Savvina O.V. —
Genetic modification of human embryos and gametes: moral justification of the experiments
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 86 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.11.28376
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Abstract: This article examines the question of moral justification of the use of genetic modification technologies of human embryos and gametes. Recent experiments in China on the genetic modification of embryos to make children’s cells resistant to human immunodeficiency virus, cholera and pox, made this problem extremely relevant and extensively discussed in the society. The author cites arguments, made by the scholars and philosophers for and against allowability of genetic modification. It is emphasized that the scholars in the area of medical and biological sciences fear of causing harm to the health of future genetically modified people, while the philosophers are concerned with other problems. The problem of limiting autonomy is one of the most debatable within the framework of philosophy. For illustrating the arguments, the author presents the materials from the history of science, recent developments in editing on human embryos and gametes, philosophical insights and international documents. Having analyzes the arguments of the parties, the author comes to the conclusion that the genetic modification of human embryos and gametes should not be prohibited, although as any other technology, this one can carry advantages and disadvantages; as well as the implementation of such technology is capable of changing social practices (slippery slope argument). In some circumstances it is necessary to restrict the application of these technologies. The author suggest the basic principles of using such types of technologies.
Tsvyk V.A., Savvina O.V. —
Ethics of science and ethics of scientific publications
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 8 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2017.3.19609
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Abstract: The goal of this article is the analysis of current problems of the ethics of scientific publications. The authors examine the main principles of the ethics of scientific publications, as well as factors of emergence of violations in this sphere. It is stated that examination of the ethics of scientific publications must be realizes exceptionally in the context of science as a whole. Analysis of the ethical principles of a scholar and organization of activity among scholars within the framework of scientific institutions, demonstrates that violation of principles of the ethics of scientific publications result from the noncompliance of the high moral principles with the circumstances, which the scholars often are forced to work in. The article reviews the following major violation of the ethics of scientific publications: fabrication of data, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, pricing policy of journals, and others. The work indicates that despite the contradictions between the reality and ideal principles of ethics of a scholar, the scientific associates must lean on these principles in order to achieve success in their activity. Conclusion is made that the modern forms of reporting of scholars alongside the organization of scientometrics boost the increase in violation of the ethics of scientific publications.
Savvina O.V. —
Female beauty standards: natural and cultural
// Man and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 24 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2017.1.20508
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Abstract: This article examines the female beauty standards substantiated by the cultural preferences (for example, “lotus feet” of Chinese women in Medieval times), as well as standards based on perception of a woman as young and beautiful – natural beauty. The author reveals the interrelation between two types of standards and attempts giving answer to the question: do the cultural standards contradict to the natural standards. For answering this question, the work analyzes the formation of cultural standards of female beauty alongside their cultural essence. The author turns to the works of experts in the field of plastic surgery and sociological research for revealing the standards of natural beauty that are common to the people of various cultures; and then, analyzes the cultural standards of beauty, their functions, and prerequisites for emergence of the new standards (based on the example of key standards of the XX century). The conclusion is made that cultural beauty standards do not contradict or deny the natural, but are built over them. Health risks that women tend to take in order to correspond with the standards, always remains unnoticeable, because otherwise, their sacrifices are in vain. The article highlights the functions of cultural beauty standards united into three main groups, which are called to reflect: 1) origin of a person and his social status; 2) personal qualities and moral orientations; 3) world perception and place of an individual in the world.
Savvina O.V. —
Animated Series as an Artistic Product (the Examples of “Smeshariki” and “Masha and the Bear”)
// Culture and Art. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 616 - 623.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2016.5.19894
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Abstract: The article analyses the core idea (concept) of the Russian modern popular animated series (the examples of “Smeshariki” and “Masha and the Bear”) and its ethical values. In recent decades animated series that are based on such ethical values as kindness, friendshi, family and so on are growing in popularity. The purpose of the present research is to describe general principles of making successful animated series. Animated series are artistic products that is why an artistic component is very important in conveying the idea to the audience as well as marketing and promotion of animated series on domestic and international markets. The author of the article analyses the basic idea of animated series and episodes and their stories, plots, graphics and etc. as well as interviews with the authors of the ideas and promoters. The study also pays attention to the marketing and branding. The author comes to the conclusion that nowadays the good basic idea (concept) of animated series is necessary to succeed on the market. However, there are no popular animated series without well-known professionals in the industry providing quality embodiment of the basic idea and affecting feelings of the audience. Good promotion at the first stages of promoting the brand is also very important.
