Karavaeva Y.V., Litvinova S.V. —
The main issues of interest research
// Sociodynamics. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 75 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.3.36661
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_36661.html
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Abstract: The article considers interest as a social phenomenon characterized by its internal inconsistency and manifesting itself both in objective social reality and in the subjective perception of a social subject. The transformation of interest from objective to subjective and vice versa is analyzed. On the basis of this transformation, the main scientific issues of interest research related to the interaction of group, public and personal interests, their awareness, transformation into the main driving force of social activity of subjects, as well as the possibilities of its regulation by taking into account interests, are described. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the processes of formation of social subjectivity involving the spheres of communication, activity and self-consciousness of a social subject. Consideration of interests as the main elements of the process of socialization allows us to explore their transformation during the assimilation and reproduction of social experience, affecting such important processes as interiorization, identification and self-realization. The analysis of interests, taking into account the peculiarities of social and individual aspects of socialization, shows their role in ensuring the successful functioning of a social subject in society. The article describes in detail the difficulties of taking into account interests in the course of regulating social relations and substantiates the causes of existing problems of interest research related to both external factors of society development and internal factors of personal interest formation. The significant directions of research of interests in modern conditions of development of society are determined, contributing to the awareness of problematic areas of their study, understanding of the social foundations of social processes and the development of sociological ideas about the structure and content of social actions.
Karavaeva Y.V., Litvinova S.V. —
Living conditions of young people as a reflection of their needs
// Urban Studies. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 12 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33219
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/urb/article_33219.html
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Abstract: This article examines the living conditions as a multiplicity of factors affecting the formation and satisfaction of needs of a person, as well as the reflection of such needs “objectified” under the circumstances. The results of studying the structure of needs of the student youth of Lipetsk are demonstrated. The survey was conducted in December 2019 – February 2020, involving 451 respondents, aged from 16 to 35, studying in the city of Lipetsk by the programs of secondary general education, vocational secondary education, and higher education. The survey was aimed at finding out the level of satisfaction of young people with their psychological, economic, ethnic, work, biological and social conditions, including the sense of security from viral and bacterial infections. The correlation between the level of satisfaction of youth with living conditions and gender characteristics was established. Men expressed a more negative attitude on the status of social and ethnic conditions, while women gave them a positive assessment. The author also traced the link between content with the living conditions and academic performance. Work, economic and social conditions received negative assessment from the students showing lower academic performance; while the students with better academic performance give poor assessment some biological conditions. It is determined that the increase in the level of satisfaction of young people with the living conditions is related to personal self-fulfillment, frequency of achieving and meeting the needs, assessment of the sufficiency of financial, material, technical, human, and information resources for meeting the needs, as well as subjective assessment of family income of the respondents.