Flerov O.V. —
Features and conditions of implementation of redundancy of educational information in teaching non-linguistic students a foreign language
// Modern Education. – 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.3.35832
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_35832.html
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Abstract: In this paper, the issues of modeling the real communicative foreign language environment in the conditions of the institutional educational process by means of redundancy of foreign language information are considered. The role and place of this phenomenon in pedagogical science and in educational practice are designated and justified. The specific conditions and specifics of the redundancy application are considered.
Thus, the object of the study is a communicative-oriented language–forming process, and the subject is the modeling of redundancy in it by foreign language means.
In the paper, the author substantiates the redundancy of information as a permanent property of the modern communicative environment, which determines the importance of modeling information redundancy in modeling real social communication in the educational process.
The novelty of the work lies in the consideration of information redundancy as a regulatory idea claiming to be a local private didactic principle in language teaching in the context of institutional education. Thus, the proposed work fills a gap in research on communicative language learning, in which the redundancy of foreign language information is positioned as something taken for granted and certainly positively affects the process of mastering them.
As the main conclusion, the author comes to the position that the redundancy of information can claim the role of a particular didactic principle in modern language education because of its conceptuality on the one hand and specific methodological expression on the other.
Flerov O.V. —
Development of non-formal and informal teaching of foreign languages in the 2010s
// Pedagogy and education. – 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 126 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35523
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_35523.html
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Abstract: The object of research in the proposed article is informal and informative learning as educational practices alternative to the development of basic educational programs implemented in institutional pedagogical conditions. The subject is the process of learning and mastering a foreign language accordingly. Special attention is paid to the information and communication conditions of the digital environment formed in the 2010s and the mechanism of their influence on the non-institutional development of languages.
Such language education is considered as a process that is actively developing not only on the basis of a purely pedagogical understanding of the importance of building educational routes throughout life, but also due to objective information realities that affect the specifics of the existence of knowledge around us as a "product" of information development.
Interdisciplinary information-communicative and pedagogical analysis is used as a research methodology, demonstrating a natural change in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of transformation of the information-language environment. The study is deductive in nature, in which the author proceeds from substantiating the general role of non-formal and informal education in the life of a modern person to specific conditions affecting the development of foreign languages in a similar way. On the basis of the received material, the final part analyzes specific trends and contradictions in the development of informal and informal teaching of foreign languages and its interaction with institutional pedagogical practice. It is concluded that the potential of non-institutional learning of foreign languages is clearly higher today than even a decade ago, and due to its active disclosure, it is possible to achieve complementarity with formal education in order to achieve a synergetic effect in the process of continuous education of the individual.
The novelty of the work consists in deepening general ideas about the role of non-institutional educational practices in the development of personality through the prism of one discipline with the identification of specific trends in their development at a certain time interval, taking into account the conditions of transformation of the information and communication environment.
Flerov O.V., Minaychenkova E.I. —
Foreign language communicative competence and their development in the education process
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 81 - 91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2019.3.30250
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ptmag/article_30250.html
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Abstract: The object of this research is the foreign language communicative competence. The subject of this research is the possibilities and mechanisms of their development through linguistic education process. The authors substantiate the methodological value of the psychological knowledge in linguodidactics and importance of psychology as a source of new possibilities for theoretical substantiation and increasing the efficiency of linguistic education. Special attention is given to the structural-content specificity of foreign language communicative competence and its consideration in the use of the latest methods, forms and approaches in teaching a foreign language. The research employs the analytical-deductive method, implying the substantive transition from the concept of “competence” to the concept of “communicative competence”, and ultimately, to foreign language communicative competence as a narrower concept. The work also uses abstraction method, which allows determining the essence of competence separately from the psychological and pedagogical positions. The scientific novelty consists in the detailed analysis of the concept of “foreign language communicative competence”, as well as in the analysis of the correlation of examined concept in psychology and the competence-oriented pedagogy, likewise the fusion of these methodological platitudes within interdisciplinary problematic field of linguistic educational process with identification of particular didactical and methodological capabilities and difficulties in development of such competences.
