Mordas E.S. —
Ontological foundations of motherhood
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 23 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.5.40959
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Abstract: The subject of the study is motherhood. The work is based on N.S. Rozov's model of the sphere of socio-historical existence. The biotechnosphere is about reproductive health and the possibility (not the possibility) of a woman becoming a mother. The psychosphere represents aspects of the mother's activity, motives and values, acceptance and rejection of motherhood, the choice of the form of motherhood. Culture and reproductive culture in the experience of motherhood is a direction that arouses interest and reflection (culture sphere). The problems of reproductive status and marital gender, reproductive behavior in the context of the problems of motherhood (sociosphere) remain open for research. Modern realities lead to the need to rethink the experience and understanding of motherhood at all levels of socio-historical existence. The main conclusions are: the biotechnosphere includes a woman's reproductive ability to become a mother, physical health, the ability to bear, give birth and raise a child.
The psychosphere includes aspects of the mother's activity (motivational and activity sphere and subject interaction, motivation for the birth of a child), the mother's personality (satisfaction with motherhood and readiness for motherhood; mother-child relations, the problems of family relations. The role of a man in a woman's life and vice versa and the birth of a child is an area of possible research. And the question remains open for research – parenthood and gender in modern conditions.
A model of the spheres of socio-historical existence of the phenomenon of motherhood is presented.
Mordas E.S. —
Domestic violence and maternal perversion
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 28 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.4.69150
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to integrate sociological and psychoanalytic approaches in the field of social relations, using the example of domestic violence. The subject of the study is domestic violence. Research developed under the ideas of R. Collins, A. Motz and E. Welldon, M. Hirsch, David E. Scharff, R. Stoller.
Violence of the weak is one of the types of violence (R. Collins). Affective field, dominance, control and submission are signs of violent interaction. The family is the space where the situation of violence unfolds. A mother figure with power, in the maternal role, can realize her destructive desires and resolve conflicts (E. Welldon, A. Motz). Other types of domestic violence include violence in caring for the sick, the elderly, and in relationships between spouses (often violence against women, submissiveness of women).
The author made the following conclusions:
1. Domestic violence is one of the types of violence: violence of the weak. Violence unfolds in a violent situation, with some interaction between the victim and the aggressor.
2. Characteristics of a situation of violence according to R. Collins: affective field, dominance and imposition of will, submission, confrontation, tension, fear, panic, control.
3. Violence is a form of expression of maternal perversion: destructive desires of the mother, hatred (E. Welldon, A. Motz, R. Stoller), dependence, helplessness, sadomasochism (S. Cohen), incest (E.D. Scharff), symbiosis ( J. Bergeret, M. Mahler, J.F. Masterson, D.B. Rinsley).
4. Violence is a reflection of a person’s life history.
5. Domestic violence is possible in a situation of pathological dependence of one subject on another. A healthy form of addiction presupposes the ability to be in an intimate relationship with a significant Other – something that becomes a difficulty for modern people.
Mordas E.S. —
The psychological nature of female psychogenic infertility: psychoanalytic reflections
// Psychologist. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 47 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.1.39567
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Abstract: The theoretical basis of this work are the ideas of Maidi U., Mitchell J., Motz A., Pattis-Zoya E., Reinhold Joseph S., Langer M., Leisinger-Boleber M. The object of research: the phenomenon of psychogenic female infertility in the psychoanalytic understanding. The article shows aspects of the psychogenesis of female psychogenic infertility: the image of the mother, destructiveness and psychogenic infertility, denial of femininity and gender-role identity, violation of identification with the mother and identification with the "dead mother", transgenerational transmission and psychogenic infertility, unconscious conflicts and the Medea complex.
These aspects are reflected in two psychoanalytic studies, the results of which are briefly reflected in this publication. The results showed the presence of common signs for women with psychogenic infertility: 1. In fantasies, the future child is endowed with expectations aimed at satisfying a deficient mother; 2. Women have a violation of gender-role identity - identification with the father; the desire to take the place of the father, playing partner and parent roles; 3. Ambivalent perception of the maternal figure; the image of the mother is idealized; 4. Women have a false self, pseudoedipality; 5. Women have a false femininity based not on identification with the mother, but on based on a primitive imitation of her. Identification with the "dead mother" is impossible; 6. The presence of a castration complex in women, reinforced by identification with the father. As a result, the process of childbirth causes horror, correlated with castration, which is denied and covered up by the desire to have a child; 7. The presence of a separation complex, where separation from a "dead mother" is not possible, because then one person will be "dead". 8. Parentification, "dead mother", "dead father", transgenerational transmission of conflicts "crypts and ghosts", untreated traumatization and unlived grief. The leading events in the life history of women suffering from psychogenic infertility are the experience of loss and violence.
