Mel'dianova A.V., Bogdanovskii G.V. —
Linguistic peculiarities of English civil aviation texts
// Litera. – 2024. – ¹ 9.
– P. 165 - 172.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.9.71599
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Abstract: The current article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic features in English texts related to civil aviation. The subject of this research is the stylistic peculiarities of texts on civil aviation, which are achieved through certain language means. Research in the article is done on the basis of scientific and technical styles. From the point of view of linguistics, stylistics, grammar and vocabulary are considered in relation to scientific and technical literature. In the research, the author applied the following research methods : a descriptive method used to identify, interpret and classify linguistic means characteristic of the aviation texts, a contextual analysis method used to reveal the peculiarities of functioning of different means belonging to various language levels in scientific prose. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the conducted for the first time complex study of stylistic, lexical, morphological and syntactic features inherent to English-language texts on civil aviation. There are no monographic works devoted to this topic. The study, conducted in the article, revealed that English civil aviation texts are characterized by the presence of clearly defined causative-consecutive connections, as well as by accuracy, clarity, the author’s objective attitude to the facts, and the information richness of the material, which is expressed in the text with the help of various language means. These language means may not have direct correspondence in the translating language, thus cause difficulties when translating specialized texts, and require special professional skills of translators. Knowledge and mastery of these language tools will allow to feel competitive at the international market.
Mel'dianova A.V., Pomerantsev S.V. —
Functional peculiarities of complex sentences in English aviation texts
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 33 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.4.31021
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning composite sentences in English aviation texts. The subject matter of this research is types of complex sentences in modern English and the means of connecting main and subordinate parts of these sentences. Research in the article is done on the basis of scientific and journalistic styles. Special attention is paid to the general characteristics of lexical and grammatical features of these two text styles. In the article, a comparative analysis of different types of subordinate clauses is made and difficulties in translating them from English into Russian are analyzed. In her research, Meldianova applies the following research methods: description used to define, interpret and classify complex sentences; and comparison used to analyze types of syndetic words and subordinating conjunctions in complex sentences. The novelty of this research consists in the conducted for the first time complex study of means of connecting sentences within a composite sentence on the basis of English aviation texts of scientific and journalistic styles.
Mel'dianova A.V. —
Functional Peculiarities of the Continuous Form in Modern English
// Litera. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.26032
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning the continuous form in the English language. The semantics of this form does not allow to use some verbs the meaning of which contradicts the idea of process. Recently there has been a tendency towards increase in the number of such verbal forms used in the continuous form and this is what makes this study perspective. The aim of the article is to analyze the semantic selectivity of the continuous forms and lexical and grammatical factors under which some verbs of different semantics acquire the possibility to be used in the continuous form. Lexical and grammatical factors are discribed in the article and their contribution to the general meaning of the sentence is pointed out. In her research Meldianova applies the following research methods: description used to define, interpret and classify the meaning of verbs under study; and comparison used to analyze various semantic groups of verbs. Linguists have quite contradictory views on the meaning of the continuous form of verbs. Some of them believe that continous verbs denote a specific kind of verbs and describe an action that is being performed at the moment. Others believe that the continous form expresses a temporal meaning, in particular, simultaneity with some point in time or action. Researchers haven't come to the agreement regarding semantics and particular functions of the continous form in modern English. Moreover, the number of verbs that can be used in the continuous form is constantly growing and their meanings change under the influence of various intra- and extralinguistic context. This creates the novelty of this research. The results of the research prove that verbs of different semantics can be used in the continous form in modern English.