Flerov O.V. —
Intensification of Teaching a Foreign Language to Adults (Psychological-Pedagogical and Contensive Analysis)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 74 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.23147
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_23147.html
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Abstract: The object of the research is teaching a foreign language to adults as one of the most common types of additional education. The subject of the research is the intensification of this process. The author of the article pays significant attention to the relationship between psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects that is revealed against the background of the specifics of foreign language knowledge and the socio-psychological characteristics of adult students. Simultaneous consideration of the problem from the standpoint of pedagogical psychology and practical methods of teaching languages allows to uncover a sufficiently strong scientific and methodological basis for intensive language teaching which today additional education institutions (courses) are increasingly being replaced by pseudo-effective ultrafast methods that make advertising more effective than education itself . In the first part of the article, the author examines the main tenets of intensive training in the domestic psychological-pedagogical science. The second part is devoted to the use of these provisions in linguodidactics, with the specificity of foreign language knowledge being the basis for the search for data relationships. The theory of G. A. Kitaygorodskaya is considered as the fundamental concept of intensive language learning in Russian science. In the third part, the study assumes an even more specialized nature: intensive learning is considered not from general linguodidactic positions, but from the standpoint of working with a specific audience. The provisions of the theory of intensive learning are refracted in andragogy on two levels: psychological, pedagogical and methodical. In such a relationship, these provisions become practical recommendations, since The method of teaching a language is not considered ideally but taking into account the characteristics of the people to whom it is applied, as well as the difficulties of the educational process. This structure of the study suggests that it is analytical-synthetic in nature. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that a very highly specialized question, indicated in its title, is considered systematically, starting with the most general, most well-known provisions of pedagogy, educational psychology and linguodidactics. The interdisciplinary interrelation of these postulates and their application to the features of a particular educational process allow us to show a fairly solid scientific and methodological basis for the intensification of teaching foreign languages to adults, which is not fully used in modern practice. The author’s main conclusions are that intensive adult education should be built around the characteristics of such communication, in which economically active people participate most of the time. Taking into account these features allows language learners to quickly adapt to the learning process (without which intensification is impossible) and determines it at the organizational (choice of forms) and meaningful levels.
Flerov O.V., Alyamkina E.A. —
Secondary Language Personality and its Development in the Teaching Process
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 138 - 153.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2018.3.27070
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ptmag/article_27070.html
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Abstract: The object of the research in the proposed article is a secondary linguistic personality, and the subject is the process of its development in the framework of teaching a foreign language. The article focuses on the role of the linguistic personality as a goal and at the same time the result of language teaching in the context of the approval of the intercultural paradigm in the humanities. Considering that in communication and in social interaction a person manifests himself as a person, the issues of personal development by means of a language, in particular a foreign one, are actualized. It is in this plane that linguopedagogical activity is suppressed with the study of the concept of a linguistic personality as a personality, manifesting itself in the linguistic space and using linguistic means. The methodology of the presented research reflects the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the stated problems and is deductive in nature. It is based on the analysis of the content of the concepts “personality” and “linguistic personality” as being more general in relation to the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality. The method of abstraction allows you to select from the general picture of the views and ideas about the structure and content of the personality, linguistic personality and secondary linguistic personality those of its components that can serve as specific objects and vectors of linguopedagogical activity. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that attracting quite a lot in modern humanities phenomenon has been studied both in the psycholinguistic and linguodidactic context, while the former creates a substantive and methodological basis for the latter. It also seems to be a new approach, in which three related, but rarely found together, concepts are exposed to structural-content analysis and identification of connections: personality, language personality and secondary language personality.
Flerov O.V. —
Foreign-Language Communicative Motivation and Developing Such Communication in the Teaching and Learning Process
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 53 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23790
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ptmag/article_23790.html
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Abstract: This article is devoted to developing foreign-language communicative motivation by the teaching means as one of the main conditions for realising communicative training in foreign langauges. In the 21st century communicative training in foreign langauges have become the leading approach of linguodidactics. In his research Flerov pays special attention to the contents and relation between terms 'learning motivation' and 'communicative motivation' in the process of learning a foreign language as well as analysis of the influence of all main elements of the linguodidactic theory (contents, methods, means and forms of teaching) on foreign-language communicative motivation. The research is based on Russian theories of communication-oriented learning and teaching in foreign languages as well as the general theory of learning motivation. In addition to the content analysis of the aforesaid terms, the author has also applied the abstraction technique when analysing the influence of each particular factor on the development of foreign-language communicative motivation (hereinafter referred to as 'communicative motivation'). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the term 'communicative motivation' from the linguodidactic point of view, the term that is traditionally viewed as just learning motivation in the process of learning and teaching foreign languages. The author of the present article demonstrates that in the foreign-language teaching and learning process communicative motivation is a particular case of learning motivation which, however, has specific features. Analysis of these features allows to better use teaching means and develop communicative motivation. The article contains materials that may be useful in analyzing psychological grounds of efficiency of particular teaching and learning methods, forms and means as well as selecting contents of foreign-language lessons.
