stimulating tax policy not only at the federal, but also at the subnational level. The article examines the experience of countercyclical fiscal policy in the OECD countries, highlights the factors of relatively modest tax support provided to small and medium-sized businesses at the subnational level. The object of the study is stimulating tax expenditures provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian regions to support economic entities in the conditions of restrictive measures caused by the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The research methodology is based on the methods of formal logic, statistical and econometric analysis. The scientific novelty of this study consists in conducting a comprehensive analysis covering all subjects of the Russian Federation in which stimulating tax expenditures were actually provided, and assessing the regional tax policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic through the prism of key budget parameters and indicators of socio-economic development. The regional tax policy was carried out in conditions of large-scale fiscal support from the federal center and deterioration of the state of subnational finances due to the growth of deficit budgets. During the 2020 pandemic, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provided tax benefits on taxes that account for a small share in the revenues of regional budgets. Since the main purpose of tax incentives was to solve liquidity problems and maintain employment, investment tax incentives for corporate income tax were not introduced in Russian regions. The study of the actual and forecast dynamics of GRP allowed us to conclude that the tax support measures implemented in the Russian subjects stimulated economic activity and helped to smooth out the negative consequences of the coronacrisis.
Popova E.M., Nikitina T.V. —
Direct German investments in the Russian economy: regional cross-section
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 68 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.1.37585
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/etc/article_37585.html
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Abstract: Economic relations between Russia and Germany are developing in the context of such global challenges as the aggravation of the international political situation, the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, the economic recession against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic. The subject of this study is the regional peculiarities of the placement of German capital on the territory of Russia. The object of the study is 55 subjects of the Russian Federation, which are recipients of direct German investments. The authors focus on studying the dynamics, species and geographical structure of accumulated direct German investments in the context of individual subjects and federal districts. The article assesses the level of differentiation of direct German investments within individual federal districts, calculates sub-federal investment positions, identifies trends in investment cooperation between Russian and German enterprises carried out within the framework of special economic zones. It is established that the factors contributing to the placement of German capital in European Russia are the preferential localization of special economic zones in this part of the country, as well as the conclusion of special investment contracts on the basis of already functioning production facilities. According to the results of the study, the authors summarize that the current regional structure of German investments does not contribute to the achievement of such a task provided for by the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation as the reduction of interregional socio-economic imbalances. The scientific novelty of this study is to develop recommendations for expanding investment cooperation between Russia and Germany in the Far East, special attention is paid to the role of state institutions. The authors substantiate that the implementation of investment projects for the production of wind power units and assemblies, solar panels, as well as the construction of wind and solar power plants in the Far East should be considered as a promising area of cooperation between Russia and Germany.
Popova E.M., Nikitina T.V. —
Financial literacy in the digital era: new opportunities and challenges
// Finance and Management. – 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 50 - 67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2021.4.36915
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/flc/article_36915.html
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Abstract: Increase of access to financial services (financial inclusion) and overcoming the new digital gap are the priority task of the national governments, which entails the development of state programs and implementation of various initiatives The subject of this research is the financial literacy and instruments for its improvement in the conditions of new digital reality. The question is raised on the need for reconsideration of the financial literacy in the digital context, and implementation of the more extensive multidimensional approach towards its definition. The authors present the results of scientific research conducted in different countries, which prove that financial and digital literacy are the key determinants of financial inclusion. The analysis of foreign practice of introducing the programs aimed at the improvement of financial literacy of the population leads to a number of practically valuable conclusions, namely high potential and effectiveness of the projects that use interactive technologies. The scientific novelty lies in formulation of recommendations that would contribute to more effective implementation of the programs intended for improving financial literacy of the population: targeted programs for improving financial literacy adapted to the needs and level of knowledge of a specific target audience; interactive content that develops both, financial and digital literacy in the context of using financial products. Special attention is given to the formation of competencies for secure use of digital financial products, information awareness of the participants of the programs on the fraudulent schemes. The increase of financial literacy is considered as an indirect financial protection of the consumers.
Popova E.M., Guseinova G.M. —
Improvement of methodological base on identification of tax expenditures
// Finance and Management. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 23 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7802.2020.1.32345
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/flc/article_32345.html
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Abstract: The concept of tax expenditure is gradually being implemented into the budget process in the Russian Federation, which justifies the relevance of this research. Russia uses the legislative approach towards identification of tax spending, which has a weak theoretical-methodological base. There is currently no precise criterion for allocation of tax expenditures, while the definition formulated by the Article 6 of the Budgetary Code of the Russian Federation further complicates their identification. Thus, there is an objective need for development of more comprehensive approach towards identification of tax expenditures from the theoretical perspective. The study of foreign practice allowed concluding that qualification of the tax norm, as a tax expenditure is a rather debatable question. The novelty and scientific-practical importance of the conducted research consists in the proposed interpretation of tax expenditures and tax incentives, which reflects their main attribute consisting in divergence from the fundamental principles of taxation, and ensures accord with the concepts used in the budgetary legislation. The authors develop an algorithm for identifying tax expenditures, based on solution of the task on determination of adherence of the content of tax norm to the key elements of the mechanism of functionality of a tax incentive.