Mordas E.S., Demidova A.M. —
Relationship with Mother and Satisfaction with Motherhood of Middle-Aged Women
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 54 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2024.1.39756
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Abstract: The object of the study: the relationship of women's attitude to their mother and satisfaction with their own motherhood.
The novelty of the study is that empirical data have been obtained showing how the nature of the relationship with the mother, the type of attachment and the style of separation from the mother are interrelated with a woman's satisfaction with her motherhood. The present study was focused on finding the interrelationships of the nature of the current relationship of an adult woman with her mother and the degree of satisfaction of a woman with her parenting. The relationship between a woman's current level of satisfaction with her motherhood and her emotional and evaluative attitude towards her mother, the degree of psychological separation from her and the formed nature of attachment in adult relationships with her mother was studied. The main conclusions of the study: 1. Regarding the attachment style to the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood is characteristic of women with a lower level of avoidance and anxiety in the relationship with the mother. 2. Regarding the level of separation from the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood corresponds to higher conflict independence, but lower attitude. 3. A study of the nature of a woman's emotional and evaluative perception of her mother showed that the lowest satisfaction with motherhood was noted only among women with a negative attitude towards their mother, and is not typical for those whose attitude towards their mother is more positive.
Mordas E.S., Rudakova A.G. —
Parent-child relationship in psychogenesis of female psychogenic infertility (psychoanalytic perspective)
// Psychologist. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 70 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.5.36373
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Abstract: Horney, D. Pines, T. Benedek, M. Bydlowski, F. Tyson and R. Tyson, K. Brisch. The object of this research is the phenomenon of psychogenic infertility in female development. The subject is the parent-child relationship in the context of women with psychogenic infertility. The article reveals the unspecified features of development of women with infertility: personality traits, leading mental conflicts, fixations, defense mechanisms, type of attachment, experience of object relationship. The article traces the dependence of woman’s reproductive function in symptom cluster of infertility on her psyche, as well as influence of object relationship and attachment pattern on the occurrence of mental conflicts that lead to infertility. The following possible factors of psychogenic infertility are determined:
1. Pathological fixation in the early infantile period. Inability to separate from the mother,
2. Inability to identify with the mother.
3. Infertility as defense against regression, i.e. fear to encounter internal conflicts.
4. Hatred and ambivalent attitude towards the mother. Unwillingness to pass on the “mandate of life”.
5. Confusion of identity, improper gender-role identification with the mother due to improper distribution of roles in family, disturbance of personal boundaries, and pathological symbiosis.
The article reveals similar prerequisites for the formation of psychogenic infertility: type of attachment, disturbance of early object relationship, leading mental conflict, basic defense, and the impact of transgenerational experience. Defensive strategies that are intended for coping with intense inner anxiety create an unconscious compromise between mental state and body, which leads to psychogenic infertility.
Mordas E.S., Kuz'micheva A.G. —
Menopause as a stage of female development: psychoanalytic perspective
// Psychologist. – 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 15 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.3.35096
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Abstract: The object of this research is the psychoanalytic concepts of female development. The subject of this research is the phenomenon of the climacteric period in female development. The article analyzes and summarizes the psychoanalytic ideas on the development of women during menopause.
1. Climacteric period – the crisis period (G. Bibring);
2. Menopause as a trauma, narcissistic insult, backward development of libido, regression (H. Deutsch)
3. Menopause as a narcissistic rage (R. Lax);
4. Same as in puberty period, body is the focus of attention during menopause; climacteric period as part of femininity and emotions (D. Pines);
5. Menopause as a punishment (M. Klein).
The author also include the examples from personal research practice. The novelty of this work consists in the summary of psychoanalytic ideas on the female development during climacteric period; as well as in elucidation of the phenomenon of menopausal complex. The menopausal complex implies: 1. Menopause as a traumatic event, accompanied by the emotions of narcissistic rage; aggression as a protection mechanism, resemblance of the aging process and its irreversibility; 2. Regression and re-actualization of castration emotions and narcissistic wounds, experience of inferiority and inability to control your body; 3. Experiencing the loss and mourning over the reproductive abilities and femininity; 4. Reaching menopause is likely in same age as mother; 5. Menopausal complex is accompanied by the fear of aging (or future), fear of being left and loneliness.