Flerov O.V. —
Genesis of the Russian supplementary professional education: from origins to current problems
// Modern Education. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 57 - 82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.19191
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_19191.html
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Abstract: The object of this research is the supplementary professional education in pre-revolutionary Soviet and modern Russia. The subject of this research is the trends, peculiarities, and key staged of development of the supplementary professional education within the historical context. Special attention is given to the historical-pedagogical interpretation of the examined notion, which is constantly interconnected with such notions as “adult education”, “continuous education”, “alternative education”, etc. Thus, there is a large number of interpretations of the supplementary professional education, which particularly justifies the multiplicity of periodization of its evolution. The article also reflects correlation of the previous stages of development of supplementary professional education in Russia with its modern concepts and issues. Method applied in this research consists in the historical-pedagogical comparative analysis of the essence, structure, and content of the previous models of Russian supplementary professional education and its current forms. The main conclusion is reduced to the facts that many ideas of the organization, development, and functionality of the supplementary professional education as a social institution that are relevant at present stage, have already been traced in the Russian professional pedagogy for quite a while. The scientific novelty lies in providing of the historical overview of origination and evolution of educational system in not only pedagogical, but also social, socioeconomic, and political context.
Flerov O.V. —
Intercultural communication as the scientific knowledge: origins of the research and main theories of the XX century
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1168 - 1176.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.8.16621
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Abstract: Today the expression “intercultural communication” more and more often is being understood as a so-called “humanitarian stamp”, especially by the representatives of technical disciplines. At the same time, it is not just the process of dialogue between cultures, but a relatively independent sphere of scientific knowledge that studies this dialogue from various humanitarian positions. Despite the fact that as a phenomenon the intercultural communication exists for several thousand years, only in the XX century it becomes a scientific discipline. The author follows the origins of the scientific research of intercultural communication, as well as gives a review of its most famous theories emerged in the previous century. Special attention is given to the practical application of these theories and knowledge from the area of intercultural communication in the XXI century. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the scientifically substantiated theories and models are required for solution of the practical tasks of social interaction within the intercultural paradigm, which have emerged in the previous century due to political and socioeconomic reasons. This is namely why the development of such direction as intercultural communication was justified by the historical path itself. The scientific novelty lies in the statement that the process of establishment of intercultural communication as the area of knowledge is being illustrated in the context of modern problems in various spheres of life, which it is meant to solve.
Flerov O.V. —
The Influence of Psychological and Educational Abilities of Adults on Their Success in Learning Foreign Languages
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 587 - 595.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.7.20613
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Abstract: The given research article is devoted to the problems of adults learning foreign languages. This makes the object of the research. The subject of the research is psychological and educational abilities of adults, specific features of speaking another language and the influence of these factors on successful education. The article focuses on the relation between issues of andragogy, developmental psychology and language education which allows to develop an integral view of the problem which is insufficiently studied in academic literature and practically unmentioned in teaching and learning literature. As a result, there is a stereotype in teaching practice that adults can be taught foreign langauges the same way as students are. This increases teaching efficiency because compared to students adults have both advantages and disadvantages in learning a foreign language and it is impossible to use these advantanges or to eliminate disadvantanges without understanding interrelated psychological and methodological aspects of teaching a foreign langauge, the process the involves the formation of not only knowledge and skills but also speech abilities. The research methodology implies determination of psychological and educational peculiarities of adults of different ages compared to students and implementation of these peculiarities in language education in order to improve teaching foreign languages to adults. The author concludes that even though maturity and adulthood are traditionally considered to be a positive factor in education, it is not so simple in case of teaching foreign languages. The author provides particular examples and describes particular mechanisms that make teaching more difficult as well as shares how to overcome the aforesaid contradictions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that adult learning is viewed in psychological and methodological terms but not social and economic terms and the author provides particular recommendations for teachers in the third part of his article. Despite the fact that the format of the article does not allow to carry out in-depth interdisciplinary analysis, described ideas outline ways to improve the process of teaching foreign languages to adults and to use these materials in further research.