Popova E.M., Guseinova G.M., Milov S.B. —
Assessment of sensitivity of the efficiency of regional tax spending towards investment attractiveness of the types of economic activity carried out by the residents of advanced development territory
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 98 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.1.32495
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/etc/article_32495.html
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Abstract: The deficit of subnational budgets and deceleration capital investments in multiple Russian regions increase the relevance of research aimed at improvement of tax incentivizing practice of the regional investment process. The studies focused on determination of the impact of socioeconomic and institutional factors upon the efficiency of investment tax expenses obtained wide circulation within the foreign scientific literature. The subject of this article is the assessment of sensitivity of the efficiency of regional tax expanses towards investment attractiveness of the types of economic activity carried out by the residents of territories of advanced socioeconomic development, created in the subjects of Far Easter Federal District. The scientific novelty and practical values of this research consists in substantiation of the reasonableness of assessment of investment attractiveness of the types of economic activity that are stimulated by tax incentives. Methodology for assessing investment attractiveness is proposed and tested. The conclusion is made that in case of low investment attractiveness of the type of economic activity, which was planned to support by tax incentives, it is required to conduct and additional analysis to avoid unjustified tax expanses.
Popova E.M., Guseinova G.M., Milov S.B. —
Integration of the concept of tax expenditures into budget process: foreign and Russian experience
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 17 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2019.11.31314
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_31314.html
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Abstract: An important factor influencing the efficiency of implementation of budget-fiscal policy is the level of public confidence in the government institutions. The concept of tax expenditures, integrated into the budget process since 2014, contributes to increasing transparency of the conducted policy, and as a result, strengthening of public confidence in the government. The article examines the key aspect of application of the concept of tax expenditures in budget process in OECD countries and Russia, indicates methodological problems, and suggests the vectors for improvement of the existing practice. The scientific novelty consist in carrying out a comparative analysis of integration degree of the concept of tax expenditures into the budget process in various countries. The conclusion is made that the main methodological problem of practical implementation of this concept consists in the absence of the uniform approach to definition of the terms “basic tax” and “tax expenditures”, which in many countries despite substantial experience, did not receive legislative consolidation. The authors highlight the following directions for improvement of the national practice: specification of the definitions of “tax breaks” and “tax expenditures”, as well as use of the results of efficiency assessment of tax expenditures for allocation of subsidies to equalization of fiscal capacity of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Popova E.M. —
Assessing Economic Effectiveness of Investment Tax Incentives Provided by the Regional Law
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 37 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2019.4.29794
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_29794.html
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Abstract: Tax incentives require constant monitoring of their effectiveness. Investment tax incentives are a fiscal instrument widely used by Russian regions to encourage capital contributions. Having analyzed regional methods used to assess economic effectiveness of tax incentives, Popova has defined essential features of applicable effectiveness coefficients. Economic effectiveness coefficients are usually replaced with trend data and have a weak connection with the mechanism of tax incentives. This makes it difficult to evaluate the contribution of tax incentives to encouragement of investment process. The aim of this research is to develop approaches and methods that would allow to assess economic effectiveness of investment tax incentives but would be free of drawbacks that current methods have. The research methodology was based on formal logic methods (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and comparison), statistical methods, economic analysis methods and the elasticity concept. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that economic effectiveness coefficients offered by the author reflect specific features of tax incentives as an instrument of state encouragement, i.e. the instrument that allows to provide financial resources for additional investments. Depending on the mechanism of how tax incentives function, the author defines the basis for calculating the investment growth (return on investment) as a result of granted tax incentives.