Mordas E.S., Berseneva Y.V. —
Personality traits of women with psychogenic infertility (on different levels of organization of individuality)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 69 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.3.30428
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Abstract: This article reviews the results of research dedicated to personality characteristics of women struggling with psychogenic infertility (on different levels of organization of individuality: physical, affective and behavioral). It is assumed that all levels of organization of individuality are interrelated, which allows observing a holistic picture of personality of women involved in the study. The goal consists in examination of personality traits of women with reproductive disorders on physical, personal and social levels of the organization of individuality. The subject of this research is the psychological peculiarities, coping strategies, and psychological defenses of women with reproductive disorders on different levels of organization of individuality. The following methods were applied: empirical, such as testing and quantitative methods (charting); statistical, such as correlation analysis; qualitative methods, such as generalization, systematization, comparison. The scientific novelty lies in studying personality traits of women with reproductive disorders on different levels of the organization of individuality. The conclusion is made that women struggling with psychogenic infertility (comparing to women with no such disorder) are characterized with the following personality traits on different levels of the organization of individuality: 1) on the physical level – distorted perception and dissatisfaction with their body; 2) on the personal (affective) level – high anxiety, both reactive and personal; alexithymia; rigidity; inclination to depressive disorders; 3) on the social (behavioral) level – facing difficult life situations, women with reproductive disorders are not able to take responsibility, and often resort to such defense mechanisms as denial, avoidance, regression and projection.
Mordas E.S., Samarakovskaya I.P. —
Supressed Femininity and Unconcious Processes Based on the Analysis of Friedrich Schiller's Poem 'The Maid of Orleans'
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 44 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.25497
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Abstract: The aim of the research is to carry out a psychoanalytical analysis of the phenomenon of supressed femininity of the main heroine of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Main of Orleans'. The object of the research is the phenomenology, structure and development of femininity. The subject of the research is the peculiarities and specifics of supressed femininity of the main heroine in Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The authors of the article carry out a psychoanalytical research of supressed femininity based on the analysis of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The research methodology includes: 1) classical theory of psychosexual development offered by Zigmund Freud; 2) psychoanalytical theories of female development (Melanie Klein, Deutsch, Dolto, Bonoparte, Chodorow, R. Tyson and F. Tyson) that present the psychoanalytical approach to explaining the structure and peculiarities of intrapsychic phenomena of women and the role of objective relations in this process; 3) psychoanalytical researches of female psychology (Horney, Abraham, Rado, etc.) that were used in the process of the analysis and interpretation of the phenomena; 4) psychoanalytical and analytical approaches to analyzing literary works by A. Tkhostov, N. Einish, etc. to define characteristics and peculiarities through applied psychoanalytical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provide an integral analysis and systematization of psychoanalytical theories and concepts of female development and demonstrate opportunities for practical application of psychoanalytical theories to analysing literary works. The researchers also define criteria (phenomena) of supressed feminity such as the masculinity complex, difficulties with sex, distorted body image, negative Oedipus complex, and pathogenic object relations.
Mordas E.S., Mikhaleva N.V. —
Psychoanalytical Analysis of the Mental Development of Autistic Chldren: Historical Aspect
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 66 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.5.27416
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the menal development of autistic children from the historical and medical points of view. Even though there is a great variety of theoretical and experimental concepts regarding autistic children, psychoanalytical aspect of the problem still needs to be clarified. In this research the authors give an overview of psychoanalytical concepts on the nature and development of autism offered by M. Maler, F. Taslin, L. Eisenberg (these are the concepts that have never been introduced in the Russian language before). The authors also provide an insight into L. Kanner's, E. Bleuler's, B. Bend's, C. Goldstein's, L. Bender's, B. Bettelheim's, M. Meltzer's, M. Klein's, D. Rosenfeld's, D. Winnicott's ideas. The research methods used by the authors are systematization, analysis and generalisation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors provide an in-depth analysis of autism from the point of view of psychoanalysis. The conclusions are the following. 1. Autism as an inhereted genetic disease (L. Kanner and L. Eisenberg). 2. Autism as a life conditions when sensitivity and poor emotional contacts dominate; emegency response to the illusive trauma of the physical split experience (M. Maler and F. Taslin). 3. Autism as the terrible experience of the loss of an object; psychotic depression state (D. Winnicott). 4. Autistic disorders as a result of extreme situation when an individual was unable to influence the environment (B. Bettelheim). 5. Prerequisites for psychogenic autism may be acute affective disorders related to the child-parent relationship starting from the child's fetal life and caused by the mother's hostile reactions.
Mordas E.S. —
Envy of Pregnancy and Fantasies of Pregnancy Experienced by Men
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 11.