Flerov O.V. —
Specific Features of Speaking a Foreign Language and its Influence on the Image of Linguistic Education in Contemporary Russia
// Pedagogy and education. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 425 - 435.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.20000
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Abstract: In his article Flerov analyzes the status of linguistic education in the current socio-economic environment of Russia. In the last century foreign languages were one of the most promising professional majors even despite the fact that Russia was a closed-off country. Nowadays linguistic education does not have such a high status and economics, management and law are in greater demand than foreign languages even though much is being said about the academic space, academic mobility and cross-cultural exchange. The object of the present research is the ability to speak a foreign language as a 'final product' of the process of linguistic education. The choice of the topic is conditioned by the fact that one's ability to speak a foreign language is a constant phenomenon despite changes with the labour market, educational standards, etc. The subject of the research is the image of a language expert as a professional under the conditions of a growing value of profession's financial component and simultaneous reduction in the number of workspaces where an expert in such a major may show himself or herself. From the methodological point of view, 'image' is a convenient category for analyzing the foresaid problem because it contains both cognitive and socio-economic features of a profession that are often differentiated or even opposed to one another. According to the author of the present researh, synthesis of these two components allows to take a new look at gaps and problems in linguistic education, in particular, those related to the transfer of the education system to the two-level organizational structure. The author of the article concludes that image and popularity of education are two different phenomena even though these two terms often merge as a result of education marketing. On the other hand, there is no denying that difficulties of today's professional linguistic development are quite objective and partly caused by specific features of speaking a foreign language. The author assumes that it is possible to overcome these difficulties through developing the system of linguistic education, particularly, more efficient use of Master's degree programs as an independent level of linguistic education. The author also assumes that by analyzing vocational training based on special features of a particular professional major, it is possible to take a fresh look at traditional educational problems and issues. This gives fruit for the thought and material for further researches, especially, in order to develop particular solutions of the aforesaid problems and issues.
Flerov O.V. —
Existential and Psychological Factors of Adult's Personal Growth In Terms of Institutional Continuing Education
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 272 - 280.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.3.19267
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Abstract: The object of the present research article is the continuing education of adults as the environment and essential condition for their personal growth. The subject of the research is the internal factors of personality development in this particular environment. The author of the article appeals to philosophical and psychological ideas of philosophers and researchers trying to find the sources of motivation of human for receiving education throughout the life disregarding technological progress and socio-economic issues. Special attention is paid to the links between all these ideas and their relation to pedagogy in which the topic of educational paths is the most popular today. The research method used by the author of the article is the integrated philosophical-psychological-pedagogical analysis as well as differentiation of factors and search for their interconnections based on the analysis of scientific researches and pedagogical practice. The author concludes that the ideas of philosophers, psychologists-humanists, acmeologists and ontopsychologists regarding human life path, his free will and self-realization comprise the integrated approach or methodology for better understanding the concept of continuing education of adults and further vocational training as part of continuing education. These factors cannot be fully opposed to external factors because profession is a socio-economic phenomenon and thus professional success depends on objective social conditions. However, this approach to continuing education allows to take a fresh look at the motives of receiving life-long education in the epoch of uncertainty, to get a better understanding of these motives which, in its turn, may provide material for further interdisciplinary researches of educational systems.
Flerov O.V. —
Motivation, Loyalty and Corporate Culture Amid Unemployment and Redundancies in the Era of Socioeconomic Uncertainty
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 919 - 929.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.7.15506
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Abstract: The object of study in the present article is labour activity. The subject of the study are motivation for labour, loyalty of the worker and corporate culture of the organisation in the period of socioeconomic uncertainty. The author thoroughly examines the behavioural mechanisms of the workers under the conditions of fierce competition on the labour market, peculiarities of their motivation, as well as values that determine their economic behaviour. Special attention is paid to the analysis of motivation theories and interpretation of the notion of corporate culture in the context of modern conditions and problems of Russian labour market. The research method used in the article is social psychological analysis, as well as empirical data collected by the author while working on a managing position. The author's conclusions lie in the fact that during difficult socioeconomic times some theoretical assumptions of human resource management are to be in a certain way reconsidered. At the same time, it is impossible to interpret the economic statistics of the labour market without social psychological analysis which allows to better understand the motivation, choice and values of the workers in a certain situation.
The novelty of the article lies in the fact that it shows well-known assumptions of human resource management in the context of relevant social issues that our country has been facing lately.
