Gushchin A.N. —
Emotional Engagement of Students in E-Learning as an Example of a Project Management Course
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 161 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40915
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the possibility of emotional involvement of students in an e-learning course. Usually it is considered that the involvement of students should be made in the learning process.
The author reads that the involvement should be produced in the social role for which the training course is intended. This statement is the hypothesis of the study. A social role represents the "sum of expectations" from the behavior of a social role bearer and is not identical to a set of learning competencies. The social role also includes personal experience with the social role bearer.
The ways of involvement are considered on the example of "project management" course with involvement in the social role of a manager.
The main conclusions of this study are the confirmation of the stated hypothesis that the involvement should be carried out in the social role for which the training course is intended. The effectiveness of involvement is assessed by diactic means. The course is built on the following primes: 1) the abandonment of the traditional grading system for each assignment completed; 2) the training assignments for each topic contain two components: mandatory and voluntary; and 3) the full encouragement of skills in managing one's time.
On the basis of these principles the assignments of the training course are formulated.
Analysis of the digital footprint left by the students during the performance of tasks shows a high degree of emotional involvement.
Gushchin A.N. —
Digital didactics: systemic foundations and the image of the future
// Pedagogy and education. – 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 100 - 115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35657
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the system justification of the e-learning process. The language of cybernetics is used to describe a purposeful process. Using the language of cybernetics allows you to identify all the components of the educational process management system. In the classical case, this is a teacher who has a management goal and achieves this goal. With the advent of computer technology, the process control system becomes more complicated – information and communication technologies are included in it. Based on the cybernetic model of learning as a purposeful process, the evolution of the interaction process in education from classical education in the form of "man-man", then to the form of "man-computer-man" and then to the form of "man-learning environment" is considered. At the same time, the evolution of the didactic content of the educational process is considered.
The main conclusions of this study are: the conclusion that there is a fundamental contradiction between the finite possibilities of computer influence as part of the educational process management system and the infinite set of behavioral reactions of the learner. It is shown how this contradiction is resolved at the system level by, on the one hand, simplifying the e-course itself, but at the same time increasing the diversity of the number of courses. It is shown that at this level the development of e-learning and the content of digital didactics can be characterized as "student–teacher - learning algorithm". Further, a forecast is made that an increase in the variety of e-courses will lead to the creation of a personal learning environment, the purpose of which will be marketing: to satisfy the client's training needs as much as possible. It is concluded that digital didactics will be built on the principles of gamification.
Gushchin A.N. —
Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in LMS Moodle.
// Pedagogy and education. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 155 - 166.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35514
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Abstract: Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in the Learning management System (LMS) Moodle. The analysis of the digital footprint is carried out in the cancers of the course "Project Management". The project management course is an actual course for future students of architectural specialties, due to the requirements of the professional standard.
The data source was students' feedback about the course, as well as questionnaire data. The questionnaire is filled out by the listeners without fail. The questionnaire questions are post-project analysis questions from the MSF (Microsoft FrameWork Solutions) project development methodology. Unlike the questionnaire, feedback about the course is left at will, the content of the reviews is not regulated by anything.
The main conclusion of the study can be attributed to the conclusion that the analysis of the digital footprint allows you to identify and determine the skills, abilities and the experience that students receive during the course. Thus, the analysis of the digital footprint serves as an independent confirmation of the correctness of the decision on which competencies the course should form. Also, the analysis of the digital footprint allows us to conclude whether the training course forms the skills and abilities required by professional standards in this specialty.
The methodology of digital footprint analysis demonstrated in this study is of independent value.
