Shukhareva A.V. —
Bad Faith and Awareness as the Proving Circumstances During Ivalid Transactions
// Legal Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 30 - 35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.12.27400
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the most recent trends in the court interpretation of the concepts of good faith during challenging of transactions. Shukhareva analyzes the correspondence of the concept of good faith to the definition of awareness. She also analyzes different types of invalid transactions that imply the awareness fact as the proving circumstance. The author examines consequences of invalid transactions when it has been proved that the counteragent was aware of the bad transaction. The author also analyzes the practice of challenging the transaction during bankruptcy, in particular, transaction with unfair preference as the type of invalid transaction when a counteragent was aware of the bad transaction. In the course of the research the author has applied the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, systems approach, structural functional and formal law methods. The results of the research prove that the awareness of the bad transaction is often identified as the bad faith of a party and incurs associated legal consequences. The author of the article concludes that awareness may be also the ground for 'tightening' civil responsibility of the 'aware' party. The author also states that sometimes courts need to establish objective good faith as the criterion of awareness, the latter being an element of subjective good faith.