Flerov O.V. —
Correlation Between Language, Speech and Communication in Language Education
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 717 - 725.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.7.15626
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Abstract: The object of the research is the teaching of foreign languages. The subject of the research is the correlation between language, speech and communication in this pedagogical process. The author of the article analyzes the views of linguistics and psychology on the correlation and relationship between these concepts and demonstrates how language, speech and communication determine the key components in the process of teaching foreign languages. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the methods of teaching not only in terms of the contemporary methodological issues but also in restrospective. The method of the research applied by the author of the article is the integrated linguistic, psychological and psycholinguistic analysis. The author also applies the empirical data from his own experience in teaching foreign languages. According to the author of the article, today's practice of teaching foreign languages lacks a clear understanding of what teaching languages, teaching to speak and to communicate actually mean. As a result, the methods of teaching become less efficient. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the aforesaid concepts manifest themselves in actual teaching practice and teaching foreign languages today and how these concepts have been changed as the part of didactics over years.
Flerov O.V. —
Cross-Cultural Communication: On the Question about the History of the Phenomenon
// Man and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 77 - 91.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.5.16553
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ca/article_16553.html
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Abstract: Nowadays we mention cross-cultural communication mostly when we speak of teaching foreign languages or a relatively recent, independent and popular science that has been created under the conditions of the multipolar academic world. However, communication between different civilizations had already existed in ancient times long before science even appeared. Noteworthy that many contemporary processes related to cross-cultural communication have historical grounds and roots in distant epochs. In his article Flerov pays special attention to historical aspects of cross-cultural communication, its contemporary issues and trends. As a research method Flerov has used the historical analysis of the phenomenon of cross-cultural communication and comparison of the most significant aspects of cross-cultural communication in the past and today. The main conclusions made by the author can be reduced to the statement that unlike in previous epochs, today there is a certain need to arrange for effective cross-cultural contacts at all levels which would be impossible without theoretical substantiation of cross-cultural communication and development of the concept of cross-cultural communication to be then applied to the practice of multicultural interaction. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher provides a brief description of historical aspects of cross-cultural communication that are presented with reference to contemporary issues which allows to make a conclusion about historical roots of cross-cultural communication as a phenomenon and a branch of knowledge.
Flerov O.V. —
Social-Psychological Description of the English Teachers' Labor Market in Contemporary Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 45 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.4.16056
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/etc/article_16056.html
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Abstract: Object of research in the offered article is labor market of teachers of English, an object of research – a demand of teachers, requirements to them, and also their behavior on it. The author investigates features of job search and employment of teachers of English in various educational institutions, and also requirements imposed to them in the course of professional activity. The special attention is paid to a problem of the social status of this profession in the conditions of globalization, market economy, and also economic recession in Russia.Method of research of the author in article is the analysis of vacancies on the leading Russian Internet portals on employment (to hh.ru, superjob.ru, rabota.ru, job.ru) regarding requirements imposed to teachers and also own experience of teaching English in various educational institutions the Main conclusions of the author of article are reduced to that a demand, employment and financial wellbeing of teachers of English depends first of all on the sphere of additional education and private tutorial services. These spheres were essentially affected by recession of domestic economy that led to that teachers need to adapt even more to work in the context of educational marketing and customer-oriented approach which efficiency from purely pedagogical positions is represented very disputable. Novelty of article consists that labor market is analysed out of a context of economic statistics, and from positions of behavior of the teacher of English on it as his subject.
Flerov O.V. —
Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Professional Orientation Activities at Universities in the Period of Commercialization of Education and Socio-Economic Uncertainty
// Pedagogy and education. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 344 - 358.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.4.16929
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Abstract: Trends in the development of higher school in contemporary Russia is one of the most discussed issues in our modern age. Apart from discussing traditional psychological and pedagogical issues, nowadays higher education is also discussed in terms of politics and whether the transfer to the European system of education is reasonable or not. In addition, education of economics is becoming quite popular as the branch of science where practical researches are aimed at increasing cost efficiency of education but not pedagogical or social efficiency. The object of the present research is the professional orientation activities conducted with university students. The subject of the research is peculiarities and challenges of such activities under the current socio-economic conditions. Today a student (graduate) is not only a subject of the educational process but even more often a subject and a consumer of educational services on the education market. In this article Flerov suggests that we should look at the professional orientation of graduates taking into account that with the economic recession in the background, we cannot guarantee that even a good student will be successful (meaning that he will find a good job with good prospects) after professional orientation and training. The research methods used by the author in his article include the analysis of scientific references on the matter as well as empirical data obtained by the author as part of his own experience with graduates. The main conclusion is that at this age of information availability, including information about the labor market, professional orientation should be based on age peculiarities of young people but cannot be limited to fact-finding. Today when we are witnessing the economic recession and dependence of the economic development of a university on the number of attracted graduates, universities should, on the one hand, provide the best choice of training courses and on the other hand, be rather reserved and decent in their promises. Professional development should be viewed not only as a contribution to his career and wealth success but also as an inherently valued milestone which influences the overall personal growth. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that taking into account current socio-economic conditions, it is necessary to base working with graduates on psychological peculiarities of the youth, which remain the same at all times.
