Atencio R., Kargovskaia E.A., Kuznetsova V.V. —
// Culture and Art. – 2024. – ¹ 12.
– P. 15 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2024.12.70360
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Abstract: Indigenous cultures around the world face unprecedented challenges and are often in danger of extinction. The preservation of the cultural heritage of these peoples is an important task not only for themselves, but also for all mankind. These cultures possess valuable knowledge and traditions that have developed over the millennia and open unique prospects for the development of the world. The loss of indigenous knowledge and practices is an irreparable loss for all of us, as we are losing part of the cultural heritage of all mankind.
The indigenous peoples of Panama have a rich cultural heritage deeply rooted in their traditions and beliefs. The Guna people living in Panama and Colombia represent one of the most sovereign indigenous communities in the world, with extensive land holdings and self-government rights. They are known for their colorful traditional clothes, intricate manners, beliefs, and strong sense of community.
The relevance of the topic is since in a world that is becoming increasingly homogenized, the preservation of indigenous cultures ensures that this cultural diversity will not be lost due to the impact of globalization.
This article is devoted to the problems of preserving the material and spiritual heritage of the Guna people living in Panama and Colombia. The lifestyle of the Guna Indians, their traditions, worldview and definition of the role of man in the world are unique and of great interest for research. The authors of the article analyze the distinctive features of the Guna cultural heritage and highlight current phenomena and processes that pose a threat to the preservation of the traditional way of life of this people. Understanding the history and traditions of the indigenous Guna people is essential to preserve their culture.
Kargovskaia E., Kuznetsova V. —
Russian-Spanish Relations in the Scientific and Educational Sphere after February 2022
// International relations. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 60 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2022.4.39027
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Abstract: This article examines the impact of the special military operation carried out by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine on the interaction of Russia and Spain in the scientific and educational sphere. After February 24, 2022, the number of sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation by Western countries reached record levels. Against this background, after the start of a special military operation, Russian-Spanish relations radically changed the vector of development, the consequences of these changes manifested themselves both in the economic and political fields, as well as in the cultural, scientific and educational sphere. Almost immediately, Spanish government agencies called for an immediate freeze on any scientific and educational activities between Russia and Spain. Under this influence, most Spanish universities de jure announced the suspension of cooperation with Russian universities or organizations. This research is based on a number of scientific methods, including historical, institutional, systemic, as well as the method of comparative analysis. The authors consider the situation in the field of scientific and educational cooperation between Spain and Russia that has developed since February 2022 and they come to the conclusion that if the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is persistent and prolonged, it may lead to the final closure of joint educational programs, as well as to the termination of joint scientific research and the publication of articles by Spanish and Russian scientists. At this stage, as this analysis shows, individual cases of cooperation in the educational sphere initiated before the special military operation individually find ways to continue their implementation, Russian students continue to apply and enroll in universities in Spain. However, the tendency to curtail joint scientific and educational activities prevails.
Kuznetsova V., Kargovskaia E. —
Current trends of international cooperation in the area of education on the example of Spain and Russia (due to implementation of the joint degree program between Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and University of the Balearic Islands)
// International relations. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 39 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2021.3.36447
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Abstract: This article explores the cooperation of Spain and Russia in the area of education due to implementation of the joint degree program between Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and University of the Balearic Islands). The study of the bilateral dialogue within the framework of educational policy and outlining its prospects is relevant since Spain is the strategically important partner for the Russian Federation. Analysis of the potential of university cooperation between the two countries at the present stage is also necessary for expanding the presence of Spain and Russia in the humanitarian sphere abroad, and creating a positive image of both countries among foreign partners. The novelty of this research lies in the detailed analysis of the joint Master’s program and postgraduate education implemented between Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and University of the Balearic Islands), its current state and development prospects, as well as the challenges faced in the process of implementation of this project. It is noted that the joint degree program between the Russian and Spanish universities are an integral part of their cooperation in the sphere of education. The author establishes that the difference in academic degrees in the Russian and Spanish systems of education remains a crucial and unresolved issue, which obstructs the bilateral partnership in this area.
Kuznetsova V., Kargovskaia E. —
Legal regulation of relations between Spain and Russia in the area of adoption of Russian children by Spanish citizens
// Law and Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 85 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2020.8.33204
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Abstract: This article conducts the analysis of legal regulation of relations between the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation with regards to adoption of Russian children by Spanish citizens. The authors examine the history of development of bilateral Russian-Spanish cooperation; legal normative base, and procedure for the adoption of Russian orphans in the Russian and Spanish legislation. Statistical data is provided on the trends in adoption of Russian orphans by citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. The article employs the following methods of scientific research: historical, comparative-legal, statistical, and systemic analysis. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact the for many years Spain demonstrates consistent interest in this question, ranking second among other countries that adopt children from the Russian Federation. At the same time, the legal and bureaucratic framework for realization of Russian-Spanish cooperation in this field requires improvements. The authors conclude that although the number of adopted Russian orphans by Spanish citizens has dropped in recent years, it is necessary to continue cooperation in this field by improving the existing legislation.
Kuznetsova V., Kargovskaia E. —
Legal regulation of relations between Spain and Russia in the area of adoption of Russian children by Spanish citizens
// Law and Politics. – 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 85 - 93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2020.8.43352
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Abstract: This article conducts the analysis of legal regulation of relations between the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation with regards to adoption of Russian children by Spanish citizens. The authors examine the history of development of bilateral Russian-Spanish cooperation; legal normative base, and procedure for the adoption of Russian orphans in the Russian and Spanish legislation. Statistical data is provided on the trends in adoption of Russian orphans by citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. The article employs the following methods of scientific research: historical, comparative-legal, statistical, and systemic analysis. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact the for many years Spain demonstrates consistent interest in this question, ranking second among other countries that adopt children from the Russian Federation. At the same time, the legal and bureaucratic framework for realization of Russian-Spanish cooperation in this field requires improvements. The authors conclude that although the number of adopted Russian orphans by Spanish citizens has dropped in recent years, it is necessary to continue cooperation in this field by improving the existing legislation.
Kuznetsova V., Kargovskaia E. —
Cooperation between Russia and Spain in the area of education during the 1990’s – early 2000’s: difficulties and ways to overcome them
// International relations. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 28 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2019.3.26781
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Abstract: The object of this research is the bilateral Russia-Spain relations (1990’s – early 2000’s), while the subject is cooperation between the countries in the area of education. The authors attempt to examine and analyze the joint activity of Russian and Spanish government with regards to education policy during the 1990’s – early 2000’s. The goal of this study consists in determination of various advantages and disadvantages, as well as future prospects of such collaboration. Relevance of the topic is substantiated by the rapidly developing relations between the two countries, as well as the worldwide globalization in the area of education. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that although multiple publications cover the topic of Russia-Spain relations, the intergovernmental cooperation in the area of education has not yet become the subject of serious study. In conclusion, the author determines the various forms of international partnership of two countries in the area of education, their advantages, difficulties, and ways to overcome them.