– P. 898 - 905.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.11.22765
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Abstract: The paper presents an overview of some psychoanalytic ideas about envy of male to female (reproductive capabilities of women), and men's fantasies about pregnancy. Freud noted a specific manifestation of envy (felt by women), so-called penis envy in the context of its fallocentrical theory. Analysis of the penis envy and the feminine castration complex is essential for psychoanalytic therapy of women. Unfortunately, there are not so many works devoted to the theme of envy of men towards females and their reproductive functions, as well as the role this feeling plays in the development of men’s character and of psychopathology. This is despite the fact that the disappointment of a boy in this respect is as deep as the penis envy of a girl. Envy to pregnancy and childbirth, fantasies about pregnancy is a significant contribution to the understanding of identification of a man with a female figure and formation of male gender identity. Psychoanalytic experience has shown that there is a pre-Oedipus period of envy. The boy wants to be the Almighty as a mother and to have the ability to have children. This is an expression of the hermaphrodite desire and bisexuality of man. The stage of anal eroticism allows the boy to fantasize about pregnancy without manifestating feminine tendencies. Identification with the mother contributes to the fact that the boy bypasses castration feelings and maintains a relationship with the mother (i.e. to prevent separation). Through fantasies about pregnancy the boy expresses a desire to become a child; fantasy appears in a situation when it is necessary to show manhood. Identification with the mother allows the boy (man) become a favorite for his father. Men’s fantasies about pregnancy support the identification with a female figure and possible source of them (fantasies) is the envy of the mother. Provoking external circumstances (wife's pregnancy or pregnancy of a female psychologist) lead to the loss of mental balance and men’s regression. Emerging new mental balance depends on the structure of his Ego, initial conflict and personality structure. Pregnancy is one of the key periods of development for both men and women. It should be also noted that there is a shortage of the clinical psychoanalytic material (psychotherapy practice, in particular) devoted to the psychoanalysis of pregnancy available for Russian readers.
Mordas E.S., Mul'ginova O.P. —
The Contribution of Russian Psychoanalysts to Child-Development Psychology
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 10.
– P. 852 - 863.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.10.22158
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Abstract: The authors of the article present a summary of Russian research in psychoanalysis in the beginning of the XX century (based on the example of the children's home-laboratory "international Solidarity" (1921-1925)). According to the authors, Russian experience of psychoanalytic research of children should be considered as the result of the collective interaction of all participants of the experiment. I. D. Ermakov, V. F. Schmidt, S. N. Spielrein and M. V. Woolf were the most outstanding representatives of child psychoanalysis in Russia in the early twentieth century. They were the first to turn to the investigation of the child internal mental world from a position of deep understanding of internal processes that appear and proceed in a child at an early age. The authors of the present article have also considered the development of the child's activity under the genetic key and stages and process of evolution and involution of children's creativity in depending on the age characteristics of the child. Identified and explained the cultural meaning of children's games, studied its psychic mechanisms. They have developed a psychoanalytic theory of children's games under perspective of its cultural meaning in a child's life. The authors have also presented a psychological study of the child symbolic activity and the concept of sign in the psyche of the child; explored the intimate lives of children and the mental mechanisms of its occurrence. They have identified the stages of speech and thinking development of the child in terms of psychoanalysis, autism and social role of the speech in children; and made recommendations for teachers regarding the creation of a special environment which should support to the socialization of the child. The research methods used by the authors are based on the integration of a number of research means used in modern psychological science and history of psychology. The following methods have been mostly used in the research: 1) methods of analyzing scientific sources; 2) historical analysis; 3) bibliographical analysis; 4) historical and psychological research; 5) summary of results. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors summarize and clarify views on the development of child psychoanalysis in Russia (based on the example of particular research results and ideas of the first Russian psychoanalysts) as theoretical and practical aspects of psychological assistance of a child. The majority of researches that contain a number of fundamental psychoanalytical texts that reveal the research activity of the first Russian psychoanalysts such as I. D. Ermakov, V. F. Shmidt, S. N. Shpilrein, M. V. Vulf an dothers are still unpublished. There is a quite deep layer of our heritage that is still to be studied and systematized in order to fill in the gaps in the Russian history of psychoanalysis as well as teaching.