Flerov O.V. —
Influence of Peculiarities of English and Spanish on Learning These Languages
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 53 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.3.14543
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_14543.html
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Abstract: The object of research in this article is the English and Spanish languages systems. The matter under study is influence of their peculiarities on learning them. Considerable author's attention is paid to the problem of teaching foreign languages different from English and to the demand on Spanish in education services market. Didactic peculiarities and difficulties of teaching pronunciation, lexis and grammar of the languages under study are deeply analyzed as well as principal factors of language structure influencing teacher's work.The method of research in this article is comparative analysis of English and Spanish phonetics, lexis and grammar applied to learning them as well as analysis of author's own experience in teaching these languages to students and difficulties that emerged in this process.The principal author's conclusions are the following statements. 1) Questions of teaching languages different from English are not enough viewed in Methodology as nowadays English is mainly taught as a foreign language. 2) As the number of English speakers is increasing there is growing demand on other international languages, particularly on Spanish. 3) English and Spanish have a lot in common but much more differences in phonetics, lexis and grammar. 4) These differences influence not only the run of a definite class, but also organizing a course on the whole. The novelty of the article consists in revealing the influence of linguistic foreign languages characteristics on learning and teaching them.
Flerov O.V. —
Corporate Teaching English as a Way of Increasing Communicative Competence of International Companies' Staff
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 116 - 140.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.2.14216
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_14216.html
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Abstract: The object of research in this article is corporate teaching English to staff as a contemporary pedagogical phenomenon. The matter under study is teacher’s professional activity in a business center. The author proves importance and advantages of corporate teaching English nowadays. Particular attention is paid to organizing this process and to analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this work for a teacher compared to working in classic educational establishments.The method of research in the article is author’s analysis of his own experience of working as a corporate English teacher. Active observation of this process allowed to deduce theoretic generalizations as well as to spotlight particular nuances of this professional activity. The novelty of this article consists in its revealing the process of teaching academically and professionally successful adults. Besides traditional Pedagogy practically doesn’t deal with business while there is a demand for teaching services in it so it must be considered scientifically. The article’s novelty is also in distinguishing and proving advantages and disadvantages of this work for a teacher.
Flerov O.V. —
Peculiarities of Teaching English to Students with a High Level of Competence in English
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 100 - 123.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.13680
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_13680.html
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Abstract: Teaching methods that may be applied to students with a high level of competence in English are rather understudied in our language education theory and practice. The main cause of that is that people who speak good English prefer to increase their knowledge and skills through independent language training including trips abroad rather than to take lessons with a professional teacher. In the present article Flerov describes peculiarities of teaching English to advanced students. These peculiarities create both advantages and disadvantages for a teacher from the point of view of academic organization and management. Special attention is paid to the criteria of linguistic competence as well as student motivation as the main factor of success. The main research methods used by Flerov include description and analysis of particular aspects of the teaching process. It is a difficult pedagogical task to teach English to students who already know the language well. The main distinguished feature is that instead of forming linguistic skills and knowledge a teacher needs to develop those. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher studies the topic which lacks conceptual grounds in Russian linguodidactics and this is why a teacher usually has to rely on his own experience. The novelty of the research is also caused by the comprehensive approach to the topic which involves the main aspects of the teaching process described by the researcher, in particular, motivation, curriculum and teaching methods. Special focus is made on the importance of using authentic materials in class (today the main source of such authentic materials is the Internet) and interactive teaching activities using the communicative method of teaching a foreign language.