Popova E.M., Siyal S., Mezentseva I.V. —
Comparative analysis of saving behavior of the population of Russia and China (on the examples of the cities of Chita and Hefei)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 65 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.3.30391
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/etc/article_30391.html
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Abstract: People’s savings play an important role in the development of national economy as they are referred to the main sources of financial investments. An essential condition for implementation of this role is the consumer demand for the services of financial intermediaries, which transform unorganized savings into organized savings, with subsequent involvement into investment process. Russia’s economy experiences deficit of “long-term money” that can be restored in form of bank deposits, insurance contracts, and pension plan. The subject of this research is the analysis of saving behavior of the population of Russia and China, namely such fundamental aspects as the goals and motives, frequency and rate of savings, and relevance of various saving instruments. The sociological survey became the main research method. The author also used the methods of formal logics, statistical methods, and basic methodology devised by the scholars of University of Michigan. The scientific novelty consists in calculation of the indexes of saving behavior that the encompassing indicators of the people’s saving activity. It is concluded that the population of Hefei is known for its higher level of optimism. Lack of interest in acquiring additional income results in the fact that the majority of respondents from both countries form unorganized savings; while bank deposits remain the most demanded for of organized savings. The low percentage of organized savings is associated with the limited financial capacities, insufficient level of financial literacy, and low yield of the basic saving instruments.
Popova E.M. —
Evaluating the Efficiency of a Region's Investment Environment on the Economic Efficiency of Investment Corporate Tax Rebates
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 10 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2018.12.28353
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_28353.html
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Abstract: The efficiency of investment tax rebates is a nettlesome issue widely discussed by the academic community. Foreign academic literature contains both theoretical analysis and empirical research which prove the point of view that efficiency of tax rebates is determined not only by fiscal factors (tax rebate structure). Socio-economic and institutional terms of investment processes also effect the efficiency of tax rebates. This dictates the rationale of the present research which is caused by the theoretical and practical importance of defining the degree of the impact of a region's investment environment on efficiency of tax rebates provided by the regional legislation. The research methodology includes methods of formal logic, in particular, analysis, synthesis, comparison, and statistical methods such as correlation, variance analysis, and aggregation. In addition, the author has also applied heuristic approach and such methods as the analysis of hierarchies and plain raiting. The results of the research demonstrate that tax rebates have a weak encouraging potential for a region that has an unfavorable investment environment. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need to calculate indicators of the investment environment and marginal effective rate at the stage of implementing tax rebates for the purpose of conducing a comparative analysis with other regions. This approach allows to give a preliminary estimate in terms of whether it is reasonable to introduce tax rebates from the point of view of competitive advantages, especially in cases when it is impossible to predict efficiency indicators because there are no potential tax rebate beneficiary investors.
Popova E.M. —
Using the Marginal Tax Rate Model for Evaluating the Tax Burden on Fixed Asset Investments in Russia's Economy
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 74 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2018.4.25929
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ttmag/article_25929.html
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Abstract: One of the most important prerequisite for an efficient policy of both the state and private company is the availability of instruments to carry out an integral evaluation of an controlled object. Thus, the subject of this article is the analysis of potential of the marginal tax rate model for evaluation of the tax burden on fixed asset investments from the point of view of different branches of economy. The main purpose of the research initiated by the author is to carry out a comparative analysis of an expected tax burden depending on different sectors and assets of Russia's economy. The research is based on the use of such formal logic methods as induction, deduction, synthesis, analysis and comparison. The aforesaid methods allowed to define the scope of application of the marginal tax rate model. For example, it can be used as a methodological basis for evaluating the influence of tax policy on the level of taxation of different sectors and assets. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that unlike previous estimations made by Russian economicsts, the tax burden on real investments were assessed for a wide range of economic activities and the burden matrices were drawn out depending on the depreciation method used for tax purposes. In addition, the amount of the tax burden was compared to the actual investment behavior of a sector. From the point of view of increasing the tax burden, transport, communication and trade are most attractive sectors for investments and construction, agriculture, fish breeding and fishing industry are the least attractive. The results of the research are coherent with the indicators of investment activity: construction, agriculture and fishing industry have the lowest pace of investment growth.
Popova E.M. —
The assessment of sectoral investment priorities at the regional level
// Trends and management. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 65 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2018.3.26522
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/tumag/article_26522.html
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Abstract: The implementation of scientifically substantiated investment policy at the regional level requires identifying the sectoral investment priorities, which considerably contributes to choosing the strategically important vectors for ensuring state support and creating the necessary concentration of resources. Therefore, this article conducts a comparative analysis of approaches and methods of assessing the sectoral investment priorities established within the Russian and foreign literature. The approach that understands the investment attractiveness of the sector as sectoral priority is recognized as the most promising; it allows determining the current condition of the sector, its strong and weak sides trough assessing the separate potentials and risks. The scientific novelty and relevance of the provided results consist in the fact that the author proposes a simultaneous use of two methods, which allow implementing the basic criteria of choosing the sectoral investment priority, and eliminating such flows of the multiple authorial methodologies, as the absence of precise algorithm on conducting assessment and restriction in applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) only by determining weighting coefficients. In turn, the application of AHP as an independent method, contributes to overcoming excessive formalization of decision-making with regards to sectoral investment priorities.