Torosian A. —
Conceptual foundations of peacekeeping within the UN
// World Politics. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 88 - 97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.4.38437
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Abstract: The article discusses the key principles of United Nations peacekeeping. Based on the use of the mechanisms of the Charter of the United Nations, the evolution of the Organization's activities in the field of maintaining international peace and security from the concept of collective security to the modern practice of peacekeeping is shown. Using the example of key documents of the universal Organization and specific United Nations peacekeeping missions, the functioning of the principles of consent of the parties, impartiality and non-use of force, as well as their conceptual changes in the post-bipolar period, is analyzed. The conceptualization of the principles of UN peacekeeping reflects the processes of evolution of the system of international relations in the bipolar and post-bipolar period in general, and the UN in particular. The inability to implement the original ideas laid down in the UN Charter prompted States to develop flexible mechanisms for responding and adapting the Organization to current conditions and moving from the concept of collective security to modern peacekeeping practices; the key principles that laid the foundation for UN peacekeeping operations were gradually formed. Along with the above—mentioned principles — the consent of the parties, impartiality and non-use of force - there are also such fundamental components of the success of peacekeeping operations as general guidance from the founding body, that is, the UN Security Council, as well as the order of management and control over international peacekeeping forces that operate under the leadership of the UN Security Council, but are under the command of the Secretary General. a secretary who speaks on behalf of the UN and has political guidelines from the Security Council.
Torosian A. —
The UN peacekeeping system: from theory to practice
// World Politics. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.3.38409
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Abstract: This article examines the key problems of the evolution and functioning of United Nations peacekeeping in the post-bipolar period. On the example of peacekeeping missions after 1990 and key documents in the field of peacekeeping operations, an assessment is given of the challenges facing the UN both at the stage of defining the mandate of operations and in the field of their financing. Based on the position of the United States of America regarding the payment of contributions to the UN budget, the imperfection of the mechanisms for financing UN peacekeeping is demonstrated and the negative consequences for the system of peacekeeping operations as a whole are highlighted. Today, UN peacekeeping is becoming multifunctional, with the main focus gradually shifting to the problems of conflict prevention and peace-building. At the same time, such a change of priorities exposes the problems inherent in the very architecture of UN peacekeeping, primarily related to the definition of the mandate and politicization of the activities of the Secretariat and the financing of missions. In connection with the departure from the traditional function of maintaining the ceasefire, costs are increasing, and non-payment by member countries, such as the United States, of contributions to the budget of operations entails a decrease in their effectiveness. It seems to us that the solution to the above—mentioned problems lies in the continuation of the UN reform process, especially in the field of approving the military part of the mandate and creating a single budget of the OPM integrated into the general UN budget. If there is the political will of the member countries, this process seems to us quite feasible and follows in line with the reform of the UN peacekeeping of the last thirty years.
Torosian A. —
Reform and improvement of work mechanism of the United Nations
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.6.32760
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Abstract: This article examines the question of reform of the United Nations as one of the key objectives that has been on the agenda of this institution for several decades. The organization was established for the purpose of relieve future generations from the disasters of war that caused indescribable grieve to humanity; however, for quite a while there is an opinion that the UN has lost its authority and influence on the international arena. This article considers the improvement of work mechanisms of the United Nations. Particular attention is paid to the new principles founded in the early XXI century, reforms carried out within the system of UN, as well as position of the Russian Federation pertaining to the subject of research. Currently, the United Nations is virtually the only institution that ensures security on the international arena, significantly contributes to the prevention of escalation of a high number of conflicts, despite the fact that there do still exist problematic hubs in the activity of this Organization. The UN greatly benefits the international community since its establishment; however, it requires changes and reforms in order to improve its effectiveness.
Torosian A. —
“Evolution of normative-legal aspects of UN peacekeeping activity and position of the Russian Federation with regards to this question”
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.4.32439
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Abstract: This article examines the evolution of the normative-legal aspects of UN peacekeeping activity as one of the key phenomena of peacekeeping under the aegis of the United Nations. The author also analyzes the position of the Russian Federation on this question, since Russia is one of the major players on the international arena and active participant of peacekeeping activity within the UN system. Special attention is paid to the normative documents of the Russian Federation, which reflect a clear position of Russia on peacekeeping. Currently, peacekeeping plays an urgent role in world politics, helps to prevent escalation of multiple conflicts, despite the existence of problem clusters within the United Nations peacekeeping activity. Peackeeping also yielded great benefit to the international community; however, it needs changes and improvements to increase its effectiveness in regulation of drawn-out conflicts on the world arena.