Flerov O.V. —
Peculiarities of Teaching the Second Language at a Non-Linguistic University
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.14101
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pp/article_14101.html
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to teaching the second foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The object of the study is the educational process at a non-linguistic university. The subject under study is teaching the second foreign language as a part of linguistic training of non-linguist students. The author considers in much detail the role of teaching the second foreign language to students nowadays and the most topical methodological and organizational aspects of this process. Particular attention is paid to choosing the second foreign language for studies and to the teacher's professional activity.
The main research methods used by the researcher is the analysis of existing teaching practice based on the researcher's observations and his personal experience in teaching the second foreign language at a university. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views teaching the second foreign language as an independent discipline but not a form of teaching foreign languages in general. The main contribution made by the researcher is the defintion of methodological and organizational peculiarities of the given process as well as particular features of teacher's activity at a non-linguistic university. The main conclusions made by the researcher are the following:
1. Teaching the second foreign language should be an independent issue and be particularly studied by university didactics.
2. Teaching the second foreign language at a university has particular methodological and organizational peculiarities that may considerably differ from the process of teaching the first foreign language.
Flerov O.V. —
Eskimo Languages from Social, Economical and Geopolitical Points of View
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.1.14801
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Abstract: The object of research in this article is Eskimo languages. The subject of research is their place, status and prospects in the context of Russian Arctic coasts exploration. The author distinguishes linguistic and socio-linguistic peculiarities of Eskimo languages. Particular attention is paid to the status and prospects of Eskimo languages in the context of looking for a compromise between Russian Arctic exploration and preserving culture of native North peoples. The method of research in this article is linguistic, social, economical and geopolitical analysis of the present state and prospects of Eskimo languages as minor peoples’ dialects. The main author’s conclusions come down to the following. Preservation of minor cultures in the epoch of technical progress, innovations and modernization is impossible without sustaining and raising their language status. In Russia Eskimo languages are on the verge of extinction unlike in North America and Greenland. One of the ways of supporting Eskimo languages may be raising interest for their learning as foreign languages, especially taking into account the fact that exotic languages are on certain demand today. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author views Eskimo languages not only in terms of linguistics and culture but also in terms of social, economic and geopolitical studies.
Flerov O.V. —
Blog as a Mean of Teaching English
// Pedagogy and education. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 66 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.4.14306
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Abstract: The object of research is the means of teaching English. The matter under study is using blogs in this pedagogical process as a mean of teaching. The author deeply studies the problem of choosing means of teaching English these days and influence of modern technologies on it as well as characteristics of blog texts and ways to work with them. Introduction of new means along with classic ones is motivated. Particular attention is paid to importance of using authentic materials in teaching English nowadays. The method of research in this article is author’s analysis of widespread teaching practice and his own experience of teaching English. The novelty of the article consists in viewing a habitual virtual object as a mean of teaching English. In the new role this object gets originality. The principal conclusions from the article are the following. 1) There is the necessity to add new means of teaching English to traditional teaching methods. 2) Authentic materials are effective both from methodological and from psychological point of view. 3) Blog texts are linguistically specific and resemble discourse. 4) Originality of blogs as a mean of teaching gives new ways of working with texts that contain considerable methodological potential.
Flerov O.V. —
Grammar material in early learning English
// Litera. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 98 - 118.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.4.14942
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fil/article_14942.html
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Abstract: The object of research in the article is early learning foreign languages. The matter of research is forming children’s grammar skills. The author shows importance of the questions of early learning foreign languages and teaching grammar. The issue of teaching grammar to children seems to be twice topical due to their being unable to perceive grammar rules and phenomena in their pure form. Particular attention is paid to forming English grammar minimum of rules and their exceptions.The method of research is linguistic and pedagogical analysis as well as empiric data obtained during author’s teaching English to children.The main author’s conclusions are the following. Specificity of grammar phenomena (logic, abstractness) makes them impossible for children to understand in explicit form. Children being unable to perceive grammar in pure form doesn’t mean that it is worthwhile to give up on forming their grammar skills. These skills imply not only using words according to the rules but their exceptions as well. The latter present a difficulty as they forma considerable part of grammar minimum.The novelty of this article consists in its viewing grammar material for children in quite a broad spectrum of adjoining linguodidactic questions: necessity of early learning foreign languages in general, the place of grammar in learning them according to present day ideas, forming curricula basing on learners’ age, specificity of grammar material and difficulties of its including in curricula for children.