Mordas E.S. —
Deprivation Effects and Peculiarities of Play Demonstrated by Infants at an Orphan Home
// Psychologist. – 2013. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.9.10654
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Abstract: Features of development of children in the conditions of a deprivation. Communication of experiences of emotional deficiency and reaction to inanimate objects. Toy as the object showing features of intellectual, emotional, personal development. Stages of development of reaction to a toy at the children who are bringing up in a family and children from orphanage: early stages (visualization, touch) and the differentiated behavior. Difficulties of development of interaction with a toy at babies from orphanage. Communication of a deprivational situation of development and violation of balance of comfort discomfort. That will disorganize the Ego of the child and promotes regress development. Shortage of maternal care is directly connected with violation of game activity of babies of orphanage. Theoretical analysis of psychoanalytic views of a problem of a deprivation J. Boulbi, R. Shpits, A. Freud, S. Provens, M. Mahler, etc. The object relations play the central role in development of the child. Not acceptance of the child, rejection, separation (loss) from mother is psychologically considered as the trauma, the generating sharp experience of a grief remaining during the long period of time. The situation of loss can be presented as intervention to development of the child. Intervention leads to an arrest of development, its distortion and desintegrates as a whole the identity of the child. The child who has transferred a mental deprivation, gets to group of risk of children with possibility of development of mental and somatic violations. Shortage of the corresponding balance between experiences of discomfort and comfort interferes with establishment of traces of memory of object and its constant êàòåêñèñà. Because of insufficient êàòåêñèñà human object, shift to inanimate objects that acts as effects of a deprivation is broken, can be observed in children's game of children.
Mordas E.S. —
Historical Context of the Menstruation Complex (Addition to the Article 'The Menstruation Complex in Psychoanalysis')
// Psychologist. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 122 - 154.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.4.697
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Abstract: As a marker and an indicator of female gender, menstruation still treated by both men and women rather controversially. Ancient people had many questions about that phenomenon and its origin and therefore made up different hypotheses about menstruation. Our ancestors believed that certain rituals and rites performed during menstruation helped a woman to avoid illness or danger. Others believed that mentruation had a healing effect and even tried to use to cure from diseases.
A woman was both sacred and dangerous during her period. She was considered sacred because she was dangerous and vice versa. She was believed to have wicked forces but at the same time she was raised to a higher level in the social hierarchy. A peasant woman would become a lady, a lady would become a noble woman, a noble woman would become a queen and the queen would be associated with the Holy Mother. Generally speaking, menstruation related all women to the Holy Mother.
Isolation of women during their period shows that they were distinguished from the rest of the humankind in this way or another. Their isolation was associated with the 'honorable' restrictions (etiquette and taboo) held by the governors and other persona sacrosancta.
The article deals with the issues of beliefs of ancient people, man's attitude to a woman having her menstruation period and folklore images related to it. The author also describes the primitive theories of the menstruation origin and other phenomena related to menstruation such as virginity taboo and fear of death.
Mordas E.S. —
Pregnancy and Discovery of Femininity
// Psychologist. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 164 - 185.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.646
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Abstract: The problem of discovery of femininity can be viewed in terms of pregnancy as a special condition of a woman. A desire to have a child is an important part of the development of femininity. Pregnancy is the culmination of that desire which usually arises in her childhood. The article presents the ideas of a famous psychoanalyst Deutsch on reproductive development of a woman and describes feelings and emotions a woman goes through during pregnancy based on D. Kestenberg, T. Benedek, M. Bonaparte and other authors. Pregnancy can be seen as a particular stage of female development (that is accompanied with regressive and progressive tendencies) and achievement of a certain social status, new object-relationships and other level of gender identity. Pregancy can be viewed as the proof of femininity and proper functioning of a female body. Each stage of pregnancy actualizes new emotions, fear and anxiety. Woman's condition during pregnancy may discover a path for discovering female identity and present an opportunity for a new access to unconscious conflicts, desires and fantasies.
Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2012. – ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.10.6635
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Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2012. – ¹ 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.9.6537
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Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.5.5804
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Mordas E.S., Klodt L.P. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2012. – ¹ 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.3.5446
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Mordas E.S. —
Psychological Nature of Female Homosexuality
// Psychologist. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 217 - 247.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2012.1.41
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Abstract: The classical case of female homosexuality arises at the stage of sexual maturity because of the difficulties connected with an Oedipus complex. Two major factors influence the formation of female homosexuality: rejection of the heterosexual relations due to the castration complex and attractiveness of mother due to early fixation. Refusal of women from heterosexual communications represents the regression which is the actual reflection of early relations with their mothers. Female homosexuality bears in itself archaism, ambivalence and intensity. Specific behavioural patterns, fears and conflicts of the early period of development become actual.
Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2011. – ¹ 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.7.6406
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Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2011. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.2.3263
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Mordas E.S. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2011. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.2.3276
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