Gushchin A.N., Divakova M.N. —
Smart landscape for a "smart city"
// Urban Studies. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 38 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2022.1.36917
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Abstract: The purpose of this work is to study the consequences of the introduction of the smart city concept on the example of the urban landscape. There are two main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "smart city". The first of them is technocratic. Representatives of this approach consider a "smart city" as a sum of components: urban management, smart transport, etc. Representatives of the second direction consider "smart cities" as systems integrating various directions within a single urban space. The authors adhere to the second approach and choose the landscape as an object of study. The object is studied within the framework of the cybernetic paradigm, when a smart city is considered as a managed system. Identifying and describing the overall architecture of the control system and its capabilities, the authors then identify and study the functional characteristics of the control object - the "smart landscape". The description and functions of the control system are based on the "bottom-up" principle. To build the lower level of the management system, the authors identify multifunctional elements of the urban landscape that primarily need management. The lower-level systems will be combined based on the concept of the Internet of Things. Higher hierarchical levels of the management system will be limited in the diversity of their reactions, which is required by the law of necessary diversity. According to the authors, the possibilities of coordinating the preferences of citizens will limit the variety of reactions of the upper level of the system. As a result, the authors conclude that the smart landscape will be adaptive, dynamic and multi-scale. The adaptability of the landscape is understood in two ways. Adaptability to external influences and, thereby, the possibility of maintaining stable internal conditions (microclimate). Adaptability of the landscape as an adjustment to the individual needs of citizens and the formation of individual improvement zones. The dynamism of the landscape lies in the ability to change quickly to maintain a comfortable microclimate or adapt to the individual preferences of citizens. The multi-scale landscape is determined by the hierarchical structure of the management system.
Gushchin A.N., Divakova M.N. —
Restoration of identity of the Ural industrial city through architectural and landscape reconstruction
// Architecture and design. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7789.2019.2.31497
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Abstract: The article considers the problem of restoring the urban identity of a typical Ural city. In a historical context, typicality is understood as a commonality of origin. Currently, the Ural cities are in urgent pursuit of their own identity, which in the author sees as a reflexive social need of belonging to a place. It is reasonable to consider that the urban landscape plays an important role in the formation of identity. The article gives examples of the formation of social identity based on cultural landscape of the city. It is established that the industrial heritage of the Ural industrial city manifests as the grounds for the formation of its identity. Architectural and landscape reconstruction serves as the key method for the formation of identity. The author gives recommendations pertaining to implementation of such reconstruction. The main conclusion consists in the statement that a typical way of formation of identity of the Ural industrial city is the architectural and landscape reconstruction of its central area, which includes the following objects: city pond, dam, plant facilities and temple on the premises, house of the mining engineer. Namely the architectural and landscape reconstruction of this industrial heritage allows restoring the urban identity.
Gushchin A.N., Pereverzeva N.V., Sanok S.I. —
Regularities in the formation of the planning structure of territorial zones in largest cities
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.3.26339
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Abstract: The subject of this research is formation of territorial zones in urban development zoning. Territorial zones were introduced into the urban development practice by the Town Planning Code of 1998. In terms of the subject of research, the author examined the following: 1) planning organization of territorial zones of large and largest cities of Ural; 2) typology of territorial zones; 3) correspondence of functional zoning of territories with the established use of territories; 4) formation of the functional-planning frameworks of a city. It is demonstrated that studying of the planning organization of territorial zones allows estimating the actions of administration aimed at regulating the territorial development of zones. Research method is based on building the territorial zoned. The requirements: to determine the key functional zones in accordance with the general layout; appoint within the land lots belonging to various urban development zones the main type of permitted use; group together the land lots of the territory belonging to urban development zones with identical types of use into the territorial zone; form separate territorial zones that differ in type of the permitted use. The scientific novelty lies in the approach based on the territorial zones. Using the methodology of territorial zines, the authors were able to study the characteristics of territorial zones in accordance will all of the clauses mentioned above. Having applied such methodology, the authors examined the planning structure of territorial zoned for large and largest cities of Ural. The results are obtained on the types and structures of territorial zones. A conclusion is made on the planning structure and prospects of spatial development of the cities.
Gushchin A.N., Sanok S.I. —
Forms of the permitted use of land lots as an element of urban development management
// Urban Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.2.25826
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the processes of transformation of forms of permitted use of land plots. The Town-Planning Code of Russia set a goal to “create circumstances for attracting the investments, including through providing the options for the most effective forms of permitted use of land lots”. The article examines the economic aspect of the set task. The authors provide the results of annual monitoring of the replacement of forms of permitted use of land lots in the city of Yekaterinburg. Monitoring was conducted in accordance with the results of public hearing. The most in-demand types of activity that require land lots are determined. The preferential ways for coordination of the replacement of types of permitted use of various types of owners are revealed. The risks of receiving an unfavorable decision are assessed. It is demonstrated that the data of similar monitoring can be viewed as an element of the urban development management system. The monitoring materials can be valuable for the information support system of city-development activity and establishment of the investment policy of a municipal formation. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the economic (investment) and management aspects of the process of coordination and replacement of the forms of permitted use of land lots.