Savvina O.V. —
Ethical problems of cloning humans and animals
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 304 - 312.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.3.14456
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Abstract: The article analyses two types of cloning: therapeutic and reproductive cloning. The author describes range of ethical problems using the latest scientific research in the field of cloning. The author considers the only one existed technology of cloning today, it is a somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Defining cloning from biological point of view is very important. It discards the myths about goals of the technology, its using and ethical problems posed by cloning. The author divides ethical problems of reproductive and therapeutic cloning, cloning of humans and animals. It is concluded in the article that therapeutic cloning of humans and therapeutic and reproductive cloning of animals do not cause new ethical problems but they exacerbate the existing ones. These problems are ethics of scientific publications, moral status of embryos, economic affordability of medical services, social differentiation, latent negative effects on ecology and people’s health and “slippery slop” effects. The reproductive cloning of human beings may generate new ethical problems. We can not say now if Mankind will be able to solve these problems, but it is not a reason to prohibit the reproductive cloning of human beings.
Savvina O.V. —
The problem of moral justification of abortion in Islamic culture within the context of the globalization.
// Man and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 96 - 109.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.2.15114
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Abstract: The article analyzes the problem of moral justification of abortion in Islamic culture within the context of the modern globalizing world. The author discusses/points out cultural, social and philosophical history of legalizing abortion in Europe, the UK and the USA. She makes the following conclusions: 1) the religious world view has been replaced by the scientific one; 2) the transferring of the important questions of human existence have moved from the religious realm to the scientific one; 3) the transformation of traditional medical ethics to bioethical discourse.During the last few years there has been an increasing interest in the problem of abortion in Islamic countries and clerical Islamic states as well. Some of the countries legalized therapeutic abortion and abortion for social reasons at the beginning of the XXI century. The article analyzes the reasons for liberalization of the views on termination of pregnancy in Islamic culture. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that modern interpretation of the Glorious Qur’an justifies abortion within special circumstances. In general, some members of the medical profession in Islamic culture argue for the liberalization of abortion policies which thus reflects the influence of the world bioethical discourse, which was formed mostly in western culture.
Savvina O.V. —
The Reasons of Legalizing Abortions in the XXth Century and Modern Debates on the Moral Acceptability of Abortions
// Psychologist. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 221 - 243.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.3.12657
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Abstract: In the article the reasons of legalization of abortions in the XX century in the countries of Europe, Great Britain, the USA and others are considered. The purpose of this consideration is forecasting of further development of discussion about legalization of abortions (mainly – abortions "at a request") in the world countries; definition of current trends in the solution of a question on abortions at the state level; and also identification of defining social groups in the solution of this question. Object of research is discussion about legalization of the abortions, developed in the XX century. In research the method of the philosophical analysis, a cultural and historical method, historical information, the analysis of the legal documents legalizing abortions "at a request" in the West countries (Great Britain, the USA) is used. The author comes to a conclusion that in the XX century priests and the medical personnel - the former social groups which had priority influence on the solution of a question of legalization of abortions lost the force and were compelled to participate in a new bioethical discourse on an equal basis with inhabitants and other experts. Formation of a bioethical discourse in the countries of Europe, Great Britain and the USA allowed to make decisions on abortion to women that on the one hand, released them, and with another – deprived a bioethical discourse of influence on a solution of the problem of legalization of abortions.
Savvina O.V., Kosorukova A.A., Matukhin P.G., Maksimova O.B., Alieva O.G. —
Interdisciplinary IT Projects as the Technology of Preparing Polylingual Monitoring and Measuring Materials for the 'Bioethics' Discipline
// Modern Education. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 127 - 138.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.2.11369
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Abstract: The 'Bioethics' Discipline taught to Russian and foreign medical students include interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of philosophy, medicine and law. This creates some difficulties for students when learning study materials as well as for teachers when carrying out the control over students' success. In the article the control method of knowledge of students (testing), and also possibility of training on basic concepts of the course "Bioethics" by means of information technologies with use of interdisciplinary approach is described. Creation of a set of tools for testing preparation at the rate "Bioethics" in the tables Microsoft Excel for students of a bachelor degree in the direction 060101 "Medical business"; the translation of tests for English for the purpose of training of the Russian and foreign students at all course, and also for the purpose of control of knowledge of students. The program set was tested on occupations in educational groups, tested by teachers. During trial operation errors of programming and separate mistakes in formulations of questions were noticed and corrected. Also the system of questions was more strictly organized. They were grouped in a certain order. Results of tests showed that the set can be used for increase of efficiency of independent occupations and carrying out the rubezhnykh and total certifications of foreign students at medical faculty of university.
Savvina O.V. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1152 - 1163.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.8.4826
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Savvina O.V. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2010. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.2.1803
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